Jason Young's Search Warrant & "Murder in Durham"


All Posts JMO - May Godspeed Justice for Janet and
Apr 26, 2005
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Search Warrant


Jason Young - "I don't think that would ever happen, I think you are being extremely dramatic and very unrealistic. Your whole world is based on the people yu(sic) know and who know about this situation. You spend your days on the Internet going into chatrooms where you're not going to find anything good written about the situation, but in time, things will die down. Most people out there don't know one thing about any of this. Your are right, I am here in Brevard, but in little old Brevard there was a big article written about this and you know how a small town talks. Still though, the majority of folks have no idea and that amounts will continue to decrease with time. Think for a moment, how many crimes and murders do you recall? What details do you know about that situation? Did you even hear about the murder in Durham about a year ago under similar before you started your Internet chat room time? I doubt it...I bet you can't even name the husband who moved out West to be with family after the murder. Was he a suspect? Is he still? I don't know but I do know that I wouldn't recognize his name or his face if he or his kid walked up to me tomorrow."


Bye Bye Jason.....Raven, you will be next :behindbar
yep, he will be.

..so long raven.
Search Warrant


Jason Young - "I don't think that would ever happen, I think you are being extremely dramatic and very unrealistic. Your whole world is based on the people yu(sic) know and who know about this situation. You spend your days on the Internet going into chatrooms where you're not going to find anything good written about the situation, but in time, things will die down. Most people out there don't know one thing about any of this. Your are right, I am here in Brevard, but in little old Brevard there was a big article written about this and you know how a small town talks. Still though, the majority of folks have no idea and that amounts will continue to decrease with time. Think for a moment, how many crimes and murders do you recall? What details do you know about that situation? Did you even hear about the murder in Durham about a year ago under similar before you started your Internet chat room time? I doubt it...I bet you can't even name the husband who moved out West to be with family after the murder. Was he a suspect? Is he still? I don't know but I do know that I wouldn't recognize his name or his face if he or his kid walked up to me tomorrow."


The more I read about Jason the more like Raven he is, but he's wrong about one thing and even The Rave would tell him, people never forget and it does not go away even after 4 years. Raven you should write Jason and tell him, dude they never leave you alone =)

Raven and Jason both will never get away from what they did. IMO they both premeditated and murdered their wives. Both are sociopaths, both are narcissistic murderers.

Though it's been 4 years and Rave isn't locked away he's not free, he will never be 100% free because we'll always be here, making sure that his name and his face is out there until there is Justice for Janet.

Same with Justice for Michelle Young, Justice for Stacy Peterson, Justice for Jenna Nielsen, Justice for Lisa Stebic and Nancy Cooper.

Raven knows until he's where he belongs :behindbar nobody will forget what he did to Janet.

Raven 4 years, 5 years, 10 years, tomorrow, we'll never give up!.
What an arrogant POC!!!! UGH! He's just like Drew Peterson!
Jason Young has been arrested for the murder of Michelle Young and her unborn child, Justice may move slow in NC, but things are definitely moving!

This is just fantastic news!

Now can we can get some Justice for Janet and her unborn child!
"Did you even hear about the murder in Durham about a year ago under similar before you started your Internet chat room time? I doubt it...I bet you can't even name the husband who moved out West to be with family after the murder. Was he a suspect? Is he still? I don't know but I do know that I wouldn't recognize his name or his face if he or his kid walked up to me tomorrow." Jason Young

This quote comes back to me......Hey Raven, if you want to know what it's like to get away with the brutal murder of your wife and unborn child for years and then have it all come down around you, you may want to keep an eye on this case.

When your world collapses, and it will, the Pness, I'll be the girl with the silly grin!
Raven's second wife, upon hearing about his first wife's murder, and putting that together with is incendiary temper, decided to leave him.

Remember that Raven cheated on his first wife, stole from his employer, and lied about both. Lots of cases are solved without a murder weapon - which he probably disposed of in a commercial trash bin.
Raven's second wife, upon hearing about his first wife's murder, and putting that together with is incendiary temper, decided to leave him.

Remember that Raven cheated on his first wife, stole from his employer, and lied about both. Lots of cases are solved without a murder weapon - which he probably disposed of in a commercial trash bin.

I hope Josh Powell shares the same ghosts as these monsters!!!
Let the media follow them forever..........many of us NEVER forget!!!!
Raven's second wife, upon hearing about his first wife's murder, and putting that together with is incendiary temper, decided to leave him.

Remember that Raven cheated on his first wife, stole from his employer, and lied about both. Lots of cases are solved without a murder weapon - which he probably disposed of in a commercial trash bin.

True, there are a lot of commercial trash bins all over the place, my guess is the weapon won't be found, but even more importantly, lots of murders are solved, cases prosecuted and cases won without a murder weapon.

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