GUILTY OR - Sara Dillard for dosing baby w/ morphine, Portland, 2009

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Jul 19, 2009
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"HILLSBORO -- Four years after pleading guilty to poisoning her baby boy with morphine, Sara Rose Dillard was in court again -- this time, pleading guilty to poisoning her baby girl with the same drug.

Dillard, 25, admitted Wednesday to giving her 2-month-old daughter, "E" [child's name removed by me], a high dose of the opiate in June to get the attention of the baby's father. Washington County Circuit Court Judge Mark Gardner sentenced her to 90 months in prison. Terms of her post-prison supervision include not having any contact with children without written consent of her therapist and her post-prison supervisor, and undergoing mental health counseling."

What have we been reading lately about mental health counseling and post-prison supervision? I don't have a real high level of trust in this woman.
IMO They need to terminate her parental yesterday!
You know, my daughter is 24 years old, and I figured a long time ago I was done raising children, but...
if anyone wants to round up all these abused and neglected children, and bring them to my house, I will happily raise them all with love and kindness into adulthood.

These so-called 'parents' make me sick. The most precious gift life has to offer, and they treat these children like garbage. It makes me so mad!
Smart Blonde--That's sweet but I've got you covered. We're already certified for four more at any time. We only do long term placements, though, as I don't do well returning children to unsafe situations. The lovely teen we have right now was poisoned and has long term disabilities due to this. It's heart-breaking. You have to remember that after the 90 month prison term is over, the state is required to attempt reunification. Unless a very brave judge decides enough is enough.
I thought every state had statutes in place making it so a parents rights could be terminated based on the fact that they were serving a prison sentence...or is it just here?

In some cases, I am all for reunification. Poisoning, Munchausens, and sexual abuse...there is no reason to attempt to put those families back together. Some people just aren't fixable, and they will never be able to parent.
How does she have access to morphine? I saw the first time it was for a "medical condition", but how about this time?

This baby's father is a cardiologist? It's obvious the mother is outtahermind. A loop.

Man, what a way to get attention from a man.
Part of her sentence should include getting her tubes tied !!!
You know, Mysticrose, a few years ago, a group of adoptive parents of special needs children got together in California and offered birth parents who had had their rights terminated, sterilization for free. There was no pressure at all. The funds were just made available.

The adoptive parents were just tired of having to pick up the pieces time after time. We can't adopt our way out of this mess. Most birth parents don't stop to think that when they drink or do drugs while pregnant or shake or abuse a child, the damage is not fleeting. The child does not get better. When the child is 73, they'll still be dealing with their disability.

The press ate this story up and the group had to stop offering the funds. End of story or I'll get myself in trouble.
"Because the effects of this situation have touched many people ... "

yeah, like you attempted to kill your baby after attempting to kill your first child ...

that's what the charges should've been - attempted murder

she knew what she was doing & she knew that death could result & she did it anyway TWICE! because she wanted attention from the father(s)

wonder who the father of her son is

she better not ever get either of her kids back and I wish they could sterilize her while she's in prison
um, not sure if this is relevant ...

LAI, Wallace, MD; MD17813
Beaverton, OR
Licensee entered into an Interim Stipulated
Order with the Board on August 29, 2009. In
this Order Licensee voluntarily withdraws from
the practice of medicine and the medical license
of Licensee is placed in inactive status pending
the completion of the Board’s investigation.

LAI, Wallace, MD; MD17813
Beaverton, OR
Th e Board issued an Order Terminating
Interim Stipulated Order on October 9, 2009.
Th is Order terminated Licensee’s August 29,
2009 Interim Stipulated Order.

forgot to add link:
um, not sure if this is relevant ...

LAI, Wallace, MD; MD17813
Beaverton, OR
Licensee entered into an Interim Stipulated
Order with the Board on August 29, 2009. In
this Order Licensee voluntarily withdraws from
the practice of medicine and the medical license
of Licensee is placed in inactive status pending
the completion of the Board’s investigation.

LAI, Wallace, MD; MD17813
Beaverton, OR
Th e Board issued an Order Terminating
Interim Stipulated Order on October 9, 2009.
Th is Order terminated Licensee’s August 29,
2009 Interim Stipulated Order.

forgot to add link:

How about that? Hmmmmm.
In doing some research on Munchausen by Proxy for another thread, I was surprised to see that Dr. Lai is practicing in Salem, according to the Vitals site. Amazing how those with MBP can hoodwink doctors too. They are awfully good at what they do. I found the following update. I sure wonder who got custody of this child:

"Professional Misconduct (1/14/10)
Action Taken: Probation
Issued To: Dr. Wallace Lai; License # MD17813
Nature of Complaint:
The physician engaged in unprofessional or dishonorable conduct with a medical assistant who was assigned to work with the physician and who became the physician's patient.
The physician diagnosed the patient with Long QT syndrome. The physician implanted a single chamber implantable cardioverter-debrillator and lead into a patient's heart prior to receiving the patient's health records from a hospital in Bend, Oregon. The patient's health records from the hospital in Bend, Oregon revealed that her family history of heart disease was fictitious and that she did not have a younger brother whom she stated had died from a heart attack during a swim meet. The physician subsequently requested a psychiatric consult to address whether the patient had Munchausen Syndrome which is a mental disorder in which the patient reports fictitious health conditions in order to gain sympathy and attention. The physician was informed directly over the telephone from the consulting psychiatrist but denies reading the evaluation report which was included in the patient's chart that she did meet the criteria for Munchausen Syndrome.
The patient was discharged from the hospital and terminated her employment. The physician and the patient terminated their patient-physician relationship and their personal relationship culminated into a sexual relationship. The patient became pregnant with the physician's child and in April 2009 gave birth to their daughter. The daughter was hospitalized in June 2009 and during the course of the hospitalization the patient is alleged to have administered controlled substances to their daughter in order to induce symptoms that depressed their daughter's respiration and heart rate. The life threatening condition was detected by a nurse and promptly treated. The patient was subsequently arrested and incarcerated.
Action Taken:
The physician has entered into a Stipulated Order with the Oregon Medical Board subject to the following Probationary terms and conditions:
The physician has been issued a Reprimand by the board.
The physician's license has been Suspended for a period of ninety days. The suspension has been Stayed contingent upon the physician's compliance.
The board has placed the physician on probation for a period of ten years.
The physician shall pay a Fine in the amount of $10,000.00 within sixty days.
The physician shall appear before the board on a quarterly basis for a probationer interview.
The physician shall complete a professional boundaries course within six months.
The physician shall continue his ongoing therapy and ensure that his therapist submits quarterly reports to the board.
The physician shall obey all laws and regulations governing the practice of medicine in the State of Oregon.
State: Oregon
Issued By: State of Oregon

Other (8/29/09)
Action Taken: License Placed on Inactive Status
Issued To: Dr. Wallace Lai; License # MD17813
Nature of Complaint:
The Oregon Medical Board has recently opened an investigation into the physician's conduct.
Action Taken:
The physician has entered into an Interim Stipulated Order with the Oregon Medical Board subject to the following:
The physician voluntarily withdraws from the practice of medicine and his license is placed in inactive status pending the completion of the board's investigation.
October 9, 2009-Order Terminated
The Oregon Medical Board has terminated the 08-29-2009 Interim Stipulated Order.
State: Oregon
Issued By: State of Oregon
I found this while researching. I don't think we've seen it. The first victim's father speaks out:

Ex-husband of baby poisoning suspect: Sarah Dillard "needs to be put away"

"....Sadly Clifford Lubin knows the scenario all too well. He is Dillard's ex-husband. "My son got sick, stopped breathing one day, was rushed to the hospital at which point they found morphine in his system," Lubin told KATU News. In 2005, Dillard was convicted for harming their 10-month-old son and spent six months in prison...."


"....Dillard's family tells KATU News that Sara suffers from Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, a mental illness in which a person acts as if an individual he or she is caring for has a physical or mental illness when the person is not really sick.

"Those kinds of psychological conditions are not something you can cure," said Dr. Frank Colistro, a forensic psychologist who works with the Oregon Board of Parole providing psychological assessment of inmate’s potential of recidivism. "All you can do is manage that kind of person; they don't change...."

More at link

It just amazes me that this woman was allowed to work in a pediatric office!!
I, too, dont understand why it wasnt an attempted murder charge.

I feel sick at the thought she worked in pediatrics. you just never know do you? (I mean as far as a parent myself, I sometimes feel my child is not safe anywhere without me.)
I hope these children do not have any long term effects. :(
I ran across a comment after one of the articles where a poster claimed to be the California child's father (I have no reason to doubt that it was him as he used his name). He said that the child was doing well. I, too, hope the little ones fully recover.

I certainly hope that Dr. Lai is footing the bill for foster care. I find it reprehensible that he didn't get help for that child even after learning that the mother (his lover) exhibited signs of Munchausen's herself--claiming to have serious heart disease. He might be a great cardiologist but what kind of man just walks away from a situation like this? He knew the baby was at the hospital and he refused to go there. He obviously knew the woman was attention-seeking. Why didn't he have the decency to alert staff about the dangers to his daughter?

And did the pediatric clinic get sanctioned for clearing this woman to work there? You have to wonder if she pulled any of her tricks with patients.

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