Theory Thread


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2007
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I thought it might be time to have a theory thread.
Who do you think killed Sandra Cantu, and why?
Still not sure, but it's linked to Pastor Lawless and his church somehow. After hearing LE seized the bed, I now believe Sandra was sexually assaulted at the church. Probably killed and stuffed into the suitcase there- which conviently belongs to Lawless's granddaughter!
Yeah, it seems like they continue to focus on the church and the Lawless family. I would say at least one person in that household had something to do with it.
Still not sure, but it's linked to Pastor Lawless and his church somehow. After hearing LE seized the bed, I now believe Sandra was sexually assaulted at the church. Probably killed and stuffed into the suitcase there- which conviently belongs to Lawless's granddaughter!

My thoughts follow a similar scenario. This was a deliberate murder following a sexual assault. Not an accident, as in Melissa backing over the 8 year old in a short driveway at the mobile home community. Theirs is a very small church, apparently meeting in a house type dwelling. I can't come up with a plausible innocent reason for a roll away bed to be found on the premises.
Until LE either verifies or refutes what the press has released regarding Melissa Lawless Huckaby and her stated activities, along with those of her associates and relatives, I tend to think she is involved through her grandfather, Rev. Lawless. I also think the pastor's wife has extensive involvement, at least in the coverup statements.
There are also suspicious male members of the church and possibly the trailer park, but I don't think they are all involved. One, maybe two known POIs other than the Pastor and immediate family residents.
I'm still not sure either, but one report I saw said that this is a calculating killer. If Melissa did it, it must have been calculated in order to get Sandra out of there quickly without her sister or Melissa's little girl seeing anything. The cell phone could have been left home to prevent pings showing where she really went and an ambien is benzo-like and can take effect in about 15 minutes. Sandra's sister being asked to come over could be sort of an alibi to prove that Sandra wasn't there. All I know is, how can anyone lose a cell phone, car keys, and forget a suitcase all at once. Either she is lying, is a total ADD scatterbrain, or was really freaked out. Maybe Sandra really did come in to play on the first vist, was given something like an ambien, then took off to play with someone else, before coming back around. Either that or Sandra could have came back around and was lured away with requests to go help re-do the sunday school room. This is just a theory of a scenario that could have happened.
I'm still not sure either, but one report I saw said that this is a calculating killer. If Melissa did it, it must have been calculated in order to get Sandra out of there quickly without her sister or Melissa's little girl seeing anything. The cell phone could have been left home to prevent pings showing where she really went and an ambien is benzo-like and can take effect in about 15 minutes. Sandra's sister being asked to come over could be sort of an alibi to prove that Sandra wasn't there. All I know is, how can anyone lose a cell phone, car keys, and forget a suitcase all at once. Either she is lying, is a total ADD scatterbrain, or was really freaked out. Maybe Sandra really did come in to play on the first vist, was given something like an ambien, then took off to play with someone else. This is just a theory of a scenario that could have happened.

I disagree. I think it's someone in the Lawless trailer, and I don't think any of them are too bright.
Okay after more thread reading, I've revising my theory: I think they filmed Sandra for child *advertiser censored*, being as police were searching the church roof for cameras. Sexual assault may still be involved. The Tracy 60 is in this up to their ears, IMO! Melissa was used to procure Sandra for the perverts. Sandra's sister was used as a decoy to distract her while babysitting.
My thoughts follow a similar scenario. This was a deliberate murder following a sexual assault. Not an accident, as in Melissa backing over the 8 year old in a short driveway at the mobile home community. Theirs is a very small church, apparently meeting in a house type dwelling. I can't come up with a plausible innocent reason for a roll away bed to be found on the premises.
Until LE either verifies or refutes what the press has released regarding Melissa Lawless Huckaby and her stated activities, along with those of her associates and relatives, I tend to think she is involved through her grandfather, Rev. Lawless. I also think the pastor's wife has extensive involvement, at least in the coverup statements.
There are also suspicious male members of the church and possibly the trailer park, but I don't think they are all involved. One, maybe two known POIs other than the Pastor and immediate family residents.
Agreed, this was no accidental run-over! And the suitcase was handy prior to the murder.
I'm still not sure either, but one report I saw said that this is a calculating killer. If Melissa did it, it must have been calculated in order to get Sandra out of there quickly without her sister or Melissa's little girl seeing anything. The cell phone could have been left home to prevent pings showing where she really went and an ambien is benzo-like and can take effect in about 15 minutes. Sandra's sister being asked to come over could be sort of an alibi to prove that Sandra wasn't there. All I know is, how can anyone lose a cell phone, car keys, and forget a suitcase all at once. Either she is lying, is a total ADD scatterbrain, or was really freaked out. Maybe Sandra really did come in to play on the first vist, was given something like an ambien, then took off to play with someone else, before coming back around. Either that or Sandra could have came back around and was lured away with requests to go help re-do the sunday school room. This is just a theory of a scenario that could have happened.
Bingo! A trusted Sunday school teacher with access to young children is the perfect person to lure young girls into this pedo trap!
I have to admit, I haven't read all that's available about this case. But what really has bothered me, is in a news report, the baby-sitter until Sandra was 7 said the family attended that church, yet the NEIGHBORS said they did NOT.

Think about it.

Why the discrepency?

Definitely conflicting and CURIOUS.


PS.......personal disclaimor,......I have NO idea who did this crime. But I do believe someone in that mobile home park did it!!!!! most definitely......fran
I have to admit, I haven't read all that's available about this case. But what really has bothered me, is in a news report, the baby-sitter until Sandra was 7 said the family attended that church, yet the NEIGHBORS said they did NOT.

Think about it.

Why the discrepency?

Definitely conflicting and CURIOUS.


PS.......personal disclaimor,......I have NO idea who did this crime. But I do believe someone in that mobile home park did it!!!!! most definitely......fran
Fran, Tracy PD, just arrested Melissa!
I am so thankful she is in police custody under arrest. I have a feeling she's singing like the proverbial canary.. and will impliccte others in the murder.
I am so thankful she is in police custody under arrest. I have a feeling she's singing like the proverbial canary.. and will impliccte others in the murder.

Well we know she can't keep her mouth SHUT
Okay, so now we know WHAT happened? Obviously the church is involved...crime of opportunity?
A talking head on MSNBC thinks she may be a pedophile or working "with" a pedophile. He said woman that kill children outside of the family, sex is usually involved.

Just reporting what I heard.
Okay after more thread reading, I've revising my theory: I think they filmed Sandra for child *advertiser censored*, being as police were searching the church roof for cameras. Sexual assault may still be involved. The Tracy 60 is in this up to their ears, IMO! Melissa was used to procure Sandra for the perverts. Sandra's sister was used as a decoy to distract her while babysitting.

Indeed, our Sandra's death may be the key to the door of a very dark dungeon, and may bring to light the deeds of a very dismal crew.
A talking head on MSNBC thinks she may be a pedophile or working "with" a pedophile. He said woman that kill children outside of the family, sex is usually involved.

Just reporting what I heard.

I agree, especially considering LE took out that bed from the church very recently. I'm wondering if that was because of something Melissa confessed to??
Yeah, it seems like they continue to focus on the church and the Lawless family. I would say at least one person in that household had something to do with it.

I agree. That church with few members and the pastor(Melissa's grandfather) give me the creeps. I wonder if the so-called church is really a cover for something demonic? (like pedophilia)

A person like Melissa Huckaby wasn't produced in a vacuum--her family molded her. Unless she is just a "bad seed".

It seems like the pieces of a puzzle are falling into place. Remember how Connie, the pastor's wife, said she didn't understand how someone could take a tiny little girl like Sandra and abuse her? Why the word "abuse"?

Of course, I could be totally off track. It's all so horrifying.
Fran, Tracy PD, just arrested Melissa!

OMGosh! I can't believe I missed this last night. Guess I went to bed a few minutes too early.

I was suspicious of Melissa but not as THE perp. It's so rare for a woman to do this. :eek:

I'm going to have to read up more about Melissa.


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