Alcala and His Crimes

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Justice for Kimberly Shawn Cheatham
Sep 30, 2005
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I wanted a thread to discuss the circumstances surrounding the crimes that Alcala committed and ones he is suspected of committing (i.e. Ellen Jane Hover July 15, 1977). I thought it was important to learn more about the way he might have "operated."

In an article in the Reading Eagle dated July 31, 1977, it talks about how Ellen's stepfather had out up about 3,000 posters in the area Ellen lived (Third Avenue & 44th Street) asking for information.

Meanwhile, a private investigator Nat Laurendi, a former New York City policeman who was retained by Ellen's stepfather Ruben Schwartz. Laurendi said he had interviewed more than 50 possible witnesses and only got one clue and that was that she had been seen with a young pony-tailed man watching a fire next door just hours before the blackout and that same man was seen knocking of her apartment the next day. "He may or may not be named John Brugh," Laurendi said.

More at link: hover&pg=5619,5108446

The article below dated August 15, 1977 notes that police believe that a photographer with a pony tail - a John Burgh or John Burger may know something about her disappearance. The article also states that it is believed that Ellen met him at the unemployment office. hover&pg=6262,1873944
Well, of course the unemployment office! Seems like the perfect place to go trolling for people that might obviously be lured with the promise of some fast cash or a new career in modelling.
Jill Parenteau

In the summer of 1979, Jill Parenteau was 21 and ecstatic about moving out on her own. She had long brown hair and a big smile, and was smart and funny, but she could also be shy and reserved with those who didn't know her well, said her childhood friend Katherine Franco. Parenteau and her friends "did classic girlfriend things," Franco said -- they shared recipes and shopped and imagined where life would take them.

One night that summer, Parenteau and Franco visited the Handlebar Saloon, a Pasadena watering hole frequented by Alcala. They briefly met the curly-haired man, but he made little impression and the two friends didn't give him much thought, Franco said.,0,3955869.story
Well, of course the unemployment office! Seems like the perfect place to go trolling for people that might obviously be lured with the promise of some fast cash or a new career in modelling.

Yep. When he was in his teens, my partner got "offered a job" by someone hanging around a government job centre. They took him off to a local Christian centre and tried to convert him from atheist-leaning agnosticism to their particular flavor of talking in tongues. Wouldn't take him back to where he knew how to get home from until he gave them his name, phone number and address. Then they kept bothering him until his father told them to go away or else.
Hi all, I am new here so please feel free to correct me if I post in the wrong place, etc. :) Today when I was listening to the news and not really paying attention, the newsperson started talking about Alcala and and all the recent news about him. Then the newscaster said something to the effect of Rod bragging once that he had killed over 600 people. Have any of you all heard of him saying that? If it were true, when in the world could he find the time to kill that many? Maybe, there is alot that we don't know about that went on in the 60's with him too.

Anyway, this guy really makes me sick and I am so glad he is finally in prison for good. It's so unsettling looking at all his pictures and wondering who is alive and who isn't. There is one picture of a girl laying on his ugly brown carpet that really bothers me. You only see from her shoulders up but you can tell she is very angry and maybe even scared. I just hate to think of what might have happened to her. Like a few of you have said, she does remind me of the girl in the nightclub/go go dancer place with the choker around her neck. The one that has all the reddish background with posters and stuff. I am not positive that they are the same girl though and I don't know how to post side by sides

Can't wait to see more threads with the purple lettering stating people that have been found alive. :)
Hello SMILES 001!!!

No, I didn't hear about him bragging he killed 600 people! YIKES! When I get a chance, I'll read some of the many articles that have come out about his trial in the last few days.
No, I didn't hear about him bragging he killed 600 people! YIKES! When I get a chance, I'll read some of the many articles that have come out about his trial in the last few days.

I know, I wish I would have paid more attention and I can't even remember what station it was on...pretty sure it was our local news. I do remember hearing him saying "Alcala once bragged that he had killed 600." Maybe you will come across something. :)
In this article, he claims to have killed 30 more women in the 70's and police believe it may be well up to 130 murders that he is responsible for.

Wonder if this is where the 600 figure came from?

America's most prolific serial killer is often considered to be Henry Lee Lucas, who was convicted of four murders in the late 1970s although police believe he may have been responsible for more than 200.

After his imprisonment, Lucas confessed to 600 killings although he later claimed he had lied to become famous.
I'm not sure if this is the right thread to post this under, but I'm finding the more I read about Alcala's sister the more I wonder just what she knows/knew and I also wonder about her relationship with her brother.

Snipped from this article:

That night, while Alcala was in jail, he was taped telling his sister it was "a good thing" the cops didn't know about a storage locker he'd rented. Cops went to his home the next day, but the receipt was gone. They feared the sister might try to retrieve whatever it was Alcala was glad they didn't know about.

Here's Murphy's "miracle": Even though the cops had not been able to seize the receipt, Jenkins had thought to copy down the name of the storage facility. It turned out to be in Seattle where, unbeknownst to the cops at the time, Alcala had hauled some stuff.

"It was like a race to see who would get to Seattle first," Murphy told me as he packed up Monday afternoon.

And then her comment from this one in 2001:

"Oh my God, I'm ecstatic. I cannot believe this. It's about time," said Alcala's sister Kriss K., 54, of Whittier, her voice quivering. "Finally someone listened, someone got a clue that something was done wrong. I am just sorry my mother didn't live to see this. I'm overwhelmed. There is a God who is just."

In the second article above, it says she was 54 in 2001, if I'm doing my math correctly, RA would have been 57. So they are three years apart or so. So in 1979, when RA killed Robin Samsoe, he was 35 years old (right?), not some kid. Why would he be calling his 32 year old sister and telling her "it's a good thing they don't know about the storage shed" if she didn't know something about it. Is this his only sister? Has LE checked her out?

It also says that RA's mother is deceased. (I think someone was trying to research her.)

Do we have a thread for this sort of thing or is this an okay place to put this.

Me too, D. I also wondered why her son was with her????????? Moral support?

From things I have read Kelleher kept in contact with RA's mom. We never know about these sort of things. Like WHY did she find it necessary to go to that sentencing? Any trial stuff if she wasn't testifying?

Honestly I'd wondered if any of those pictures we are looking at aren't Kelleher? Could they be?
I'm not sure if this is the right thread to post this under, but I'm finding the more I read about Alcala's sister the more I wonder just what she knows/knew and I also wonder about her relationship with her brother.

Snipped from this article:

That night, while Alcala was in jail, he was taped telling his sister it was "a good thing" the cops didn't know about a storage locker he'd rented. Cops went to his home the next day, but the receipt was gone. They feared the sister might try to retrieve whatever it was Alcala was glad they didn't know about.

Here's Murphy's "miracle": Even though the cops had not been able to seize the receipt, Jenkins had thought to copy down the name of the storage facility. It turned out to be in Seattle where, unbeknownst to the cops at the time, Alcala had hauled some stuff.

"It was like a race to see who would get to Seattle first," Murphy told me as he packed up Monday afternoon.

And then her comment from this one in 2001:

"Oh my God, I'm ecstatic. I cannot believe this. It's about time," said Alcala's sister Kriss K., 54, of Whittier, her voice quivering. "Finally someone listened, someone got a clue that something was done wrong. I am just sorry my mother didn't live to see this. I'm overwhelmed. There is a God who is just."

In the second article above, it says she was 54 in 2001, if I'm doing my math correctly, RA would have been 57. So they are three years apart or so. So in 1979, when RA killed Robin Samsoe, he was 35 years old (right?), not some kid. Why would he be calling his 32 year old sister and telling her "it's a good thing they don't know about the storage shed" if she didn't know something about it. Is this his only sister? Has LE checked her out?

It also says that RA's mother is deceased. (I think someone was trying to research her.)

Do we have a thread for this sort of thing or is this an okay place to put this.

BillyLee, I'd read all of those save for the "esstatic" one. Thank you for that. Personally I believe they ALL enabled him. The sister's and the mom.

Researching them isn't that difficult. If you go ind epth there's family that has lived in some of those places he'd been to. How could a guy on the lam get himself a Greenwich apartment? Where'd the loot come from?

Basically using his mom's last name don't link up to anyone. Go into those sister's and their many names and it can make ya go "Hmmmmmmmmm".

Of course it's all speculation, but it's just my opinion that they believed HIM. Or just wanted to believe him.

Oh and for the locker I read he told an inmate he also ditched Robin's bike. At a thrift place. He told about the locker and the bike.

BTW, at first I thought Alcala didn't keep the name of his biological father. Is that right? Anyone know? TIA That's conflicting as I read he left them, BUT in some articles it mentions the dad. Maybe not a biological one though?

Nope, there's two sisters. Very similar names. First names.
Filly, do you have links to his other sisters you can post? I just looked at the time line we have here and realized we have two different (first) names other than the one that was quoted in the article above. Could there be three?
Filly, do you have links to his other sisters you can post? I just looked at the time line we have here and realized we have two different (first) names other than the one that was quoted in the article above. Could there be three?

BillyLee, I'll PM them to you. I'll show you for future reference how you can link things up.

Basically the two sisters have the same name. Sort of like George Forman if ya know what I mean. If there's a third it wouldn't surpirse me. Again, as I had asked did he keep the bio dad's surname? I had read he did not. So maybe there's a sister that belongs to another woman with the bio dad as opposed as those two with the mother. If that makes sense? I don't believe so though. I'll PM ya.

Hopefully that helped. Time consuming I know. It can get confusing as well. I just didn't want to name anyone who isn't convicted of the crime. The first names along with the mom who is deceased are all the same "M" basically.
Filly, do you have links to his other sisters you can post? I just looked at the time line we have here and realized we have two different (first) names other than the one that was quoted in the article above. Could there be three?

BL, after seeing all the different locations of people he was related to and then after the astounding new time line do ya see what I meant? Like he went on vacation? I noted how some of them were fairly close in proximity to those links.

The burning question I have that probably could never be answered is "What and if the whole thing about putting things on women's heads is about". Was the earphones to pump in torture music? The women don't look tortured when they have them on. However why isn't it open for everyone to hear? He's cutting off a sense. JMO.

Then the helmet. Then the beautiful cool eye makeup girl in the plaid hat.

Ohhhhhhhhhhh and now we know he exposed himself to his SISTER. Hello! Ya have to wonder did she tell? Who did she tell? Did anyone figure this dude got a major problem? Exposing yourself to your own da*n sister. Nothing right about that.
There is nothing sinister about the headphones. In the late 60s it was cool to have an expensive component stereo and listen with headphones to best capture the quality of the sound. Particularly if you were stoned.

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