Is inventing an imaginanny evidence of premeditation?

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Jan 14, 2009
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I have been pondering this and would like to know what others think concerning Casey claiming to have a nanny named Zanny way back before Caylee went missing, and then conveniently when Caylee winds up dead, Casey blames the nanny she made up months before! Please weigh in, because Premeditation being proved is an element for the death penalty, I believe. Correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks in Advance... TIA
I have been pondering this and would like to know what others think concerning Casey claiming to have a nanny named Zanny way back before Caylee went missing, and then conveniently when Caylee winds up dead, Casey blames the nanny she made up months before! Please weigh in, because Premeditation being proved is an element for the death penalty, I believe. Correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks in Advance... TIA

I don't think Zani was invented as someone to blame for Caylee's death. I am not even sure KC was going to ever say Caylee was kidnapped. I think there is a great possibility KC was just going to avoid ever seeing her family. Her friends were no problem. They weren't paying attention to KC's mothering skills. Somewhere in the back of KC's brain I think she was hoping a miracle would make the problem of her mother go away if she kept stalling. Maybe Tony would propose and they'd start a new life together in NY? Maybe Mark H. would decide he was so desperate to see her, he'd send her the necessary airfare & she'd fall in love with him? Maybe the chemistry between her and William W. would ignite and he'd wisk her away with him somewhere out of Cindy's sight? So many possibilities...

I used to think KC was planning to blame Zani in advance. But, after reading LE interviews and the document releases, I changed my mind I changed my mind. There is no evidence of it before or after June 16.

I think Zani was invented by KC to explain what KC did with Caylee when KC "worked". KC couldn't tell her mother she was bringing Caylee over to Ricardo's house and letting Caylee share the bed. On nights Cindy was unable to babysit, if Cindy knew KC was taking Caylee along to parties, Cindy might make KC stay HOME. KC didn't want to have to stay home.

Zani had already been invented and couldn't be contacted and cross-examined by Cindy, so KC pulled her out of her hat when cornered.

I don't think Zani was invented as someone to blame for Caylee's death. I am not even sure KC was going to ever say Caylee was kidnapped. I think there is a great possibility KC was just going to avoid ever seeing her family. Her friends were no problem. They weren't paying attention to KC's mothering skills. Somewhere in the back of KC's brain I think she was hoping a miracle would make the problem of her mother go away if she kept stalling. Maybe Tony would propose and they'd start a new life together in NY? Maybe Mark H. would decide he was so desperate to see her, he'd send her the necessary airfare & she'd fall in love with him? Maybe the chemistry between her and William W. would ignite and he'd wisk her away with him somewhere out of Cindy's sight? So many possibilities...

I think Zani was invented by KC to explain what KC did with Caylee when KC "worked". KC couldn't tell her mother she was bringing Caylee over to Ricardo's house and letting Caylee share the bed. On nights Cindy was unable to babysit, if Cindy knew KC was taking Caylee along to parties, Cindy might make KC stay HOME. KC didn't want to have to stay home.

I agree that Zanny is not evidence of premeditation,but KC did get the info on a specific ZFG at Sawgrass and a description of a car with NY tags. She must have been working on a plan when she took all that into consideration.
Yet it was a half baked plan when she finally spilled.
I completely agree with the rest of your post.
I don't think Zani was invented as someone to blame for Caylee's death. I am not even sure KC was going to ever say Caylee was kidnapped. I think there is a great possibility KC was just going to avoid ever seeing her family. Her friends were no problem. They weren't paying attention to KC's mothering skills. Somewhere in the back of KC's brain I think she was hoping a miracle would make the problem of her mother go away if she kept stalling. Maybe Tony would propose and they'd start a new life together in NY? Maybe Mark H. would decide he was so desperate to see her, he'd send her the necessary airfare & she'd fall in love with him? Maybe the chemistry between her and William W. would ignite and he'd wisk her away with him somewhere out of Cindy's sight? So many possibilities...

I used to think KC was planning to blame Zani in advance. But, after reading LE interviews and the document releases, I changed my mind I changed my mind. There is no evidence of it before or after June 16.

I think Zani was invented by KC to explain what KC did with Caylee when KC "worked". KC couldn't tell her mother she was bringing Caylee over to Ricardo's house and letting Caylee share the bed. On nights Cindy was unable to babysit, if Cindy knew KC was taking Caylee along to parties, Cindy might make KC stay HOME. KC didn't want to have to stay home.

Zani had already been invented and couldn't be contacted and cross-examined by Cindy, so KC pulled her out of her hat when cornered.


Why would she go through the NYitaliano3 IM's speaking about Zani, on and on and on? I think it was to lay more pseudo-evidence of the imaginanny to substantiate her premeditative plans for Caylee's demise.

Is proving the element of premeditation a pre-requisite to finding her guilty of capital murder, thereby making it a death penalty eligible offense?
I think Zanny served the same function as my "friend, Trudy."

Whenever I wanted to go off with a b.f., I was "staying at Trudy's."

Zanny was impulsively blamed because KC cannot anticipate or plan for the aftermath of her behaviors.
I think Zanny served the same function as my "friend, Trudy."

Whenever I wanted to go off with a b.f., I was "staying at Trudy's."

Zanny was impulsively blamed because KC cannot anticipate or plan for the aftermath of her behaviors.
LOL, I spent a lot of time at Trudy's also. Popular gal!

I agree totally agree with you that this sounds more like an impulsive afterthought than premeditation to me. Let's call it the Trudy Factor.
LOL, I spent a lot of time at Trudy's also. Popular gal!

I agree totally agree with you that this sounds more like an impulsive afterthought than premeditation to me. Let's call it the Trudy Factor.

Anyone got Trudy's number?????

Yeah, that Trudy was a troublemaker ; 0

Semi-impulsive afterthought. It took some thinking and effort to come up with a convient ZG and location.
Why would she go through the NYitaliano3 IM's speaking about Zani, on and on and on? I think it was to lay more pseudo-evidence of the imaginanny to substantiate her premeditative plans for Caylee's demise.

Is proving the element of premeditation a pre-requisite to finding her guilty of capital murder, thereby making it a death penalty eligible offense?

I think she learned to use Zanny as an excuse anytime she needed one. She was awfully convenient. If she was stuck at home with Caylee cuz CA wouldn't babysit, she would just tell whatever guy wanted her to come over that Zanny the Nanny was unavailable. If she was unable to go hang out with her friends, it was that darn Zannys fault for not being home yet! And, when she needed something to tell CA, then Caylee was staying with Zanny. Her friends and boyfriends asked her about Zanny because KC "used" her so frequently. They had no reason to doubt her. They actually thought KC had this cool event planning job and a Nanny for her little girl. They had no way of knowing KC lived in her own little fantasy world.
tweety---Great thread! When you posted this thought on the other thread, I started to mull it over in my mind.....

I think "Zanny" was an alter ego, and if I had to pick one huge "reveal" for this case, only one....Did LE find a driver's license w/ KC's photo and a ZFG's name? What was snatched out of CA's hand (as Lee witnessed) that night? (Was it something "big" or something of not much consequence?) That would slam the door down, IMO. I have thought for a long time that she used "Zanny" as an alter ego. A "Trudy" (love that!) on steroids if you will. Then when the murder took place, she fleshed out the identity even more. But your thoughts have me wondering. With this case, I would not be suprised to learn that she had invented Zanny for an escape hatch plan. If her life got too suffocating and CA was demanding she step up, and Caylee was at the age when she was becoming more verbal (and that I think, is key in this case. The timing of Caylee's developmental and social skills and when she was killed.)......then she could put this in motion. It wouldn't shock me at all. I can see her thinking this thru for months before acting.

Interesting things to ponder, thanks for the thread!
I agree with most that Zani the Nanny was a made up person that was the lie she told people to believe when she conveniently needed a "responsible" answer to the "where's Caylee question. I don't think that Zani was ever more than that UNTIL Caylee took her last dying breathe which moved Zani to a very real person she could blame.

Zani, is the extention of everything BAD and UGLY in Casey. It was so big that she could actually form a person out of it and put the blame on this mystery person that we will NEVER find. This allowed her "good" self to go party without a care or any feeling of guilt or remorse. Zani did it. In no way was this ever a split personality thing but just a way for her to house her guilt. If you can call this formulation of a lie planned, I would consider it premeditation. The good part in her could have taken responsibility for Caylee's demise or at least stopped short but never did so so this is why we ALL sit here knowing she did the deed and she is where she belongs.
I agree that Zanny is not evidence of premeditation,but KC did get the info on a specific ZFG at Sawgrass and a description of a car with NY tags. She must have been working on a plan when she took all that into consideration.
Yet it was a half baked plan when she finally spilled.
I completely agree with the rest of your post.

I think it becomes a sign of premeditation when it becomes obvious that the blatantly fake nanny story is disturbingly similar to a major plotline from our little felons favorite TV show.
I've thought a lot about the Zanny-da-Nanny business. Let's face it, nannies are usually employees of the wealthy. Casey thought her friends saw having a child as the end of her early years. Casey cared a lot about what people thought of her. I truly believe she used nanny as a way to try to impress her circle of friends. As some sort of "Look at me, I can afford (insert whatever here)". Most of us call a person who watches our child a few hours here and there a babysitter or sitter. She specifically used nanny.. and for reasons to impress.

The nanny truly was whomever happened to be watching Caylee at the time. I don't believe she had a forethought that she would use the nanny as a kidnap and murder suspect. I believe it just started out with her trying to impress her friends because she wanted them to believe she had a nanny for her child.

Just MOO
It seems to me that very few, if any, people posting here give any credence whatsoever to the idea that Casey Anthony could have been plotting the demise of her family (Caylee, George & Cindy...or any combination of the three), days, weeks, months, or even years prior to this happening to Caylee. She may not have premeditated a specific plan of "how" to accomplish the acts, but, no doubt she had plenty of time to practice becoming believable as to escape any punishment once she accomplished what her goal was, which was to be set free to live the Bella Vida. If she could establish that 1.)she was victimized by her brother and father (Come now boys, save me and Caylee from these monsters -inappropriate touching by sibling, forcing his values down my throat father, and prima donna mommy), 2.)that her parents were highly adversarial toward one another (No doubt if they would turn up dead, that it was a spousal murder suicide due to domestic dispute-dang those household weapons), and last and probably her least favorite option, 3.)Giving Caylee to someone else- Adoption, Abandonment to Caregiver (but not that prima donna mommy-NO WAY, that would be worse than death for the poor baby), Euthenasia.

Casey felt trapped, and she was a pathological liar. All she wanted was to have a chance at a beautiful life, and as it turns out, she got one, but it only lasted 31 days.

I have NO doubt that a person who is 1.)capable of Nullifying a childs parent/child relationship with it's father or father's family (Who is Caylee's father again?), 2.) capable of Looting a vulnerable Senior Citizens bankroll 3.) capable of blatant theft from someone who is her drive their vehicle because she was without a vehicle, very capable of taking advantage of a vulnerable child that would get her a ticket to Bella Vida.

Ok, that was a rant...but just because Casey is not as educated as some, she is very diabolical and dangerous, and I wouldn't underestimate her for a second. SHE is the CEO of her own life, just ask her. NO doubt in my mind that she planned on escaping to her beautiful life, unfortunately, the easiest route was through Caylee's demise. Thanks for listening.
It seems to me that very few, if any, people posting here give any credence whatsoever to the idea that Casey Anthony could have been plotting the demise of her family (Caylee, George & Cindy...or any combination of the three), days, weeks, months, or even years prior to this happening to Caylee. She may not have premeditated a specific plan of "how" to accomplish the acts, but, no doubt she had plenty of time to practice becoming believable as to escape any punishment once she accomplished what her goal was, which was to be set free to live the Bella Vida. If she could establish that 1.)she was victimized by her brother and father (Come now boys, save me and Caylee from these monsters -inappropriate touching by sibling, forcing his values down my throat father, and prima donna mommy), 2.)that her parents were highly adversarial toward one another (No doubt if they would turn up dead, that it was a spousal murder suicide due to domestic dispute-dang those household weapons), and last and probably her least favorite option, 3.)Giving Caylee to someone else- Adoption, Abandonment to Caregiver (but not that prima donna mommy-NO WAY, that would be worse than death for the poor baby), Euthenasia.

Casey felt trapped, and she was a pathological liar. All she wanted was to have a chance at a beautiful life, and as it turns out, she got one, but it only lasted 31 days.

I have NO doubt that a person who is 1.)capable of Nullifying a childs parent/child relationship with it's father or father's family (Who is Caylee's father again?), 2.) capable of Looting a vulnerable Senior Citizens bankroll 3.) capable of blatant theft from someone who is her drive their vehicle because she was without a vehicle, very capable of taking advantage of a vulnerable child that would get her a ticket to Bella Vida.

Ok, that was a rant...but just because Casey is not as educated as some, she is very diabolical and dangerous, and I wouldn't underestimate her for a second. SHE is the CEO of her own life, just ask her. NO doubt in my mind that she planned on escaping to her beautiful life, unfortunately, the easiest route was through Caylee's demise. Thanks for listening.


There are many posts and a few threads that dwell on that. People do acknowledge the inherent evil in KC. I don't doubt that she was capable of slaughtering her family, I just think that she has such poor planning skills she would fail in the execution. Maybe she'd be about to swing the knife or fire the gun and get a text msg at that moment, and ooops, the moment is lost! LOL
Wow Tweety, you give KC a ton of credit for being highly intelligent! I am not so sure I agree with all you have laid out, but it certainly is thoughtful and offers numerous ideas to ponder. I really feel she is too impulsive to plan everything this well. I think all of her actions were impulsive or evasive - and she grasped at straws for any story that might stick - making it up on the spot. Honestly, the only person who said they heard Zanny's name before disappearance was CA (IIRC), and I have a difficult time believing her. Much like her daughter - they both have interesting ideas about what "truth" is.
I agree it is the Trudy Factor. She blamed what she already had already created.
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