The luggage


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Feb 19, 2009
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Boy...there's a lot that can be said about the luggage.

Where did it come from, was it a new purchase, an old one, a "stolen" one.

I think I'll try to start by posting a link named =&instance=home_news_lead_story&open=&

"Several rumors associated with the piece of black luggage have spread among residents of Orchard Estates Mobile Home Park, where little Sandra lived. Some residents have said that the pastor’s wife, Connie Lawless, or her daughter, Joni, left the rolling suitcase on their home’s driveway for a few minutes when someone took it"
I keep thinking about this suitcase.......

how did they know she was in it BEFORE they opened it.... every news report I have read says they DID NOT OPEN IT untill it was taken to the forensic unit....... then HOW the ehell did they KNOW she was in there?

was there something on the OUTSIDE of the suitcase that made them think she was in it?
I keep thinking about this suitcase.......

how did they know she was in it BEFORE they opened it.... every news report I have read says they DID NOT OPEN IT untill it was taken to the forensic unit....... then HOW the ehell did they KNOW she was in there?

was there something on the OUTSIDE of the suitcase that made them think she was in it?

The day they found the suitcase in the water, I remember that there was a certain plane (c130)? that flew over the retention pond....the plane used a scanner that sort of works like the scanner at the airport....and they could see what was inside from the air. Also, I would imagine the smell of decomp was pretty strong...

Editing to Add: PLEASE correct me if I have incorrect info about this plane...I'm still searching for confirmation on it's use that day.

I'll go see if I can find that info on those planes....I'm sure it's buried under tons of posts, so it might take me a while :)
IMO the luggage was standard looking, not expensive, soft-sided, possibly with wheels. Not new. Once in the water it would have become quite heavy, but prior to placement it shouldn't have been difficult to move if it had wheels.

Rumored to have been "stolen" from the L's home.
Is there any significance to the red ribbon supposedly found on the luggage?
Is there any significance to the red ribbon supposedly found on the luggage?

IME ribbons are used only to identify bags and make them more unique from all the other black bags. Seems really popular with the "older" crowd (no offense to anyone!!). My grandparents all had ribbons or straps or some doo-dad to signal it was their bag arriving down the luggage belt. :)
I keep thinking about this suitcase.......

how did they know she was in it BEFORE they opened it.... every news report I have read says they DID NOT OPEN IT untill it was taken to the forensic unit....... then HOW the ehell did they KNOW she was in there?

was there something on the OUTSIDE of the suitcase that made them think she was in it?
From an article I posted, that's now in the media links thread: Tracy Police Sgt. Tony Sheneman said investigators immediately had strong suspicions about the container found Monday because it was in such a remote area, was so large, and just showed up.
"We're out in the middle of nowhere looking at this scene," he said Monday evening before the chief's announcement. "It would be very unusual for someone to just chuck something that big out here."
IME ribbons are used only to identify bags and make them more unique from all the other black bags. Seems really popular with the "older" crowd (no offense to anyone!!). My grandparents all had ribbons or straps or some doo-dad to signal it was their bag arriving down the luggage belt. :)
My mother did that too, but why a red ribbon in this case?
My mother did that too, but why a red ribbon in this case?

I am assuming if there was a ribbon tied on it was already there from the last time they traveled. Has a ribbon even been confirmed?? I don't think the perp applied it, if that's what you are asking. Obviously I can be completely wrong. :)
My mother did that too, but why a red ribbon in this case?

I understand what your asking....

I remember when the new story ran about the red ribbon it was asked by one of our posters if that was the color of the ribbons at Sandra's vigils, etc. I'm not sure. I thought it would be pretty creepy and just awful if the perp put a red ribbon on that luggage if that's the case... The talk of the red ribbon kinda disappeared quickly in the news, but not here...I think LE made that news org retract that article to keep details out of the media. JMO of course.

It could just be that the luggage had a ribbon on it for easier identification at bus station/airport kinda daughter has a pink bandana tied to her's...

moo moo
"Several rumors associated with the piece of black luggage have spread among residents of Orchard Estates Mobile Home Park, where little Sandra lived. Some residents have said that the pastor’s wife, Connie Lawless, or her daughter, Joni, left the rolling suitcase on their home’s driveway for a few minutes when someone took it"

I haven't heard that Joni might have left the suitcase. Do you remember where you read this? I have heard that it might have been Melissa (a granddaughter). Joni lives over 5 hours from her parents.
RE: The Red Ribbon

It was first reported by one station only and they later removed it. If you use google news and search "red ribbon sandra cantu" the only NEWS article that pops up, still has a link to the story with that in the title but the article was updated and red ribbon reference was removed.

Suitcase Tied With Red Ribbon Found Near Home of Missing Girl
Apr 6, 2009 ... More Related Content. Sandra Cantu; Photo Gallery .... Police are investigating a suitcase with a red ribbon around it that was found ... arrested at LAX after airport screeners allegedly found cocaine in his luggage. ...

LE said at the presser there was nothing attached to the suitcase.

I think the red ribbon was mis-reported.


I believe LE.
I read it here FishingFunnyFrog named =&instance=home_news_lead_story&open=& is working now.....

Goodness, Thanks for that link Sunburst. I just was compelled to bring this post over from the Comments of your link. It really opened up my eyes:

"Readers of these articles. As a former police investigator and now private investigator, please let the FBI and the Tracy Police conduct their investigation. There is so much more going on behind the scenes that cannot be shared with the public. If anything is leaked it can damage and hinder the progress of the investigation. I have investigated similar cases and can assure you that there are many persons of interest and techniques to find them are being utilized. These are competent agencies conducting the investigation and I have full faith a suspect will be in custody soon. If they make an arrest too soon, the case will not be strong and will fall apart even before it goes to a preliminary hearing. Please be patient and understanding. The investigators in the case want nothing more than to build a rock solid case, so those responsible get what they deserve!!" Ex-Sniper

This comment is from the link posted above by Sunburst. Mods, if it is improper to post it here feel free to delete it or tell me what to do. Ta
Why were you donating it? Why was it left outdoors?
Is it part of a SET? Where are the other pieces?
Why do you think someone would steal a cast- off suitcase in plain sight?

I would make them squirm because this is just squirrely.
Goodness, Thanks for that link Sunburst. I just was compelled to bring this post over from the Comments of your link. It really opened up my eyes:

"Readers of these articles. As a former police investigator and now private investigator, please let the FBI and the Tracy Police conduct their investigation. There is so much more going on behind the scenes that cannot be shared with the public. If anything is leaked it can damage and hinder the progress of the investigation. I have investigated similar cases and can assure you that there are many persons of interest and techniques to find them are being utilized. These are competent agencies conducting the investigation and I have full faith a suspect will be in custody soon. If they make an arrest too soon, the case will not be strong and will fall apart even before it goes to a preliminary hearing. Please be patient and understanding. The investigators in the case want nothing more than to build a rock solid case, so those responsible get what they deserve!!" Ex-Sniper

This comment is from the link posted above by Sunburst. Mods, if it is improper to post it here feel free to delete it or tell me what to do. Ta

Two things catch my eye. The "instructive" language, as if to genty admonish the lesser among him.

The use of this phrase " I have full faith a suspect will be in custody soon".
Hmm. " Full faith".
Just sayin'.
clipped from article: Another complication is the suitcase was apparently dumped into the pond at a different point than where it was discovered. See link to full article below.

Wow bp631 thanks for the link...I had not seen that article. So, my question is, do they mean that it could have been placed into another body of water that feeds into that retention/irrigation pond....or are they just saying that it could have been placed in at the other end of the pond from where the luggage was found....:confused:
Wow bp631 thanks for the link...I had not seen that article. So, my question is, do they mean that it could have been placed into another body of water that feeds into that retention/irrigation pond....or are they just saying that it could have been placed in at the other end of the pond from where the luggage was found....:confused:

I am thinking they mean a different spot in the same pond. But it makes you wonder how far from the bank it could have possible been placed with out a boat or something. IMO it would have had to be close to shore, it not like the perp could have thrown it out very far. Even if it was more then one person that put it in the water it would still be close to shore unless perp/perps had a boat or something. Or placed it out there while the pond was empty knowing it would soon be filled.
Williams said that the mysterious rolling black suitcase Cantu was found in, was reported stolen to Tracy Police Department. Not True.

link from another site on crime

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