Maricopa Jane Doe Thread #6

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Sep 26, 2007
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Can we start a new one, lovely people? I am getting lost in the length of the old one, lol.....
I heard from the Director last night and she said her admin is running down all staff who would have been working with kids in 1998 and 1999. They will get back to me as soon as they get the info together and then I will send the photos so we can see if anyone remembers her....crossed fingers!
I cant believe nobody has posted about the show last night on ABC. primetime Crime about the trafficking and prostitution of under age girls. These 2 girls were just walking down the street to get a milkshake and were kidnapped and held as prostitutes for about 10 days by a pimp and 2 older Female prostitutes.

They were from Toledo Ohio and from what the show said, Toledo is a hotspot for these sickos to get the girls and they traffick them across the country. They called Toledo a HUB CITY of this. I need to look up some of the other Hub cities. They said the midwest is a real attractive place to get these girls and ship them out to other states because like Indiana is called the CROSSROADS of America. There are lots of crisscrossing interstates in the midwest.

They said somethings that made me think this is what happended with MJD, LIKE

they said what the pimps do when they get these girls is DYE THEIR HAIR....

get/give them fake ids etc etc take them to truck stops and pimp them out and even have them transported that way to other cities.

Luckily a very attentive truck driver saw what appeared to be 2 VERY YOUNG girls prostituting at the truck stop and disgusted he called 911 and these 2 were saved.

The PIMP is now in FEDERAL prison, appearently the federal charge comes from taking them across state lines.

the 2 older female hookers are also in jail.

I think this is what was being done to MJD and Lindsey DeJong was "recruiting" MJD with Alonso or as they call it on the show the older hookers "season" these young girls

They call it the seasoning period........YUCK they show said the fbi estimates there are approx 100,000 under age girls being held and used as under age prostitutes everyday enough to fill the biggest football stadium..

Who are these sick bastages PAYING FOR THIS if there wasnt a MARKET OUT THERE then this wouldnt be such a HUGE PROBLEM...

I think we need to look for the Hub cities and go from there she could be from ANY of those and she was easily lured in because of a poor family environment or ????? and her family thinks she ran away that why they never reported her missing....Just my humble opionions

you can watch the show here or just read more
here is something someone posted on the message board over at Primtime Crime

I am so glad that there is finally at least a little press about this. This issue is WAY bigger than just this one case. There are more slaves now than ever! Human trafficking has become the number 2 problem in the WORLD after drugs. Even though this is the case there are hardly any laws or focus on it. It's amazing the Atlanta is number 1 in the US for this "trade"

I found this map showing some of the Hotspot cities
Sorry here I am AGAIN with my MULTIPLE POST But I think this is important....

found this

girls as young as 12, sometimes kidnapped, always sold for sex.

"I know the FBI is concentrating on Toledo, and I know Toledo is one of the top cities in the country for teen prostitution," said Celia Williamson, a University of Toledo professor known nationally for research of prostitutes.

Deb Hodges, a top Lucas County Juvenile Court official, agreed: "We had one of the federal investigators tell us that Toledo was the No. 1 recruiting spot in the United States. ... It was mind-boggling."

Until recently, it was also largely undetected.

"We here in Toledo had no idea that this was going on," said Dave Bauer, an assistant U.S. attorney in Toledo. One big problem, he said, is that underage prostitution is "a mobile business."

Recruited here, the girls didn't stay long. Pimps quickly shuttled them across the country, and "they would quite easily fly under our radar screens,"

Fake IDs, real money
If Toledo was a recruitment hot spot, Harrisburg was its distribution center. Like no place else in the country, five major highways meet in the city, delivering an unending supply of paying customers.

"You can't do that in Chicago or L.A. or Atlanta," Mr. Zubrod said.

Wire transfers of tens of thousands of dollars - for food, fuel, clothes, and lodging - allowed the girls to crisscross the country.

Outfitted with fake identities, they remained as invisible as the underground economy in which they operated.

In one case last spring, a pimp turned to rote memorization to train two kidnapped Toledo teens.

"I know as far as the Social Security numbers and the IDs, both of the girls had to write on seven pieces of paper, front and back, on every single line, all their false information," the mother of one of the girls told The Blade.

Pimps monitored each other's product and services, purchasing women from one another and sharing trade secrets.

The latest indictments claimed violence was sometimes even delegated to veteran prostitutes.

In another business setting, they might be called executive assistants. In the sex trade, they're known as "bottom *advertiser censored*" - part enforcer, part cashier, and part recruiter.

Prosecutor Zubrod said these women will, "under orders, attack another prostitute and beat [her] with their fists or stab her or any number of things."

IS this what Lindsey was for Alonso his "Bottom "

the rest is here
So let's check Toledo and Atlanta for her-there is something different about her however that does not ring true for this kind of trafficking for me, ie that she was kidnapped. Unless Alonzo was her actual pimp, I do not see a pimp allowing a girl, who might be at risk from running away, who from the state of her body probably wasn't on the street long, and who had some people close enough to her to attempt to talk her out of the "life", get into a vehicle that did not return in the requisite I making sense?

I can see this more of a seduction scenario with a pimp, but that is just me.
I can see this more of a seduction scenario with a pimp, but that is just me.

thats very true could be the type of luring away as Im going to be your man etc etc kinda whooing her over and then gradually "season" yuk I hate that word :crazy:

BUT he still had to have a Hunting ground to pick her up I think if she were local to Arizona she would have been Id'd by now so if we take a look at the Prime recruting hotspots its worth a shot I think.....

I also found Kansas City is a Big Hotspot and I sent a email off to a place called veronicas voice in Kansas City
it is ran by former prostitutes from there and I asked about the name KC SLim or Kansas City Slim to see if would jog any memories hoefully they will get back to me...

Veronicas Voice

is named in remembrance of Veronica April Neverdusky. Veronica was 21 years old in 1993 when she was found murdered in Penn Valley ...

Veronica's Voice partners with prostituted women in the Kansas City metropolitan community to encourage them to choose lifestyle changes, ..

Former sex workers provide non-judgemental support and services for women and girls that are currently or have been involved in the sex industry
So much information. I did not see the special dangit but would hope we can hit the target areas for picking up the girls and transporting, etc. I know when my daughter and I were in Phoenix, there was a black older gentleman (yeah, right) who followed us all through the mall. Crazy thing was, my daughter actually noticed and said something to me. I too had been watching him and I have no doubt what he was up to. Indoor malls are one of the main places the pimps go to look for girls who look sexy for their age or alone and quiet. They come on as very nice men. The hookers are also in the indoor malls probably scoping out any interesting girls.
Nebraska and Iowa are in the Midwest and nobody ever kidnaps girls from around this area so it must just be a few select states. She could be from any state not just these states or cities that have the problem IMO
Nebraska and Iowa are in the Midwest and nobody ever kidnaps girls from around this area so it must just be a few select states. I feel that this is off topic though. We need to focus on finding out who MJD is. She could be from any state not just these states or cities that have the problem IMO

How can you possibly say that??? Based on what Phelolred has posted today, we need to learn about these "hub cities" and concentrate on those. There are young girls missing from EVERYWHERE and we need to explore all of the possibilities. Jeez, this whole story just frightens me to no end. We need an army on the streets to find these babies and bring them home.
BTW Phenolred - thank you so much for all your valuable research. I don't know how you do it - but you find the most incredible information!!!

I think we should check out all states not just the ones that have been in the news for the prostitution and kidnapping problems. However we do not have any girls missing from Nebraska or Iowa so no need to look there. I still think KL knew her and brought her there. He was arrested for bringing the young girls there for prostitution even though the charges were dismissed later.
I think we should check out all states not just the ones that have been in the news for the prostitution and kidnapping problems. However we do not have any girls missing from Nebraska or Iowa so no need to look there. I still think KL knew her and brought her there. He was arrested for bringing the young girls there for prostitution even though the charges were dismissed later.

I'm pretty sure that there are probably at least hundreds if not thousands of girls in Iowa and Nebraska who've gone missing, disappeared somehow or run away who could possibly match MJD if their cases were looked at/entered into the national databases.

Its not that there aren't any girls missing in your area, I'm SURE that there are. They just don't get the attention for whatever reason. Not every person who disappears is reported, and not all reported disappearances get entered into the national or state database.

eta- It is true though- that if people aren't on those lists (NCMEC, etc) then it is really difficult to try to look for them. There aren't any missing girls in Nebraska or Iowa, but I think its just as likely she's from there as any other state though. So what do we do if she isn't on any of the lists?
Where do you even start to look in such a big country? There really isn't any way for us to search for her with our resources (or my resources at least, lots of people here have a way better idea of what they're doing than I do:) ).

edited again- that is sort of a depressing post? I am not really that pessimistic, just sleepy.
It is pretty amazing how much info you guys have gotten that could help identify her in the past few months! Just recently so much information about KL, what happened in the car, etc. I think it is definitely a big step forward. I haven't read the articles yet but I'll take a look tomorrow once I'm more awake.
I can tell you this much since I do live in Nebraska If a child, teenager or an adult goes missing here it's plastered all over the news The same way for Iowa We rarely have people come up missing so when it does happen it's a huge thing. In other states it does happen much more often.
You got to start somewhere and for me we have combed over and over and over Arizona. I am just making a plan of where do I look next. The logical places for me to start with are the Hub Cities of under age child kiddnapping for sexual purposes makes sense to, then if those dont work go from there but you have to start somewhere and you need a plan of attack.

I also go to thinking since she WAS in the car with Lindsey and she was from the northeast Spokane area that maybe she helped recruit her and it could be a possibility she could be from the Spokane or Portland Oregon areas as well. Fell free to pick a Hub city a search away....
So much information. I did not see the special dangit but would hope we can hit the target areas for picking up the girls and transporting, etc. I know when my daughter and I were in Phoenix, there was a black older gentleman (yeah, right) who followed us all through the mall. Crazy thing was, my daughter actually noticed and said something to me. I too had been watching him and I have no doubt what he was up to. Indoor malls are one of the main places the pimps go to look for girls who look sexy for their age or alone and quiet. They come on as very nice men. The hookers are also in the indoor malls probably scoping out any interesting girls.

Well Marstan you are in luck because you can watch it via the website
GOOD NEWS I heard back from the lady the runs Veronica's Voice in Kansas City here is her reply WHHOOOO HOOO

I would be glad to help in any way possible. Do you have a photo of Lipsey? Do you think she could have been murdered by a trick? You may send anything you feel would be helpful. Can you also send me more information on how to reach you as well as who you work for. Thank you for caring about this young girl’s dignity.
Kristy Childs

Hey thinking out loud here but isnt it fmw that is talking with LE, wouldnt it be possible for LE OR the NEWS people to obtain a mug shot of Lipsey or Alonso???? You you them all the time on the News they get the persons old mug shots to show what the Perp looked like, and Ironically enough they has been at least 1 murder per night here on Indys east side and even the VICTIMS pics are clearly mugshots from them being in trouble at some point. My husband and I were talking about that list night all the VICS pics are clearly mugshot and it makes it kind of hard to feel very sorry for them where they are out gang bangin....So I wonder if one of these to sources could get us these mug shots

It would CLEARLY be HUGE to have LIPSEY"S mugshot in the hands of the Ex prostitutes in Kansas City
PM-FMW...I have to say that having a copy of KTL's mugshot would help me as well. The street kids group I am working with in Phoenix would be far more likely to recognize him I think than her...
PM-FMW...I have to say that having a copy of KTL's mugshot would help me as well. The street kids group I am working with in Phoenix would be far more likely to recognize him I think than her...

Just sent an email asking if there are any state-sponsored portraits.:crazy:
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