What Side of the Fence are You Sitting On?...For or Against CA & GA


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Sep 4, 2008
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It would be interesting to see how many people feel inclined to defend CA and GA, and how many people feel no sympathy for them whatsoever. In time especially with cases like this that have so many twists and turns opinions and feelings are bound to change and evolve. I would imagine that some Anthony supporters may now be protestors and vice versa where do you sit on the fence and what recent events have changed or further supported your current feelings.

I have a difficult time choosing a side to sit on. On one hand I am a mother who has a daughter that my mother and inlaws adore. I can empathize with their greif and the reality that with great stress often comes irratic, and unbelievable behavior. I can completely justify their behavior toward protesters because everyone has a breaking point and I am positive if I were in their shoes I too might be inclined to lash out in anger at one point or another.

It is a double edged sword because on the other hand I could argue that by ignoring facts and by complaining much and searching little they have brought it upon themselves. I truely believe that if they would come clean to the public and admit that Casey has lied and she has continued to decieve but they are going to support her anyway, more people might have respect for them. I could argue that backtracking initial statements that are recorded and undeniable makes them appear crazy and dishonest, therefore they have little or no credibility (and it is a fault of their own not a twisted perception construed by the media, you cant say your panties are yellow and a minute later say they are red, especially when you are clearly wearing yellow panties!). Again it is my opinion that if Cindy would admit she smelled a dead body and only changed her story because what mother would want to accidentey incriminate their own daughter. This is something just about anyone especially anyone with children could understand. Of course it would be tragic to be the source of your daughters prosecution, but on the other hand the truth is the truth and facts are facts, and you still have a life to live and a reputation to uphold.

My feelings with respect to this case have changed from day to day and being the subjective person I am I try to afford logistics when it comes to this family. Do I think they are bad people? No But I do think they are unfairly treading on the hearts of all of those (myself included) that have given their grandaughter a place within their hearts. The only conclusion I can make is that this has turned into the Anthony family saga and is no longer about Caylee and despite what they might say (claim that it is the media or the publics fault) they have played a significant and damning role in this.

Now that a significant amount of time has passed and a number of issues have come to light, where do you stand? I hope everyone can respect which side someone is on because as always this is afree country and everyone is entitles to their own feelings and opinions!!!!
I'm not against anyone.
I'm not in their position, nor can I even fathom what it would be like if I were.
I'm for Caylee and bringing her home with as little drama as possible.
Why not make this a poll and then people can vote on their feelings for the Anthonys?
I am on Caylee's side.

Therefore I am on anyone's side who is trying to give her justice, especially people like Tim Miller. I don't support anyone who hinders the investigation. Since the A's have defamed Equusearch in the media and refused to give them something of Caylee's for scent dogs and have coddled Casey, I can't support them.
I am for Caylee. I believe they were involved. The whole family is shaded and I wouldn't put anything past them. Casey acts the way she does because the way she was raised.
Why not make this a poll and then people can vote on their feelings for the Anthonys?

Yes! I was hoping this was a poll too, I love seeing the results!

Because of their actions and mostly Casey and Cindy I vote against.
Another one for Caylee.
I guess I'm a fence-sitter. I want to hear the actual evidence first. We've only had a 400-page sampling of what LE has.
I'm not against anyone.
I'm not in their position, nor can I even fathom what it would be like if I were.
I'm for Caylee and bringing her home with as little drama as possible.

very well said and my heart is totally with you on that one!
I'm not against anyone. I just want Caylee found so that the nightmare can be over.
It wont let me add a poll??? How do I do that, I would be glad to put one.

Further I am all for Caylee but the reality is everything to do with her rests on these people and I was just trying to get a feel for how many people have or dont have faith in them at this point.
I am for Caylee. So far, there is enough circumstancial evidence to prove she's dead and that Casey knows it. I need to see more hard evidence to decide 100% that it was murder (although in my heart I believe it was).
I want Caylee found, identified and respectfully buried. If/when she is, I hope the cause of death is determined, and Casey is charged accordingly. IMO, the evidence we know about is saying she is dead, but I'd bet LE has a lot more. Maybe not enough to charge Casey for murder, but enough to prove the child died.

As for the Anthony family, I think they know the truth. After the initial shock (prompting Cindy's 911 calls) wore off, it's been all about protecting Casey. IMO, in their minds Caylee is gone with no bringing her back, so lets keep Casey from going to prison. I believe they have hampered the investigation and destroyed evidence. They are not looking for Caylee and criticize those who are. They have changed their stories about the statements they made.

As far as the Anthonys losing someone who was precious to them, I feel sorry for them. But that pity is weighed against the fact that it's time for them to end these games and tell what they know or suspect. And if in the future it is shown that they obstructed the investigation, they should be charged.
Of course I am for Caylee, the longer this drags on, it seems she was the one shinning star in this family.
I gave a lot of leaway for the grandparents because of the horrible situation they found themselves in, how would any of us react? My heart did go out to them because I couldn't imagine ever facing the loss they were facing. The longer this has gone on, the more I'm seeing them as part of the problem.

I agree, I think there is no for or against in this situation; however, the Anthony's have continually impeded and obstructed the investigation into what has happened to Caylee from day #1 and they, just like their daughter, should be held responsible for that. Casey is currently charged with obstruction of a criminal case and the same should apply to both George and Cindy as well. There is only one victim in this case and that is Caylee and unfortunately, Caylee didn't have a say into which family she was born into but I can only hope that IF Caylee were to be found alive (which I doubt), that the state of Florida would step up to the plate and put this child with a family that would love and treasure her as she so deserves.
I'm only on ONE side, Caylee's. Anyone who obstructs justice in her name, does not deserve an ounce of sympathy from me. Both GP's and KC are whack jobs IMO.
I have compassion for them. I don't understand them, but I know they love Caylee. I recognize they also love Casey. She is their daughter. Caylee is their granddaughter. I feel bad for them. I would want with all my heart to believe she was alive if I were them. Casey is manipulating them, and their position is too vulnerable to step away from it. jmho. They believe they are on Caylee's side. They think everyone else wants to give up on her. I'm also on Caylee's side. I know she loved her family, even if no one else does. She would not want everyone to say the things that they are saying about her gp. So, in her name, I will try to understand, and have compassion.
I'm as well for Caylee. I honestly don't see the family as being important enough to defend or be against at all. They way they have all acted has left me bereft of any feeling either way.

Personally, I just don't care what happens to any of them. As long as Caylee is found, I'll be happy with that. Alive hopefully (although I seriously have my doubts sadly) or passed on; everyone deserves a proper resting spot.
There are too many facets to this case, and too much is unknown. "For or against" is too black-and-white for me. I don't see it that way. Very multi-layered with facts and emotions.
I have a difficult time choosing a side to sit on. On one hand I am a mother who has a daughter that my mother and inlaws adore. I can empathize with their greif and the reality that with great stress often comes irratic, and unbelievable behavior. I can completely justify their behavior toward protesters because everyone has a breaking point and I am positive if I were in their shoes I too might be inclined to lash out in anger at one point or another.

I go back and forth on this one as well. I do think that even if they don't consciously know it George and Cindy have more information than they have given LE

Believing in your spouse/children/siblings can be a daunting task sometimes. It's in our nature to defend our families no matter what and it's hard to just 'throw them under the bus' as that reflects on us as well as them.

The fact that so many people are gathered around both for and against the family certainly can't make it much easier for them. As you say stress can make people do crazy stuff. Personally I'm surprised (but glad he didn't) he didn't bash someone's head in with the hammer. If you were hanging out in MY yard with signs and screaming you just might get shot if I felt like you were endangering one of my family. I guess we need to be glad it's Florida and not Texas.
Honestly, honestly ... I don't give a ~ish about GA, CA, KC, LA, or anyone else involved in this case except Caylee. Until they find her, dead or alive, I will continue to not care AT ALL about anyone except the baby girl. Once she is found, and I can look at everything and say "ok, she didn't know, he didn't know" etc. then I might feel bad for them.

Right now, they're a roadblock to find the baby -- all of them -- and I could care less about them. They are not important.


Just like if, God forbid, something would happen to my little girl. I wouldn't want ~ish from ANYONE -- find her, that's all that matters. My life for my kids -- WTF is wrong with these people, did they not get that memo about being a parent?

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