Websleuths Is Being Accused....

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Sep 13, 2003
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From blog:

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]It's also difficult for me to watch and listen to the bile being spewn by strangers and now PEOPLE I KNOW who hint at or come right out and accuse my son Jesse of having something to do with her disappearance. I cannot divulge any details now but when the story is revealed and all details are shared you WILL NOT BE ABLE TO RETRIEVE YOUR WORDS. At least the Phraisees didn't throw their stones. You've thrown yours and cannot retrieve them. I have to be honest and admit I went before the Lord about dealing with this either in lawsuits or some other "form" of justice had He gave me a choice. I could do it my way or He could do it His. I chose His and it's fair to tell you that EVERY HIDDEN THING is about to revealed in the lives of those who have thrown stones during this time.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]What I don't understand about this is, why can't whatever is going on be revealed?? There is an innocent child's life at stake here-it's not a game. So, reveal whatever it is already!!!

The only thing that i can say is this

We here in the forums have done some digging, and found out that the family is not being as honest as they are saying. Cindy has lied about several things, Casey has lied, and was partying with her friends when her child was missing..... And I could go on, but there is several different lies we have caught the family in....

And because of this digging, this gentlemen believes we are trashing the family. We are simply finding out stuff that the family has not been forthright with and reporting it here on the forums.
He is upset because anonymous people on message boards are suggesting that he is tied to the Mafia because of how he looks on his Myspace page, and suggesting that his son Jesse is somehow a part of Caylee's disappearance (and possibly her murder) because Jesse is involved with Caylee's mom.

I personally take anything I read on the internet with a huge grain of salt. I also have a personal rule that nothing said on the internet about me by strangers who do not know me, who post anonymously, can hurt me, no matter how vile it may be. This is because I know who and what I am, and those who know me and love me know who and what I am -- anonymous people on the 'net do not.

Jesse's dad is apparently one of those folks who lends a lot of credence to places like Myspace and Facebook and message boards.

In a case like Caylee's, theories are going to get thrown around right and left. You can be upset about it, or not. It's a choice.

The only thing that i can say is this

We here in the forums have done some digging, and found out that the family is not being as honest as they are saying. Cindy has lied about several things, Casey has lied, and was partying with her friends when her child was missing..... And I could go on, but there is several different lies we have caught the family in....

And because of this digging, this gentlemen believes we are trashing the family. We are simply finding out stuff that the family has not been forthright with and reporting it here on the forums.

I believe you and believe in all of you 100%. I will stand by you. I need to understand what is going on in case I am questioned about this.

Can you give me a quick rundown of what you have found out about Jessie, I need links and documents or any other back up you have.

PS. we discuss true crime here. I don't want anyone to hesitate. You all are so good at not blurting out outrages rumors. I appreciate that. Stick to the facts and to your opinions. No worries.

The only thing that i can say is this

We here in the forums have done some digging, and found out that the family is not being as honest as they are saying. Cindy has lied about several things, Casey has lied, and was partying with her friends when her child was missing..... And I could go on, but there is several different lies we have caught the family in....

And because of this digging, this gentlemen believes we are trashing the family. We are simply finding out stuff that the family has not been forthright with and reporting it here on the forums.

Please don't speak for others. I, for one, am not part of the "we" you refer to. I have not determined that Cindy has lied about anything or that any of Jesse's family has the obligation to be "forthright" to me.
I believe you and believe in all of you 100%. I will stand by you. I need to understand what is going on in case I am questioned about this.

Can you give me a quick rundown of what you have found out about Jessie, I need links and documents or any other back up you have.

PS. we discuss true crime here. I don't want anyone to hesitate. You all are so good at not blurting out outrages rumors. I appreciate that. Stick to the facts and to your opinions. No worries.


I dunno what was found out about Jesse other then he is supposedly the father of caylee, but the family won't admit it. And I am sure other stuff has been found, but that I am unable to locate right now.

As far as cindy

- she lied abotu the last time she saw caylee alive
- she lied abotu the fact of having constant contact with her daughter prior to caylee going missing.

There is an actual topic posted here on all the discreperncies/lies, on the family.
reposting here:

Lie #2 from Cindy Anthony which came out in court today:

Cindy had emphatically told the press that Caylee's father died in a car accident and she could not remember his name, but was sure of it because she had seen the obituary.

Today, she stated under oath that she believed that Jesse Grund was Caylee's biological father and she also said that his family had taken care of Caylee a few times.

Inconsistent statement by Cindy:

Today in the court hearing, LE was clear that Cindy Anthony made conflicting statements regarding the last time she was known to be with Caylee, the grandaughter. She stated to LE in her initial statement that she last saw Caylee on or about June 8th or 9th. The Detective confronted her on July 21, 2008 with information that a video of Caylee had been made (admittedly by Cindy) on Father's Day, June 15th, at the assisted living center where her father resides.

At the bond hearing, Cindy keeps saying she was in constant contact with Casey after June 15, 2008 and that until July 15, 2008, she had no reason to ask Casey during that time where Caylee was because she knew where she was, with Casey. But, what about a myspace message that she posted, I believe the date was July 3, 2008, in which she stated that Caylee was missing and something to the effect of jealousy being the cause of Caylee being kept from her by her daughter? I am mistaken here? Was the date issue ever resolved with when that message was actually posted? Seems like a discrepancy
Hi Everyone,

Unlike the wonderful members and posters in this forum, I have had very little time to follow this case.

This link was sent to me. I would like you all to read it and comment on it please.


I want to understand why this person ( I think it's Jessie's dad) feels the way he does.

I'm sorry... but if a cute little girl that I loved so much was missing...
the LAST thing I would do is log onto My Space let alone...post this crap!

If he is reading this I would say to him….
Websleuths is read by TONZ of people. And this site gives this case exposure
to MANY people! Regardless of if you like what we say or not!

There is a little girl missing.
Get over your self … and your son and GET OUT AND SEARCH!:banghead:
I have a very difficult time understanding what's going on here. What is it that this man has done to deserve being called a mobster, a liar, a criminal, etc. Why is it "crap" for him to defend himself? Where exactly should he go to look for Caylee? Even the police don't know where to look.

Where is he being called a "mobster" on this forum? Where is he being called a "criminal" on this thread? A liar yes. That is an opinion which is protected.
I have a very difficult time understanding what's going on here. What is it that this man has done to deserve being called a mobster, a liar, a criminal, etc. Why is it "crap" for him to defend himself? Where exactly should he go to look for Caylee? Even the police don't know where to look.
Ok...I have to speak up...it didn't say he WAS a mobster...just that he looked like a mobster (well I see now that he kinda did). It was a fairly light moment on the board and there was no malicious intent IMO. Do we need to really pull every word apart? I believe with all my heart that the majority (or all that I've seen during my tenure here) of people on WS have the best intentions and the biggest hearts. I'm proud to be a member.
Hello there and that you for all that you do.

Jesse's dad is in shock. His son was in the innermost circle of the POI in this case and undoubtably he has come under scrutiny. I have not seen name anything but supposition and sleuthing IMHO.

Here is what we know about Jesse:

~he was engaged to Casey

~in the bond hearing, the grandmother testified, when asked who had cared for Caylee since she was born Grandma stated Jesse Grund and his family. When the judge asked why? Grandma answered that she thought Jesse was the father.

~Jesse has submitted his phone records to LE and also been interviewed and made a formal statement that he talked to the poi on or about 24 June for 18 minutes (per the bond hearing this was verified by LE). Jesse claims he heard Caylee in the background and her mother telling her to 'get off the table'. This was the same day Jesse was going to resign his police position.

~According to his facebook he was moving to Georgia.

~there have been multiple sightings of Caylee in Georgia as well as on a flight from Orlando to Atlanta.


this page has links to all that I have said above except for the face book...that is on the caylee subforum and I will have to look that up

Hope this helps.
He included the specific posts that offended him in his blog. Again, there was speculation whether his son could be Caylee's father and whether his tip to police of hearing Caylee on the phone on June 24th was truthful.

There has been a great deal of negative speculation regarding Cindy as well- but that is no different than what the national media has been saying.

I pointed out a new member last night by the name of Sword's Man that posted in the "Who is Caylee's FAther?" thread. Perhaps you could check this user's registered email information- I think there is a good chance this was Rev. Grund. And if it was, he had some not-so-nice things to insinuate as well.
I have a very difficult time understanding what's going on here. What is it that this man has done to deserve being called a mobster, a liar, a criminal, etc. Why is it "crap" for him to defend himself? Where exactly should he go to look for Caylee? Even the police don't know where to look.

I don't think anyone ever actually said he WAS a mobster, only that he looked like one.
If we see someone with red fuzzy hair and a big red nose, can't we say he looks like a clown?
It's all opinions and brainstorming. I don't get why ppl get so hyper over the trivial crap. Jees..if ya can't take the heat get off the net,:confused:
Chilly Willy, has anyone actually called him a mobster? Or did they say he looks like one? I have had a terrible time keeping up with all of the posts but I don't believe anyone has called this man a liar or a criminal.

I can see why he would be upset at the suggestion that his son, Jesse, might be involved in the cover-up if little Caylee died in some accident or because of neglect.
I'll speak up also.

His myspace is scary! Several of us agreed as we were learning about this family from their public myspace pages.

His son, Jesse, was/is believed by a few, myself included, to be Caylee's biological father. My concern was for the paternal family of this little girl and how the Anthony family is trying to hide this fact. (Cindy has given 2 different stories). During our digging, we came across Mr. Grund's PUBLIC myspace and some of us commented on pictures that were freely posted there. He came to WS and saw what we were saying, then took offense, understandably so, but this is a very, very high profile case.
Jesse Grund filed a sworn statement with LE on Tuesday about hearing Caylee's voice during a phone conversation with Casey Anthony, the girl's mother.

The conversation occurred on June 24th.

Although it appears to dismay the Reverend, his son is involved in this case to the extent that his statement makes him the only person other than Casey to have knowledge that Caylee was alive in late June.

As far as the mobster references, the Rev. has chosen to use as his myspace picture a photo of himself holding a weapon:

His indignation about being insulted in this forum would appear to be at odds with his own myspace comments:


Slick Willie? Miss Piggy? This is an individual who is not a stranger to public insult.
Tricia, respectfully, I feel Mr. G is doing exactly what he is accusing others of- making unfounded accusations. To accuse an entire forum like that, and obviously there is no way he took the time to read through all of the posts or I can bet he would have chosen others , is an unfair generalization to all of us.

For me, I am diligent as often as I can (let's be honest a baby is dead here and Im very emotional about it) to stick to facts and follow evidence while working through the facts of the case and I vehemently stand by any post on this site since I came here from my own MP case.
I would offer to Mr. G that it is he himself who quotes scripture and very strong religious-based beliefs that drive his actions and path.
You know what, Mr. G - my guide navigates my path as well and that includes helping to find justice for a baby who cannot do it on her own.

Instead of your self-serving promotional tactics, perhaps you could actually review the evidence against your friends in this case and realize you are not practicin' what you preach my friend.

2 words:
Public Domain

I also want to add a part of this blog that we could all find offensive:

But none of that matters to the Stone Throwers. They are too busy taking aim at everything and anything that seems worthwhile of their efforts. They mock, they ridicule, they accuse and they spend their days gathering rocks to throw when they sit down at the end of the day in the empt, busybody lives. Free speech does not entitle anyone to slander and libel others on the Internet. Massive lawsuits have been won against individuals and web sites in regards to this. But, I know a better Court and Righteous Judge and this is what He says about this -
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