GUILTY CA - Annie Hung 'Kim' Pham, 23, dies from beating outside Santa Ana nightclub


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Kim "Annie" Pham, 23, Nightclub Beating - January 18, 2014, - Santa Ana, CA

A 27-year-old woman was arrested Friday, following the arrest of Vanesa Tapia Zavala, 25, who has been charged with murder. Police have released a photo of a third woman wanted for questioning...


The 27-year-old woman was arrested Friday, the second captured in relation to the death of Kim Pham, a Westminster woman who died of blunt force trauma to the head early last Saturday morning.
The news came on the same day that an organ donation agency announced that Pham's organs have "saved five lives through the donation of her heart, kidneys, lungs, pancreas and liver to patients on the national organ transplant waiting list."
Another woman, 25-year-old Vanesa Tapia Zavala, has been charged with murder and held in lieu of $1 million bail after her arrest earlier this week.
Pham’s friends said the argument started early Saturday morning as the woman was waiting in line to get into The Crosby. Pham allegedly walked in front of a group of revelers who were trying to take a picture.
A verbal argument quickly escalated into a physical altercation. Pham was reportedly knocked onto the ground while tussling with another woman. A third person came onto the scene and kicked Pham in the temple. She immediately slumped to the floor, which caused the fighters to flee.

"One kick and she was out cold," Jason, a witness, told the Daily News. "No one touched her after that."

Cops released a photo of a third woman, who remains on the loose and is wanted for questioning.
"We are looking for the third person. This is the one person that has not been identified," Santa Ana Police Chief Carlos Rojas told KNBC-TV. "She was involved in the physical altercation, and we are naming her as a person of interest at this point."

Second arrest made in beating death of Kim Pham outside Santa Ana nightclub

The 27-year-old woman was arrested Friday, the second captured in relation to the death of Kim Pham, a Westminster woman who died of blunt force trauma to the head early last Saturday morning.

The news came on the same day that an organ donation agency announced that Pham's organs have "saved five lives through the donation of her heart, kidneys, lungs, pancreas and liver to patients on the national organ transplant waiting list."

Another woman, 25-year-old Vanesa Tapia Zavala, has been charged with murder and held in lieu of $1 million bail after her arrest earlier this week.

Local businesses and the city’s government have drummed up $10,000 for information leading to the arrests of all suspects.

Pham was a Chapman University graduate who dreamed of becoming a writer and a talk-show host. She was declared brain-dead shortly after the incident. Her family kept her on life support until Tuesday in order to donate her organs. Her donation has already made a difference, the Southern California non-profit OneLegacy said.

"Pham, who had registered with the Donate Life California Organ & Tissue Donor Registry through the California Department of Motor Vehicles, also donated tissues that could heal dozens more," the announcement from OneLegacy reads. "Her tissue donation included skin used for burn dressings, bone to repair fractures and prevent amputations, and bone marrow for orthopedic use."

kimi SFC brought this case here :cry::hug:
Emotional Vigil Held For Woman Fatally Beaten Outside OC Nightclub
January 24, 2014 8:54 PM

SANTA ANA ( — Friends and family gathered Friday evening for an emotional vigil to honor and remember a 23-year-old Westminster woman who died after being beaten outside an Orange County nightclub.
The 8 p.m. candlelight vigil for Kim Pham was held in front The Crosby, the popular hangout in Santa Ana where the Jan. 18, altercation unfolded.

Video Here:
Emotional Vigil Held For Woman Fatally Beaten Outside OC Nightclub

Unbelievably senseless crime and shocking that girls would behave that way standing in line, well soon they will be lining up for everything ....
Senseless and tragic, god bless Kim Pham's family. RIP young lady, we'll never know now what your life might have been. Heartbreaking.
Kim Pham graduated from Chapman University, majoring in Psychology. I read a heartbreaking article last night about an unpublished paper she wrote about the "Bystander Effect."

Her eloquence, intelligence, and writing ability was undeniable. Kim wanted to be a writer. The tragic irony of her demise as others took the time to capture it on their phones but not step in to help her - is the personification of the Bystander Effect.

I am almost finished with my undergrad in Clinical Psychology with a specialty in Forensics so this case touches my soul. Kim's family resembles mine, literally, as my roots are Vietnamese --- and Hispanic.

The dichotomy hurts so much I can't even begin to describe it.

I mobile so I will have to return to edit and add the link to the story so :moo: for now.

RIP Kim :'(

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I didn't know Kim's case was on here. I just wrote an article myself. I saw the first reports where a fundraiser had been set up immediately, and Kim's family asked them to take it down. It was entirely legitimate, but they did not want a fundraiser while she had not been officially declared dead.

Deaths and severe injuries in circumstances just like these are very commonplace in the UK. It's so sad and senseless. Young people should not leave for a night out and never come home. :(

RIP Kim.
Kim Pham graduated from Chapman University, majoring in Psychology. I read a heartbreaking article last night about an unpublished paper she wrote about the "Bystander Effect."

Her eloquence, intelligence, and writing ability was undeniable. Kim wanted to be a writer. The tragic irony of her demise as others took the time to capture it on their phones but not step in to help her - is the personification of the Bystander Effect.

I am almost finished with my undergrad in Clinical Psychology with a specialty in Forensics so this case touches my soul. Kim's family resembles mine, literally, as my roots are Vietnamese --- and Hispanic.

The dichotomy hurts so much I can't even begin to describe it.

I mobile so I will have to return to edit and add the link to the story so :moo: for now.

RIP Kim :'(

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Not sure, but this may be the article you were trying to link?

Kim was a talented writer. What a great loss to her loved ones and the world.
Not sure, but this may be the article you were trying to link?

Kim was a talented writer. What a great loss to her loved ones and the world.

:tyou: zwiebel! Yes, this is the article from Here are snips from the heartfelt write up. She was valued there, and IMVHO, she had attained her dream of becoming a writer. It is heartbreaking that the world will never know the depths of her talent. Her light was extinguished - far too soon.

I am posting Kim's previously unpublished work on the bystander effect I mentioned upthread in its entirety, in her honor.

I hope the Mods will allow it to remain....... :rose:

The Tragedy Of Kim Pham: What A Desensitized Generation Can Learn From A Senseless Loss

LIFE • GREG DYBEC • JAN 22, 2014 - 4:54PM



Kim was a valued contributor to Elite Daily and we are all shocked and deeply saddened to learn that she is no longer with us. Like any writer capable of providing a voice for their generation, Kim understood her peers, and she possessed the keen ability to eloquently pass along advice and inspiration that resonated with countless readers.


This trend of diffusing responsibility and simply “not getting involved” is not new. Perhaps the most well known case of the psychological phenomenon known as the bystander effect is the murder of Kitty Genovese. In 1964, Kitty, a 28-year-old woman at the time, was stabbed by an attacker in front of her home in a residential Queens neighborhood. Her cry for help was heard by a number of residents, which forced the attacker to flee the scene. Though when nobody stepped forward to help Genovese, the attacker returned and raped her before killing her. A witness finally called the police after the final attack.

The bystander effect is an inherent trend among people, however, in recent years and with the aid of technology, an entirely new social phenomenon has been born. One that takes the bystander effect a step further. With desensitization that has become a natural byproduct of the Internet and the media, as well as the social media craze that has enticed a generation to capture everything they see, the notion to pull out a camera in the most inappropriate of times has become as monotonous and predictable as the workings of an assembly line.

In the case of Kim, she was knocked unconscious before her attackers continued to beat her. Not surprisingly, there is video footage of the event, with bystanders crowded around, cell phones in hand.

Bystanders are not just avoiding involvement as in the case of Kitty, they are, in fact, directly involving themselves in the incident, but not doing anything to stop it. Yes, film has helped authorities make arrests, but it doesn’t save lives.

It’s discouraging to think that we have become a culture that is more likely to record an incident, such as the beating of Kim Pham, rather than make any effort to prevent the worst possible outcome. But after all, we are a generation that chooses to stare emotionlessly through a screen. If the person next to you started dancing, you would probably instinctively reach for your phone.

If you turned around to notice a beautiful sunset, your hand would probably find it’s way to your pocket while you fumbled for the camera icon. And if a 23-year-old were being mercilessly beaten on the street, too many of us would once again reach for our phones, perhaps excited by the thought of uploading it online later on, or texting it to a friend.

As for Kim, she may have fallen victim to a major flaw of the same generation that she was so interested in helping, guiding and being a part of. It almost seems too coincidental that her last post for Elite Daily, previously unpublished, profiled Kelly Thomas, a homeless schizophrenic man living in California that was beaten to death by cops, sparking a national uproar.

Every now and then people come along that can help reshape a generation’s ills and change the way we look at both ourselves and society as a whole. The term martyr tends to feel outdated, but Kim has undoubtedly left us with her greatest piece of inspiration yet, and with her unfortunate passing it’s imperative that we reflect on what our actions really say when we don’t act at all.

You can read her full previously unpublished article below:

Kelly Thomas, You Are Remembered. Was This Just?
By Kim Pham
The beating of Kelly Thomas, a homeless and schizophrenic man living on the streets of Fullerton, California, has led to a legal trial decision finding two Fullerton city police officers, Manuel Ramos and Jay Cicinelli, innocent of involuntary manslaughter and excessive force.

To back up, about a half an hour past eight o’clock on July 5, 2011, Kelly Thomas encountered police when there was a call from management at Slidebar, a small bar in Fullerton, requesting lookout because there had been vandalism nearby reported. Upon investigation, police approached an unarmed Kelly Thomas to search him. Though police had reported in statements that Thomas was defiant in search, which led to a call for further backup, video footage showed otherwise.

Surveillance cameras, as well as footage from camera phones nearby shows a surrendering Thomas, in all of his adrenaline and unkempt state, screaming words of submission to the officers’ testified commands for him to secure his hands behind his back as he responds, “I’m sorry! I’m trying!” Thomas was also calling for his father, “Dad! Dad!” Despite this, officers continued to find the use of a taser necessary, and furthermore, to beat mercilessly. Fullerton Transportation center’s pole camera, among other device cameras, yielded footage of a latex-gloved Officer Ramos heeding caution for Thomas, “Now, see my fists? They are getting ready to f*ck you up.”

The physical aftermath was minorly-injured officers and a brutally beat Kelly Thomas, who was found unconscious in a pool of blood. Yet, the testimony from an on-site paramedic reports that he was instructed to look into the minor police injuries first. Official coroner reports show multiple sites of fractured bones in Kelly’s face and a crushed thorax that limited his breathing; it was determined that the final cause of death was asphyxiation from his own blood. Post-incident reports from six officers on site who were called to deal with the submission of Thomas, stated that he was found suffering “severe” injuries to his face, neck and head.

Though police reported initially that they’d suffered broken bones as a result of Kelly Thomas’ absolute lack of cooperation, it was later found that Fullerton police department could not confirm the medical records for any broken bones suffered by their officers.

In light of all of this, I want to begin by saying I understand the nature of schizophrenia, having been a student of medical psychology. True, mental illness wards exhibit conditions of unpredictability.

My first reaction to this leads me to wonder if police officers are sufficiently trained to understand conditions of a schizophrenic person and how to deal with this properly. I’m inclined to believe not, as severe aggression, threats and savagely violent battery are completely uncalled for.

However, that question becomes quickly irrelevant as facts lead us to understand that it is understood: This was a case of police brutality.

In our humanistic logic, I ask that we see the harsh truth in this. While police are trained to physically overcome difficulty, Kelly Thomas was unarmed. Although his conditions of schizophrenia were discovered later, we ask ourselves: What warning signs of being armed could this man have shown as he was screaming words of submission?

As he was pumped up on adrenaline in state of panic, acting to save his own life over schemed retaliation as police attempted to pin him? What threat could this man have posed that justified beating him into a comatose state and ultimately leading him to his death a brief five days later?

Six police officers, who are trained and should be in rational states of mind when approaching a situation with only a single civilian who was simply being questioned without any evidence of vandalism, which the initial call was made for. Police are meant to protect our people and serve justice.

I ask, where is the justice and protection in this?

Our nation preaches a right to be. Regardless, Kelly Thomas had the right to live as he chose. Ultimately, as he did live wandering the streets as it seemed, facts show he also chose to live unarmed and submissive, words reaching out for his father escaping him as he was slowly beaten to death. We are no one to criticize the way a person chooses to deal with his reality, so long as he did not harm anyone or any institution — in which situational factors had showed he did none of the above.

Kelly Thomas, I hope you truly rest in peace and your family finds solace in all of this. Karma may not have a dollar sign attached to it, or a legal verdict to be typed officially under its title, but I believe, wholeheartedly, in its relativity to this reality. May you have found serenity in every single way possible, wherever you are now. We think of you.

RIP Kim Pham from the entire Elite Daily family. You will be missed.
Vigil Held for Victim of Nightclub Beating: 2nd Arrest Made, 3rd Woman Sought
See bio, contact info, and more articles from Juan Flores
1 day ago
by Juan Flores
Web Producer

Embedded Video:

Person of Interest Sought as Vigil Held For Victim in Nightclub Beating

Authorities initially said that five people were being sought in the beating, but the police chief clarified on Friday that only three women were believed to be involved in the incident.

Police said they were still conducting their investigation.

Anyone with information about this case or videos of the incident was asked to contact Crime Stoppers at (855) TIP-OCCS.
ETA: Video report states anonymous caller contacted KTLA to say they recognized the POI in the photo and contacted SAPD. However, LE has not confirmed this yet, only stating they have received tips since the photo has been released. Hopefully, further updates will bring news of progress in the search for suspectsand Justice for Kim :moo:

Read more:
My 21 yr old daughter had a very similar, scary experience recently at a concert in a Hollywood nightclub. I showed her this article to remind her how lucky she was it did not end this badly.

She and two gf's were waiting for a concert to start. There was a very tall young man standing right in front of them. So they tapped him on his shoulder and asked if he could move slightly to the side. He was nice and laughed and invited my daughter and her friend
to stand in front of him. So they moved in front, thanked him again, and waited for the show to start. Then suddenly, out of the blue, the man's girlfriend grabbed my daughter by the hair and pulled her to the ground. Then she began to kick her and luckliy my daughters two friends jumped in and helped her get away. They left the concert before it even started. But it was a smart decision -especially after looking at this horrible case.

The girl that attacked my daughter WRONGLY thought that she was flirting with her boyfriend. It was a senseless, pointless atttack.
Katy how terrifying for your daughter and for you as a parent. A simple gesture misinterpreted - then the girlfriend reacts with force. It could have turned out much worse - like it did for Kim. I'm so thankful your daughter made it home to you that night.
I read Kim may have "photo bombed" the girls outside The Crosby - a term I'd never heard before. Apparently she may have stepped in the path of them taking a picture? :moo: until I can link it. Can you imagine something so arbitrary being the catalyst to the end of a life?

And yet, your daughter's experience shows that's exactly how it is out there. Split second decisions made based on snap judgments - regardless of whether or not people know the whole story or they're right or wrong - and in the end nothing justifies reacting with lethal force IMHO.

This is a cautionary tale of the dangers that exist and I am sure Kim Pham's legacy will live on way beyond her short life. It didn't have to end this way.

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Yes, so true that in one moment, one's life can hang in the balance, over nothing at all. I did not learn about this incident until the next afternoon. My daughter came over and had a black eye and a bad bruise on her temple. She spent the night here for some old fashioned homestyle nurturing. She said it was one of the scariest things she ever experienced because she was totally blindsided. The girl never even said a word beforehand. Just came from behind and yanked her by her ponytail and slammed her to the ground. Even pulled some of her hair out doing so. And it was so ridiculous because there was zero flirting going on. If her two friends were not there it could have been so much worse.

When I think about Annie and her family, I am so sorry and can hardly imagine the pain they must be in. What a beautiful, kind soul. And gone way too soon. :heartbeat:
Investigation into Santa Ana beating death hits a wall of silence
Some of Kim Pham's friends may hold the clues that could bring her killers to justice. But so far, nobody is talking.
By Anh Do and Christopher Goffard
January 25, 2014, 5:26 p.m.

Some of her friends may have seen who knocked the 23-year-old Huntington Beach woman to the ground or who kicked her in the head as a crowd encircled them. Some may hold the clues that could bring Kim Pham's killers to justice.
Pham's friends have failed to come forward. One flatly refused to meet with law enforcement, despite pleas from the police.
Though many young Vietnamese Americans, like Pham, are deeply Westernized, some are living with older family members who put little faith in cooperating with police.
"Culture comes into play when they're heavily influenced by parents or grandparents who cannot forget the distrust," Vu said. "If the elders say 'Don't talk,' they may not talk."
Nguyen said Pham's ex-boyfriend, who was in her entourage, tried to rescue her from her attackers but was pulled away by a bouncer.
Despite public pleas for assistance, detectives have not been able to find the former boyfriend or learn the identities of Pham's other friends, with the exception of one young woman named "Katie," he said.
"Their identities will be protected if they wish," Nguyen said. "These are the things we offered the youths, and so far, they are quiet."
Police said some in Little Saigon — which stretches across central Orange County — still cling to a "code of silence."
"But this is a crime and a tragedy," Nguyen said. "We need witness help."


The distrust is ingrained from the past, and I sincerely hope those who were there are able to overcome it, and do the right thing. Kim deserves to have justice.... :heartbeat:
And some folks wonder why I yearn to leave the big city for the (to me, far safer) uber-rural environs. Yes, I know it will take an ambulance a lot longer to get to me if I'm 30 minutes outside a city...but I won't have to deal with crowd behavior, and the rampant senseless violence I see daily.

Rest, Annie/Kim. You've made a difference, even if it wasn't the way you hoped you would. You made a difference with your organs, and now you're making a difference raising awareness.

Be at rest.

Herding Cats
I've been following this case closely as it occurred in my hometown and in an area I frequent. I go out to Downtown Santa Ana a couple times per month, often to Artwalk, and to dinner and for drinks. When I was young, in the 80's and early 90's, you couldn't walk safely in this area. It was filled with bars that catered to drunks and the gang population and there were stabbings and shootings regularly. People used to go there to buy drugs all the time.

Several years ago, a developer started buying up properties in the area and gentrifying it. Gentrification has seriously taken off and it's kind of a great mix right now between businesses that cater to the immigrant population and a hipster paradise. New lofts, mixed use development and new, trendy single family homes have been built, blending well with the historic buildings and residences and are flowing from 3rd and Broadway where this murder took place all the way to the train station near Santa Ana Blvd. and Grand. It's super cool. But the whole thing is not without controversy. Here is a link to several OC Weekly articles about Mike Harrah, the developer who is changing the face of this place:

The Crosby is one of several new, hipster-owned businesses that serve gourmet food and craft beers. This place is lined with old boom boxes and features DJ's and dancing on weekends starting around 10:00 p.m. I notice it has become very popular with young Asians.

I walk around there, often alone (after dropping people off at a bar restaurant and going to park), with zero issues, although there is some crime. Once, some homeless druggie types were walking around trying the doors and windows of every car they passed. But I have seen zero violence, no muggings, no fights, nothing, and it gets CROWDED with people from all walks of life and all ages, on weekends. I feel pretty safe there at night. I also hang out after we leave the bars, at the authentic Mexican restaurants to listen to karaoke and eat food, late at night, places where no one speaks English, and again, I've never seen anything shady or dangerous. Nothing.

However, I no longer go to the Crosby. One evening I was there relatively early having a drink and saw two kind of cocky, slightly drunk white hipster dudes who came up and were making comments that I didn't much care for. They set me on edge. Cocky, misogynistic and even vaguely threatening. In the bathroom, I found a girl passed out on the toilet. We tried hard to rouse her and asked if anyone knew who she was. The two guys said she was with them. They all worked together. I said she was wasted and something seemed wrong with her. I suggested an ambulance. The guys kept saying no, she just gets like that. I confronted them and one "joked" that they had all taken something but not to worry, they would get her home safely and wouldn't rape her or anything.

I became very alarmed and called the bartender over. I told her what was happening and asked her to help. She sort of rolled her eyes at me, told me they were all co-workers of another bar and it was all good. Just did not give a you know what. She seemed exasperated that we were concerned. I told her I was witness to what was happening and they could get sued if something went wrong.

I then asked for the manager. He came over and was just a jerk after I explained what was happening and asked him if he could find out where she needed to go and call her folks or something. He said, "If you're so concerned, take her home yourself."

During this whole time we kept trying to get her roused and these two men kept hassling us and becoming aggressive. We went outside to get away from them because it became heated. I had accidentally left my phone at home and the bar refused to call the police. We left and found a phone and I called the police. I never found out what happened, although I called to find out. They acted like they (the bar) didn't know what i was talking about.

I never went back to the Crosby. Reports that the staff did not let people leave the bar to defend Ms. Pham or render her medical attention are 100% believable.

Mark my words though, the rich folk investing in this area do not want this kind of mess occurring down there. Police presence is going to be amped up, cameras installed and reward money increased until someone talks. It totally disgusts and baffles me that Ms. Pham's friends refuse to talk to the police. They are not fresh off the boat.They were born and raised and educated here. They sicken me.
Thank you gitana. I was totally shocked to hear Kim's own friends have not come forward and glad you put it into words here already.
Night out in England. Minor celeb leaves her brother (who is deaf) alone for a minute and just look what happened.

I hope people in Santa Ana come forward for Kim, who can no longer speak for herself. Making a community a safe place to go out at night requires effort from the community. All the reports mention a member of The Crosby's security being present, so I take it police have at least one fully co-operative witness? From their website, it looks as though there are at least a couple of people the who would be in a good position to make an appeal for the Vietnamese community to speak out for Kim. I wish they would. It says the club breathed new life into the area, but that didn't work out so well for Kim. :(
Father of Santa Ana nightclub beating victim grieves for daughter
Kim Pham's father hopes to know more about the police investigation, which has led to two suspects' arrests so far.
Father of Santa Ana nightclub beating victim grieves for daughter

Dung Pham knows only one way to survive the loss of his 23-year-old daughter, Kim, who died last week after she was severely beaten outside a Santa Ana nightclub.
"All I can do is practice to forget," Pham, 60, said of his youngest child. "Forget the memories. Forget the big moments. Forget everything. Only then would we suffer less."


"I can't imagine it starts with someone interrupting a photo," her father said in an interview Sunday. "I don't know what to think."
Pham's eyes began to well up when he described the last time he saw his daughter, who was married and had recently moved to Huntington Beach.
"I called her home last Wednesday," two days before the attacks, he said, "so I could help change the oil in her car. When you have children, no matter how old, you always want to make sure all is well, even the little things."
Kim Pham had just gotten a job at Nordstrom and wanted to celebrate. Her father said he hoped to hear all about her new job, but when two police officers, wearing suits, knocked on his door after dawn on Jan. 18, he braced himself instead.
"I knew it involved a family member," he said. "Who would come to your house at a time like that?"


After his first wife's death, Pham, who has a son 10 years older than Kim, remarried. His second wife had four children of her own. The family was surprised to learn of Kim Pham's wishes to donate her organs.
"But it fits when I think of the person my daughter is," her father said. "I have always taught her to live a good life &#8212; and all the good she has done, I'm only starting to learn about some of them now."

Pham said he regrets that he could not make time to eat dinner with his daughter in her new home before the holidays. She recently learned how to cook some traditional Vietnamese dishes and wanted him to taste her bun bo Hue, spicy beef and rice noodles.


Dung Pham, a security guard, said he wants to know more about the police investigation.

He likens his pain to that of veterans returning from war. "People come back. Shoot themselves. Shoot each other. They can go crazy all because they cannot hide from their memories," he said. "We would live a freer life if we can forget."


My heart breaks for Mr. Pham, who has lost so much since he immigrated to the U.S. May he feel the love and support from the community. In addition, may everyone who witnessed this tragic crime step up and do the right thing! It is the ONLY true way to honor his daughter. RIP Kim :heartbeat: :rose:

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