Forensic Astrology - VICTORIA (Tori) STAFFORD - Canada

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Aug 20, 2008
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On Wednesday, April 8, 2009, Tori Stafford, 8 years old, was captured on surveillance video walking off with an unknown female approximately 19-25 years of age. The disappearance occurred near Tori's school at 3:32 pm.

The LAST SEEN chart for this event is highly complicated. There is an intercepted 4/10 parental axis. The 1st House person has a secret agenda because the same sign is on both the 12th & 1st Houses. The benefic Fixed Star REGULUS associated with victory and success conjuncts ASCENDANT.


Lord 1 the SUN is posited in Aries, the sign of its exaltation, at its most exalted degree (19 Aries). This cannot symbolize Tori, because it does not describe the circumstances: a young girl walking off into the sunset with an unknown person. Therefore, the ASCENDANT must symbolize the perp.

Whether we give Tori to House 7 or House 5 matters not because both Capricorn (House 5) and Aquarius (House 7) are ruled by SATURN. If I choose House 7, I see NEPTUNE of disappearance on the dark side of the 7th House cusp. If I choose House 5, I see PLUTO of death and destruction just inside the 5th House cusp. What a choice, but I will go with House 7 and its Lord SATURN because the same sign (Aquarius) is on both the Turned 1st and Turned 12th, indicating the child went willingly, albeit unwisely (12th House influence: acts against best self-interest), with this person. In the LAST SEEN, SATURN is Retrograde (poor condition) and in the house of the perp. Notice CERES of abduction is also there.

VENUS, natural significator of a young female child is posited in the 8th House of Death in the Event chart, and the Event Chart Arabic Part of Death at 11:05 Aquarius is the midpoint of Event Chart MARS/PLUTO. These are testimonies for death.

I next look to a tri-wheel showing Tori's natal (cast for Sunrise at the location of disappearance) as Inner, her secondary progressions (SP) as Middle, and the LAST SEEN chart as Outer:


The Last Seen chart (outer ring) has several 24 degree placements, which is the same degree as Tori's natal and Secondary Progressed NODES. Tori's SP MARS at 24 Cancer is conjunct her natal NORTH NODE with Event chart BLACK MOON LILITH at 24 Capricorn exact opposite SP MARS and exact conjunct Tori's natal & SP SOUTH NODE. Additionally, Event chart CHIRON, URANUS, and ADMETOS are in the same 24th degree, giving disturbing information.

Tori's post natal Lunar Eclipse (total) one day after birth was posited at 24 Capricorn. The 1/26/09 Solar Eclipse at 6 Aquarius conjoins Event chart NORTH NODE and conjuncts Tori's natal & SP NEPTUNE. Tori's prenatal Solar Eclipse 00 Leo conjoins her SP SUN 01 Leo. The 2/9/09 Lunar Eclipse at 20 Leo squares Tori's natal and SP ADMETOS 20 Taurus, squares the Event chart MC 21 Taurus and opposes Tori's natal & SP URANUS 19 Aquarius. These are all death markers.

Event chart MOON 09 Libra squares natal (sunrise) MOON 10 Capricorn. Event chart MOON 09 Libra is posited in Event chart 2nd House Immediate Future exactly quindecile Event chart URANUS at 00 degrees/ 00 minutes. A degree of violence 17 Libra is on the 2nd House Immediate Future cusp.

MOON is dispositor of Tori's natal Cancer SUN thus highly important. Event chart MOON 09 Libra is in the Fall of Event chart SUN 19 Aries.

All in all, the astrological testimony ascertained from these charts is not encouraging.

Placidus gives the same H. 1 and 12, H. 6 and 7 shared Signs, Leo & Aquarius but the intercept falls in H. 5 and 11. A feature I see and fear is Victoria's Venus at solstice point with her own Saturn and the fact that transiting Venus was sextile that same Weeping Sisters Saturn. Saturn-Venus contacts mean she was being used. This can be for someone's perverse satisfaction or to make money. Since the Sun on April 8 was square her Mars, exact, and Uranus was sextile to her node, opportunity beckoned. The node can represent a ring of people and since the present node is on her Neptune, this ring could have taped or filmed her. But is it possible that a classmate is already subjugated by some evil influence who thereby learned of Victoria? After all, she was taken from school and the south node of the Moon is in Leo (children, schools). Of course, Ceres may be a childless woman who seizes someone else's little girl to be her own. One thing I intend to sit and contemplate: the abductor walked the little girl very briskly & purposefully. It was a certain gait, not fearful with twists and skips, just too fast to go far. Was there a waiting car or an open door to a building then?
Placidus gives the same H. 1 and 12, H. 6 and 7 shared Signs, Leo & Aquarius but the intercept falls in H. 5 and 11. A feature I see and fear is Victoria's Venus at solstice point with her own Saturn and the fact that transiting Venus was sextile that same Weeping Sisters Saturn. Saturn-Venus contacts mean she was being used. This can be for someone's perverse satisfaction or to make money. Since the Sun on April 8 was square her Mars, exact, and Uranus was sextile to her node, opportunity beckoned. The node can represent a ring of people and since the present node is on her Neptune, this ring could have taped or filmed her. But is it possible that a classmate is already subjugated by some evil influence who thereby learned of Victoria? After all, she was taken from school and the south node of the Moon is in Leo (children, schools). Of course, Ceres may be a childless woman who seizes someone else's little girl to be her own. One thing I intend to sit and contemplate: the abductor walked the little girl very briskly & purposefully. It was a certain gait, not fearful with twists and skips, just too fast to go far. Was there a waiting car or an open door to a building then?
(I bolded the last few sentences). Excellent observation about the gait of the unknown woman. Towards the end of the clip, Tori hesitates so that there is space between herself and the woman and I also wondered if what gave her pause was an awaiting vehicle, or if they were about to cross a street that would lead her in the wrong direction away from her house.

Thank you for looking into Tori's disappearance, I appreciate it and am trying to follow what you are writing.
Soulscape, thank you for your work on Tori's chart. I'm trying to glean as much information as I can from it (I don't really understand forensic astrology but I respect your work). God help Tori.
I have some questions.
1. From the charts, are you able to see if there are other perps involved?
2. From the charts, are you able to determine where Victoria was taken or is now?
3. From the charts, if she knew the person, as in the person is known to her family?

Thank you so very much!
The following text has been copied from the Request thread for reference purposes.

**********Dianebs wrote**********

Missing 8 Year Old Child in Canada.

Date of Birth: July 15, 2000
Woodstock, Ontario Canada
Date Went Missing: April 8, 2009
Time Went Missing: 3:30 pm
Place Last Seen:
Leaving Oliver Stephens Public School, 164 Fyfe Avenue, Woodstock Ontario N4S 3S6 also stated last seen Frances Street, Woodstock on Facebook Group.
(willingly following a woman) She is described as a white female, 19-25 years old, approximately 5'1" to 5'2" tall and 120 to 125 lbs. with staight long black hair worn in a pony tail. The unidentified person of interest is described as wearing a white coat and dark pants.

Video of Girl following Woman

The police are not giving very much information on what they have and won't even say it is an abduction. She was reported missing by her mother.

Father's Name: Rodney Stafford (do not know any dates of birth)
Mother's Name: Tara McDonald
Father and Mother are divorced or separated.
Grandmother's Name: Doreen Graichen
Aunt of Victoria: Randi Millen
Uncle of Victoria: Rob Stafford


Location Last Seen: The surveillance video is taken at College Avenue Secondary School in which she is seen walking with an unidentified woman.
700 College Ave, Woodstock, Ontario. In an article at the below link, it states the video was from a High School close to her school. This is the closest Highschool.

Reported Missing in 911 Call: April 8th, 2009 at approximately 6 pm by her father
The reasoning behind the father not calling earlier:
Victoria's father, Rodney Stafford states, "I was wary - maybe Victoria had just gone to one of her friend's - till the next morning when all the kids returned to school and nobody had heard from her. That's when I started to get really queasy and feared the worst."

Police Report Time: Not exact, but they state they started searching for Victoria within an hour of the 911 call. They would have taken the report prior to search.

Brother: Daryn: 10 years old

All of the above information is found at the following website.
The family had recently moved from Fyfe Ave. to Frances St., and friends from both neighbourhoods spared no effort looking for Tori.

The link below is a news article in which it states where exactly on the street she was last scene from the surveillance camera.

The video, taken by a College Avenue Secondary School video camera, shows Stafford walking northbound along Fyfe Avenue near the intersection with Walter Street at 3:32 pm Wednesday, around the same time the Grade 3 pupil left Oliver Stephens Public School.

Below is a link of a google map showing the street where she was last missing. Also shows the street where the Victoria lives. I don't know if this is of any help.

Thank you so very much for considering doing a forensic astrology on this case.

**********Butterfly1978 wrote**********

Also another website reports this...
Maitland said police have put together a timeline of the last day Tori was seen.
The girl's teachers said Tori attended school without any problems the day she disappeared.
"We don't have any information after that, but she never did make it home," Maitland added.
Around 6 p.m. that night, Tori's parents reported her missing and police immediately began to investigate.
Police started a door-to-door search late Wednesday. They began a ground search at first light Thursday with about 40 officers and canine units.

I also have been told that the mother was the one that called 9-11. I will continue to look for confirmation, but I beleive that the April 8 2009 at 6pm is acurate for the 9:11 call, we also know that the time stamped video was April 8, 2009 at 3:32 pm.

Yes Soulscape that is what I have read as well, they began searching about an hour and a half after the 9-11 call, I will try and find the link to the article. I have a friend who lives close to the area and is willing to go search any area that we can give her. Thats the reason for me being so involved and having already run these charts, but because I am not near the experts you guys are I am afraid to give her the wrong information. , I have determined a NNE direction approximately 47 miles, is it possable for you either to confirm this or not.

**********Scanner wrote**********
Butterfly: I too am interested in assisting in any searches provided I have some direction. I work during the week, but am available on the weekends. I will continue to check the posts for any updates.
OMG! Thank you so very much for giving Tori her own thread.

I have been looking at her charts for about a week now is okay to post my findings? Or at least a briefing on what I have seen from the charts?
Astros, are you seeing anything related to the new searches that she will be found? tia
video interview with mother. I am not going to ask where the emotion is (oops did I just ask that?).. Not casting doubt in any direction... seriously.... but coming on the heels of little Sandra's case this mother is a complete oposite emotionaly and it gives me some pause...

Nurse, I would say the mother's curious 'performances' on camera fuel the hinky meter, no doubt.

Having only date of birth for Tori with no exact time or location leaves us with a sunrise chart for location of disappearance. We cannot be sure of the angles (ASCENDANT, Midheaven, IC and DESCENDANT), nor the MOON's degree. The sunrise MOON gives a degree of 10 Capricorn, however, Tori's MOON would be in Capricorn (between 7 and 19 degrees) no matter what time she was born on that day. Despite the hindrances inherent in sunrise charts, I often find them to be quite insightful, and read them symbolically.


Tori's natal sunrise MOON at 10 Capricorn is greatly afflicted, suggesting difficulty with the mother. First, MOON is unhappy in Capricorn, sign of its detriment. Additionally MOON is opposite both MERCURY and MARS, sesquiquadrate SATURN, square CERES (nurturing), quindecile NORTH NODE, and conjunct BLACK MOON LILITH. My software program gives MOON a score of minus 10. With CERES of nurturing in 4th House the Home/ Family/ early Childhood and MOON square, I wonder how supportive and nurturing her mother has been.

Tuba mentioned in her post above concern over natal VENUS at solstice point with natal SATURN. In addition, I see natal SUN solstice point at 06 Gemini opposite natal PLUTO, MOON solstice point 19 Sagittarius opposite natal HADES, MARS solstice point at 10 Gemini exact opposite natal PLUTO, SATURN solstice point at 01 Leo conj. natal VENUS, and PLUTO solstice point at 19 Capricorn opposite natal MARS. All of these are very harsh connections. Natal SUN applying sesquiquadrate natal PLUTO doesn't help.

Traditionally, the 10th House rules the mother, here Aries, thus MARS, which scores minus 9 according to my astrology software. MARS in Cancer representing the mother conjunct the SUN suggests anger and resentment, particularly as that MARS opposes MOON (mother).

Please note well: none of this 'proves' the mother is implicated in the disappearance; however, we should keep it in mind as we go forward.

in the above tri-charts Ceres and the moon also share the 4th house , mother is moon if I am not mistaken and the 4th house is family and home, Ceres being kidnapping, so if I read this like a book I would see kidnapping ( Tori) , family and home ( I wonder if she actually didn't make it home) and mother.
Please correct me if I am wrong...

I do have a question, both mars and sun are at 19 degrees what signifigance is that?
video interview with mother. I am not going to ask where the emotion is (oops did I just ask that?).. Not casting doubt in any direction... seriously.... but coming on the heels of little Sandra's case this mother is a complete oposite emotionaly and it gives me some pause...

I don't like the feeling I'm getting. I guess we need to sleuth some more dob's

Yesterday, the missing girl's mother, Tara McDonald, said local rumours that her girl was snatched because of a drug debt of $33,000 – or any other amount – are false.

She lashed out at those spreading rumours.

"It is all bull**** – I don't owe anyone anything. If there is anyone who says I owe him money, bring him to me here and I'll answer all questions," said a furious McDonald.

McDonald said she and her boyfriend, James Goris, have heard the talk around town and insists none of it is true. She said she has not been taking illicit drugs and is not a dealer. "I haven't done drugs since high school. Who doesn't smoke weed in high school? But not after that."

She acknowledged her boyfriend faces criminal charges, but that's not an issue.

ETA: Fifth, I hope it's okay to put this here! Is there a thread that you would rather this be on?
Lovejac, I am trying and I cant find anything on TM, other than news paper articles. I dunno if its because I'm in the states or what.
It is really difficult to find a person's birth in Canada on the Internet, unless it is 1911 or earlier. If there is anyone who lives close to Woodstock or in London that is able and willing to look up newspapers on microfiche .. that is possible to do and find. Since Tara's oldest is 10, I would search paper's from 1973-1981. Seeing pictures of her and video, she appears to be mid 20's - early 30's I would assume. Tori's grandmother's name is Doreen Graichen, I would assume and hope that Tori's maiden name is Graichen. I just say hope because it would make things easier. City directories, may have ages .. I know they did years ago (I'm into genealogy). That is another option at a nearby library.
in the above tri-charts Ceres and the moon also share the 4th house , mother is moon if I am not mistaken and the 4th house is family and home, Ceres being kidnapping, so if I read this like a book I would see kidnapping ( Tori) , family and home ( I wonder if she actually didn't make it home) and mother.
Please correct me if I am wrong...

I do have a question, both mars and sun are at 19 degrees what signifigance is that?

As mentioned in my earlier post, the square of the transit Sun, shortly to become partnered in a Full Moon, to Victoria's natal Mars is nothing but trouble. But transit Mars is trine natal Mars, making for the ease of this walk away abduction.

Your progress is nothing short of amazing, butterfly1978!

We cannot ignore Venus in the heavens that day. It becomes part of all event charts, although right now we are working with but one. Venus was 0° 51' Aries, thus the girl was at crisis as soon as taken and well aware of her predicament.
Tori's grandmother's name is Doreen Graichen, I would assume and hope that Tori's maiden name is Graichen. I just say hope because it would make things easier. City directories, may have ages .. I know they did years ago (I'm into genealogy). That is another option at a nearby library.

Hi Dianebs, I agree it is difficult to find dob's in Canada. It appears that Tara's maiden name would be McDonald (based on Tori's maternal grandfather to be Jim McDonald). Doreen Graichen is noted to be the paternal grandmother of Tori. Here is a link that was supplied in above post(ChattyWoman) that outlines who is who in relation to Tori:

Given the info in the link, it would be Tara McDonald (maiden name hopefully) that we are trying to find a dob for. Notably missing in the who is who list is the maternal grandmother and the paternal grandfather - they are not listed.

This charts a slightly different moment in time. The Canadian papers report school was dismissed at 3:40 p.m., just enough later to provide a new ASC, Virgo. House 7 of Removals and H. 8 of Dire Peril are thus read together and Victoria was on her way out of town as explained under the horoscope. Those born on a Full Moon Total Eclipse are more susceptible under a Full Moon such as occurred just hours after Victoria was taken. Venus is in exile, detrimented and therefore weak, incapacitated and unable to act and greatly disadvantaged in House 8, so dangerous!

This unknown woman is working with the Sun at Cusp 9, was with him before coming to Woodstock and going to meet him as she and Victoria leave. Any time you see a planet on the dark or hidden side of Cusp 9, the individual (or group) is about to take a secret trip. They may be going to Windsor or London judging from the chart directive. Because South Latitude and Cadent, the old method says too far to measure. Butterfly's method would give a line toward Toronto and right up to a door in Toronto.
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