2010.02.07 - Today's Current News - ***NO DISCUSSIONS HERE PLEASE ***

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2010.02.07 - Today's Current News - ***NO DISCUSSIONS HERE PLEASE ***

Baby Gabriel case becomes a homicide inquiry
Feb. 7, 2010 12:00 AM
Homicide investigators are conducting a dual investigation with kidnapping investigators, San Antonio Police Chief William McManus said Saturday.

McManus said they will begin searching a landfill for the child as soon as weather permits. He said classifying the case as a homicide allows them to search for a body.

Video: Baby Gabriel Case Turns Into Murder Case 1:58

Video: baby Gabriel Turns Into Murder Case 2:22

UPDATED: Case now probed as homicide
Posted: 02/07/2010 12:00 CST
San Antonio Police Chief William McManus announced Saturday that the case of the missing 9-month-old infant known as Baby Gabriel is now being investigated as a kidnapping and a homicide.

McManus also said the Police Department would begin searching an East Side landfill as soon as weather permits for the body of Gabriel Johnson. The baby last was seen Dec. 26 in San Antonio with his mother, Elizabeth Johnson.

McManus said police have been planning to search the Tessman Road Landfill site &#8220;for a long time.&#8221; &#8220;Logistics make it hard,&#8221; he said. &#8220;We've been working with contractors, and worrying about toxic runoff associated with landfills. And, the weather hasn't been cooperating. We're expecting more rain in the next couple days.&#8221;

McManus said there was no rush to search the landfill &#8220;because evidence is not being lost.&#8221;

&#8220;Hopefully nothing will turn up in the landfill,&#8221; he said. &#8220;Hopefully we'll find him alive.&#8221;

*More info at link!

*Not posted yesterday!

Baby Gabriel's Father Meets With SAPD
POSTED: Saturday, February 6, 2010
UPDATED: 7:15 pm CST February 6, 2010
Logan McQueary, baby Gabriels father, showed up at SAPD's downtown station around 9 a.m.

He met with detectives for several hours. Shortly after that meeting, SAPD Chief William McManus called a press conference to announce he was directing detectives from homicide and missing persons to investigate the disappearance of baby Gabriel.

McManus also said the department will move forward with the landfill search

Private Investigator Takes Up Missing Baby Search

Updated: Sunday, 07 Feb 2010, 5:44 PM MST
Published : Sunday, 07 Feb 2010, 5:44 PM MST

PHOENIX -- A high-profile private investigator has launched his own search for Gabriel Johnson, the 8-month-old baby who was kidnapped by his non-custodial mother and hasn't been seen since December 26.

The well-known detective says he usually charges $250,000 to a million to take a case -- but after hearing of Gabriel's story, he decided to search for him free of charge.

"We've got about 175 years of experience concentrating on this case," says private investigator Jay J. Armes. His team of detectives is assembled across Texas and Mexico searching for baby Gabriel.
He's criticizing the San Antonio Police Department for the way they've handled the case. On Saturday, police announced they're opening a homicide investigation into the baby's disappearance, so they can search a landfill for his body.

"That is a cop out, because you just don't do that to parents of a child that is missing."

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