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I guess I'll start:)
So what does everyone think about Joe Arpaio?
I know he is pretty controversial, though I've never lived in Phoenix area at all.
Personally I think the whole bologna sandwiches, pink underwear, etc stuff is pretty funny. That is not really the problem I have with him.

It seems like he's lost Maricopa Cty over $40 million dollars in lawsuits first of all! Somehow I don't think he's made that up by keeping the inmates from stealing extra pairs of underwear.
They are some really scary lawsuits too- one $8 million dollar lawsuit he/Maricopa lost where an inmate died after he was stomped, kicked in the throat and head, had his head stood on, was tasered 14 times, and had a towel wrapped over his face or neck until he died of asphyxiation. This was all done by Sheriff officers (deputies?) at one of the Maricopa jails. Apparently evidence was destroyed (though the video tape of the incident was not), and also the Sheriffs office 'cleared' the officers involved.

Plus there seems to be a whole practice of intimidating people who don't agree with him, which I find really terrible if its coming from someone who's supposed to be so strong on upholding the law.

For instance the local weekly paper (New Times) published his address in a story about his real estate dealings (which is perfectly legal but he found some out of date loophole law to use). He then tried to get subpoenas for not only EVERY bit of info/research the paper had gathered or used, but also the IP addresses of every single individual who had accessed the story on their website.
Also, I think his cost cutting measures are fine, but I think he seems to take them too far. Besides all the complaints about food and general discomfort of living in the tents, there seem to be WAY too many complaints about lack of medical care. I'm all for saving money on criminals, but I think they probably are really neglecting the inmates in his jails, and some aren't even convicted yet.

Wow- that was long, sorry:) Feel free to contradict me. I have read a bunch of articles on some things, and only a little bit on others so I could be off on some stuff.
edit- since my post isn't long enough lol- here is the Wikipedia page on him

Also- I saw something that said since he started that 'anti illegal immigration' policy in maricopa county, over 2/3rds of all responses to serious 911 calls were either late or seriously late.
waaaa waaaaa WHERE IS EVERYONE I am having Withdrawls!!!!! :bananalama::bananalama::bananalama::bananalama::bananalama::bananalama::bananalama::bananalama::bananalama::bananalama:
waaaa waaaaa WHERE IS EVERYONE I am having Withdrawls!!!!! :bananalama::bananalama::bananalama::bananalama::bananalama::bananalama::bananalama::bananalama::bananalama::bananalama:

Me too, I am just getting so anxious and I keep looking and looking for more information. I suppose we will just keep on truckin. Sheriff Joe may grandstand, but he has the right to. He has saved the county mucho money by having a tent city. His answer whenever his prisioners (misdemeanor or one year or less sentence felony) is that we have soldiers in Iraq in 120 degree weather and so they have no right to complain. He cut off cable, but ACLU said they had to have tv, they got tv alright, the Disney Channel and Nickolodian and the Christian channels. Yes, there have been lawsuits, most of them by the ACLU because they think he is cruel. Frankly, he has done very well for himself and continues to get re-elected.

If he loses this election, I will request he come to my county in AZ, we have lots of room in the desert for a tent city. LOL
hey guys Looks like there is a thread about the Toledo Prostitution show here it is

ITA that the pimps are the lowest of lowest leeches - living off the backs (literally!) of young girls. That being said, this is a supply and demand issue IMO. As long as there are disgusting pigs who are looking for the "services" of babies, some scum of the earth will be there to supply those babies. It's a waste of time to continue arresting the girls/women - particularly if they're forced into prostitution. They need to start busting the freaks who are using them and prosecuting them in a VERY public way. I think we would all be surprised and thoroughly disgusted to learn what type of "fine, upstanding" citizens are willing to pay to have sex with children. Maybe plastering their faces all over the front pages of newspapers across the country will put a stop to it! Still, the question to me remains, why are there so friggin many of them? WTH???
ITA that the pimps are the lowest of lowest leeches - living off the backs (literally!) of young girls. That being said, this is a supply and demand issue IMO. As long as there are disgusting pigs who are looking for the "services" of babies, some scum of the earth will be there to supply those babies. It's a waste of time to continue arresting the girls/women - particularly if they're forced into prostitution. They need to start busting the freaks who are using them and prosecuting them in a VERY public way. I think we would all be surprised and thoroughly disgusted to learn what type of "fine, upstanding" citizens are willing to pay to have sex with children. Maybe plastering their faces all over the front pages of newspapers across the country will put a stop to it! Still, the question to me remains, why are there so friggin many of them? WTH???

So many child prostitutes or the pigs who pay them for sex?

You're right, sex sells. I've always wondered to myself what goes through a john's mind when s/he KNOWS the girl/boy s/he is paying for sex is underage. Is there no conscious there? Are they THAT freaky/perverted/horny?!! Why can't they help a minor out of a situation rather than pay them for their "services"? Selfish. Disgusting. Especially the married ones. :mad:
bumping the OT thread why we are waiting...
I can't help but wonder how "dollar Bill" Alonzo and LDJ tie into this now.... I hope they are carping their pants! I'm also curious to know what direction LE's case will go after id is confirmed.
I do hope that there is something more that the LE can do! Additional charges to be filed or something! Especially now that there are family members to make a complaint. We can only hope.
Got to hope but ironically, Alonzo may be in a better position than LDJ, having been arrested and plea bargained down, whereas LDJ was never charged with anything.
Ok, I still don't get the countdown thread. I've been there in the game room and I still dont get it. I sound like the village idiot but I don't know what the numbers mean. What is being counted? Why? I DON'T GET IT!!!!! I thought people were trying to get their post counts up or something but that didn't make any sense because some of the numbers were in the hundreds of thousands, so, well, DOH! I DOOONN'TTT KKNNOOOOOOOWWWWW!!!!!!
I think he should be charged with human trafficking I bet you they were attempting to abduct her and take her to the superbowl in Miami because she was young and beautiful....
It's just a countdown from a million.. someone started it in the JR in 2005.. There is no rhyme or reason for it.. other than to chat and post a number all the while challenging ourselves to getting to 0. Or some silly monthly total posts, or getting to the next 100,000.

I don't think post counts have anything to do with it... they can be a bit embarrasing, lol.
I don't know if any of you saw my post that I too have a 17 year old daughter and was crushed to think that all the good things in her life (starting senior class, interview at Banana Republic) won't be happening with Tawni and her mom. That makes me so sad. Well, I wanted to share that my daughter just got the phone call that she was hired. She starts orientation tonight and then begins this weekend. After all that's happened today, I can't wait to see her and give her a huge hug and kiss and never let go!
Congratulations to your dd on the new job. I hugged my little guy extra hard today too. He's almost 6 and starting KG next week. He has his official seeing the class and meeting the teacher and kids a day before school starts next week, but we had to drop off some paperwork yesterday and the office secretary let us see his class room. What's really cool is it is the same class room I had for 1st grade. I got his uniforms yesterday too.
I remember the days when my daughter was in KG. Makes me tear up thinking that this time next year she will be out of my house. I wsish she could stay with me forever.

How cool is that that you and your little guy have have the same classroom! Hugs to your little guy starting KG!!!
I remember the days when my daughter was in KG. Makes me tear up thinking that this time next year she will be out of my house. I wsish she could stay with me forever.

How cool is that that you and your little guy have have the same classroom! Hugs to your little guy starting KG!!!

Hopefully out for college and new adventures but home for summer and breaks..

He's still at that age.. Sometimes he asks for kisses, sometimes he is too big for them. He still tells me he wants to live with me forever.... I told him he'll probably change his mind when he grows up.

We've had a rough few weeks. He spent 5 days on vacation with his grandfather and while he was gone I got ill. He ended up staying most of 3 weeks with family while I was ill. then new school starting and a new baby cousin... He's been a little more clingy than usual with the combiation of events and asked me to go "noo noo"- our pet word for sleep, and sing him the noo noo song- something we sang to him since infancy. We both fell asleep in his twin bed a week ago. was nice. I miss when he was so little he'd climb into my bed often.

He's doing well now... and being a big help! he has his new school do' too. No more longer Zach and Coty hair.. has the short crew cut spiky thing now. Looks adorable! I think he has his first "Crush" too. He likes Hannah Montana but doesn't want to admit it to anyone else, including his dad, because he is afraid people will laugh that he "likes" a girl. even like in a friend way. I assured him his dad likes girls too, lol. I'm especially glad he trusts sharing that with me. Hope it stays that way.
That is so cute! Cherish these years with him. It goes by so fast.

My daughetr and I kind of "grew up" together. It was just me and her up until two years ago. We are so incredibly close that it kills me to think of her being away. I definitely cherich every moment with her!
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