Ping Map for June 20, 2008 - Discuss that day only

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June 20-(BB)- the neighbor Brian B-says he saw Casey again on this day backing her car into her parent’s garage for the 3rd time.. Over the course of that week June 17-20 he observes Casey backing her car into the garage approx 3 times but never sees Caylee never hears Caylee. Casey asks TonE to drive her to her parent’s house to get gas cans as she ran out of gas in her car. One 2.5 the other 1.5 gallon of gas cans. KC did text Amy H.= “What are the odds I would run out of gas two Fridays in a row…” (June 20/27)…However, Amscot employee sees car at 7am on the 27th, and it appears, Amscot employee is wrong?? Police are going off of June 20/27. 12:20 am - cell tower pings near AL's apt until . . .
1:44 pm - cell tower pings near Anthony home until . . .2:18 pm - cell tower pings near AL's apt until . . .8:09 pm - cell tower pings near Fusion until after midnight into the next day. Computer- Casey wrote to Chris S. at 2:36pm -trying to get back in shape?! how about you come and hang out with me tonight, at Fusian!!!! call me! From Casey to Alex
at 15:46-you're online!!! come out to fusion tonight...mandatory attendance Alexander Ryans. June 20 Troy B. Called Casey about not going to Fusion he thinks but he knows he spoke to her that day. [No time given] Page 1326 Lines 17-21 Troy B. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008 Casey adds pic to her Photobucket account. It is a web flier for Fusian Ultra Lounge That's Dope party 6/20, doors at 10 PM. Ping Map for June 20, 2008

June 20- Casey parties at Fusion Nightclub TonE is the DJ.
From the Calendar

Brian B. Says: He was vacation 6/17-6/21; was at home

June 17-21 Brian B. was vacationing at home.
Page 1386 Lines 4-5 Brian B. Interview with LE on 7/30/2008

Amy does not SEE Casey 10-30 June

June 10-30 Amy did not see Casey only heard from her with phone and text
Page 1041 Lines 14-16 Amy H. Interview with LE on 7/23/2008

Casey runs out of gas near the Anthony home

A.L. takes her to Anthony's house to get gas can from backyard (interview with A.L. page 22, lines 9-11, also interview with L.A. page 42, line 14-page 43, line 15)
Casey texts Amy on 6/27 that she has run out of gas two Fridays in a row (interview with A.H. page 17, lines 8-13)

Brian B. Says: Casey's car backed into garage late afternoon; 3rd time this week

June 20 Casey’s car was backed into the garage, Brian B. did not see Casey or Caylee only the car it was late afternoon and that was the third time that week he saw her car backed in.
Page 1391 Lines 2-7 & Page 1401 Lines 10-11, 23 Brian B. Interview with LE on 7/30/2008

Troy B. Says: He called Casey

June 20 Troy B. Called Casey about not going to Fusion he thinks but he knows he spoke to her that day. [No time given]
Page 1326 Lines 17-21 Troy B. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008

Casey's Online Presence

Casey wrote to Chris S.
Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote at 2:36pm on June 20th, 2008

trying to get back in shape?! how about you come and hang out with me tonight, at Fusian!!!! call me!

From Casey to Alex
June 20, 2008 15:46
you're online!!! come out to fusion tonight...mandatory attendance Alexander Ryans

Casey adds PB pix - 12:44 PM

Casey adds pic to her Photobucket account. It is a web flier for Fusian Ultra Lounge That's Dope party 6/20, doors at 10 PM.
She's on a computer somewhere.

Weather: Rain (heavy)
Casey may have run out of gas on this date, but the gas cans were not taken until the 23rd (see the sticky thread on that date).

Looking at the pings:

Pings occur from area around Tony's apartment until 1:05 PM.

A tower just west of Tony's picks up Casey's cell phone at 1:17 PM. The tower south of Tony picks up the phone from 1:19 to 1:30, indicating she is travelling south toward her parents.

From 1:45 to 1:51 towers near the Anthony's pick up Casey's cell phone. At 2:20 Casey is back at Tony's. This means she is gone about one hour for a round trip that takes, at best, 40 minutes. She was therefore at her parents at most 20 minutes.

Neighbor BB sees Casey backed into parents garage. This is three days after he first saw Casey back into the garage and the day after she borrowed the shovel.

Casey appears to be at Tony's until at least 7:30 PM. At 8:00 PM they leave for Fusion, arriving at 8:30 PM, and staying until at least 11:30 PM.

Was Casey leaving or removing Caylee? I think she was removing her, having left her there (buried) on the 19th. Is it possible she dumped the body on this date as well?

When and where would she have cleaned (vacuumed) the trunK? At her parents or at a car wash?
Weather records from Orlando Airport: Mostly clear through 4:53 PM, By 5:53 PM light rain has begun, turning heavy at 6:02 PM. This develops into thunderstorms through 6:28 PM, and then light rain by 6:33 PM. No rain is reported from 6:39 on.

June 20 Weather
1:30:46 PM Tower 46: 0.5 mi W of Amscot, 2 mi S of TonE L
1:44:54 PM Tower 22: 1.5 mi NW of Anthony Home
1:49:41 PM Tower 22: 1.5 mi NW of Anthony Home
1:51:19 PM Tower 8: 1.5 mi S of Anthony Home @ Tow Yard
2:18:06 PM Tower 58: 0.5 mi NE of TonE L Apt

1:30 to 2:18 = 48mins less 'normal' travel time, say, 20+ mins, sure didn't leave much time for running out of gas, summoning Tony, retrieving gas cans and doing anything @ the Anthony Home.

Tony is the 1:30PM call. This would suggest she ran out of gas ON THE WAY TO the Anthony home NEAR Amscot per ping of call (vs.near home IIRC in LE statement). The 1:51PM call to Lexus would have been to check to see if George had left home yet.

Consider the 1:30-2:18PM trip resulted only in running out of gas, retrieving gas cans, refilling and returning to Tony's...THEN....between 3PM and 6:40PM pings @ Tony's apartment there is only a 3:46PM msg to Alexander R. This provided an opportunty for a return back-into-garage-before-Cindy-gets-home trip...

(a) between 3:46PM and 6:40PM, if the 3:46PM msg was sent from Tony's apt. or, alternatively,

(b) the 3:46PM message could've been sent from the Anthony home (note: Casey did download pics from camera to PC and facebook msg Amy (re: get moved in) on 6/17 trip to Anthony home) making the entire period 3PM-6:40PM less travel time, a candidate for the final back-into-the-garage scene. Note that there was another ~6min call to Lexus Dlrshp @ 2:54PM :waitasec:​

I'm thinkin' (b). Out before Cindy gets home.
With the latest GA interview release, can we now conclude that GA did not work at Lexus? If so, I wonder who could have been there? Annie?
With the latest GA interview release, can we now conclude that GA did not work at Lexus? If so, I wonder who could have been there? Annie?

I gathered the same thing after hearing his work history.
ping map for 6/20 ping 6 is at 1:53pm near the a"s, ping 6a is at 2:18 near johnsons tow yard, ping 7 is at 2:22 up by tone's is this a mistake ?
Carrying this post over from a couple places as it also belongs on 6/20...

OK...event that occurred on 6/20, but, relates to what we're developing for 6/19, so I'll post a brief note and link here.

I'll try to condense...

Bobo noted, completely outta being a sharp observer, as we were diving into the Amy' totalled car discussion on that thread about a xfer 6/19PM and #'s that were dialed, that one of the (321) numbers listed is a "BJ Jacke"...BlackJack...THE BlackJack!?!? just maybe!!!

Casey called this # only 2 times in the entire 6/15-7/16 period....on 6/20...w/ durations of 0 and 6 seconds, both from Tony's apt.

Could it be that she couldn't find the phone 6/20 and was trying to locate it...then she realized it could've been lost in the body shuffling!

I'm encouraged now that there's yet another piece of evidence jus' waiting to be found.

Could the 6/20 trip to G&C's be to look for her BlackJack????
With the latest GA interview release, can we now conclude that GA did not work at Lexus? If so, I wonder who could have been there? Annie?

I was discussing this a long time ago but I got nixed. I never could find (back in the dark ages) where I read that Annie worked at the Lexus dealership. Several people responded that she did not, that she worked at the other auto dealership where Amy worked.

I think there was confusion and I still believe Annie worked here. Did anyone notice in the jail visit tapes just released that KC talks to Lee and her parents about Annie in a positive manner? Maybe we haven't heard anything about her because she is KC's friend and has only good things to say about KC?

Also, wouldn't just about anyone working at a car dealership have "friends/coworkers" willing to give a friend a tow or even some repairs? Calling on favors where you work is commonplace from my experience...

I still cannot find where it was discussed that Annie was part owner in a company with an address on Rouse Rd - when mapped, I saw it to be the third house South of the BP entrance on Rouse. The address for the business was a home. The business was some kind of trucking or towing or something - going to look again...

Is this area in the most recent ping sleuthing going on? I believe it may be.
Weather records from Orlando Airport: Mostly clear through 4:53 PM, By 5:53 PM light rain has begun, turning heavy at 6:02 PM. This develops into thunderstorms through 6:28 PM, and then light rain by 6:33 PM. No rain is reported from 6:39 on.

June 20 Weather

...just highlighting that a 6/20 disposal would appear to have been during the clear weather ~2PM for a quick-20-minute back in to the garage, bag & duct tape the body, then bop around the corner to Suburban before returning to Tony's.

I realize that the privacy fence provides some decent cover, and that school was not in session, hence, minimal traffic...still...IF Casey actually backed the car down the slope to execute the (a) was fast, and (b) took one helluva risk @ being spotted.

From what I'm seeing in the crime scene photos she prolly did back the car down there in order to get the volume of stuff outta the car quickly. This would also explain the scratches on the rear of the car. I like Sammi's idea that the 2nd blue tent & sheet on the ground @ the crime scene investigation was there to preserve tire tracks. It does orient well with what would've been the likely path IMHO.

ETA: Link to the image showing the sheet on the ground. Also noted from another aerial view not shown here that the curb DOES NOT START until further down the school side of Suburban on that side of the street. IOW...there is a break in the curb that would've allowed Casey to drive right in and be obscured by the angle of the fence...
...just highlighting that a 6/20 disposal would appear to have been during the clear weather ~2PM for a quick-20-minute back in to the garage, bag & duct tape the body, then bop around the corner to Suburban before returning to Tony's.

I realize that the privacy fence provides some decent cover, and that school was not in session, hence, minimal traffic...still...IF Casey actually backed the car down the slope to execute the (a) was fast, and (b) took one helluva risk @ being spotted.

From what I'm seeing in the crime scene photos she prolly did back the car down there in order to get the volume of stuff outta the car quickly. This would also explain the scratches on the rear of the car. I like Sammi's idea that the 2nd blue tent & sheet on the ground @ the crime scene investigation was there to preserve tire tracks. It does orient well with what would've been the likely path IMHO.

ETA: Link to the image showing the sheet on the ground. Also noted from another aerial view not shown here that the curb DOES NOT START until further down the school side of Suburban on that side of the street. IOW...there is a break in the curb that would've allowed Casey to drive right in and be obscured by the angle of the fence...

I think the area in question is a staging area for evidence or equipment as depicted in this photo, remember with all the people that were walking around that path from the road, sheriff's Mobil Headquarters, evidence trailer if there was tire tracks it would have been inside the yellow tape and not outside of the yellow tape as in this photo

It would have been very hard to conceal them making casting of the tire impressions from the media.
I think the area in question is a staging area for evidence or equipment as depicted in this photo, remember with all the people that were walking around that path from the road, sheriff's Mobil Headquarters, evidence trailer if there was tire tracks it would have been inside the yellow tape and not outside of the yellow tape as in this photo

It would have been very hard to conceal them making casting of the tire impressions from the media.

Wishful thinking, I guess :) Woulda been so suhweeeet, though....w/ the Pontiac having very distinctly mismatching tires 'cause of the two being replaced in May.
OK I think (correct me if I'm wrong) that we long ago decided that this day (Fusian Friday June 20) was NOT the day of the "Great Gas Can Caper" with TonE. Given the very short time duration of the trip to the A's on this day, I previously thought that she couldn't possibly have squeezed in the TonE rescue in the nearby neighborhood, gas theft AND a body dump in about half an hour. But now I am looking at this date again, around 1:45-2:15 pm, as a potential quick body dump time.

If the dumping (separating now in my mind little Caylee from this horrible activity) took place on the afternoon of the 20th in the midst of the multiple "hey come party at Fusian" texts and phone calls to all KC's friends, that would certainly be interesting information if one were trying to establish a death penalty case....
OK I think (correct me if I'm wrong) that we long ago decided that this day (Fusian Friday June 20) was NOT the day of the "Great Gas Can Caper" with TonE. Given the very short time duration of the trip to the A's on this day, I previously thought that she couldn't possibly have squeezed in the TonE rescue in the nearby neighborhood, gas theft AND a body dump in about half an hour. But now I am looking at this date again, around 1:45-2:15 pm, as a potential quick body dump time.

Hey, AZ. I think waaaaaaay back I tried to make it work out based on the pings and the "two weeks in a row..on a stupid car runs out of gas. Wow" text to Amy. IIRC, I had to stand on one foot, pat my get the idea. Back then IIRC we were kinda workin' on the idea that the we had to have an event on 6/20. Now that I've seen the way Casey butchers words & phrases. I'm more inclined to think perhaps she meant something more like, "twice in one week"...and just emphasized "on a Friday" as in "of all days" :rolleyes: 'cause Friday=Fusian in Caseyworld. Recall that Casey was having phone calls w/ Amy when she was walking down Chickasaw & waiting on Tony 6/23 - no way Casey didn't take the opportunity to whine about it then. Though it is still possible that Casey did run outta gas somewhere 6/20 and got gas nearby...just not @ G&C's since we now have that pegged to 6/23.

If the dumping (separating now in my mind little Caylee from this horrible activity) took place on the afternoon of the 20th in the midst of the multiple "hey come party at Fusian" texts and phone calls to all KC's friends, that would certainly be interesting information if one were trying to establish a death penalty case...

It wouldn't exactly bode well for Mother of the Year now, would it? I think its a good idea to keep 6/20 afternoon open. I have been taking 6/19 in favor of 6/20 since Casey made no advance coast-is-clear calls to G&C's that afternoon prior to pinging in that area. However, if Casey didn't actually goto the house (if you consider Brian B's statements to have some +/-) and she just went to Suburban...then its certainly possible she dumped the body that afternoon.

Wasn't George off on Fridays & Saturdays? Risky, eh?
wow,what a horrible thought,but certainly possible,thinking of kc...gotta get people to come to fusian,gotta dump my baby's body,omg....
...anyways,i was wondering about nancy grace's statement tonight...that jb really doesn't have 4 years experiment,that he was working at lexusnexus....does anyone know what that is about..
Hey, AZ. I think waaaaaaay back I tried to make it work out based on the pings and the "two weeks in a row..on a stupid car runs out of gas. Wow" text to Amy. IIRC, I had to stand on one foot, pat my get the idea. Back then IIRC we were kinda workin' on the idea that the we had to have an event on 6/20. Now that I've seen the way Casey butchers words & phrases. I'm more inclined to think perhaps she meant something more like, "twice in one week"...and just emphasized "on a Friday" as in "of all days" :rolleyes: 'cause Friday=Fusian in Caseyworld. Recall that Casey was having phone calls w/ Amy when she was walking down Chickasaw & waiting on Tony 6/23 - no way Casey didn't take the opportunity to whine about it then. Though it is still possible that Casey did run outta gas somewhere 6/20 and got gas nearby...just not @ G&C's since we now have that pegged to 6/23.

Yeah, I have 3 reasons I've never been comfortable assigning the gas can incident to the 20th. BB states he heard KC and thought he saw a green truck on the 23rd. TL states they got the gas cans on the 23rd. And GA states the last time he was in the shed (unbroken into) was on the 22nd. I think all of these lock down the 23rd (at least for me).
wow,what a horrible thought,but certainly possible,thinking of kc...gotta get people to come to fusian,gotta dump my baby's body,omg....
...anyways,i was wondering about nancy grace's statement tonight...that jb really doesn't have 4 years experiment,that he was working at lexusnexus....does anyone know what that is about..

Hi, claudicici. A little OT, and I didn't see NG, but, sounds like she's referring to JB's work 'experience' (vs. experiment). IIRC, JB worked @ Lexus Nexus prior to being in practice himself. You'd prolly get a decent response on the "Procedures and Legal.."thread in the main forum...or even on the Nancy Grace thread in the main forum for the date of the show.

Hope that helps.
...thank you jamesbond,i was just wondering if those could have been the calls to lexus dealership....but i guess it was lexis nexis...

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