Casey & Family Psychological Profile #8

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Feb 3, 2009
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Discuss the family dynamics and psychological profiles of Casey and family in a constructive way, please do so here.

[ame=""]Casey & Family Psychological Profile #1[/ame]

[ame=""]Casey & Family Psychological Profile #2[/ame]

[ame=""]Casey & Family Psychological Profile #3[/ame]

[ame=""]Casey & Family Psychological Profile #4[/ame]

[ame=""]Casey & Family Psychological Profile #5[/ame]

[ame=""]Casey & Family Psychological Profile #6[/ame]

[ame=""]Casey & Family Psychological Profile #7[/ame]

Hello WS :)

Statement to LE(Rick Plesae)
August 21st, 2008

RP: I know, well I, let me give you this, when they showed up for my wedding here, alright it was June 4th. They came in on June 3rd of 2005.
LE: Uh-hum
RP: And uh, I answer the door and Cindy and George came in. And then I look, because I only thought Cindy and George were coming to my wedding with my mom and dad, my other brothers were busy and I didn't want to bother them. We just had a real small ceremony on the beach here.
LE: Uh-hum
RP: So I,(inaudible)I looked up and Casey was at the door. And I looked and I go, oh Casey, I didn't know you were coming. And when I looked down she had a tight fitting top on and her stomach was protruding, alright? and her belly button was sticking out at least a half inch.
LE: And this is during, this is at your wedding?
RP: This is at, this is the day before my wedding.
LE: Okay
RP: So I invited them all in and we were all talking because I hadn't seen them for a long time. And when I got Cindy and George alone I said, Cindy, I said George, and I said, what's up with Casey? I said, you got something to tell me? What's going on here? And they, they go, "What?" And I said, is she expecting? And they looked at me like I was crazy. And I looked over at my, my uh, wife to be and she, she said, she just rolled her eyes, you know. And I, I said, Cindy, I said, she, she looks like she's pregnant. Come on. And Cindy goes, "Oh, no. No she's not. She's just putting on weight." I said, I said Cindy I said, I've seen a lot of pregnant girls, I said but I'm not an expert but man, I said, she looks pregnant. And everyone on my wife's side said, "Who's the pregnant girl?" You know, every time they, they would see her, or they saw pictures of our wedding, "Who's the pregnant girl?"
LE: Huh
RP: Well, so I said, Cindy I, I asked my mom and dad because they were there. And I go, mom, I said, Casey's pregnant, and she goes, "That's what dad and I thought, Cindy swears that she's not pregnant."
LE: And Cindys telling you this?
RP: Yeah, Cindy's a nurse. And I'm going mom, she's a nurse for crying out loud, she can't see it? And so I said, Cindy I said, come on. And I said, you're kidding me? Now tell me is, is Casey pregnant? And, and Cindy says, "Casey told us that she'd have to have sex first, in order to have a baby and that she did not have sex with anyone."(immaculate conception?)So I am thinking okay, then uh, if its not a baby then its a tumor and she's only got a short time to live because its big. Here she was seven months pregnant because she had it uh, on uh, August 9th.
LE: Well...
RP: (inaudible)
LE: What did George say about all of this?
RP: George was there too, he believed it too. They believe everything that Casey says. It's like are they blind? I'm, I'm, uh, my last email to her I go, you guys will go down in history as the stupidest parents in the universe.
LE: Uh-hum
RP: Because I swear to god. I said, you guys, I said, I know you're in denial and you don't see things from where I see it, you guys are in total denial. I said, you would see right away, I said Casey is the answer here. She's the only one that knows what she did with Caylee and if she doesn't talk, my god, shake the crap out of her, I, I said, oh, this is ridiculous and I, I would not have let her out of jail. I would have told her, I would have said put her in the general population and, and in a couple of days of that would have scared her so bad she would have talked and said anything she want, you know that, that was truth finally.

I do not believe the Anthony's are in denial. If they are then they have always lived that way: my understanding is denial is a defense mechanism used during traumatic events, a psychological state where the mind is not ready to face "the truth" or reality and so the person goes into denial until they feel safe to process their feelings.
I understand your 20 year old unmarried unemployed daughter getting pregnant is not ideal...but something to be in denial about? I don't think Caylee's disappearance/murder is being handled differently by the Anthony's than if it would have been anything else: this behavior is what caused them to be able to let Caylee be out of their lives first from June9th-June15th and then forever...this behavior is what created: The Anthony's: George, Cindy, Lee, Casey and the death of Caylee.

I think if denial is the best word we have for this behavior: we need a new definition.

RP: And, and she was mad. She emailed me back and started yelling at me, and saying, "And what's this I hear you, you might go on Greta," and all this, and I said, look all I want is the facts to come out, I said, I don't think you've told all the facts here. And I said, I'm not trying to, to hurt you. I said, I still love you and I said, but this has gone on long enough. And I said there's a little girl missing here that, I said, in my gut I feel is dead. I said, that, that is my gut feeling and, and it, and its really bothering me that. I said, your daughter is in jail and she isn't saying anything and I said, that makes me madder than anything.
LE: Hmm
RP: And the fact that you cover it up that she tried to steal from mom and dad, and then Cindy goes, "Oh, she wrote, she only stole fifty bucks" and I said, I wrote her back and I said, no, no, I said mom told me its 354.00 from Dad's account, that's an account that couldn't, couldn't be gotten into. And uh, I said you were called on it because mom called and yelled at you and told you to do something with Casey. You didn't do anything and I said, its your fault that all this happened because you didn't sit on Casey like you should have.
RP: Well I, I absolutely knew that Casey knew, she wasn't fooling me one bit. And I even, I, and my step-son here from my wife, he was in our wedding and, and he looked at her and he goes, "Do you know who the daddy is?" And she just looked at him and smiled. So she, she knew who, that she was pregnant.
LE: What did, what did Cindy and George say after the baby was born? Obviously they took her to a hospital. I mean did they, did anybody call you back and say, yeah you were right?
RP: No. They, they, they won't do that, they're, they're uhm, uh, you, yeah you got to know my sister. When she's, she's, and it made her like really stupid is what it did. and she was a nurse and everything. So my mom's the one that's like, confirmed it on the phone call that, "you know, you were right, Casey was pregnant."
LE: Uh, uhm, with regards to your knowledge of Casey and her ability to spin stories to her favor like you said earlier, how long did you now about her? How long did you, so to speak, have her number?
RP: Well, when I first saw the, the extent of what she could lie was at my wedding. I mean to look at people with a straight face and tell them, "oh, well I'm not pregnant I'm, I'm well(inaudible)" okay.

The reason Casey can spin the truth to her advantage so well and look people straight in the face and lie is because she learned from her Mother and Father!
For her to go so far as to kill her daughter, I agree that Casey had a special alignment(Go AstroSleuths!) that predisposed her to making such a choice when confronted with her life troubles but Cindy, especially really hammered that nail...the layers of psychological impact of having two parents that are capable of this level of deception(of themselves because they really weren't fooling anyone else apparently)is staggering. And then they took her out in public and continued the lie, continued lying, creating the false reality right in front of Casey while she is in front of people: you know they were doing this with her as a child, and Lee and Caylee. This shows that different personalities take to heart different lessons: Casey identified with Cindy and so, much like a cult member, she became confident of Cindy's reality or ability to create her own reality. I think this is what Casey was/is trying to do with the death of Caylee.

RP will go on to say that he sees Cindy as someone who only wants the good to be known about her family. This is not what I see. A person that wants to keep the family secrets would not bring the pregnant daughter to the wedding.
Since we cannot really believe that Cindy could not have known that Casey was pregnant because that would make her dangerously dumb as a mother, grandmother and nurse, or crazy, we say she has pride: her brother did not even expect Casey at his wedding he was surprised to see her, why not have her stay home or at a hotel?
Just as we have seen this behavior in Cindy during this case: she screams for privacy while she is the one that breeches her privacy more than any other person even has the power: she has told Casey's friends bad things about her, so has George; not only friends but really anyone who would listen. It is she we have gotten our most incriminating evidence from thus far.
Again, why bring the family's business to a family, social function if you are so worried about what people think? There must be another reason Cindy acts like that: I'd say the same as her daughter and where her daughter gets it from: attention. And this is the crux of the competition between the two women: attention. Alpha female. If you never experienced a mother who feels in competition with her own offspring of the same sex: Cindy and Casey are textbook. I am sure they will be studied...

LE: How, and uh, is, is, when you were talking about your sister and, and how she, you, you mentioned that you know, you have to now my sister to understand that she wasn't uh, what, what did you mean by that? Does she uh...
RP: Well anything that happens in her family, if, if anything good happens everybody knew about it. Okay the whole family knew about it. Like Casey go a promotion and all this. Casey um, was supposed to be some kind of human resource uh, head of human resources or you I mean we always heard the good news.
LE: What is her propensity for having the same characteristic regarding lying as her daughter?
RP: I don't think she would lie. I think she would be just in like uhm, right now I think she's just in denial, thinking she's always raised her daughter(inaudible)that my daughter can do no wrong. No matter what it was, my daughter, that, that's my daughter, and, and she can't do any wrong.

Again I take issue with the idea that Cindy is "just in denial" and I also do not believe she can see no wrong with her daughter and she has proven more than capable of lying.
In the Cindy's inconsistency's thread and others we have statements from SP and RP and Lee, who states his came from Casey herself: mom thinks I am a bad mom. Cindy told Casey that she make a mistake with Caylee, Cindy felt that because Casey could not provide for Caylee like she could that she deserved control of Caylee.
I do not see where Cindy was incapable of thinking badly of Casey.
Inconsistent behavior once again: this may be a case of being crazy but not denial. For those mothers who feel their child can do no wrong: there is no deviation from that, especially to the child themselves. I do not think Casey felt or feels that her mother thinks she can do no wrong?

Cindy's behavior is not that of someone who has great pride and does not wish to share her families troubles with the world.

Thank you so much Chiquita for puttting all this together. Rick has a pretty good handle on Cindy, but I agree with you in that they are not in denial and haven't been for a loooong time now. They are covering up and yes they are lying, but you know in Cindy's world what's a lie or two, or three...I find it impossible to believe that Shirley raised her to think so little of honesty. I would love to sit down with some of the relatives for a chat on Cindy's "early years".
Thank you so much Chiquita for puttting all this together. Rick has a pretty good handle on Cindy, but I agree with you in that they are not in denial and haven't been for a loooong time now. They are covering up and yes they are lying, but you know in Cindy's world what's a lie or two, or three...I find it impossible to believe that Shirley raised her to think so little of honesty. I would love to sit down with some of the relatives for a chat on Cindy's "early years".

BBM :)

In cindy's own words she claims lying isn't criminal.
Sure hope BC has a nice sit down with her, to explain the consequences.
I don't think Cindy is in denial because she can't face the possibility of Caylee being dead. She's in denial because she can't or won't face the possibility of Casey being a murderer. To me, that's a BIG difference. There's been no, "please find Caylee...I can't live without her" moments. Instead, we get the media is mean to Casey. Casey is mother of the year. LE is lying about Casey. Casey, Casey, Casey!

I think she knows KC is a murderer.

The As are not in denial. If they were in denial, they wouldn't be trying to obfuscate the investigation. They'd be giving LE all the information they could, so LE could find the "real murderer." The fact that they have lied and withheld indicates that they know the truth.

They cannot stand to be known as the parents of a child killer. They can't stand for the family to be disgrace. They work hard to try to appear to be perfect family-- like the old 50s "Ozzie and Harriet" imagery.

Also, CA enjoys the narcisisstic feed of the media attention.
Hello WS :)

Statement to LE(Rick Plesae)
August 21st, 2008

RP: I know, well I, let me give you this, when they showed up for my wedding here, alright it was June 4th. They came in on June 3rd of 2005.
LE: Uh-hum
RP: And uh, I answer the door and Cindy and George came in. And then I look, because I only thought Cindy and George were coming to my wedding with my mom and dad, my other brothers were busy and I didn't want to bother them. We just had a real small ceremony on the beach here.
LE: Uh-hum
RP: So I,(inaudible)I looked up and Casey was at the door. And I looked and I go, oh Casey, I didn't know you were coming. And when I looked down she had a tight fitting top on and her stomach was protruding, alright? and her belly button was sticking out at least a half inch.
LE: And this is during, this is at your wedding?
RP: This is at, this is the day before my wedding.
LE: Okay
RP: So I invited them all in and we were all talking because I hadn't seen them for a long time. And when I got Cindy and George alone I said, Cindy, I said George, and I said, what's up with Casey? I said, you got something to tell me? What's going on here? And they, they go, "What?" And I said, is she expecting? And they looked at me like I was crazy. And I looked over at my, my uh, wife to be and she, she said, she just rolled her eyes, you know. And I, I said, Cindy, I said, she, she looks like she's pregnant. Come on. And Cindy goes, "Oh, no. No she's not. She's just putting on weight." I said, I said Cindy I said, I've seen a lot of pregnant girls, I said but I'm not an expert but man, I said, she looks pregnant. And everyone on my wife's side said, "Who's the pregnant girl?" You know, every time they, they would see her, or they saw pictures of our wedding, "Who's the pregnant girl?"
LE: Huh
RP: Well, so I said, Cindy I, I asked my mom and dad because they were there. And I go, mom, I said, Casey's pregnant, and she goes, "That's what dad and I thought, Cindy swears that she's not pregnant."
LE: And Cindys telling you this?
RP: Yeah, Cindy's a nurse. And I'm going mom, she's a nurse for crying out loud, she can't see it? And so I said, Cindy I said, come on. And I said, you're kidding me? Now tell me is, is Casey pregnant? And, and Cindy says, "Casey told us that she'd have to have sex first, in order to have a baby and that she did not have sex with anyone."(immaculate conception?)So I am thinking okay, then uh, if its not a baby then its a tumor and she's only got a short time to live because its big. Here she was seven months pregnant because she had it uh, on uh, August 9th.
LE: Well...
RP: (inaudible)
LE: What did George say about all of this?
RP: George was there too, he believed it too. They believe everything that Casey says. It's like are they blind? I'm, I'm, uh, my last email to her I go, you guys will go down in history as the stupidest parent in the universe.
LE: Uh-hum
RP: Because I swear to god. I said, you guys, I said, I know you're in denial and you don't see things from where I see it, you guys are in total denial. I said, you would see right away, I said Casey is the answer here. She's the only one that knows what she did with Caylee and if she doesn't talk, my god, shake the crap out of her, I, I said, oh, this is ridiculous and I, I would not have let her out of jail. I would have told her, I would have said put her in the general population and, and in a couple of days of that would have scared her so bad she would have talked and said anything she want, you know that, that was truth finally.

I do not believe the Anthony's are in denial. If they are then they have always lived that way: my understanding is denial is a defense mechanism used during traumatic events, a psychological state where the mind is not ready to face "the truth" or reality and so the person goes into denial until they feel safe to process their feelings.
I understand your 20 year old unmarried unemployed daughter getting pregnant is not ideal...but something to be in denial about? I don't think Caylee's disappearance/murder is being handled differently by the Anthony's than if it would have been anything else: this behavior is what caused them to be able to let Caylee be out of their lives first from June9th-June15th and then forever...this behavior is what created: The Anthony's: George, Cindy, Lee, Casey and the death of Caylee.

I think if denial is the best word we have for this behavior: we need a new definition.

RP: And, and she was mad. She emailed me back and started yelling at me, and saying, "And what's this I hear you, you might go on Greta," and all this, and I said, look all I want is the facts to come out, I said, I don't think you've told all the facts here. And I said, I'm not trying to, to hurt you. I said, I still love you and I said, but this has gone on long enough. And I said there's a little girl missing here that, I said, in my gut I feel is dead. I said, that, that is my gut feeling and, and it, and its really bothering me that. I said, your daughter is in jail and she isn't saying anything and I said, that makes me madder than anything.
LE: Hmm
RP: And the fact that you cover it up that she tried to steal from mom and dad, and then Cindy goes, "Oh, she wrote, she only stole fifty bucks" and I said, I wrote her back and I said, no, no, I said mom told me its 354.00 from Dad's account, that's an account that couldn't, couldn't be gotten into. And uh, I said you were called on it because mom called and yelled at you and told you to do something with Casey. You didn't do anything and I said, its your fault that all this happened because you didn't sit on Casey like you should have.
RP: Well I, I absolutely knew that Casey knew, she wasn't fooling me one bit. And I even, I, and my step-son here from my wife, he was in our wedding and, and he looked at her and he goes, "Do you know who the daddy is?" And she just looked at him and smiled. So she, she knew who, that she was pregnant.
LE: What did, what did Cindy and George say after the baby was born? Obviously they took her to a hospital. I mean did they, did anybody call you back and say, yeah you were right?
RP: No. They, they, they won't do that, they're, they're uhm, uh, you, yeah you got to know my sister. When she's, she's, and it made her like really stupid is what it did. and she was a nurse and everything. So my mom's the one that's like, confirmed it on the phone call that, "you know, you were right, Casey was pregnant."
LE: Uh, uhm, with regards to your knowledge of Casey and her ability to spin stories to her favor like you said earlier, how long did you now about her? How long did you, so to speak, have her number?
RP: Well, when I first saw the, the extent of what she could lie was at my wedding. I mean to look at people with a straight face and tell them, "oh, well I'm not pregnant I'm, I'm well(inaudible)" okay.

The reason Casey can spin the truth to her advantage so well and look people straight in the face and lie is because she learned from her Mother and Father!
For her to go so far as to kill her daughter, I agree that Casey had a special alignment(Go AstroSleuths!) that predisposed her to making such a choice when confronted with her life troubles but Cindy, especially really hammered that nail...the layers of psychological impact of having two parents that are capable of this level of deception(of themselves because they really weren't fooling anyone else apparently)is staggering. And then they took her out in public and continued the lie, continued lying, creating the false reality right in front of Casey while she is in front of people: you know they were doing this with her as a child, and Lee and Caylee. This shows that different personalities take to heart different lessons: Casey identified with Cindy and so, much like a cult member, she became confident of Cindy's reality or ability to create her own reality. I think this is what Casey was/is trying to do with the death of Caylee.

RP will go on to say that he sees Cindy as someone who only wants the good to be known about her family. This is not what I see. A person that wants to keep the family secrets would not bring the pregnant daughter to the wedding.
Since we cannot really believe that Cindy could not have known that Casey was pregnant because that would make her dangerously dumb as a mother, grandmother and nurse, or crazy, we say she has pride: her brother did not even expect Casey at his wedding he was surprised to see her, why not have her stay home or at a hotel?
Just as we have seen this behavior in Cindy during this case: she screams for privacy while she is the one that breeches her privacy more than any other person even has the power: she has told Casey's friends bad things about her, so has George; not only friends but really anyone who would listen. It is she we have gotten our most incriminating evidence from thus far.
Again, why bring the family's business to a family, social function if you are so worried about what people think? There must be another reason Cindy acts like that: I'd say the same as her daughter and where her daughter gets it from: attention. And this is the crux of the competition between the two women: attention. Alpha female. If you never experienced a mother who feels in competition with her own offspring of the same sex: Cindy and Casey are textbook. I am sure they will be studied...

LE: How, and uh, is, is, when you were talking about your sister and, and how she, you, you mentioned that you know, you have to now my sister to understand that she wasn't uh, what, what did you mean by that? Does she uh...
RP: Well anything that happens in her family, if, if anything good happens everybody knew about it. Okay the whole family knew about it. Like Casey go a promotion and all this. Casey um, was supposed to be some kind of human resource uh, head of human resources or you I mean we always heard the good news.
LE: What is her propensity for having the same characteristic regarding lying as her daughter?
RP: I don't think she would lie. I think she would be just in like uhm, right now I think she's just in denial, thinking she's always raised her daughter(inaudible)that my daughter can do no wrong. No matter what it was, my daughter, that, that's my daughter, and, and she can't do any wrong.

Again I take issue with the idea that Cindy is "just in denial" and I also do not believe she can see no wrong with her daughter and she has proven more than capable of lying.
In the Cindy's inconsistency's thread and others we have statements from SP and RP and Lee, who states his came from Casey herself: mom thinks I am a bad mom. Cindy told Casey that she make a mistake with Caylee, Cindy felt that because Casey could not provide for Caylee like she could that she deserved control of Caylee.
I do not see where Cindy was incapable of thinking badly of Casey.
Inconsistent behavior once again: this may be a case of being crazy but not denial. For those mothers who feel their child can do no wrong: there is no deviation from that, especially to the child themselves. I do not think Casey felt or feels that her mother thinks she can do no wrong?

Cindy's behavior is not that of someone who has great pride and does not wish to share her families troubles with the world.


Awesome post, just...awesome! The part I bolded in red above from RP's statement was an overdue lightbulb moment and made me wonder how I'd overlooked the significance of it before. RP is right about the bizarre enormity of GA and CA's lying. Why did they take a 7-months pregnant Casey to RP's wedding, when she wasn't even expected to be there, and then boldly lie in front of her--and along with her that she wasn't pregnant. No wonder KC thinks lying is a normal way to create an acceptable reality. Something is very seriously wrong with GA and CA, as well as KC. <shudder>

I also agree with you wholeheartedly that the Anthony family dynamics will be studied by psychoanalysts and speculated upon for years to come.

ETA: Yes, I've known all along something was wrong with the A's but this helped me focus on an example that did not involve little Caylee's disappearance or death.
Outstanding post, Chiquita71! I am so glad you have made this available to WS along with your insights. BIGGEST POINT you have made to me is RP's use of denial to explain lying. I think you have scratched the surface of uncovering many of the strange and bizarre behaviors of this family. I hope we can keep this thread on top for awhile and delve into this dark hole.
WELL DONE, CHIQUITA71 :clap: :clap: :clap:
Cindy, George and Lee do know that KC did MURDER Caylee Period. Cindy does PROTEST TOO MUCH!
Cindy is a control freak and thinks that she can even control us in our thinking. NEVER Cindy!!! Seems to me everyone knows that KC killed Caylee and it is about CAYLEE Cindy,
You just want to sweep her under the rug as KC threw her away as trash. No. Not going to happen Cindy. I Pray to God KC gets the death penalty and I hope she does have to go into general population even just for an hour so that she will see that she is not the princess that she and her family thinks she is.
Sorry everyone I just had to vent a little and don't know where else to go. I am so so sorry this happened to that wonderful little baby.
Chiquita your post really made me think about what Cindy and George (mainly Cindy) was teaching Casey through their actions and words. For them to deny the fact that Casey was pregnant, obviously so, in front of family had to send multiple messages to Casey. One of which, I would think, would have been lie, lie, lie, even about the obvious, another is your pregnancy is nothing to be proud of...nothing worth announcing to the world or even close family members. What a message that was, if her pregnancy was something to feel shame over, something to hide and deny, what did that say to Casey about the growing baby inside of her...Caylee ? Cindy knew her daughter was pregnant, but chose to deny it to co worler's, family, probably even George.
Thankyou Chiquita! For some reason this post brought me back to the beginning when KC(first jail visit with family) immediately felt she needed to appease her parents with the comment, "Don't worry I didn't say anything." I know we have beat this statement up but since reading RP LE interview It makes me feel that the subject was immediate as in the last couple of mon. and the visit may have been entirely different had KC not have said that. From that moment on they talked to kC as if she was at camp, they apologized for not being good parents (GA), telling her she didn't have to work when Caylee is found, on and on and on. I'v been so frustrated that I find myself googling the most out of the box searches to find more. Just to give peeps a sample, I found that CMA also stands for Crystal Meth Anoneymous. Told you I was frustratingly board.
This is how I see the Anthonys.

I am watching the Discovery Channel and they are showing me a civilization never before witnessed by modern man. They do not seem to have any consciences or fear of consequences. Their family unit is in turmoil, no one respects anyone, they are taught to be conniving, deceitful and secretive from infancy. They all have superiority complexes and believe they are the only ones that truly matter. There is only a handful of this strange tribe left because they have killed their own out of spite.
Maybe I need a nap.:crazy::crazy:
Chiquita your post really made me think about what Cindy and George (mainly Cindy) was teaching Casey through their actions and words. For them to deny the fact that Casey was pregnant, obviously so, in front of family had to send multiple messages to Casey. One of which, I would think, would have been lie, lie, lie, even about the obvious, another is your pregnancy is nothing to be proud of...nothing worth announcing to the world or even close family members. What a message that was, if her pregnancy was something to feel shame over, something to hide and deny, what did that say to Casey about the growing baby inside of her...Caylee ? Cindy knew her daughter was pregnant, but chose to deny it to co worler's, family, probably even George.
Exactly.... to take her out in public, in front of family and friends 7 months pregnant and bold face lie to them about her pregnancy, deny the child growing inside of her (but at the same time CA telling her that she is going to raise the baby and take care of it when it's born) inhibits the bond that should have been created between the entire family and the child. Instead there were lies, humiliation and shame. KC never cared for Caylee because she denied her and lied about her from the beginning and so did the family IMO.

This isn't denial in this family, it's dysfunction and CA and GA know that KC killed Caylee. Denial only lasts for so long and then it eventually fades. They need to stop playacting.
Exactly.... to take her out in public, in front of family and friends 7 months pregnant and bold face lie to them about her pregnancy, deny the child growing inside of her (but at the same time CA telling her that she is going to raise the baby and take care of it when it's born) inhibits the bond that should have been created between the entire family and the child. Instead there were lies, humiliation and shame. KC never cared for Caylee because she denied her and lied about her from the beginning and so did the family IMO.

This isn't denial in this family, it's dysfunction and CA and GA know that KC killed Caylee. Denial only lasts for so long and then it eventually fades. They need to stop playacting.

We could discuss from here to forever exactly what the A's are "experiencing."

If you want a quick indicator, though, watch Tim Miller. He's dealt with a lot of worried, fearful families and I think this bunch is a new one for him. Not just strange, they are actually doing what they can to impede the return of a tiny child. Thank heaven Tim doesn't need their "help" to continue the search for little Caylee.

It's possible they are experiencing some slight stages of loss, it's more likely they are playing CYA.

Mark Klaas, too. He knows what he thinks about what's going on with this family.
Awesome post, just...awesome! The part I bolded in red above from RP's statement was an overdue lightbulb moment and made me wonder how I'd overlooked the significance of it before. RP is right about the bizarre enormity of GA and CA's lying. Why did they take a 7-months pregnant Casey to RP's wedding, when she wasn't even expected to be there, and then boldly lie in front of her--and along with her that she wasn't pregnant. No wonder KC thinks lying is a normal way to create an acceptable reality. Something is very seriously wrong with GA and CA, as well as KC. <shudder>

I also agree with you wholeheartedly that the Anthony family dynamics will be studied by psychoanalysts and speculated upon for years to come.

ETA: Yes, I've known all along something was wrong with the A's but this helped me focus on an example that did not involve little Caylee's disappearance or death.

Actually, the A family dynamics are as common as dirt, unfortunately.

A number of our members came from that very same background. I did, for one.

However, most of us are not sociopathic killers.
Cindy probably found out about Casey's pregnancy during the first few months, morning sickness is hard to conceal when you share a home with people. I can imagine that Cindy told Casey that they have to keep it quiet, not even telling George, because he will go crazy. Can't tell other family member's either, Lee, your Grand mother, uncle, etc...Cindy denied it to her co-workers, even though they were all in Nursing and by that time Casey was really big. That's some extreme cover up there. It's not hard to understand how and why Casey is able to tell bold faced lies, even when the lie's are obvious, and stick to them no matter what.
Actually, the A family dynamics are as common as dirt, unfortunately.

A number of our members came from that very same background. I did, for one.

However, most of us are not sociopathic killers.
Yes.... unfortunately you are right... and we didn't become sociopathic killers.
What I can't understand is how this "family" acted, what did they say to each other on the drive to the wedding ? Imagine, you are in the car with a daughter who is seven months pregnant, yet the plan (whether spoken or not) is to attend this wedding (where there are quite a few close family members) and walk around with this pregnant daughter, while denying her pregnancy exists. Now, me being an outsider I would have been asking things like, she is seven months pregnant, noone is going to believe she's not pregnant, why not tell the truth ? Their car ride to the wedding, probably contained no exchanges like that, because in some form or another they had done this before. Cindy, George, Casey and yes even Lee, were well versed in the rules of this weird game they played. That is what I would like to know more many times during Casey's and Lee's life were they told to lie on command...cover up, even keeping things from people they share a house with. There's more to this than what we know, maybe the trial will bring out more.
I still would like to know what KC meant in the first jail visit with the parents, when she said to Cindy, "Don't worry I haven't said anything?:confused:
I still would like to know what KC meant in the first jail visit with the parents, when she said to Cindy, "Don't worry I haven't said anything?:confused:

I'm going to guess it was something that Cindy wanted noone to know about.
She knew what casey was talking about..didnt' question her at all, as to what it meant.

I'm going to guess one of two things ...either the father of the baby, or the fight that happened the night of the 15th.
Actually, the A family dynamics are as common as dirt, unfortunately.

A number of our members came from that very same background. I did, for one.

However, most of us are not sociopathic killers.

I understand what you're saying, Brini, about the family dynamics being common as dirt. However, in the Anthony family, there's been an uncommon result--the production/creation of a sociopathic young woman capable of murdering her own 2 year-old child without a qualm, driving around with the corpse in her car, and then disposing of her like trash.

As we've seen for ourselves, no other member of that emotionally/mentally unhealthy family is capable of anything even close to that. In fact, these other 3 members aren't even capable of "turning on" KC despite her unspeakable deed and despite their love for the baby KC murdered.

Something is different about what went on in the A family.
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