Harrell Armchair Psych Profile

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Jul 31, 2004
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Often we look at the psych profile as it may relate to the crime.
This is not a professional thread, but rather our own thoughts on possible psychological factors that may define Harrell.

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Ok, my armchair psych profile of JH is the typical child *advertiser censored* perv that sees children as sex objects. I think he was babied and enabled all his life. I think he has never had to face anything in his life because mommy would cover for him (like she was gonna try to do with a false alibi).

I think he saw things he should have never seen as a child, but that's no excuse for what he did.

Somer's murder was brutal, so he's a monster. He didn't kill her by accident...he did it to cover his arse IMO. But as brutal as it was, I think he enjoyed it. JMO

I hope this is what this thread is for. :angel:
I really think it was pure violence and hate that drove Jerred to do this. The whole thing was so violent. I think Harrell has a real problem with anger towards women and how to express that anger. I would not be surprised to find out it was a woman that fired him at his last job and I am sure he blamed his getting kicked out of the apartment on the girl roomate.

I keep getting the feeling that the mom knew about the molesting of the 3 year old. I think Jerred got caught, maybe the little girl told on him. I think that is why the mother was looking for a place for Jerred to live when she found the friends in the apartment that would take him in.

I think the only reason he did not get violent with the 3 year old is because he knew he would get caught. He settled on degrading and humiliation and recording his deed.

He puts himself in positions where he is dependent on woman then when he does not succeed at what he is doing blames them. I would bet anything if you go through and look at every job, everything he owns and every problem he has ever had you can find a woman behind it.
I agree Dr. Fess. at least with the Jarrad being violent part. He lost his job due to a temper he couldn't control - it was said he just couldn't deal with things, he just lost it.

With that in mind - I think little Somer fought like heck when grabbed and he was furious about the lack of respect shown to him. Not in a million years do I think he murdered little Somer to silence her - his need for power and control is so great he preyed on little children and when he couldn't make that work - he lost it! all just my opinion of course. what a freaken creep!
I think it goes beyond Jarred's anger with women, it seems he had problems all around with his relationships/people in general. He didn't/wouldn't maintain a relationship with his father. He got fired from at least one job for his temper. Had trouble keeping jobs. He was described by RB as reclusive. Only lasted a few months with the roommates before being kicked out for stealing. Ex-stepfather says he was in trouble twice as a teenager for stealing. Says he struggled with the pressures of grade school and had to be home schooled (IMO, probably had social problems).

I think he had serious issues his whole life. I in no way think his childhood is an excuse for his behavior, but rather an explanation for some of the reason he ended up a monster. Not only the spiritual marriage of his young sister, but then being bounced from home to home from age 3 on up. (I'm still wondering why he was put with the grandmother for a year, then his father, while the sister went straight to the father.)

As an adult, he bounces between family members and family friends. And then within weeks of being left alone when the family moved, he raped and murdered. He had no one left to take care of him, to make excuses for him, or to cover up for him. He had been losing control of his life for months---lost the job, got kicked out of the apartment---and now he was being left alone to take care of himself. To me, it is scary to think of how quickly it seems he escalated when given the opportunity.
Hi everyone....I have only ever ventured into the missing/located dicussion forums so this is all new to me and I have only just discovered that this guy has been charged with her murder....so he did it.....

I stopped reading that forum ages ago and he was a POI.....did you ever discover if the mothers husband ....the cult guy.......did marry his sister at a young age....and do you know if she was sexually abused by him.......what about this guy himself....is there any indication he was abused as well by the cult loon???
Often we look at the psych profile as it may relate to the crime.
This is not a professional thread, but rather our own thoughts on possible psychological factors that may define Harrell.

if you are a psychiatrist,psychologist ot other related mental health professional, please do not post as such unless you have been verified by the owner.

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IMO, Harrell is a Sadistic, violent, sociopathic pedophile who primarily preys on children (young girls). He planned to murder Somer. It is a premeditated murder. He had been observing Somer for a long time.
He grabbed her from behind and dragged her perhaps killing her as he grabbed her. If her hyoid bone is broken, he choked her to death.
I think he actually raped her postmortem as well. And I think he also bashed her head/face in (blunt force injury) so as to make her unrecognizable. The ultimate last act was disposing her like trash.


Somer has saved many lives because this monster was surely to do it again if he hasn't already. This is/would be a serial killer of young girls.
IMO, Harrell is a Sadistic, violent, sociopathic pedophile who primarily preys on children (young girls). He planned to murder Somer. It is a premeditated murder. He had been observing Somer for a long time.
He grabbed her from behind and dragged her perhaps killing her as he grabbed her. If her hyoid bone is broken, he choked her to death.
I think he actually raped her postmortem as well. And I think he also bashed her head/face in (blunt force injury) so as to make her unrecognizable. The ultimate last act was disposing her like trash.


Somer has saved many lives because this monster was surely to do it again if he hasn't already. This is/would be a serial killer of young girls.

BBM - I totally agree. As brutal as it was, he enjoyed it IMO. Somer would not have been his last kill if JH would not have been caught.

BBM - I totally agree. As brutal as it was, he enjoyed it IMO. Somer would not have been his last kill if JH would not have been caught.


I'm wondering if this monster killed before. Something tells me he has. I would retrace every move this monster has made and if any missing kids were within 100 miles of where he lived all those different places etc.

Somer is a heroine who saved countless little girls from experiencing her horrible fate. RIP Sweet Somer.
A three page discussion of Jarrad's childhood, his mother and some of the events that may have turned him into a child killer.

Jarred Harrell was 3 years old at the time. A Mississippi court ruled Annis an unfit mother and removed the children.

Six years later, Annis regained custody of her children, but relatives say things were never stable very long.

Records show that Harrell's mother had at least 56 different addresses in almost as many cities while Harrell was growing up. She has been married four times, filed for bankruptcy three times, has been evicted from at least one home and was found guilty of grand theft after allegedly stealing thousands of dollars from an employer.

But by last year, there were signs that Annis Dailey was turning her life around. Her business profile for the Amelia Island Chamber of Commerce boasts of a loving family. Her husband, General Dailey, had recently been featured in the local media for his Good Samaritan work organizing volunteers during emergencies.

Jarred Harrell: A Picture in Contrasts

At 24 years old, Jarred Harrell still lived with his mother and depended on her financially.

Relatives say Harrell had always been overweight and slow in school, and had often been picked on, even by his two younger step-brothers.

A MySpace profile Harrell kept showed glimpses of someone who can't take it anymore, seemingly wanting revenge.



another article of Harrald telling LE he was at the Gano home the day Somer was murdered.

Jarred Harrell: A Picture in Contrasts

At 24 years old, Jarred Harrell still lived with his mother and depended on her financially.

Relatives say Harrell had always been overweight and slow in school, and had often been picked on, even by his two younger step-brothers.

A MySpace profile Harrell kept showed glimpses of someone who can't take it anymore, seemingly wanting revenge.

On the day he was arrested in MS, between the time that the story broke that the house on Gano was being searched and the Sheriff's 7pm announcement, there was a news article that quoted a neighbor saying that a husband & wife, their two sons, and a cousin lived in the home before moving out. I can't find a link to the article now. I think it was probably an early version that got updated as more information came out, so I guess consider this whole post JMO. To me, the quote gave an idea of some of the family dynamics that neighbors would think he was a cousin, and not a son.
~snip~ from article above:

Records show that Harrell's mother had at least 56 different addresses in almost as many cities while Harrell was growing up. She has been married four times, filed for bankruptcy three times, has been evicted from at least one home and was found guilty of grand theft after allegedly stealing thousands of dollars from an employer. ~snip~

Sound like Jarad H. never knew what a home was! Maybe he had no idea what being a son was all about either. moo
I wonder how a mentally challenged person like JH was able to confound all of those LE. Maybe they should hire him as a consultant to deal with these kinds of crimes.

Did LE check the Gano home or not after Somer went missing? LE says that they thought the home was empty. Did they not ask the neighbors and then the neighbors told them about the weird guy there?

If it wasn't for the kids who found the computer, I think LE would be scratching their heads.
I'm no professional, but it's not hard to see that his mother has some sort of mental illness. Who knows what he's seen in his life, what his living environment must have been like. Even if he did not inherit whatever it is that she's got, just having that woman in his life had to have some effect on his own mental stability.

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