TN - Chris Newsom, 23, & Channon Christian, 21, murdered, Knoxville, 6 Jan 2007 #4

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I hope he realized it was much wiser and fairer to do any chastising of them in private.

Was that them who said "No" about the question as to why she left?

Not sure but I thought maybe Gary made some comment in response to the judge telling Ms Lawson that she shouldn't tell the actual truth about what made her leave. I'm really afraid for Gary. I think he may be close to cracking. It's completely understandable, but I worry that he may not be able to hold it together much longer.
Not sure but I thought maybe it was Gary. I'm really afraid for him. I think he's already cracked. It's completely understandable, but I worry that he may not be able to hold it together much longer.
Me too, yolorado. :no:

Of all the parents, this has to be hardest on him, being her daddy, unable to protect his little girl. :cry: He's probably relived that phone call a million times.
Not sure but I thought maybe Gary made some comment in response to the judge telling Ms Lawson that she shouldn't tell the actual truth about what made her leave. I'm really afraid for Gary. I think he may be close to cracking. It's completely understandable, but I worry that he may not be able to hold it together much longer.

Yeah it was tweeted the family was vocal about not agreeing to the judges ruling on that. The judge said something like, "I'm not asking you".
Can someone fill me in, after reading VC transcripts it made it sound like Chris was never in the house. He was shot and set on fire. Has anyone done a time line in past posts. Thanks
Can someone fill me in, after reading VC transcripts it made it sound like Chris was never in the house. He was shot and set on fire. Has anyone done a time line in past posts. Thanks

Yeah, IIRC, none of them put Chris any further in the house than the front porch if in it at all. None of them want to be connected to his rape IMO. I haven't seen a timeline based on their statements. I think there are too many lies to base a timeline on what the perps said. JMO.

ETA: Also IIRC, Cobbins says G took Chris away.
In cobbin's trial was it proven Chris was raped? I just can't bring myself to read all the stuff, it keeps me up at night.
In cobbin's trial was it proven Chris was raped? I just can't bring myself to read all the stuff, it keeps me up at night.

Yes, per the ME. I'm trying to recall all that was said. Seems there was sperm but no dna to identify who it belonged to.
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