Trial w/o the A's testimony

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Nov 14, 2008
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After witnessing the civil depositions it occurs to me that the SA's would likely rather jam a pencil into their collective ears than call anyone with the last name of Anthony to the stand to help "set the stage".

After having Caylee's mortal remains turn up so close to home with some of their personal belongings and having spent some time out of the glare of the media spotlight I was hoping against hope that they may have come to terms with a few things. But obviously that ain't never gonna happen. The A's have an entire alternate reality going on.

So, I'm wondering just how essential is anything the A's may have to say @ KC's trial? It seems to me that the SA can set the stage without their "help" by using LE, all of these other witnesses and various statements that came from the A's (without getting into any hearsay trouble). Start w/ the 911 call and work from there. I certainly think that the SA's office can & will cleverly craft a case without ever calling on the A's.

It makes me smile to think that possibly CA won't be called as a witness so she can sit in the gallery and writhe. The SA's version of putting a sock in it! Oh, I can just see the histrionics now!

It makes me sad that GA can only do the right thing if he feels assured that CA won't find out.

Give it some thought. Can it be done effectively? Can the SA's office take away any last vestige of personal power the A's feel they have in deciding KC's fate?

Let JB call them for the defense and then have at 'em FWIW?
ITA - SA doesnt need the Anthony . They have to be careful these people
still garner sympathy as victims and SA doesnt want the jury feeling any pity for
them . That may translate into softer feelings for the child they created .
It might be best to let them state their unbelievable nonsense as defense witnesses
and skip the cross all together .
Long before the mess these two made out of Thursday's hearing I was of the impression there is nothing the A's can add to assist the state. They will lie, they will not remember and they will plead the 5th.

All Cindy cares about is saving her daughter, all Geo cares about is saving his marriage. I don't understand how either of them live with themselves. Or why they live with each other.

When they discovered Caylee was indeed deceased she stopped being the focal point of of their lives. Maybe they think if KC is acquitted she can make another one just like her IDK.
they will use the grief sticken grandparents---but am curious as to how they will control themselves when they have to watch the video testimonies they have given that they object to so much....that & how ga will handle the term "remains" in court....that did me in during his tesitmony....remains to me is a lot nicer than "dead", "deceased", "MURDERED" or any other term....
thinking out loud --

I feel that both A's will be called to testify. I think they will want to reiterate GA's Grand Jury testimony. IMHO, calling CA could only hurt them if the jury were to feel sympathetic towards her - however, for that to happen she would need to be honest, forthcoming and respectful. I just don't see that happening in this lifetime. If CA's behavior is anywhere close to what it was in the depo video, it would only highlight the obsurdities in this desperate defense.

I do think GA could evoke sympathy from the jury. He's not a well-skilled liar and it shows. The word that keeps coming to mind is sadness.
I go back and forth on this, but I think I'd have to take a swing if JB was kind enough to tee them up for me. If you can confront them with their BS and get them all riled up like in the depo's, isn't that something the jury should see? Like, "look what we've been up against!". You can treat them as hostile if they aren't your witness, I believe.
I would think it would be the defense that would call them. The SA probably has enough to impeach them....
I think if the As acted the way they did during the depos the jury will not find sympathy for them and see how they are lying. Even if that lie is not connected to the actual killing, a jury would wonder why the parents feel a need to lie and essentially help the SA get a guilty verdict. If they were both normal people who answer questions respectfully and not so standoffish and childish, they could get sympathy from the jury but I doubt that will happen. I really thought that once JB and the other attorney had charges against them, the As would smarten up and come clean with everything they knew to look out for themselves but, obviously, I was very disappointed when the did the opposite. It actually makes me wonder how much LA because even though it seems as if they are sticking up for KC I wonder if they need to to keep LA out of trouble....
I have long suspected that the SA has to date chose not to bring any charges against the A family for obstruction, perjury or accesory to murder in part because doing so would put them behind the wall of the fifth amendment for KC's trial. Keeping them without charges allows for them to be compelled to tell the truth in court on the stand. (the 5th amendment can only be used to shield yourself from discussing your own direct actions, not to protect another because you do not want to talk).

But after seeing the testimony in the depositions I really hope the SA is rethinking this position. He is hopefully wondering how much if any useful information can be goten from them on the stand, beyond illustrating what distasteful evil people they are as a whole. (also if he were to press obstruction charges, would the depositions be admissable in court against them?)
After hearing the depositions.
While it is very obvious that they are hurting deeply.
It is also obvious that they need to hire someone that will help them change their public profile / opinion.
It is very obvious that they need some public grooming.

JUST LIKE HOWARD K STERN GOT when he hired wood. They need to hire a consultant of another type.

These people want desperately to help Casey but do not know how, and at the rate they are going they will only hurt her case and themselves. From the looks of thing they may all be sitting in the same cell.
SO they should re-think what they are doing.
I hope at least their attorney will tell them to look at their videos and see that their way is not working.
Can you amagine what it will be like if they do not call CA to the stand? She will be shouting from the gallery during testimony and being held in contempt. What a circus that would be. If they do call her it would be a objection after another.

After watching parts of her depositions, I changed my mind about her being a poor grieving grandmother. Most of the time she reminded me of KC during her jail house visit where she is ranting and raving. Seriously, CA had some killer looks on her face. I don't think that would sit well with the jury.
Please discuss the topic without resorting to name calling. It's a good topic!Discuss, debate and analyze constructively.

I think there is more of a chance of the jury feeling sorry for Casey for growing up in a home with so much obvious dysfunction than for people to feel pity for the Anthony's.
After hearing the depositions.
While it is very obvious that they are hurting deeply.
It is also obvious that they need to hire someone that will help them change their public profile / opinion.
It is very obvious that they need some public grooming.

JUST LIKE HOWARD K STERN GOT when he hired wood. They need to hire a consultant of another type.

These people want desperately to help Casey but do not know how, and at the rate they are going they will only hurt her case.

While ITA that this is what they need, it's not what they want. (... but if you try sometimes... I feel a "songline" coming on):)

I think they're totally oblivious to their public image. I forget his name (MN?) and BC have tried to help, but the A's are having none of it. They just can't catch on to the fact that the lie and deny tact that they've taken is not the way to show their support of KC. It's outrageous, but for whatever reason, they are compelled.
Can you amagine what it will be like if they do not call CA to the stand? She will be shouting from the gallery during testimony and being held in contempt. What a circus that would be. If they do call her it would be a objection after another.

After watching parts of her depositions, I changed my mind about her being a poor grieving grandmother. Most of the time she reminded me of KC during her jail house visit where she is ranting and raving. Seriously, CA had some killer looks on her face. I don't think that would sit well with the jury.

ITA...I disagree about the SA not wanting to put them on the stand. I think they would make great witness for the state. They show that they will lie and be combative just like Casey. They are disrespectful and do not think the law applies to them. I think that they will either perjur themselves or sink Casey, either way is okay with me.
I have long suspected that the SA has to date chose not to bring any charges against the A family for obstruction, perjury or accesory to murder in part because doing so would put them behind the wall of the fifth amendment for KC's trial. Keeping them without charges allows for them to be compelled to tell the truth in court on the stand. (the 5th amendment can only be used to shield yourself from discussing your own direct actions, not to protect another because you do not want to talk).

But after seeing the testimony in the depositions I really hope the SA is rethinking this position. He is hopefully wondering how much if any useful information can be goten from them on the stand, beyond illustrating what distasteful evil people they are as a whole. (also if he were to press obstruction charges, would the depositions be admissable in court against them?)

If so, why bring charges on them now-- why not give them more rope and reel them in after the trial? Were they charged, I'd think they'd have to be convicted for it to bear at all on Casey's trial. Ditto for the civil case. And I'd doubt they'd get around to a trial for them before Casey's trial.

In my opinion the SA office is focusing on the big picture-- as they should.
I think the state will most certainly call Cindy, George and Lee to the stand. How they will do when faced with Casey sitting across from them at the defense table, I don't know but clearly Lee is the most emotional (Memorial) of the three, with George coming in a close second.
ITA - SA doesnt need the Anthony . They have to be careful these people
still garner sympathy as victims and SA doesnt want the jury feeling any pity for
them .
That may translate into softer feelings for the child they created .
It might be best to let them state their unbelievable nonsense as defense witnesses
and skip the cross all together .
I understand your point, and think that with "normal" witnesses, you're right on the money.

However, a jury is far more apt, IMO, to be sympathetic to the Anthonys if all they see is dedicated, loving parents who show up each day to sit in the gallery behind the daughter they love, large Caylee buttons and shamrocks on their lapels.

Fifteen minutes of either of them, on the stand, would quickly dispel any misconceptions about this very unlikeable crew.

None of them is sympathetic once they open their mouths. And the SA may use this to the state's advantage.
After witnessing the civil depositions it occurs to me that the SA's would likely rather jam a pencil into their collective ears than call anyone with the last name of Anthony to the stand to help "set the stage".

After having Caylee's mortal remains turn up so close to home with some of their personal belongings and having spent some time out of the glare of the media spotlight I was hoping against hope that they may have come to terms with a few things. But obviously that ain't never gonna happen. The A's have an entire alternate reality going on.

So, I'm wondering just how essential is anything the A's may have to say @ KC's trial? It seems to me that the SA can set the stage without their "help" by using LE, all of these other witnesses and various statements that came from the A's (without getting into any hearsay trouble). Start w/ the 911 call and work from there. I certainly think that the SA's office can & will cleverly craft a case without ever calling on the A's.

It makes me smile to think that possibly CA won't be called as a witness so she can sit in the gallery and writhe. The SA's version of putting a sock in it! Oh, I can just see the histrionics now!

It makes me sad that GA can only do the right thing if he feels assured that CA won't find out.

Give it some thought. Can it be done effectively? Can the SA's office take away any last vestige of personal power the A's feel they have in deciding KC's fate?

Let JB call them for the defense and then have at 'em FWIW?
Even if the state doesn't call the A's to the stand in their case the defense will call them in their case so it's for sure that we will hear their testimony in the trial. That being the case, I would think the state would go ahead and call them early in their case to "set the stage" as you put it. GA will testify to the last time he saw Caylee alive and both GA & CA will testify to the fact that it was completely out of the ordinary for Casey to keep Caylee away from home for so long and that they were told for a month that everything was fine but prevented from speaking with Caylee. They will also need to verify that Casey had access to the computers and other items in the home and that even on July 15th it was CA who called LE not Casey. If it were my call, that's about all I would bring in from their testimony during the state's case. I would not bring in all the Zany stuff in the state's case. I'd stay focused on what did happen and not muddy my presentation with what didn't happen. I'd wait for the defense to call them back to the stand during it's case and when they bring in the Zany defense, I'd cross examine and call rebuttal witnesses to show no such person ever existed.

In other words, I do think that some of the A's testimony will be required in the state's case but it should be limited to what the state wants to ask and the defense cross examination at that time will therefore be limited to what the state asked about. That way, by the time they start all the nutty stuff like we heard in the depositions it will be during the defense case and the state will have already laid out the facts for the jury.
I think this may be a double edged sword.....if they are not called to testify, can't you practically see the pressers with CA screaming how unfair the SA is? How they won't let her share her "inside" information, because they already decided on July 15th that KC is the only suspect and therefore the one who murdered Caylee? How the SA only wants to use their "junk science" and won't let the A's tell what a wonderful caring loving mother KC is, because that will surely weaken the state's case? The paranonia would run rampant in the A's camp, and the histronics would be unbelievable. However, if they do testify, and keep themselves under control (fat chance), they could garner some sympathy from the jury, especially if the jurors perceive them as being badgered by the SA.
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