David Sneddon, missing since 2004 kidnapped by Kim Jong-un,Korea

Radio interview with DS's brother.
[h=3]September 13, 2016[/h] [h=1]U.S. family believes North Korea kidnapped relative to teach Kim Jong-un English[/h]
"In terms of him coming home, I think we are closer," David's brother, James Sneddon, tells As It Happens host Carol Off. "The family has heard about this possible scenario from many different sources."

"We obtained multiple witnesses both through, and most importantly, on the other side of the gorge," Sneddon recalls. "Seventy miles beyond the end of the gorge we had extremely credible witnesses that said that they actually spent time with him."

Sneddon speculates. "Our belief is he's probably reasonably well treated at this point because he is an important asset."

"He's kind of living, you could say, a quasi-normal life, but he doesn't have any freedom to live as he feels he would like and he's kind of forced into this family environment," Sneddon explains.
[h=2]Kim's sick new scheme to kidnap, brainwash foreign nationals[/h]

Jan 30, 2017
North Korea’s rotund ruler has unleashed a new brainwashing scheme involving the kidnapping of foreign nationals.

Supreme leader Kim Jong-un’s latest gambit to tighten control over his desperate people involves snatching people over the South Korean frontier, the Abductees’ Family Union (AFU) claims.
One of those kidnap victims is believed to be American student, David Sneddon, allegedly snatched in China in 2004.
It was claimed the fluent Korean speaker tutored Kim preparing him for power.
Was thinking about David and Mr. Warmbier with all the things going on regarding North Korea these days.


"Feb. 6 (UPI) -- An American student who went missing while hiking in China is alive, according to a South Korean activist who said he has information of David Sneddon's whereabouts.

Choi Sung-ryong, an activist who represents the families of people abducted to North Korea, said a source in North Korea confirmed Sneddon is in the country and was moved to a remote location in Mount Myohyang, after the case gained international attention in 2016."
Looking forward to the evidence presented on the next Thin Air episode about the possibility that David is in N. Korea, but a little concerned about those that are claiming this. Come Back Home is the South Korean organization headed by Choi Sung-ryong, who is the one quoted in these articles. He is the ONLY individual quoted. There is a possibility that this organization simply using another missing persons case to ramp up tensions in the Propaganda War between N. Korea and S. Korea. The more people they accuse N. Korea of kidnapping, especially Americans, the more other countries get involved, the safer S. Korea will be. That's a very,very short explanation, but I think that scenario is worth looking into.

I would personally like to see more of this "proof" Choi Sung-ryong has, if there is actually any at all.
I searched but it doesn't seem that Otto Warmbier has his own thread. Odd. Anyway, North Korea released him today. Good news!!


"North Korea has released Otto Warmbier, an American serving a 15-year prison term with hard labor for alleged anti-state acts, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Tuesday in an announcement that came as former NBA player Dennis Rodman was paying a return visit to Pyongyang.

“At the direction of the President, the Department of State has secured the release of Otto Warmbier from North Korea,” Tillerson said in a statement. “Mr. Warmbier is en route to the U.S. where he will be reunited with his family.”"

Hoping David is next!
U.S. prisoner released by North Korea is reportedly in coma

By Keegan Hamilton on Jun 13, 2017

North Korea has released American college student Otto Warmbier after imprisoning him for more than a year, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said in a surprise announcement Tuesday.
The 22-year-old Warmbier was detained on January 2, 2016 after allegedly attempting to steal a propaganda banner from his hotel in Pyongyang. He was sentenced last March to 15 years of hard labor and has been held with little word on his condition ever since.
The Warmbier family was told that Otto came down with botulism and did not wake up after being given a sleeping pill, according to the Washington Post’s Anna Fifield.

Tillerson said Tuesday that the State Department, which does not maintain formal diplomatic ties with Pyongyang, is still discussing the cases of three other detained Americans in North Korea, including two Korean-American teachers who were arrested this year.


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2016 confession.

"A plane carrying Warmbier arrived around 10:20 p.m. CT Tuesday at Cincinnati's Lunken Airport. Two ambulances met the plane on the runway to transfer Otto to the hospital.

Officials worked quietly as reporters and photographers watched from behind a fence. At 10:42 p.m., the ambulances drove away.

During his 18-month incarceration, the Warmbiers heard from Otto only once, through a letter on March 2, 2016.

It was apparently shortly after that date that Otto fell ill. Some media reports said the North Koreans suggested Otto had come down with a case of botulism and fell into a coma after being given a sleeping pill. Former United Nations Ambassador Bill Richardson and others have questioned that account."
In other countries would the crime be considered public mischief, or theft, wondering what the usual punishment would be ?
Warmbier, who is from suburban Cincinnati, was sentenced in March 2016 after a televised tearful public confession to trying to steal a propaganda banner.

That was the last time he had been publicly seen or heard from, and Swedish diplomats who represent America's interests in North Korea were reportedly barred from visiting him.

Warmbier had been on a visit to North Korea on his way for a semester abroad in Hong Kong when the incident occurred on New Year's Eve in 2015.

North Korean security services spotted Warmbier on CCTV and arrested him on suspicion of spying and 'crimes against the state'.

The US State Department has repeatedly warned American citizens not to visit North Korea.
I don't want to come across as if I'm criticizing, but this is how you carry a comatose person off a plane? Just seemed odd to me. Pic at link.


He is not injured (and by that I mean, he is not currently injured/ unstable)- and so that is a standard two person evacuation carry. We practiced this during our annual training in the hospital. It's much faster, safer and efficient than trying to get a stretcher into an airplane.


  • 4167C3F500000578-4602232-Coma_stricken_student_Otto_Warmbier_22_was_carried_off_a_plane_b-m-33_1.jpg
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He is not injured (and by that I mean, he is not currently injured/ unstable)- and so that is a standard two person evacuation carry. We practiced this during our annual training in the hospital. It's much faster, safer and efficient than trying to get a stretcher into an airplane.

Thank you for taking the time to explain! Much appreciated. :)
So about David...

Just finished the second part of the podcast... (https://play.google.com/music/listen#/ps/Ine6yp4mmsvmxapdwmohxkgs6kq)

I am thinking there may actually be some strong circumstantial evidence that was presented that could point towards David being in North Korea. At the very least, it seems like his disappearance might be connected to the political climate of the time he went missing in 2004.


They are introducing a bill in Congress that will pressure the Chinese government to re-consider the case. You can contact your representative to urge them to support it.
Thinking Sideways featured Sneddon a couple of years ago. They even mentioned him being kidnapped to teach English in their theories.
Thanks! I'll be listening to this! I'm still a little skeptical about him being there, currently, with a family... I find that hard to believe, as anyone would. But if we can press the Chinese government to look into it now... who knows.

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