NJ - girl, 14, arrested after posting nude pics


Kind words do not cost much
Dec 20, 2008
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TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — A 14-year-old New Jersey girl has been accused of child *advertiser censored* after posting nearly 30 explicit nude pictures of herself on MySpace.com — charges that could force her to register as a sex offender if convicted.

The case comes as prosecutors nationwide pursue child *advertiser censored* cases resulting from kids sending nude photos to one another over cell phones and e-mail...

...If convicted of the distribution charge, she would be forced to register with the state as a sex offender under Megan's Law, said state Attorney General Anne Milgram. She also could face up to 17 years in jail, though such a stiff sentence is unlikely...

...Maureen Kanka — whose daughter, Megan, became the law's namesake after she was raped and killed at age 7 in 1994 by a twice-convicted sex offender — blasted authorities for charging the 14-year-old girl.

I do believe I'm speechless. I have a very pained looked on my face right now trying to comprehend.
I'm glad she got busted. I'm not sure how far I would like to see LE carry this, but this girl needs to learn a lesson. Yes, she just exploited herself, BUT she also put pictures out there that pedos can get and continue to distribute.

Kids don't think. They have to learn to think. They have to be held responsible for thier actions. These pictures are not going to stop at her MySpace page and that is a sad reality. They probably also put this girl in danger if others were looking at her MySpace.

Its sad the child felt the need to exhibit herself in such a way for some boy.

I agree she needs to learn a leasson... However I do not think she should be on the sex Offender list. Punish her and let her learn her leason.. Don't make it follow her the rest of her life
The girl is charged with child *advertiser censored* for posting pics of herself and no other young teens? How strange especially since Myspace allows all sorts of weirdos to start pages. Maybe they should be charged along with the girl. Well, hopefully some older guy didn't talk her into posting the pics and maybe she won't get more punishment than some of the male perverts who rape children. Is the ACLU helping this girl with the case? I may be mistaking it for another story.
I was upset about the " label", then I stopped to think that her arrest and possible sentence MAY HAVE saved her life, and may deter other girls from putitng their or other children's nude photos online- and from taking nude photos in the first place.
I don't know that I agree with the " sexual offender" status UNLESS this is the only way to stop the " sexting" that teens think they should be allowed to do without impunity.

I hope she gets lots of advocacy in the form of strict supervision and counseling, as well as someone who will care enough about her to make sure no one TAKES nude photos of her in the future. She needs to learn self- worth and to value her body as special and private.
Where are her parents in all of this, anyway?? Shouldn't her mother, who picked her up at the jail, share the bulk of the responsibilty legally? The parent or parents are probably the legal owners of the computer, the camera or cell phone used to take the photos, etc. :confused:
Never should this young girl have to register as a sex offender. That is carrying this way to far. She also shouldn't have to go to dentention for years or anything else. Someone should be trying to help her to discover why she had the need to put nude pictures on the internet. Something is lacking like selfworth. I wonder if that was her way of getting guys to recognize that she is alive. But then girls all over the place are doing the same thing...sending nude pics to boys, etc.

This girl might come from a fine family were are unaware of what she has been doing. I doubt that every parent keeps an eye on their child's MySpace.

There has to be other ways of handling things like this besides making kids of 14 years old register as sex offenders when she isn't a sex offender. She needs help not punishment by LE.
:eek: 14 years old! I was still playing with Barbie dolls at 14!

Isn't there an age limit for MySpace?
snipped from the link Kat provided:

The office investigated and discovered the Clifton resident had posted the "very explicit" photos of herself, sheriff's spokesman Bill Maer said Thursday.

"We consider this case a wake-up call to parents," Maer said. The girl posted the photos because "she wanted her boyfriend to see them," he said.

Are you kidding me? Her boyfriend and about a million strangers!! Hasn't she heard of e-mail?
A 13 year old schoolmate of my son's posted a pic of herself and a friend on MySpace, both wearing only underpants- taken outdoors at a park near here. My son brought this to my attention. She also had pics of herself posing provocatively with older boys, and was posting comments that would make a sailor blush.
I downloaded this stuff and mailed it without indicating who I was to her parents. It stopped all this stuff in a hurry. I am still flabbergasted that her parents weren't checking on this stuff.
I just don't think a 13 year old thinks like a mature person does. They don't realize that not only their 15 year old boyfriend will be titilated but also some 60 year old pedophile someplace else.
I don't know if this should have to follow the girl in the story for the rest of her life but, this is dangerous territory and kids need to get the message.
The girl was stupid but I'm not sure she should have to register as a sex offender. I wonder what made her feel that she had to do something so drastic as to post nude pictures?

There is an age limit on myspace. It's eighteen but there's nothing to prevent a fourteen year old from posting that she's eighteen. As a matter of fact my myspace says I'm 97.
A 13 year old schoolmate of my son's posted a pic of herself and a friend on MySpace, both wearing only underpants- taken outdoors at a park near here. My son brought this to my attention. She also had pics of herself posing provocatively with older boys, and was posting comments that would make a sailor blush.
I downloaded this stuff and mailed it without indicating who I was to her parents. It stopped all this stuff in a hurry. I am still flabbergasted that her parents weren't checking on this stuff.
I just don't think a 13 year old thinks like a mature person does. They don't realize that not only their 15 year old boyfriend will be titilated but also some 60 year old pedophile someplace else.
I don't know if this should have to follow the girl in the story for the rest of her life but, this is dangerous territory and kids need to get the message.

No doubt. I certainly don't think this girl should be charged as a sex offender. I also don't think her parents should be charged with anything. My parents would STILL be in jail if they were charged with all the stupid and/or illegal stuff I did as a teenager.

I was still playing with Barbies at 14 too.......very sneakily. I would lock the doors, pull down the shades, had them positioned so if anycame I could thrust them under the bed. I knew or thought I was too old but for some reason I just couldn't stop! By that time my Barbie playing was more like Barbie softcore *advertiser censored*. But then I had my first 'boyfriend', first kiss and the Barbies left my consciousness really fast.

The 14yr old girl - I definitely think it is ridiculous to call her a sex offender. The only person she hurt in this situation is herself.

Instead of criminalizing young girls for expressing their budding sexuality in harmful and potentially dangerous ways we should be more focused on teaching them how to respect their bodies, themselves, how to make good decisions and how to be responsible. Whether we like it or not girls and boys are becoming more sexually cognizant at younger ages and punishing them for it and telling them it is bad we are not changing anything -they are still going to continue to mature sexually, they are still going to be curious and adults have to learn how to deal with it in a more productive way than just punishing them for something that is a natural part of life. WE have to help guide them to make respectful decisions while understanding they are little balls (no pun intended) of hormones and we can't stop that.
I don't want to see the girl jailed or on the SO list but am happy she got in some trouble. There are many, many more young women out there posting some pretty graphic photos. I don't know how LE would be able to keep up with this type activity, but if they can put a scare into some kids, maybe it could prevent a couple kids from taking a wrong turn or making the poor choice to post this type stuff?
I was still playing with Barbies at 14 too.......very sneakily. I would lock the doors, pull down the shades, had them positioned so if anycame I could thrust them under the bed. I knew or thought I was too old but for some reason I just couldn't stop! By that time my Barbie playing was more like Barbie softcore *advertiser censored*. But then I had my first 'boyfriend', first kiss and the Barbies left my consciousness really fast.

The 14yr old girl - I definitely think it is ridiculous to call her a sex offender. The only person she hurt in this situation is herself.

Instead of criminalizing young girls for expressing their budding sexuality in harmful and potentially dangerous ways we should be more focused on teaching them how to respect their bodies, themselves, how to make good decisions and how to be responsible. Whether we like it or not girls and boys are becoming more sexually cognizant at younger ages and punishing them for it and telling them it is bad we are not changing anything -they are still going to continue to mature sexually, they are still going to be curious and adults have to learn how to deal with it in a more productive way than just punishing them for something that is a natural part of life. WE have to help guide them to make respectful decisions while understanding they are little balls (no pun intended) of hormones and we can't stop that.
No doubt. I certainly don't think this girl should be charged as a sex offender. I also don't think her parents should be charged with anything. My parents would STILL be in jail if they were charged with all the stupid and/or illegal stuff I did as a teenager.

AMEN, sister!! :angel:
I think it's insane too, to make her register as a sex offender.

I fear that it makes people a little less wary when they see the title of "sex offender" because it is given to people like this.

I really wish that pedophiles would have their own title.

I personally know some people explain SO titles as, "Oh, that guy had a 15 yo girlfriend and the girls parents probably pressed charges, blah, blah, blah."

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