GUILTY LA - Misty Guillory, 15, Lake Charles, 21 Aug 2003 *Arrest*


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Nov 18, 2006
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Hello everyone:

I would like to announce a New Cold Case to this forum board in hopes that I can get some help, guidance and support for this family.

Misty Lynn Guillory was bruetally Murdered in the A.M. 2ish hour on August 21, 2003. In Lake Charles Louisiana.

This coming August 21, 2008 will be 5 years this case is still Unsolved.

I was asked by the family to come on board this case, and I have agreed.

I have only been on this case since January 2008, but have managed to put up a Myspace site for Misty and her family, and since this is a 5 yr. cold case still unsolved, I have been in the process of pulling all the information available from the archieves since January. However, the site and the blog information is still very much under construction, but I believe there is quiet enough information for you to get an idea of where this case stands today.

Misty also has an Online Petition Running as well.

From Misty's myspace site: you can get to her Petition by clicking on her clickable banner to the Petition Site.

This Case has had no one to pursue it in any ways, since this Child's Murder.

Misty was 15 years old and had one brother and 4 sister, who are all grown up now, the youngest is 14. They wish to try to seek Justice for their Sister's Murder Today, and that is why I am here.

Please visit Misty's site:

If you can help by signing her Petition, contacting Nancy Grace, or Join us in any of the Letter Writting Campaigns that will soon be coming in hopes the general public will want to help bring attention to this case today, please do.
Any advice or guidance for me is also welcome, so that I can try to represent this family in the very best light possible, would be so appreciated.

I am also able to be in close contact with Misty's Head Investigator assigned to her case today, as well as anyone concerned citizen could be also, via phone, email or snail mail, but very little is being made public for obvious reasons at this point. We are trying to hopefully be able to hold some kind of Memorial Benefit for Misty this year, as it will be her very first since her death.

I am many states away from this family in LA. so the phone and emails are our communications but we all stay in very close contact daily.

anyone with any ideas for a Small Town Vigil, that the siblins could pull off successfully without too much hardship, please help!
Thank You all for your time, and God Bless.
Hi Angelbound :)

I spent 23 minutes trying to get the myspace page to load. It never loaded anything more than the background. It may be that you have a song on the page trying to load or many graphics... which slows the loading process enormously . Many of us still have dial up which presents a problem.
What happened with these indictments?

Grand jury indicts three men in 15-year-old LC girl's death: McKartney Young, 17, was indicted on second-degree murder, while Nolton Nakia Joseph, 28, and Jason Jack Winford, 18, were indicted on accessory after the fact to second-degree murder.
What happened with these indictments?

Grand jury indicts three men in 15-year-old LC girl's death: McKartney Young, 17, was indicted on second-degree murder, while Nolton Nakia Joseph, 28, and Jason Jack Winford, 18, were indicted on accessory after the fact to second-degree murder.


The charges were tossed by the Prosecutor in January 2006 and the case was sent back to the investigators for further investigations.
This same Prosecutor died in 2007 and the case has been handed down to another Prosecutor. Please pardon the mess in the blogs with all these documents out of order at this time, I am working on getting things in Chronilogical order. Thanks for your patience on this.

The charges were tossed by the Prosecutor in January 2006 and the case was sent back to the investigators for further investigations.
This same Prosecutor died in 2007 and the case has been handed down to another Prosecutor. Please pardon the mess in the blogs with all these documents out of order at this time, I am working on getting things in Chronilogical order. Thanks for your patience on this.

I have made some changes on the site and hope it will load for every much faster now. Please let me know if anyone has any trouble accessing it after today. Thank you all so much.
It loads in about 2 seconds for me. Well done btw.
If You Have A Quick Moment, Please Stop By And Sign Misty's Petition.

Thank You So Much For Your Help..
Cynthia Killingsworth

Calcasieu DA

1020 Ryan St.

Lake Charles, LA. 70601


Detective Franklin Fondel

1028 Enterprise Blvd.

Lake Charles, LA. 70602

Head Detective on Misty's Case:


After reviewing evidence made available on the Misty Lynn Guillory case

I am just one of many
who would like to see this case

This case deserves a second look
into the truth and I feel there are criminals walking free today
involved in a murder cover up.

As citizens
We look to you as our individual Secret Service Personnel
To bring forth justice in ALL criminal cases
I am sure you are never told enough
how much we appreciate you
for putting your life on the line everyday

I would like to take this opportunity to let you know you are indeed

Very Much Appreciated!

I know that you too
want justice served in ALL cases
After reviewing details in this case
I truly and strongly believe
justice has NOT been served here
and that this case
warrants further investigation


Help bring forth Justice and Prosecution for Misty's death.

5 years has been too long.

May God Be With You During This Journey
Every Journey You Take

Our prayers go out to this family
and the Law Enforcement Personnel
responsible for this duty

Thank You for your time and attention to this matter

Hereby signed
What happened with these indictments?

Grand jury indicts three men in 15-year-old LC girl's death: McKartney Young, 17, was indicted on second-degree murder, while Nolton Nakia Joseph, 28, and Jason Jack Winford, 18, were indicted on accessory after the fact to second-degree murder.

Sorry yaya it's taken me so long to answer this:
The charges were TOSSED in a manner by the D.A. that they could be brought back up, pending further investigations, at a later time.
Then Mr. Wayne Fry, this same D.A. passed away and another D.A. took over.
This D.a. Cynthia Killingsworth assigned to Misty's case, appears not to have even read this case file today! When speaking with the family, she appears or tells them, she doesnt know anything about the questions they ask, or anything about what has been printed in the papers. ???

The Detective responsible for the further investigations on this case: Franklin Fondel, will not take any calls regarding this case today either.

We cannot get in touch with anyone willing to discuss this case.

Any Ideas?
Misty's Memorial Vigil was held at Prien Lake Park, in Lake Charles, LA. on August 23, 2008
It was a beautiful Vigil!
The Amphetheater Location was right on the Waters Edge, a beautiful water fall that the kids played and swam in. The View from the Bleachers overlooking the open waters was awesome and the Sunset too. Thanks to Rachel for recommending this Location for the Vigil.

Rev. Lloyd and his wife Ms. Grace Carroll attended and did the honors of a beautiful sermon.
Family and Friends gathered and what once was a divided situation, was no longer.
It was a blessing that everyone could put away their differences and join together in rememberance of Misty's short Life here on earth. The family will reunite in the days to come, and band together on the Journey to seek justice for Misty.
There is a Slide Show on Misty's Myspace site of the Vigil.

A Billboard went up, on the 120 loop in Lake Charles, and stands today.
Donated by Uncle Ricky and Anonymous person named Lisa.

Anonymous person named Stacy, made it possible for myself to attend the Vigil, she supplied the Hotel Room, and balloons and has donated her time to anything that needed to be done for the Vigil making it one of the most beautiful Vigils I have ever had the opportunity to attend, although all Vigils are always extreamly Beautiful.
There were Purple Balloons, which was MIsty's Favorite Color and White Balloons that signify HOPE! The Balloon release was awesome, and as they reached the skies, they formed the Letter " M " in the sky! Stacy has certainly donated much of her and her families time, in many forms to this family and the cause and we appreciate everything she had done. Thank You Stacy.

The Cue Center for Missing Persons featured Misty on their Road Tour To Remember Traveling through 12 states this year 2008.

John Guidroz from the American Press News Papers in Lake Charles attended the Vigil and printed a Photo of the Vigil in the following days paper, ( Sunday ) addition. Thank You John.

Julia with Parents Of Murdered Children in Lake Charles attended the Vigil and was also a guest Speaker. She is making sure Misty is being brought up at their Monthly Meetings of the POMC Chapter.

I just want to say Thank You to this Family, for allowing me to be a part of their Journey to seek Justice for Misty. It has been a long 5 years of them waiting for movement in this case, that has grown dormant and into a Cold Case today.

Anyone who would like to jump on board this case and help, is so invited to join us!

Myself and this family need all the help we can get, as it appears if no one is going to keep pursuing this case, it will fall between the cracks of the Justice System and these Killers will continue to go freely.

We are open to any and all suggestions. If I missed anyone's name here today, that needs to be recognized for all their help and participation, please forgive me, as there are so many to mention! but please know that your contributions are indeed remembered and greatly appreciated as well.

Thank You.
Thank you angelbound for helping this family. According to the website they have DNA and confessions from these men. WHY did they let them go then? I don't understand. How much more evidence do they want?

There has to be something going on for D.A to throw out the indictments if they have DNA linking them to the scene.

Do you know why exactly?

Who is above the D.A? Has the family tried contact the attorney general (state) and telling them that their D.A. has not even bothered to read the case file of a little girl who was brutalized like this by three men who are now out living in society? I should think they would be a little more concerned. Perhaps it is time to start contacting local media and telling them this. Nothing like a little pressure to get someone to do something.
Yes, I have spoken with the lead detective on this case today, and the prosecuting attorney on the phone.
The Prosecutor states they simply don't have enough evidence or proof to go forward with this case at this time.
The DA. Mr. Wayne Frey, has since passed away. He was real go get her on this case and very adamant that it would be solved.
Another Detective, that was able to come up with a Witness, regarding the Car used in the crime that night, Mr. Robert McGariety, has too, since passed away.
Also, a Judge that was also on this case, that I have been asked not to reveal his name at this time, has passed away.

It is very fortunate that the prosecutor tossed these charges on this case in a manner that they could be brought forward in the future with more Evidence and Proof and retried.

That is to this case advantage!

I must admit, I did receive conflicting information from the Lead Detective Fondel on the case today, from the information I received from the Asst. Prosecuting Attorney. However, they both did say, they do not have enough evidence or Proof, despite what appears to have happened to Misty that fatal night.

The Prosecutor, stated that detective Fondel, was quiet upset when the DA. tossed the charges on this case, as he worked frantically and diligently to get this case before the Grand Jury, indictments, confessions, and as a detective, he did his job to the best of his abilities, the case went to the Prosecutors Office and to the courts for a trial hearing.

It took investigators 7 months to find the car that was supposedly used in this case.
That Tip came in the form of a witness that came forward and told about the car.

I'm being told in so many words, that by the time they found this car, all and any DNA that would have been on, under, over it, and inside it, was gone ????? Unable to retrieve any of Misty's DNA from this car. My first question to him, was are you absolutely sure you have the right car. " answer was yes" Since this car ran over Misty's little body, I find it very difficult that there is zero DNA anywhere to be found! The Explanation given as to why this was possible, is just not acceptable to me and the training regarding DNA I have.

But, the News Articles that followed this story from day one and still today, mentioned they had DNA. Especially to eliminate the boyfriend from being involved. I want to know what happened to this same DNA to use to eliminate the others that were indicted?

I do sincerely, believe this Lead Detective Fondel and this Asst. Prosecuting DA... when they say, if they thought they had enough evidence and proof, this case would go to trial.

But, I also believe that someone, needs to put this file before a new set of eyes and determined mind set to comb through every Letter of this file, to find that evidence and Proof today.

It's very difficult for a case to go from Murder of a 15 yr old child, to 3 arrest, confession, DNA, Grand Jury Indictments, and Trial Dates in a Court, to being tossed as not in poster for trial, Accused being released back into society free to live life as if they did nothing wrong, and being told there is no evidence or proof to go to trial?

Of Coarse these 3 recanted their confessions and stories of what happened that night.

Anyone who may can help this family with this case, or help me to contact the right people, and advice or guidance, we will take and act upon.

Any Attorneys, Private Investigators, FBI agents, or Hero out there, with Vital Information of that Fatal night, wish to come forward? Please help this family today.
Thank You..
August 6, 2009
by Lee Peck
LAKE CHARLES, LA (KPLC) - Misty Lynn Guillory would be 21-years-old had her life not been violently cut short six years ago August 21, 2003.
also snipped from the article:
Kraus says it's believed that 15-year-old Misty snuck out of her house on that August night and hitched a ride. It would be a ride that would end at the 4200 block of East Prien Lake Road.

Her lifeless body was found lying in the gravel moments later by a passerby.
On the night Misty sneaked out of her house, there was a strickly enforced curfew of 10:00pm... I could be mistaken and it have been 11:00, but I'm almost positive it was 10:00, as Law Enforcement was cracking down on the drugs and robberys and other crimes involving Teens and DUI's etc. Misty did sneak out, she was going to meet her boyfriend up the road. The 4 way Stop sign Misty had to walk through to get where she was to meet her boyfriend, there was a Uniform on duty cop sitting at the stop sign in his cop car, doing whatever, but he saw Misty walk by, and did not do his JOB and enforce the Curfew, pick her up and take her either home or to the police station which was at the descrestion of the Officer. " If ONLY" that Police Officer had did his JOB that night and enforced that curfew, and took Misty to the Police Station, instead of HOME! where he knew she would have snuck right back out to go be with her boyfriend! and possibly when she snuck back out, that officer could have been called away on another call...... he could have possibly prevented her death. I am not in any way, blaming this police officer! The Police officer himself has wished a thousand times he had not just let her walk on by that night.... but she met up with her boyfriend! and they ended up at bad place in town that had been shut down, kids gathered in the parking lot to deal drugs and have sex and FUN! SOCIALIZE! Misty and her boyfriend it is believed that they got into a fight over another girl, and argued, and the boyfriend left her there in the parking lot alone, a long way from home. So she caught a ride from the 3 boys , who were arrested for her murder, because she knew one of the boys from the school she was to attend......but Misty's boyfriend was the first person they arrested. DNA PROVED HIM INNOCENT! but the DNA FOUND ON MISTY and other items found at the scene where Misty's body laid,,, was determined to belong to the others and other evidence proved that all 3 were there. They confessed to being there. One testified he gave one of the other boys a condom. Un-imaginable things were done to Misty that night by these 3 men. When they were done with her, and she tried with her mangled body to get back into the car, they shoved her out of the car onto the road, she tried to hobble, walk, crawl, to get away, but they ran her over and left her for dead. I personally, have " Cynthia's" the prosecuting attorneys solemn PROMISE! to NEVER EVER FORGET MISTY ~ AND TO SOLVE THIS CASE and I pray she keeps her promise. Until then,,,,,, I will never give up on this case and I will do everything in my Power to make sure it is never forgotten about and that Cynthia is constantly reminded. Thank You..
:rose: Misty Lynn Guillory :rose:
May justice prevail for you...
Prayers for your family and friends.
May God bless the entire Guillory Family and may that sweet girl continue to rest in peace!
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