FL - Massive Child *advertiser censored* Ring Bust In Florida


Jun 13, 2007
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Sorry ya have to look into the faces of these 21 perverts, but "Operation Defender" locked these creeps up. Warning it's really sad and disgusting as you read along. It's shocking, but here's their faces all posted and perhaps people will realize like the one LE official said. Every county got guys just like this. Beware as they got some freak actually made a video instructing how to sexually assault kids without getting caught. Bad enough these sick freaks exist on earth, but they all seem to know eachother.http://www.abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=4489807&page=1
From your lovely link, Filly:
Another startling discovery was a four-minute PowerPoint presentation that explained how to have sex with children from birth until age eight. The tutorial, which offered tips for avoiding getting caught, ended with a note to viewers to "have fun" and "be creative."

There is no reason these people should be allowed to live on this earth.
Oh my gosh, I just saw this part:
"And that's what worries us -- it's the ones we don't know," Judd said, adding that his department's investigation is ongoing. "We don't know who took these photographs or made these video clips and we don't know where these child victims are."

You can bet I'll be praying they find the people that took the photos and those poor victims.
Oh my gosh, I just saw this part:
"And that's what worries us -- it's the ones we don't know," Judd said, adding that his department's investigation is ongoing. "We don't know who took these photographs or made these video clips and we don't know where these child victims are."

You can bet I'll be praying they find the people that took the photos and those poor victims.

Is it horrendous or what? I just had a neighbor say to me today "Oh my God do you know there's a registered sex offender over on blank Street?". I hate to be such a alarmist, but I'm like "That's ONE got caught and prosecuted". People just think you go to a SOR and that's that. So, here we got 21 of these freaks and as ya said TM, they don't got the people took these photographs. In my heart I do believe it's more dangerous than ever before with the internet. Children, babies, infants are a commodity. They can be abused just for the money aspect of it all by some chump probably would have never thought of such a thing before. Sorry for the rant.
Man, if this chit keeps up we will be working just to build prisons, big, gigantic prisons.
Man, if this chit keeps up we will be working just to build prisons, big, gigantic prisons.

Don't forget about all the victims as well, Colomom. Building and building for therapy and counseling and rehab and psych evaluations. Then it effects generations. On and on.
From your lovely link, Filly:
Another startling discovery was a four-minute PowerPoint presentation that explained how to have sex with children from birth until age eight. The tutorial, which offered tips for avoiding getting caught, ended with a note to viewers to "have fun" and "be creative."

There is no reason these people should be allowed to live on this earth.

Yeah and who is the sick *advertiser censored* made a video like that? For real I'd like to know. We know who is downloading it now. Who made it? They got to find that person. Be creative with him and kick his *advertiser censored*s and torture him for a lifetime.
children and animals? I feel so sick...the poor kids and the hell they go thru...these pervs should be put to death, immediately.
My God, it's hard to take this all in, that there are so many sick ****s in this country! And to think that thre's still thousands of the same scum that hasn't been caught!

I can not understand this at all!
What possesses a grown man to be turned on by a child?
Just where does this come from?
This is the sickest, most vile crime, and I still say that child molestation charges should carry a death penalty!
This is so sickening. I would like the things they do to children be done to them just more viciously so they can see what it feels like. THey talk about ways to have sex with them from BIRTH to age eight, now that is the most disgusting think I have heard, birth, a newborn. Sometimes I feel like the world is gonna be over run with these disgusting excuses of human beings.
My God, it's hard to take this all in, that there are so many sick ****s in this country! And to think that thre's still thousands of the same scum that hasn't been caught!

I can not understand this at all!
What possesses a grown man to be turned on by a child?
Just where does this come from?
This is the sickest, most vile crime, and I still say that child molestation charges should carry a death penalty!

Sweetmop I don't have the answer to that. Seems alot of counseling and such is supposed to help these offenders, and maybe they answer the questions truthfully or lie about it. I don't know. It is an awful, awful crime. It carries so much with it for the victim. Often for a lifetime. Just my opinion but it's important people face the fact that it happens, and they have to be informed, and educate their children. Another rant, sorry.
OK, I just want to know this....
How can we start a systemic change in this country to make child abuse and child sexual assault a death penalty offense?
I'm serious.
These people can not be rehabilitated and those they abuse have a strong likelihood of becoming offenders.
The only way to stop the pattern from being passed on is to stop them, permanently. The Death Penalty is the only way to do that as far as I can see............
OK, I just want to know this....
How can we start a systemic change in this country to make child abuse and child sexual assault a death penalty offense?
I'm serious.
These people can not be rehabilitated and those they abuse have a strong likelihood of becoming offenders.
The only way to stop the pattern from being passed on is to stop them, permanently. The Death Penalty is the only way to do that as far as I can see............

ML, obviously I don't know anything about law, but I'd be interested as well. Often I feel as if all I can do is talk about it. In it's own way it's therapuetic for me but it's not stopping these horrific crimes. I was just reading about this guy who had been released from Avenel Diagnostic Treatment Center. Same place Jesse Temendaquas (sp) spend seven years in before he murdered little Meghan Kanka. Here's a link as this guy registered, but the community was not made aware of his prescence. Guy lived with a brother. He three times broke into a little five year old girls room at night. Complete stranger to him. Thank heaven her mom heard something the last time and goes into her child's room to find this nutter jumping out the wndow. That being said Avenel is supposed to be the leading facility of it's kind for rehabilitation and treatment of sex offenders. What is being done? How do we stop it?http://www.northjersey.com/news/aroundnj/New_charges_brought_against_convicted_pedophile.html
Unfreakingbelievable! All those pictures are of the men who were actually doing the dirty deeds or they were watching it on videos and online only? Not that I think it's any better but I am just wondering.
I am truly disgusted I live in Polk Co. This is just so unreal and it seems more and more every day
I pray they find the victims and can get them out of it unbelieveable
I pray they find the victims and can get them out of it unbelieveable
Mel, that's the saddest part. I read that most of these whatever they were buying or looking at videos or pictures are of kids from overseas. Poor countries where nobody will ever be able to find these children. It's worldwide this crap. How big a place is Polk County, Mel? I was thinking some of these perverts have to live in close proximity to eachother. If only every community could do this like yours has. Bring them all down.
A WS'er started a petition a while back on this very subject, but I cannot find the link. I wrote a letter to my Congress people on this very subject-on what it was going to take for us to criminalize behavior that devalues the most vulnerable among us in a meaningful way...for what it is worth, I will post it?

Dear Sirs:

There is a crisis reaching epidemic proportions here in the US and I think it can be easily solved, regardless of your party affiliation. Infants, toddlers and children are being tortured, abused, beaten, raped and murdered in alarming numbers. Pick a section of the country-from Rowan Ford, to Riley Sawyers to Neveah Richardson. The headlines are screaming.

We could spend a whole lot of time and money analyzing this trend-are these children on the fringes and thereby disposable? Is it the pressure of a single parent household that tempts women to bring virtual strangers into their children's lives who have no biological tie and therefore do not feel connected to the children? Is it meth, lack of faith, whatever? This would undoubtedly shed some light, but in the meantime children will continue to die.

Please, I am begging you-as a committed voting member of the public and as a devoted parent of small children...the time has come to act. Someone needs to make some laws for children-to make it a federal offense to batter a child. It should be a capitol offense to murder a child during the commission of abuse. We have in office an administration that is smoke and mirrors when it comes to the well being of children-witness the lack of funding of the "No Child Left Behind" act and the recently vetoed health care bill that would ensure innocents the right of excellent health care. This is a no brainer-show the world that we value the children we bring into this world-make it a HUGE penalty if you harm a child. I am lobbing you a softball, gentlemen-be heroes in the eyes of the world and your constituents by leading the charge to place value on our children.

I am truly disgusted I live in Polk Co. This is just so unreal and it seems more and more every day
I pray they find the victims and can get them out of it unbelieveable

Very sad since Polk County was once so pure.

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