Phantom Clowns Are Back!

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"Friday, October 17, 2008

"They have returned.

The encounters began in May of 1981, in Boston, Brookline, and other Massachusetts communities. By the end of the month, the local newspapers in Kansas City were publishing warnings about "Killer Clowns" said to be after children at bus stops there.

During an era before emails and the Internet, I was able to discover, via my network of correspondents, that a rash of local news articles were appearing across the USA, describing similar abduction scenarios. Although the national newspapers and wire services were totally unaware of the widespread nature of such accounts, the stories were remarkably alike. I called them the "Phantom Clowns."

Repeats of almost identical Phantom Clown encounters have been recorded since 1981. The latest one is now developing in Illinois."

I've been hearing about phantom clowns and white vans for years. It's bad enough we have to worry about the local pedophiles and the dirty old man across the street, but I wonder sometimes if the disappearance of some children doesn't have a bit of a supernatural aspect to it - in one way or another.

If this isn't the right place for this post, feel free to move it.
Oh my gosh. How terrifying on many levels.

My mother took me to my pediatrician once because I cried at a friend's big top circus birthday party when a hired clown tried to hold me for photographs. I have always had a fear of clowns. Never liked being close to them at the Barnum and Bailey Circuses, and I was taken to the circus every year without fail.
My wonderful, sensible doctor told my mother that it is normal for some children to dislike masked or painted facial features and disguises. He said it was healthy and to leave me alone about it, and never force me to be around clowns. She hushed up about it but did try to get me to dress up as a clown once at Halloween years after that. Needless to say, I went to the Halloween party as a Fairy Princess instead.

I can't stand clowns even now, nor did I ever force my children to socialize with an adult in a disguise, including the mall Santa Clauses. They really make me uncomfortable for some innate reason I cannot explain except that I do not trust strangers in disguises unless it is a costume party where EVERYONE is disguised.

This gives me the creeps!!!!!!!
My daughters absolutely are terrified of clowns, and they're 13 and 18.
Okay, so maybe I'm dense but I can't figure all of this out. Is this some type of urban legend, or does anyone know where I can find information from a known, reliable news source? I'm not trying to offend anyone, just trying to figure out if these "phantom clowns" are real, if it's something to be concerend about. I can't find any type of news articles or direct statements from LE. Ar there children really missing from this? Does anyone have their names?
Are the Illinois cases Homey the Clown again? About 16/17 years ago (when I was in 5th grade) I was living in Chicago and there was a big rash of 'attempted abductions'/rapes/murders by a murderous man dressed as Homey the Clown from that TV show In Living Color. He wasn't real according to the police, it was just a rumour that got a bit out of hand basically.

There's an article about it. As far as I know NO children ever went missing or were actually attacked/injured, no adults ever saw Homey, etc. If you read all the comments on this article its clear the rumours are still in effect and have been for years.

There are new reports in the past few weeks about a clown with balloons trying to lure children into his van/truck on the South Side but they only got like 2/3 sentences in the Tribune and a short article in Sun Times from what I saw. I can't tell if its Homey or some random clown? I'd be sort of surprised if these incidents were real, but who knows? With the police experience with the 'Homey the Clown' stuff, it would be pretty frightening if these reports were real. I can't imagine they take the kids all that seriously at this point (honestly I kind of don't either).,0,5199461.story
Oh, how utterly disturbing and creepy. :eek: Grown-up clowns scare me...
"Friday, October 17, 2008

"They have returned.

The encounters began in May of 1981, in Boston, Brookline, and other Massachusetts communities. By the end of the month, the local newspapers in Kansas City were publishing warnings about "Killer Clowns" said to be after children at bus stops there.

During an era before emails and the Internet, I was able to discover, via my network of correspondents, that a rash of local news articles were appearing across the USA, describing similar abduction scenarios. Although the national newspapers and wire services were totally unaware of the widespread nature of such accounts, the stories were remarkably alike. I called them the "Phantom Clowns."

Repeats of almost identical Phantom Clown encounters have been recorded since 1981. The latest one is now developing in Illinois."

I've been hearing about phantom clowns and white vans for years. It's bad enough we have to worry about the local pedophiles and the dirty old man across the street, but I wonder sometimes if the disappearance of some children doesn't have a bit of a supernatural aspect to it - in one way or another.

If this isn't the right place for this post, feel free to move it.
Supernatural? That word is hard for me to wrap my head around. The idea of Killer Clowns or Phantom Clowns reminds me of the book by Steven King called IT. That was a supernatural, phantom clown and it ruined clowns for me forever, not that I really liked them in the first place.

An interesting thread for a a lazy Sunday afternoon though.

What other Supernatural type people snatchers or whatever are out there. I know the story of the Mothman. The Blair Witch used to be a good story until the movie killed it. Hope I'm not moving the conversation in a direction the OP didn't intend. :)
Supernatural? That word is hard for me to wrap my head around. The idea of Killer Clowns or Phantom Clowns reminds me of the book by Steven King called IT. That was a supernatural, phantom clown and it ruined clowns for me forever, not that I really liked them in the first place.

An interesting thread for a a lazy Sunday afternoon though.

What other Supernatural type people snatchers or whatever are out there. I know the story of the Mothman. The Blair Witch used to be a good story until the movie killed it. Hope I'm not moving the conversation in a direction the OP didn't intend. :)

No, not at all. I've noticed in many serial murders, the killer is able to do his dirty work and get away clean in the most tight of circumstances. It seems as if they are almost "protected" by a force, if you will, until the time said "force" deserts them. Of course, this could simply be their own minds becoming satiated with blood and gore and becoming so careless they finally get caught. However, until that turning point, it is very eerie.

Another thing is a great many serial killers describe being in a somewhat altered state of consciousness when they kill. Oddly enough, most of them describe it the same way. I don't have a quote handy and I'm too lazy to get one right now, but a large percentage of killers say the same thing. I wonder if they are possessed? Or, some other weird alternative.

I would love to go on about this, and I could, but right now I'm heading for bed. Will post more this week if anyone's interested.
Okay, so maybe I'm dense but I can't figure all of this out. Is this some type of urban legend, or does anyone know where I can find information from a known, reliable news source? I'm not trying to offend anyone, just trying to figure out if these "phantom clowns" are real, if it's something to be concerend about. I can't find any type of news articles or direct statements from LE. Ar there children really missing from this? Does anyone have their names?

This could be an urban legend of sorts, however, reports have been made to the police. I don't know the names of any children actually abducted by a "clown", but so many children DO go missing and we have no idea how or why. The odd thing is we wouldn't have thought Gacey was a killer either, him with his clown act. That was, or course, slightly different, but one never knows and the more I read, the more I discover that yesteryear was not a more innocent time, they just didn't know any better. I wonder how many farmers' wives and daughters actually did take off with the traveling salesman?

I only know there have been legitimate reports of attempted abductions, but I don't know of any actual children taken, but we wouldn't, would we.

I need to quit while I'm only slightly behind and hit the bed.

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