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From Flowerchild:

Shortly after the pair left, Taylor's grandfather and her guardian called Paschal-Placker's cell phone, trying to get them to come back. When the call went unanswered, he went looking for them. About a half mile north of the house, he found both girls on the side of the road.

The bodies of two young girls shot to death near the small town of Weleetka in Okfuskee County were discovered by the grandfather of one of the girl's, along a dirt road the two best friends used dozens of times to play on and walk to sleepovers, according to grieving family members

To know Taylor was to love her, her grandfather said. She was the big-hearted girl who rescued helpless turtles crawling in the middle of the road and wanted to become a forensic scientist, like on the TV shows, said Peter Placker, who said he raised Taylor like she was his daughter even though he was her biological grandparent.

She was home-schooled until the family moved to Weleetka, located about 70 miles south of Tulsa.

Skyla had been spending the night at Taylor's house, and the two had decided to take a walk along the dirt road to the bridge over Bad Creek. It was something both girls had done many times before, and the bridge was only about a quarter of a mile from Taylor's house, where she lived with her grandfather and legal guardian, Peter Placker. When the girls failed to return home in a timely manner, Placker called Taylor's cell phone but got no answer. Mildly concerned by the lack of response, Placker set out on foot to locate the two girls. "He got 200 to 300 yards north of the home and found the girls on the side of the road," OSBI special agent Ben Rosser told Adaeveningnews.com. "Both girls had been shot multiple times. Both girls were dead at the scene. At that time, he (Placker) took a cell phone from one of the girls and made a 9-1-1 telephone call to notify the authorities."

Taylor's grandfather found their bodies after his wife got no answer when she called Taylor's cellular phone. The girls were sleeping over at Taylor's house and had decided to take a walk down the desolate road Sunday afternoon.

Wednesday, Joe Mosher, Taylor's great uncle, said the family is distraught and not interested in talking to the media.
Please post your timelines here....
I keep reading the girls were 1/2 mile from the house, then next I read they were 300 yards from the house... a BIG difference, which ever is correct.?

A road MILE is 5,280 feet =1 mile

Distance of 1/2 mile would be 2,620 feet

300 yards = 900 feet....approx. 1/5 of a mile...imo
(CNN) -- Two girls were killed, each shot multiple times, on a country road near Weleetka, Oklahoma, and investigators still have no suspects.

The bodies of Taylor Paschal-Placker, 13, and Skyla Whitaker, 11, were found Sunday by Taylor's grandfather. CNN's Nancy Grace spoke with Skyla's grandmother Claudia Farrow and with Jessica Brown, a spokeswoman with the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation.

NANCY GRACE: I know that you and your family have been in very close touch with the police. Did they believe this was a random shooting, somebody just saw two little schoolgirls and decided to shoot them?

CLAUDIA FARROW: I couldn't hardly believe it myself. I don`t know how they could have believed it, either, but that had to be what happened. There's just a lot of mad, crazy people out there.

GRACE: And whoever they are, they are walking free right now. Do you believe that the police are getting anywhere in the investigation?

FARROW: I believe they're trying hard to find these killers just for the sake of saving somebody else's child.

GRACE: What happened that day? When did you see your granddaughter Skyla?

FARROW: Actually, I didn't see her. I'd seen her body. Her body was covered. And I never got any closer than 50 feet to her. They wouldn't let me any closer.

So I knew they were there. I knew where they were laying. The girls were five feet apart from each other. So I knew that whoever killed them, it had to be more than one person. There's no way they could have had time to put one gun up and grab another gun and shoot the other girl without her running at least 25 feet away.

So I knew that it had to be two people that killed them. But they wouldn`t let me close enough to her.

GRACE: Ms. Farrow, when did you last speak to her?

FARROW: It was about a week ago, just random everyday talk, Where are you going? What you been doing? Just everyday talk.

GRACE: All I know about Skyla is what I've read in the newspapers, and looking at her photo. Can you tell me about her?

FARROW: Well, she was a typical tomboy. She lived out in the country. She loved animals, loved to fish. Every time she`d come over here in my yard, which they just lived about a hundred yards from me, all her animals would follow her over here.

She'd have five or six cats following her, her little dog and her goat. I'd get on to her daddy, I said, 'Now, don`t you let that goat eat my flowers,' because she'd always eat my flowers. I will miss that. I will miss her. Watch Skyla's grandma talk about her granddaughter »

GRACE: That is exactly the way that we were brought up, out in the middle of a rural setting where everybody knows their neighbor. I can remember we would ride our bikes so far away, they'd have to blow the car horn to get us to come home. It would be so far away.

And that was perfectly OK. There was not a thought that a hair on our head would be -- would be harmed.

FARROW: Right.

GRACE: When did you learn of this -- this murder?

FARROW: Well, Sunday afternoon. My daughter was the second person to arrive on the scene. And the daddy of Taylor wouldn't let her near Skyla. And she called us at our home, and we flew over there to see about her because we knew something was drastically wrong. So it was Sunday afternoon, probably 5:20.

GRACE: Officer, what can you tell me? Was DNA found at the scene? That is very intriguing in light of the suggestion that there was no sex attack whatsoever. Why would there be DNA at the scene unless the girls had scratched the perp?

JESSICA BROWN: We're talking mostly blood evidence here. Of course, there was children's blood there. We're also hoping for some reason there may be the suspect's blood there, as well, that would help us find out this person [or persons].

But during the autopsy, they also try to find out if there's any skin underneath the girls' fingernails that may lead us to the attacker. We don`t know yet.

GRACE: They're testing for DNA?

BROWN: Absolutely.

GRACE: And what about fibers? What about their clothing?

BROWN: We are getting that. We're going over it with microscopes, looking at every piece of evidence that might be possible that could link anyone to these homicides. We're doing everything possible.

So Rose was already at the scene when she called her mother at 5:20? That doesn't make sense, because Vicki made the 911 call at 5:40. Whoa! This goes around and around!
Correct me if I wrong..
I'm trying to make a little sense of the time line..

I read Skyla talked to her Mom on the cell phone at 4:30...
'someone' said the girls left the P. house around 5:00 and was called again at 5:08 by Ms. Whitaker, with no answer....

PP went walking, looking for the girls after they were only away from the house a matter of minutes?....because Rose was on her way to pick up Skyla.

My question is this, could Rose have picked up the girls walking on the road? What was the rush to get the girls back to the house ?

Rose stops at the murder scene, 12 minutes after the girls did not answer their cell phone at about 5:20 and calls her Mother ..

Vickie is called 10 minutes later at 5:40...and calls 911.
That's another good question, ML. Maybe Peter wanted Skyla to have all her belongings together, so her mom could just get her and run.
Does anybody remember where Taylor's cellphone was found ? Was it in her purse or did PP have it with him?I'm wondering if Taylor attempted to call for help and if she didn't,could that indicate that she didn't feel threatened at first ? But then,maybe she didn't have time to try and call for help.
Another thought I've had about Taylor's cell phone is that perhaps the perp used it himself to call the P's home. Think about it. If I were a perp hanging out, waiting for a delivery or to be paid for something that I had delivered and had been consumed already, and stumbled upon the 'clients' daughter and friend who happened to have a phone then why would I use my own phone to call and say "I'm waiting." Chances are that the perp may have been trying to reach them but his calls were unanswered. But a call from Taylor's phone would have been answered.

Could the girls have been set up? I wonder if Taylor's phone was checked for fingerprints...


I've gone through some tough times in my life and I'd be lying if I said I didn't ignore calls from legitimate creditors while trying to buy some time. It can't be much different if a drug debt is owed (except for the element of danger in dealings with nefarious people!) But I always answered calls from my children!
Another thought I've had about Taylor's cell phone is that perhaps the perp used it himself to call the P's home. Think about it. If I were a perp hanging out, waiting for a delivery or to be paid for something that I had delivered and had been consumed already, and stumbled upon the 'clients' daughter and friend who happened to have a phone then why would I use my own phone to call and say "I'm waiting." Chances are that the perp may have been trying to reach them but his calls were unanswered. But a call from Taylor's phone would have been answered.

Could the girls have been set up? I wonder if Taylor's phone was checked for fingerprints...


I've gone through some tough times in my life and I'd be lying if I said I didn't ignore calls from legitimate creditors while trying to buy some time. It can't be much different if a drug debt is owed (except for the element of danger in dealings with nefarious people!) But I always answered calls from my children!

Your theory makes goods sense.And the phone,surely it was checked for DNA as well.
Yes,who hasn't screened their calls before...I know I have,but would never ignore a call from one of my kids either.
Another thought I've had about Taylor's cell phone is that perhaps the perp used it himself to call the P's home. Think about it. If I were a perp hanging out, waiting for a delivery or to be paid for something that I had delivered and had been consumed already, and stumbled upon the 'clients' daughter and friend who happened to have a phone then why would I use my own phone to call and say "I'm waiting." Chances are that the perp may have been trying to reach them but his calls were unanswered. But a call from Taylor's phone would have been answered.

Could the girls have been set up? I wonder if Taylor's phone was checked for fingerprints...


I've gone through some tough times in my life and I'd be lying if I said I didn't ignore calls from legitimate creditors while trying to buy some time. It can't be much different if a drug debt is owed (except for the element of danger in dealings with nefarious people!) But I always answered calls from my children!

IIRC, PP used Taylors phone to call 911. Taylors phone was taken in for evidence. I am sure LE checked it for DNA, finger prints etc...............
Does anybody remember where Taylor's cellphone was found ? Was it in her purse or did PP have it with him?I'm wondering if Taylor attempted to call for help and if she didn't,could that indicate that she didn't feel threatened at first ? But then,maybe she didn't have time to try and call for help.

Taylor was carrying her cell phone w/ her. IIRC, when PP arrived at the crime scene, he used Taylors phone to call 911. IMO, Taylor did not have time to use her phone to call for help. Once she and Skyla were confronted, things happened very quickly and she did not have time to try and call 911 or a family member.
Taylor was carrying her cell phone w/ her. IIRC, when PP arrived at the crime scene, he used Taylors phone to call 911. IMO, Taylor did not have time to use her phone to call for help. Once she and Skyla were confronted, things happened very quickly and she did not have time to try and call 911 or a family member.

Maybe she knew her killer(s),and didn't feel threatened enough to use her phone in the beginning.
I wonder why PP didn't use his own cell phone though.Maybe he didn't have it with him,but that doesn't seem right if he were going to look for the girls,surely he would have it on him in case he needed to make a call.If I were the one who had a child out taking a walk and she wasn't answering her cell phone,I would be calling nonstop and locating that kid STAT.My internal panic button would have been going ape sh**.
MOO~of course...... this is all such a mystery...and NOTHING adds up.
If I were the one who had a child out taking a walk and she wasn't answering her cell phone,I would be calling nonstop and locating that kid STAT.My internal panic button would have been going ape sh**.
MOO~of course...... this is all such a mystery...and NOTHING adds up.


It is possible that when PP set off to find the girls he didn't realise 'something bad' had happened. We all know what kids are like, especially with phones - they often don't realise how much parents panic, and don't see the big deal in not answering phone calls. PP knew they were close and may have just set off to tell them to come home in person.

Just a thought :)

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