What did Sheri know? (divorce, life ins., etc.)

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Sep 11, 2008
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Watching HLN and they say Sheri knew a few months before the murders that CC wanted a divorce. We recently learned that CC took out a life insurance policy on her...did she know that too? I'd like to know when it was purchased!
Hello Kimster,

Good to see ya!

You wrote:
>>they say Sheri knew a few months before the murders that CC wanted a divorce.<<

This document full of search warrants, page 5, last paragraph:

>>Investigators spoke to several of Sheri's friends who have received phone calls, texts, and instant messages from Sheri since December, 2008. In these conversations, Sheri talked about Christopher wanting a divorce. She also talked about arguments that she had with Christopher regarding their relationship. Investigators have photographed the text messages and instant messages and instant messages which were still on the phone of some of Sheri's friends.<<

Notice the "Christopher wanting a divorce."

Hmmmm wonder what else Sheri might have mentioned to any of her friends? Did she mention any violent behavior of CC toward her? Anything threats he might have made? Did she mention any banking behavior or activity he might have been doing? Hmmm...when were they teaching that financial class? That might have been a time of looking at things real closely.

The photos of those messages will be revealing.

Oh so much for CC having said they weren't having any problems in their marriage! Nah, no problem with my marriage, I'm just toying with my wife when I tell her I want a divorce!

You also wrote:
>>We recently learned that CC took out a life insurance policy on her...did she know that too? I'd like to know when it was purchased!<<

Yes'm here is a link to an article that mentions a life insurance policy:

>>Sheri Coleman's family attorneys say Chris Coleman took out a large life insurance policy on his wife. We might find out if he tried to cash that out after the murders.<<

Oh yeah...this makes me think about someone at one time mentioning the house appeared to be packed when they went into it. Was that Sheri's relatives that mentioned that? So, if this was the case, was that packing done by Sheri prior to her death? Did she mention it to any of her friends? OR was that done afterwards, by CC's relatives. My guess would be that CC's relatives didn't have the time or motivation to pack the house.

IF Sheri had done the packing -- that was a sign that she intended to move for some reason, right?
I don't know if she was planning to leave. One thing I did notice in some of the candid family photos was how empty the house seemed. I saw nothing on the walls in the Christmas pix of the boys with new toys. The kitchen seemed impersonal, like a model home. There were no toys scattered about, no drawings taped to the refrigerator.

Perhaps that means the house was packed up for someone's departure. Chris certainly didn't say that anyone was planning to leave that day or any other.

I just got the impression from the photos that they lived in the house but didn't have a life in it. That sounds unnecessarily critical of Sheri, which isn't intended. It just looked like a barely furnished place that didn't have a lot of the homey touches that a family with two boys might have.

Maybe Chris was a martinet about tidiness. Maybe he abused Sheri, but in a covert way. Like, "Why isn't this house clean? Why are these toys lying about? Who's doing the housework in this place, anyway? Can't anything be kept clean around here? Why isn't this done? Why isn't that done? Where's my this? Where's my that? You're supposed to do this, remember that, take care of that. Why aren't these things being done, Sheri? Do I have to do everything around here? Can't you take care of the few things I need you to take care of? I go for a trip and come back and everything's a mess, the boys aren't behaving. What's wrong with you?"
VCD, I know what you mean. My ex was even more passive-aggressive in that he would say "since you haven't any time to clean, I guess I'll get a maid". And "I sure like the sheets to be changed once a week". Mind you, people come to my home and remark on how clean and nice it is - always have. It was just his way to tear me down. I see that now, but did not at the time.

Wrinkles, Great to see you also!! I've met so many wonderful friends on this thread! Thank you for the fantastic information! So, CC starts his relationship with TL and then immediately tells Sheri he wants a divorce? What an a$$.
Something else...

Reading the well-researched info from Wrinkles here: [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3978990&postcount=16"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. # 10[/ame]

The "threats" began in November, CC wanted a divorce in December. Didn't TL say the affair began in November?

And in keeping with the flow of this thread, we also know that Sheri was well aware of the threats.
If Sheri knew he wanted a divorce, I wonder if she knew about TL? And if he really wanted a divorce, why did he purchase a large life insurance policy on Sheri? I would really like to know when he purchased the life insurance policy too!
I'm guessing she didn't know about TL. I really think if she did, her friends would have mentioned that along with mentioning CC wanted a divorce. Just speculation on my part!
YES, Kimster, I think you're absolutely right. I don't think Sheri knew about Tara, because if she did, there'd be some contact between her and Tara. At the very least she would have removed her as a MySpace Friend--and her mother too! And that would have happened early on.
Good thinking, VCDaedalus, I guess Sheri would not have kept Tara as a myspace friend if she knew about the affair.
Is it conceivable that Ron Coleman found out about the affair and put pressure on CC to "end it or else"? Could Dad finding out about it have been a precipitating factor in a premeditated murder hastened by fury and frustration?

"Son, I'm gonna tell Joyce, I'm gonna tell Sheri, you better quit with this Tara L. person or by God--"
Just thinking about Sheri the loving wife and mother. Did she have any idea about the affair? Was Chris being distant from her and the kids? I imagine Sheri thinking she and Chris could work out their problems. There must be some gf she opened up to. She must have had suspicions, don't you think?

VCDaedalus, it seems possible Ron Coleman, the Preacher Dad, might have put pressure on Chris to end his affair. Good advice from Dad, only trouble was how Chris decided to murder his wife and sons instead. There's no excuse or pressure that absolves him from making that terrible decision. I just keep thinking about those warm, alive, innocent loved ones later found in that house in the manner they were found. May they rest in peace now. May Justice prevail for them when Chris Coleman goes to trial.
Just remembered something about the boys being excited about a trip, I think, to Disney in FL, but then the trip got cancelled. Did it have anything to do with Sheri finding out about Tara?
Just remembered something about the boys being excited about a trip, I think, to Disney in FL, but then the trip got cancelled. Did it have anything to do with Sheri finding out about Tara?

That could be a possibility - regarding the tickets that were found in the home - were the ticket dates ever disclosed? If they were, I missed it somewhere and I apologize!
I believe the tickets were for an upcoming trip, but I don't remember the date. That they haven't figured subsequently may mean they're irrelevant. I could be wrong!

No, I don't think anything Ron Coleman did excuses or mitigates his son's actions. But the murders seem otherwise inexplicable except as an explosive event precipitated by anger and frustration at having been found out.

I think there's probably been rivalry and conflict between Ron and his oldest son, and when Christopher thought Dad might "win again," he went nuclear. I'm not excusing him, just trying to find a sequence of events that explains things.

I also don't think Coleman is at all concerned about the death penalty. He was a military police officer, he probably saw a few inmates in his time and may have figured it could be a tolerable life--especially one with no responsibilities except to look out for one's skin and interests.

I think this murder was in part revenge against Ron Coleman and Joyce Meyer.
Hi Curious Me,

There was information that Tara and Chris were supposed to take a cruise. I'm sure it is mentioned in one of the threads, can't remember in which document it was mentioned. I "think" there was a month mentioned that they were supposed to go on this cruise. Yup, just found August as the month that was supposed to occur, but can't find a good document to quote yet.

Here is one article:
>>The couple was also planning to take a cruise together in August.<<

I "think" this might also be stated in a search warrant.
Their trip to Disney in FL was supposed to be the week after the murders took place. They were murdered on May 5, so that would be the week of May 10 they were supposed to be on vacation.

Wow, I've been gone for awhile and everything has changed! I like the new layout!
Their trip to Disney in FL was supposed to be the week after the murders took place. They were murdered on May 5, so that would be the week of May 10 they were supposed to be on vacation.

Wow, I've been gone for awhile and everything has changed! I like the new layout!
Hi Bluenotes, just a quick question. For some reason it seems that I recall there being something said to the effect that one of the boys had said that they weren't going to Florida now (at the time). Does anyone else remember something along those lines? Just thinking that if that indeed is true, something must have happened to cause them to cancel the plans.
Hi Bluenotes, just a quick question. For some reason it seems that I recall there being something said to the effect that one of the boys had said that they weren't going to Florida now (at the time). Does anyone else remember something along those lines? Just thinking that if that indeed is true, something must have happened to cause them to cancel the plans.

I remember reading that. At the time I figured Sheri found out about TL and decided she wasn't going to Fl - just an excuse for CC to be with TL and she probably figured that was the reason they were going. And to take it a step further - I'm sure this all preceded the murders by a week or so - time for SC to be fully enraged and ready to let the secret out of the bag, precipitating the "necessity" (in CC's mind) of the murders.

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