TX - Woman & her B/F arrested for attempt to sell daughters for sex in San Antonio


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2007
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Mother and her boyfriend send pictures of 5 year old and 10 month old to person who is actually the informant. Mother says she thinks sex will be good experience for her 5 year old daughter.
All mother wants in return is for her apt. to be furnished and a used car.

I WANT TO VOMIT, and then I want to wipe it up with this so-called mom's face. (Sorry, but I just don't know how many more cases like this I can stand to read about.)
I hear you my dear. It gets to be too much. Totally understand.
There aren't any words.....

When did parents start looking at their kids as posessions to be auctioned off? I seriously will just never understand, and don't want to try.

It kills me to think of all the people in the world who would just LOVE to have a child to love and care for, that can't. And someone like this just uses, abuses, and throws their kids away.

All I can say is, Thank GOD for WS, my link to other caring hearts.
She thought this would be a positive experience? What is wrong with these people?
Just gross! What pigs. And they will get off -because there was "no act."

This just totally disturbed me, I don't understand people. How in the heck can a MOTHER think that her 5 yr old having sex would be good for her and gratifying for herself!!! SICK SICK SICK!!!!
Nasty, disgusting, and sick. The only one that seems to have any sense is the boyfriend's estranged wife who obtained a protective order on behalf of their daughter and filed for divorce. What a bunch of sick (fill in bad word).
If the egg donor thought it was such a positive experience, why didn't she prostitute herself to get the items? And if the BF thought it was such a good idea, why didn't he seek out someone willing to pay for homosexual services? Either or both couldn't have gotten big money if they agreed to some bondage and other services since they were into that. But no, they didn't choose this for themselves.... they chose this for a baby!

LE says there was no action, but with him sending child *advertiser censored*, plans made for using the 10 month old- you really have to wonder.
How awful!! I'm so glad that the child wasn't sold and will hopefully have a chance at a normal life with a new and loving family.

I was shocked to read this in the article...
After reviewing computers the couple used and listening to taped conversations, Miller determined Block and Richards were making further plans to abduct, rape and "carve up" a teenage runaway.
Nasty, disgusting, and sick. The only one that seems to have any sense is the boyfriend's estranged wife who obtained a protective order on behalf of their daughter and filed for divorce. What a bunch of sick (fill in bad word).

That's what I thought, Jantel. That poor estranged wife. Imagine her horror and disgust and fear?

Of course the perverted freak has a Myspace. Demented louse. I couldn't find one for the moNster. I guess no internet if you don't have a wheel or an apartment.

Well, it gets MUCH worse. :furious:


The boyfriend of the 25 year old mom, is a 40 year old man who is MARRIED.
The mother planned to "receive sexual gratification" from watching her 5 year old daughter be molested.
They intended to later sell the 10 month olds "sexual service".
And also after reviewing the couples computers and taped conversations, LE determined that the couple intended to abduct, rape and "Carve Up" a teenage runaway.

These people deserve to be tortured beyond the imagination of my mind. :furious::furious:
Hey guys, I started a thread for this on Friday.
Here is the link to that thread. I will ask a mod to merge threads.

NM, merged the two threads for us.
OMG...I cannot even comprehend....

Where do these sub-human @ssholes come from? Not only are they disgusting...they are seriously sick and causing terrible damage to their children (And would've caused damage to others if they had the chance)

I will never understand how some people (if you can call them people) take pleasure in the suffering of others:puke:
OMG...I cannot even comprehend....

Where do these sub-human @ssholes come from? Not only are they disgusting...they are seriously sick and causing terrible damage to their children (And would've caused damage to others if they had the chance)

I will never understand how some people (if you can call them people) take pleasure in the suffering of others:puke:

ITA with you Parker.
I hope that they investigate these people further to make sure that they have not abducted someone in the past, and also to make sure that neither of the children have been abused by them.

Just SICK SICK SICK. I couldn't do these things to my worst enemy. But my child???
This is disgusting. I wonder if that pig already sexually abused the little girl. I wouldn't doubt it.

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