The Anthony's re-baptized on Caylee's 4th birthday

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Lifetime WS Non-Mod
Aug 18, 2008
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I noticed several posts on this subject on Caylee's 4th birthday thread so I thought I'd start a thread where this can be discussed without cluttering up her birthday thread.
I don't really have a problem with their "re-baptism" on Caylee's 4th Birthday. The fact that they are baptized at all is a step in the right direction. I applaud their spiritual leaders and pray that the WORD preached to them will not return void. If ever there was a family that needs's the A's. Baptism btw does not remove or absolve one of sin...accepting Jesus Christ as savior does. So unless they've made a profession of faith they can be dunked til Jesus comes back and they will still be the same headed straight to hell. JMO of course
I am just hoping they were baptized for the right reason and not as another publicity stunt. I hate that they did it on Caylee's birthday. It could have waited for another day.
Sorry but i see this as just another con job , they know how we all see them , this is their clever way to change our minds.I would so love too be wrong, time will tell, I pray god can enbrace them and help them to start telling the REAL TRUTH
Different faiths have differing beliefs...even different "sects" of the same religion are known to act separately. In my faith...baptism at birth removes the so called "original sin"....confession is a way to ask for forgiveness and get absolution of your sins...damn Catholics!! I'm sorry....Enough of that. :crazy:

But....I, too, hope the A's did the re-baptism with only pure hearts, momtective. AND, ledwards, wouldn't THAT be a breath of fresh air...lets not hold our breath.

I hear ya MTG!:crazy:
...and I have to say that I'm very honored to be a part of this group here at WS. Caylee was honored here yesteday with so much love and respect. I see in the daily updates that there were those on the internet who did not take kindly to the As who, in their minds, "upstaged" Caylee's special day. But, there was very little mention of it on the thread here. Yesterday was all about Caylee IMO. It's a shame that the As have behaved the way they have. There is so much love and support here that I know would be gladly shared "if only"...
There are many people who are re-baptized into the church. Many only feel Sunday is the day they need to be "practicing Christians" and the rest of the week you would never know they attend church at all.

The proof of the pudding in receiving baptism again will be how they conduct themselves in their daily lives. I am sure the pastor of the church counseled them prior to them giving themselves over to God.

CA/GA do not have to answer to any of us; but they will have to answer to Caylee in time. If they have done this for the right reasons, the churches not mine, then maybe some good will come from it. Actions speak louder than words CA.

I agree, it was a bad decision to do this on Caylee's birthday considering the A clan's past actions.
I want so badly for this to be the beginning of something better for the As. I'm hoping they chose her birthday as the date for the baptism as a way of acknowledging their failure to do the right thing with regard to Caylee and her memory, and as a formal proclamation to correct those misdeeds going forward with honesty and light. That is what I want to be the case. It's cautious optimism, their history demands it, though even cautious optimism may be a stretch at this point.
I don't think there is ever an inappropriate day to get baptised. And there is nothing wrong with the Anthony's wanting to memorialize a life lost by being born anew. I think it's wonderful that a tragedy of such magnitude in this family's life has had a positive effect in that they are turning to God and spirituality and I think that should be celebrated.
I personally wouldn't choose the day of my deceased grandaughters birth to do something for myself...but that's just me. There are 365 days a year to get re-baptised..JMO.
I hope this is a genuine act of faith and not a publicity stunt or a legal tactic to bolster credibility because no one can con God.
In my opinion, a very tremendous coping mechanism for them. Hope they find peace and solace in their grief.
I truly hope the Anthonys have had a spiritual awakening.

It is, however, so sad that this child cannot have a moment that belongs just to her without her family turning it into a "look at me" moment.
I was always taught that God wants the worst amongst us to be the ones that will turn to him (while the faithful are already on his side, God desires a relationship with those who are not yet faithful)-If the A's are being pious, it is mute as far as a relationship with God....If they are turning to God as big big big sinners, they have taken a good step.
Sometimes in all of this, and as much as I despise KC, I have to wonder if God would be even more pleased if KC would turn to him and give him her sins....In non-spiritual terms, it would be the very best for both KC and Florida and many of our conciences if she were to purge her evil and tell the truth!
All I can say is that if they had done it for the purest and right reasons...we would not have known about it. ;)
RE Baptized. RE baptized. My Father was a baptist Minister. He would tell you there was a time and place for anything. To me....IMO..........this was a bit distasteful.
I hope they start being truthful now!


I don't think there is ever an inappropriate day to get baptised. And there is nothing wrong with the Anthony's wanting to memorialize a life lost by being born anew. I think it's wonderful that a tragedy of such magnitude in this family's life has had a positive effect in that they are turning to God and spirituality and I think that should be celebrated.

To this point I have not once seen the fruits of the spirit (as found in the Bible) that would indicate that the Anthony family have had a reawakening and drawn close to God. There are "fruits" that we, as believers and non believers alike, have been instructed to look for in those who CLAIM redemption. If those "fruits" are present, then it is a good indication that they have turned inward and upward, however; without the evidence of the fruits of the Spirit, I have a difficult time, uhm, accepting that this is genuine. They have feined spirituality before and gone on and continued in their same path of lies and bitterness...I guess time will tell the tale, won't it?

PS.) Here is a list of what one should display if ones heart is full of Gods own Spirit:

love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance...

All I can say is that if they had done it for the purest and right reasons...we would not have known about it. ;)

Maybe I am an optimist. But I really hope that the memorial and the rebaptism does help the A's. That it brings them some peace and some comfort. That it helps them to accept and move on from past events, in a way that allows them some comfort.

I also hope that when they are in court and swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth that they will feel the memory of that splash of water. And that they will know the true cost of that peace they sought. That they do feel the obligation to tell the truth. And that they understand that however painful it might be, they need to tell the truth for that peace to contine. Yes, it will be hard. And yes, it will involve further sacrifice on their part in that they cannot control what will happen with their daughter. But they need to realize that it is no longer within their power to control now. That power now belongs to God and the justice system.

To not tell the truth shows a failure to surrender, the same surrender that they promised to God during their baptism. Thus a failure to tell the truth during the trial could cost them that peace they sought.
I understand the skepticism some have expressed about the A's decision to do this on Caylee's birthday but I am sure they made this decision under the guidance of the Pastor of that church and I am sure that he was trying to help them find a way to honor Caylee even though some don't see it that way.

As a Christian, I am happy to see that they have taken this step toward the Lord. The first thing that came to my mind when I heard about it was CA's statement to LE that the A's did not attend church and weren't very religious but they did pray (or something to that affect). So when I heard they were baptized, my thoughts weren't that they were attempting to "take the spotlight away from Cayee" but that if they are sincere in their commitment to the Lord then He will give them eternal life and they will see her again - so to me it made sense or seemed appropriate that they would choose her birthday to make this commitment.

Only the Lord knows whether they are sincere in that commitment, but that can be said about anyone who gets baptized or starts going to church or whatever. I remember when I gave my life to the Lord and was baptized, it was a shock to my family and friends and everyone who knew me. They all doubted my commitment and wondered how long it would last and asked me everytime they saw me if I was still going to church or still religious or a variety of other terms that all meant they thought that "Jesus thing" was just a phase I was going through. But their skepticism of my faith didn't phase my commitment to the Lord, and they finally stopped asking after I'd been a Christian for about 20 years! And now, many of them have come to the Lord too!

As for the A's choosing Caylee's birthday to be re-baptized, as I said, I'm sure it was done only after counseling with the Pastor and he is responsible to God for how he shepherds those who attend that church so I'm sure it wasn't something he took lightly and I don't think his motivation was to take the spotlight from Caylee either.
Bad timing. Let August 9th forever be Caylee's day and pick another day, Father's Day, the day Caylee was last seen, any other day.

I guess when you have a choice between seeing Caylee once again in heaven or being with KC forever in hell --- hopefully they are now moving towards the light, they told the 'truth' at the depositions and relieved their souls -- and this was the final cleansing.
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