KC v. OJ

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Oct 12, 2008
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We compared SP, can we now compare OJ. All circumstantial and most likely guilty as charged. What saved him was his dream team. At the time, 9 year old KC had not idea that decades later she would have her own dream team. What if she walks, like he did? It's not impossible.
I personally think there is a lot more evidence against Casey than there was against OJ.

I think there would be a riot in Orlando if she does not get convicted, but it's possible. I don't think so though. In a way I'm glad that they did take the DP off the table, even though I think she deserves it because it will be easier to convict her and life in jail ain't pretty. she has a lot of years to look at those 4 walls and deal with being put in general pop. I'm curious if she does get convicted will she eventually get put in general pop. I know there are a lot of inmates that would want to beat the C**p out of her.
Anything is possible, however...IF she did walk because of her Dream (On :loser:) Team...I'd probably lose all faith in the justice system for sure.
She's not going to walk!! This is not the OJ trial re-visited.

She's not super rich, there's no $$$ to pay off people.
She's not a former superstar with a huge cheering bunch of followers.
She's not a minority and this is not a " race card" trial.
She has anything BUT a dream team of attorneys.

It's highly doubtful that there is another fame hungry Judge Ito. CourtTV ( TruTV) and the other early court media like CNN cut their teeth on the OJ trial. Judges and prosecution teams are used to being on camera 13-14 years later. It's highly doubtful that there's an expert for the prosecution whose integrity can be questioned like Mark Furman's was, unfortunately.

There aren't any so-called " smoking gun" gloves that shrank in water during testing. There's no half-understood scientific testimony that CAN be brought up by Dr. Lee this time around. The State's Attorneys in 2009-2010 KNOW HOW to ask questions about what DNA evidence was found and have it restated in terms that anyone can understand. This was not true at the time of OJs criminal trial. Henry Lee baffled most of the country with his BS and poor English, and Clark and Darden were too inexperienced to know how to cross- examine and re-direct. Won't happen now.

Last of all, this is a case about a murdered child. A beautiful child murdered and dumped by her own mother. There isn't a jury in this country who wouldn't convict based on the physical evidence alone, IMO.
Casey's words and actions immediately prior to the murder and afterwards will certainly help convict her of murdering her " Little snotty brat".

Rest in peace, little Caylee. There will be justice for you in this world and in the next.
I have faith that the jury will be smart and on to the defense team like we all are.
Where her and OJ differ is he was trying to find out who really did it, even though we all know HE did it. KC and her family havent done that which proves even MORE guilt.
Plus theres way more evidence in the KC case.
Don't forget that beyond first degree murder she's up on charges of:

  • Uttering a forged instrument

  • Fraudulent use of personal information

  • Two counts petty theft

  • Forging a check

  • Fraudulent use of identification

  • Aggravated child abuse

  • Aggravated manslaughter

  • Four counts of lying to investigators

I probably missed a few, but dream team or no dream team-- she's going to prison for some of this for sure.

And without a murder conviction, I don't think her life is going to be anything like OJ living in South Miami and playing golf. No no, I don't think she's going to "walk" like OJ, unless she gets bad knees in prison.
The televising of the OJ trial made us potential jurors a lot smarter and a lot wiser about the kind of shenanigans that go on in a courtroom. I think we look at things with our eyes a bit more open now. I don't remember who said it tonight, if it was JVM or JC covering for NG but she was lauding Dr. HL as the greatest forensic scientist of all time. I disagree! I think a lot of us look at him like he's a fool, especially after OJ, not to mention all the others. He's lost much credibility.
Dr. Henry Lee is still respected among many and most jurors are going to be impressed with his testimony.

RE: OJ vs. KC

I think that KC case has more evidence pointing directly to her. OJ's case not only had a dream team but also questionable police work and a damaging police witness (Mark Furhman). I think KCs case will come down to the evidence in her car, her cell records, cell tower pings, and of course the fact that she didn't report her daughter missing for 31 days. Even the most reluctant juror can't ignore a mother that doesn't report their child missing (at least I hope).
I think there was a lot more evidence against OJ; he also had the history of abuse toward Nicole. KC had no history of abuse or violence toward, or even neglect of, Caylee; Caylee by all appearances was her healthy, happy normal self until something happened suddenly after June 15. There's quite a bit of evidence that Caylee was murdered, but no evidence showing only KC could be the murderer (at least that we've seen yet).

It's funny you should bring OJ up, early in this case I remember saying to friends, "Can you believe the things the media is actually saying about this young mother? Back when OJ was a suspect, no one said ANYTHING like the kinds of things they are saying about her. In her case, it's like a free for all!" "Is it because the media know that she's too poor to sue?"

In the case of OJ, there were the videos of the beaten up Nicole (from the domestic abuse in the months or years preceding the murder, the audios of her phone calls to 911, etc), but no one on the air said, "OJ is such a narcissist, he's obviously a psychopath and murderer!" or went on at length discussing his supposed personality flaws, what a party boy he was, or whatever.
With this young suspect/defendant we've heard defamatory comments repeated over and over daily in the media for more than 8 months. The theory about her being guilty and remorseless, a psychopath and narcissist, has been repeated so many times in the media it has taken on a life of its own, people often quote this theory as if it is fact.
The other day on NG they kept showing the pictures from KC's 21st birthday (a year before Caylee's disappearance) and claiming that it was pictures of her out partying it up after killing her child! The program's mental health expert went on in detail about how these pictures showed her doing a dance of joy about murdering her little girl. Unbelievable. Why pictures of KC urinating and chewing with her mouth open or clowning around and making a mean or crazy face for the camera? Why no discussion in the media at all regarding the other people who were around KC and Caylee in the timeframe corresponding to the disappearance, why none of their facebook and photobucket pictures shown or discussed in the media, etc? The bias in the media has been extreme. I have the impression some people's parents' lawyers stepped in quickly to stop discussion of their children and to block their pictures being used in the tabloid media, also. My impression only.
I don't know whether there is more evidence against OJ or KC but there is definitely more awareness of KC and in great detail. This is a historic case for many reasons, as follows:

  • Media Coverage [still headline news ~9 months later!!]
  • Florida's Sunshine Law [providing un-precedented access to discovery]
  • Crime Sleuthing Blogs [such as WS - 100s?]
  • The Internet [online easy access to videos, documents, etc]
  • International Interest [avid consumers across the world]
  • KC and her Lies
  • The Anthony Circus
  • The Attorney's [KC's, GA/CA, LA, etc]
  • The Anthony Circle [KFN, MB, DC, JH, LP]
  • KC Never Reported Caylee Missing
  • CA's 911 Call -- There's a dead body

There is a perfect storm of information and bad actors whipping this up into a continuing frenzy, even today with TM -- that whether there is a LOT of evidence that is ultimately used or usable compared to OJ or not -- this has the world's attention, retains the world's attention and, unlike CSI on TV it isn't going to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in 60 minutes.

At the end of the day, when all is said and done --- 31 days. Just one more day. Nuff said.
The other day on NG they kept showing pictures from her 21st birthday (more than a year before Caylee's disappearance) and claiming that it was pictures of her out partying it up after killing her child! The program's mental health expert went on in detail about how these pictures showed her doing a dance of joy about murdering her little girl. Unbelievable. Why pictures of KC urinating and chewing with her mouth open or clowning around and making a mean or crazy face for the camera? Why no discussion in the media at all regarding the other people who were around KC and Caylee in the timeframe corresponding to the disappearance, why none of their facebook pictures flashing gang hand signs, etc?

Respectfully I agree and disagree.

I agree that most of the photos that are being used in the media are pre Caylee missing.

I disagree with your post though, in that there are similar photos taken on June 20 that show KC partying after Caylee went missing.

To me the point is the -- comparison -- there was no perceptable change in KC's attitude pre or post Caylee going missing, she was still out partying and clubbing.

While the media is overly harsh on KC -- KC has done a lot to set herself up and her family has done more harm than good, fanning the flames of deceit and lies.

Everyone is not out to get KC, it is KC's actions and lies that have everyone speaking out against her... You have to analyze why are people so against KC that they spin things against her? Maybe they feel for Caylee and cannot understand KC's actions as a Mother, a woman and, a human.
Well I think a search for the truth in the media would serve Caylee best, I feel very much for Caylee and am extremely concerned about the murderer being identified and convicted, whether it is someone else or KC.

I agree with almost all of your post though, Cborg, and well said.

That's a good point about this case being unique partly due to the constant stream of usable images and audio/infobytes available to the media under Florida's sunshine laws. That plus the salacious spin that can easily be put on every image, etc. Much of the media seem to have gotten so lazy though, maybe because of this, at times I've seen some major network programs just using the document releases as fodder for tabloid reporting in a way, with seemingly little to no research, no investigative reporting whatsoever.

Even the pictures themselves that they show are cropped way down to usually show KC only and to omit the context. (Not because people are "out to get KC" I don't believe, but maybe because it's most cost effective for the networks to not run the risk of lawsuits from too many parties). The pictures of KC at Fusian after the disappearance for example, the context/surrounding behavior is cropped out, the media never seems to mention that she was working for TonE there, they never tell how the texts showed she didn't want to do the dance, etc. Of course, we don't know if she actually knew Caylee was in danger at that time, what if she thought at that time that Caylee was with someone who was not going to harm her, an associate or someone she mistakenly thought was a friend, for example. Your point is certainly taken that the reason we don't know and mystery remains is mainly due to KC's failure to provide information (whether she has the information and knows what happened or not.)

I agree the most incriminating actual evidence has been KC's failure to report the disappearance and the bizarre-sounding tales to LE, though, as well as the photos of her seemingly "partying" after the alleged date of the disappearance, and her bizarre lack of urgency or concern regarding Caylee's being missing, while she was in prison. These don't mean she is the murderer of course, but still so incriminating, and definitely generated a lot of additional tabloid interest in the case. MOO
KC often needed a babysitter. This is evident from testimony from Cindy, text messages to friends, and reported phone calls. After 6/15 she no longer needed a babysitter. She is the only one who benefited from Caylee's death. Doesn't this show a motive? She had 31 days of opportunity. Her friends say she wasn't seen for days or they were out of town. We have proof that she was not where she said she was. Cindy says "you weren't where you said you would be". Cindy says "if you hadn't lied" and every single friend has provided instances of lying. We have evidence of stealing "caught on tape". So we have motive and opportunity and poor character. Is there anyone else on the planet who benefited from this death?
I personally think there is a lot more evidence against Casey than there was against OJ.


I disagree big time. There was a mountain of evidence against OJ, way more than there is against Casey. I will never understand why the jury didn't convict OJ, but I also have no doubt that Casey will be found guilty.
Casey wasn't famous before this case. O.J. was and I think overall the power of celebrity was underestimated with O.J.. Back in 1994, the internet was still pretty young - you had to chat about the O.J. Simpson case on Compuserve - that is if you had a home computer. I know that I did. Back then accessing the internet cost a small fortune!

CNN.com didn't exist back in 1994. Most media was still in the newspaper and tv age, they didn't have their own internet domain. There wasn't a search engine like Google or Yahoo.

Cell phones were also pretty new, a lot of people didn't have them. There were no social networking sites like Facebook and Myspace. People didn't have digital cameras or cell phone cameras. There was no Photobucket or any other online photo sharing/storage website.

Casey like a lot of young people nowadays are "wired" and there's going to be a lot more forensic information that comes out from this case from her computer and cell phone(s) then back when O.J. killed Nicole and Ron Goldman in 1994.

What is similar is that Casey will have a "dream team". And this murder case has the same wall to wall coverage as the O.J. Simpson murder case did. There's a huge "cast" of players in both cases. I fully expect to see Casey books once the murder trial is over just like the O.J. Simpson case.
We compared SP, can we now compare OJ. All circumstantial and most likely guilty as charged. What saved him was his dream team. At the time, 9 year old KC had not idea that decades later she would have her own dream team. What if she walks, like he did? It's not impossible.

IMO, there was more evidence in the OJ case. I never understood why the prosecution didn't take the experts on more. As one excellent detective in that case said, almost all evidence at a crime scene is contaminated, but it doesn't change the DNA. The DNA is either there or it is not. It was a huge dog and pony show imo.

Have faith as I think we did learn a lot from the OJ trial. I don't care if HLee found 50 hairs in the trunk of KC's car. KC was the one who had possession of that car and her daughter. I mean, didn't she say she talked to Caylee the day CA called to report the kidnapping? That was long after the car was towed. I just don't see how KC will get around all of her lies. I doubt the jury will fall for inadequate collection of hair samples. Try again Dr. Lee. In the end I think they will convict her more on her lies and actions or lack thereof, just like SP.

Hey, I love the moniker someone put on the Dream Team. They called it the Scheme Team. I love it. LOL

Casey wasn't famous before this case. O.J. was and I think overall the power of celebrity was underestimated with O.J.. Back in 1994, the internet was still pretty young - you had to chat about the O.J. Simpson case on Compuserve - that is if you had a home computer. I know that I did. Back then accessing the internet cost a small fortune!

snipped - oh, compuserve. the memories :biglaugh:

(not showing my age quite so much as all that - we used it as far back as 84, my dad was a geek long before most - trying to explain the internet back then to "normal" people is so futile :biglaugh:)

OT: I think OJ's jury was a bit rigged and as other posters say, there wasn't nearly so much experience as now with dna, cameras in their courtroom, etc.

makes more of a difference that you might think if your average juror at least understands the term DNA.
I agree 100%. A lot will depend on the prosecution's team and the jury. This is not a slam dunk.
I think there was a lot more evidence against OJ; he also had the history of abuse toward Nicole. KC had no history of abuse or violence toward, or even neglect of, Caylee; Caylee by all appearances was her healthy, happy normal self until something happened suddenly after June 15. There's quite a bit of evidence that Caylee was murdered, but no evidence showing only KC could be the murderer (at least that we've seen yet).

It's funny you should bring OJ up, early in this case I remember saying to friends, "Can you believe the things the media is actually saying about this young mother? Back when OJ was a suspect, no one said ANYTHING like the kinds of things they are saying about her. In her case, it's like a free for all!" "Is it because the media know that she's too poor to sue?"

In the case of OJ, there were the videos of the beaten up Nicole (from the domestic abuse in the months or years preceding the murder, the audios of her phone calls to 911, etc), but no one on the air said, "OJ is such a narcissist, he's obviously a psychopath and murderer!" or went on at length discussing his supposed personality flaws, what a party boy he was, or whatever.
With this young suspect/defendant we've heard defamatory comments repeated over and over daily in the media for more than 8 months. The theory about her being guilty and remorseless, a psychopath and narcissist, has been repeated so many times in the media it has taken on a life of its own, people often quote this theory as if it is fact.
The other day on NG they kept showing the pictures from KC's 21st birthday (a year before Caylee's disappearance) and claiming that it was pictures of her out partying it up after killing her child! The program's mental health expert went on in detail about how these pictures showed her doing a dance of joy about murdering her little girl. Unbelievable. Why pictures of KC urinating and chewing with her mouth open or clowning around and making a mean or crazy face for the camera? Why no discussion in the media at all regarding the other people who were around KC and Caylee in the timeframe corresponding to the disappearance, why none of their facebook and photobucket pictures shown or discussed in the media, etc? The bias in the media has been extreme. I have the impression some people's parents' lawyers stepped in quickly to stop discussion of their children and to block their pictures being used in the tabloid media, also. My impression only.

Bold by me

This is not true, Seagull. Her friends reported that she sometimes took Caylee to adult parties, clubs(Fusian) AND left her unattended or expecting someone else to watch her while she was doing "whatever" with TonE in another room at his apartment.
(Recall the incident where Caylee wandered onto the balcony). These ARE examples of abuse/neglect although not as dramatic as the bruises OJ gave Nicole. They also point to a pattern of behavior on KC's part where she did not always consider Caylee's well-being.

I watched daily coverage of the OJ case and the media did, indeed, call him a narcissist and a sociopath on a regular basis. Nicole's 911 calls were repeatedly played and psychiatrist's remarked that OJ felt above the law because he was a sports star and because he had gotten away with so much before. They also said he had come to believe his own lies and believe that HE was the victim--interesting because the same thing has been said about KC.
She's not going to walk!! This is not the OJ trial re-visited.

She's not super rich, there's no $$$ to pay off people.
She's not a former superstar with a huge cheering bunch of followers.
She's not a minority and this is not a " race card" trial.
She has anything BUT a dream team of attorneys.

It's highly doubtful that there is another fame hungry Judge Ito. CourtTV ( TruTV) and the other early court media like CNN cut their teeth on the OJ trial. Judges and prosecution teams are used to being on camera 13-14 years later. It's highly doubtful that there's an expert for the prosecution whose integrity can be questioned like Mark Furman's was, unfortunately.

There aren't any so-called " smoking gun" gloves that shrank in water during testing. There's no half-understood scientific testimony that CAN be brought up by Dr. Lee this time around. The State's Attorneys in 2009-2010 KNOW HOW to ask questions about what DNA evidence was found and have it restated in terms that anyone can understand. This was not true at the time of OJs criminal trial. Henry Lee baffled most of the country with his BS and poor English, and Clark and Darden were too inexperienced to know how to cross- examine and re-direct. Won't happen now.

Last of all, this is a case about a murdered child. A beautiful child murdered and dumped by her own mother. There isn't a jury in this country who wouldn't convict based on the physical evidence alone, IMO.
Casey's words and actions immediately prior to the murder and afterwards will certainly help convict her of murdering her " Little snotty brat".

Rest in peace, little Caylee. There will be justice for you in this world and in the next.

(Bold is my emphasis)
No, but there is the odd little twist, specter if you wish, :p of the infamous Henry Lee and the Phil Spector trial. Then there's the matter they brought to light questioning the validity of the timeline for his CV.

May 23, 2007 LOS ANGELES — The judge in the Phil Spector murder trial said Wednesday that he had concluded Dr. Henry Lee, a defense expert and one of the country's most famous forensic scientists, hid or destroyed a piece of evidence from the scene of an actress's shooting.

Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Larry Fidler said Spector's defense can still call Lee as a witness, but prosecutors will be permitted to present evidence to the jury that Lee found potentially important evidence and failed to turn it over to the prosecution as the law requires.

In his ruling, Fidler indicated that he believed Lee had lied under oath. He specifically cited the conflict between Lee's testimony that he had never collected the item in question and the account of a former defense attorney, Sara Caplan, who said she saw him place such an object in a clear vial.


Just how the judge's conclusion will affect Lee and his career as one of the country's most well-known forensic scientists is unclear. His previous cases include O.J. Simpson, William Kennedy Smith, JonBenet Ramsey and Michael Peterson.

Experts say that in the future, when Lee is called to the stand as an expert witness, judges may allow cross-examination on the missing evidence in the Spector case.

University of Southern California law professor Jean Rosenbluth said Fidler's ruling will not prevent Lee from qualifying as an expert witness, "but it is something that could be used to impeach him [and] his credibility when he takes the stand."


Henry Lee is not the .44 Magnum he used to be - so I don't think I am afraid of him.

But, I am leery of the whole shootin' match though, because I watched along with all of America the 'Simpson Matter'. Even a trail of blood from the crime scene to the Bronco, up the drive and into the foyer of his own house wasn't enough for that jury to convict him. But then again, I don't think video of the murders would have been enough for that jury.

And, I digress.

The point of this whole trial though will be the simple fact that the Defense HAS no defense, therefore, his only defense is to attack the evidence. And the evidence gathering, processing, interpretations and results, yada yada yada

I'm pretty sure that's gonna make me mad... pretty sure..... But, we shall see.


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