A pregnant man ?

He isn't really a man so it doesn't count. He is a wannabe man with a vagina and no penis if I am reading the story correctly. This shouldn't have made the news.
/quote "but decided only to have chest reconstruction and testosterone therapy.

Beatie was able to keep the reproductive organs he was born with." /unquote

interesting, a bit whiny, but then hes pregnant...
:confused: :eek: :waitasec: I am really confused. He was born a woman, had her breasts removed & took testosterone to be a man and he's married to a woman????????

OK so Who's the daddy???????????????
:confused: :eek: :waitasec: I am really confused. He was born a woman, had her breasts removed & took testosterone to be a man and he's married to a woman????????

OK so Who's the daddy???????????????
wasn't me.:rolleyes:
I think since they said at one point she/wannabe he was carrying triplets, she/wannabe he was doing fertility drugs in combo with a sperm donor.
Biologically she is female but it is bizarre for a person who looks exactly like a man to be pregnant. I am surprised she/he was able to get pregnant if they took testosterone shots. Normally all ovulation and periods stop after that.

He is not a man if he did not have the sex change surgery. All of his female sex organs would have been removed if that was the case. He is just a female, living as a man, who calls herself transgendered.
Thank GOD I didn't have to explain this one to my kids. We saw the tease on the local news commercial and you should have seen the look on my dd's face. Yeah, she'll probably ask me tomorrow. **sigh**
Taxi, be honest and tell DD that she is playing "dress up" and she is really a woman. :) It is exactly what she is doing after all.
"dress up" This goes way beyond that! I don't mind explaining this stuff, but not when they aren't ready! lol I guess she's ready.

I remember my oldest thinking oral sex was Bill Clinton talking about sex over the phone.
if we are all a bit confuddled and incredulous at this, then how on earth will the baby (if the pregnancy is real) deal with it,

the woman who wanted to be a man, but is now reverting back to being a woman to procreate needs to decide what gender they will be in order to parent said child
I love how when you click on the article at the end of the article the next thing you see is "What are the Signs of Mental Illness". I know it's not PC, but it's funny as he@&!! :D
So is his wife a lesbian, or straight? How can they be married if he has a vagina? Good grief, like life isn't complicated enough...lets add more drama!!
Good greif, what is this poor baby being born into??

she is not a he, so stop trying to get media attention and go on Good Morning America, Ellen and the View... cuz you know that's next!
Oh MY - the transgender person is on Oprah being billed still as the pregnant man. I have compassion for transgender folks, they probably have a very difficult life especially when they transition. But once they get done they are a man or a woman and hopefully they lead a happy life with the partner of their choice.

It is curious why a lot of them get half way through and stop like this person appears to have. They are one sex on the outside and another sex under the clothes, I guess that is why gender is considered between the ears and sex is between the legs. Maybe it is the money and lack of surgeons that are willing to add and take off lower parts - it would be so final. The upper part is all anyone sees anyway, unless, you know.

I guess I just have a problem with the billing Pregnant Man. If they would say a pregnant transgender it may be better, I don’t know, but it bugs me. Kind of like they are in it for them and not for the little baby they are bringing into the world.

It will certainly bring transgender folks on the map now that is prime time television. I am glad I don’t have any kids to explain this to. I thought the show was going to be about puppy mills.

Well, back to the show and maybe I will learn more.
:eek: Although I sympathize with those people who think they are trapped in the wrong body, I don't see why they change to "men" and insist on getting pregnant. If you transition, you need to transition all the way, not half-heartedly. Just my opinion. If he wants so bad to be a man, he needs not to get pregnant.

One of my students asked me about this and she tried to explain it to the whole class :bang:. There was no way I was going to try to explain that to sixth graders.
From the reports that have printed, it was so very easy to view them as strange and questionable... but after watching them on Oprah, I feel that they are a very loving, kind and caring couple. He is legally a man, and something he pointed out about having a baby: that isn't a gender want, it is a human want. He wanted to have his own child, one day... so he kept his reproductive organs. Testosterone altered his outward genitalia enough that he actually didn't need surgery to having something of a penis.

This baby is being born into a loving family... the wife's older children had nothing but kind words to say about them. I wish them all of the best... their story is an unusual one, sure, but one of love...
I watched Oprah too.
My heart goes out to this " man ". I felt like crying the whole time while watching this show. This story really touched me.
His mother commited suicide when he was 12 years old. His father was not a really loving daddy. Never showing any emotions or love.

Last year " he " was pregnant and lost the babies ( he said they were twins & no fertility drugs used). Had a tubal pregnancy.

I don't understand all of this. But I certainly have not walked in this person's shoes and can't judge " him ". He wants love and happiness.
He and his wife seemed like very sweet and loving people.
That's all we all want isn't it? Love, happiness , a family. To be accepted.

I wish them the best and hope they have a lifetime of happiness.

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