Rocky Mountain News Retrospective


"The discovery of JonBenet Ramsey's body in her parents' basement 21/2 years ago has led to no fewer than 10 arrests."
"None has been for the 6-year-old's death."

"So many people get caught up in the publicity that they want to become part of it," he said. "They end up becoming too much a part of it and getting themselves arrested."

Former Globe reporter Jeff Shapiro is one of them. And he thinks there should be more.

Hunter said he never liked the "umbrella of suspicion" under which Beckner famously placed John and Patsy Ramsey in December 1997, and Hunter regrets sounding that day as if all his own ducks were in a row.

"At that point in time . . . there was not sufficient information for somebody to be suggesting that they . . . had a loop they were about to throw over somebody's head."

In both cases, only the two parents, a brother and the murdered girl were known to be in the house at bedtime.
In both cases, one or both parents, while protesting their innocence, quickly retained lawyers.
In both cases, the parents became suspects in the girls' murders.

Society prefers to suspect family members in the cases of murdered children, Protess said.
Unfortunately, no one was ever arrested for the CRIME itself.

Hunter said he never liked the "umbrella of suspicion" under which Beckner famously placed John and Patsy Ramsey in December 1997, and Hunter regrets sounding that day as if all his own ducks were in a row.

"At that point in time . . . there was not sufficient information for somebody to be suggesting that they . . . had a loop they were about to throw over somebody's head."

Pure BS.

Society prefers to suspect family members in the cases of murdered children, Protess said.

The fact that a professor would say something that moronic just proves that some lies are so stupid only really smart people are dumb enough to believe them.
The fact that a professor would say something that moronic just proves that some lies are so stupid only really smart people are dumb enough to believe them.

Society suspects parents in the case of murdered children because that is most often who has killed them. It also tends to suspect parents when they were home at the time when their child was killed.
Society suspects parents in the case of murdered children because that is most often who has killed them. It also tends to suspect parents when they were home at the time when their child was killed.

The fact that she was murdered AT NIGHT and found in THE BASEMENT using WEAPONS YOU CANT SOURCE should be a clue to you then.

Who needs DNA to show an intruder did it?
The fact that she was murdered AT NIGHT and found in THE BASEMENT using WEAPONS YOU CANT SOURCE should be a clue to you then.

What does that have to do with it? It was night when they arrived home. It would make no difference if the TOD happened to be during the day. If the parents were home when it happened, they are the prime suspects, especially if they are the ONLY adults known to be home at the time. She was found in her OWN basement. And she was found by a parent (BIG red flag there). A flashlight belonging to the house could have been the weapon. So could a golf club belonging to the house. As far as I am concerned, the weapon is sourced to the home. The time of day (night in this case) and where she was found are not the issue as far as parental guilt. It is who found her, who was home at the time, and all the things the parents lied about. And of course, your old favorite, the RN.
What does that have to do with it? It was night when they arrived home. It would make no difference if the TOD happened to be during the day. If the parents were home when it happened, they are the prime suspects, especially if they are the ONLY adults known to be home at the time. She was found in her OWN basement. And she was found by a parent (BIG red flag there). A flashlight belonging to the house could have been the weapon. So could a golf club belonging to the house. As far as I am concerned, the weapon is sourced to the home. The time of day (night in this case) and where she was found are not the issue as far as parental guilt. It is who found her, who was home at the time, and all the things the parents lied about. And of course, your old favorite, the RN.

"As far as I am concerned, the weapon is sourced to the home."

Let me guess. As far as you're concerned, PR did it. This exemplifies the type of reasoning that has been associated with the case since the first day.

And then there's reality. IF an intruder did it, THEN they would prefer night, prefer to operate in the basement, and prefer their own weapons.

It SHOULD be a clue that you can't figure out what hit JBR on the head, or where the cord came from. You're all ready to hang the R's and you don't even know why anyone would break BOTH ends off the paintbrush.
Society suspects parents in the case of murdered children because that is most often who has killed them. It also tends to suspect parents when they were home at the time when their child was killed.

My point is that it's been my experience that people would rather believe in a nameless, faceless "monster" than a killer parent.

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