GUILTY PA - David Devine for child *advertiser censored*, Chester County, 2010


Jun 13, 2007
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David Devine from Delco is a teacher and a director of a camp. He's also allegedly a freaky pervert. Devine was found to have at least 500 images of child *advertiser censored* on his computer both still images and video.

Way to go Mr. Devine. Somewhere at the link it's mentioned he's suspended. That's just peachy.*advertiser censored*.arrest.2.1844265.html

He absolutely was hiding his face on the news. Not sure if he's out yet or what the bail is. I have to check.
Oh boy! These poor parents must be a nervous wreck.

David Devine has 15 years of experience in camps including day camp and OVERNIGHT! The site paints him as some camp guru.

Camp Flying Hawk enrolls children from 2nd grade to 5th grade.
You really can't trust anyone...........people seem pretty shocked at this one based on the comments.
You really can't trust anyone...........people seem pretty shocked at this one based on the comments.

Mysterygirl, I can even understand people being shocked. Especially the one woman who said her son was in his class last year. We always hear the same thing "He was so invested in the children's education, he was mild mannered, pleasant". Hey, I bet he was.

What got me was the narrow mindedness of folks. They're asking "Was he married, did he have his own kids, was he gay?"

Uhhhhhhhhhhhh hello people pedophiles come from every socio economic background, every race, every sexual preferrence. Get a grip. He could have been married with ten kids and gay on the down low. That wouldn't make him a da*n pedophile.

I fear for those kids at his camp though. Last year they had a sleep over. Then again it's not like these freaks care what time of day it is.
Mysterygirl, I can even understand people being shocked. Especially the one woman who said her son was in his class last year. We always hear the same thing "He was so invested in the children's education, he was mild mannered, pleasant". Hey, I bet he was.

What got me was the narrow mindedness of folks. They're asking "Was he married, did he have his own kids, was he gay?"

Uhhhhhhhhhhhh hello people pedophiles come from every socio economic background, every race, every sexual preferrence. Get a grip. He could have been married with ten kids and gay on the down low. That wouldn't make him a da*n pedophile.

I fear for those kids at his camp though. Last year they had a sleep over. Then again it's not like these freaks care what time of day it is.

We really need public service announcments on TV to educate the stupid!
Devine has been suspended of his teaching duties. Ummm, that's good.

Camp Flying Hawk is unaccredited. Basically anyone can hang a sign out and have a camp. Really? Learn something new all the time. The camp has no physical address. Hmmmmmmmm.

Authorities are still checking to be sure that Devine didn't use any of the children under his care in the *advertiser censored*. FBI has been on to him for a bit and were working to arrest him.

Dude passed three background checks by the school district in Delco. He has no criminal past.
A massage therapist who SPECIALIZED in children?!?!?!

He also needed a license for this 'camp'(run out of his Mother's back yrard-WTF!)& didn't have one.Hope he gets charged for that too as petty as it is.

This guy was one huge walking,flapping red flag imo!
Waived his prelim. Bail reduced to 10% of the $50,000. Family member posted it right away. Conditions he's confined to mom's house. Excellent. Needs to undergo a psychological examination and of course to stay away from kids.

Devine appeared emotional at times in court. Boo freakin hoo. Let's get emotional about the poor, poor kids in those images who have suffered and continue to suffer every single time a dude like that exploits them.
A massage therapist who SPECIALIZED in children?!?!?!

He also needed a license for this 'camp'(run out of his Mother's back yrard-WTF!)& didn't have one.Hope he gets charged for that too as petty as it is.

This guy was one huge walking,flapping red flag imo!

Vespa Elf, is that where the camp was? In mom's yard?

There's this interesting article all about the camp. How he got the parents to send the kids to his camp. Short term camps don't need to be accredited. His had no physical addy.

O.K. so these kids got picked up and dropped off. Dropped off where? I hate to even say it again but a link I originally found said there was stay over camp. That was last year or so the link said. I'll find it again.

Tells about how he used a 610 area code for the number and it went right to his voicemail. Also he's the only listed person wh was running this camp.

Everything aside and I am not blaming the parents. I'm not, but being a parent wouldn't ya vsit the camp? Wouldn't ya pop in? Well if there's no addy for the home base where in heaven's name was it?

This really is perplexing. True confessions. My child many years ago went to a camp. Expensive. Very expensive which means jack s**t when it comes to who is employed there as I trust nobody. Anyway, I was a stay at home mom as were alot of the mom's or dad's. One lady and myself satyed at the dang camp. I mean outside but they knew we could pop in at any moment. Our kids were waaaaaaay younger than most of the campers. I had two older dear friends attending so when my kid got accepted it was a fairly big deal. Still do I care? I made a good friend through the other mom and we shopped and had lunch and all, but still would pop in.

Sorry for my lengthy post. That just brought back memories for me.
Can someone explain this to me? So, Devine will be released to his mother? He's a 34 year old man!! He is not to be on the internet nor to have contact with children? What happens if Mom goes to the store or jumps in the shower or trusts her son? Is everyone assuming he's going to watch daytime soaps?

Who has liability considering the very strong possibility that this man will not/cannot stop? As if he's going to leave the family computers alone. As if he's not going to hang out in the yard and talk to the neighbor kid who might not know him from Adam.

This is exactly the deal they are trying to work out in Roseburg, OR for Steven Derlacki, the 2nd grade teacher caught with child *advertiser censored*. Release to parents' house. YIKES. Grown men????*advertiser censored*.arrest.2.1844265.html

"Under the bail conditions, Devine will be released on electronic home monitoring to his mother's Chester Heights home, must undergo a psychological evaluation, may not have contact with minors or go where minors can be found, and may not use the Internet or a computer."

This might be nothing at all but I've wondered if these two arrests could be related. Early on, several weeks ago, I found an older blog of Derlacki's where he talked about his love of camping and scuba diving with other teachers. A lot of discussion went on about file sharing. Yes, file sharing. There was even a poster to his blog from back east who encouraged Derlacki to load more photos (there were none that I could see) and a lot of chatter about loving Juicy Fruit.

These guys are trusted teachers who stand at the door of the 1st and 2nd grade classrooms and usher the little guys in. These are babies!! I get so angry when a guy has to come along and ruin everything for men who are doing so much good in the classrooms.
Yes the camp (from what I gather)seemingly took place in Mommy's backyard at least some of the time.
I'm assuming Mommy has money & seems ok with throwing it at lawyers for her son who is indeed a grown azz man & should NOT have been released to her as look at what has already occured on HER watch!!!!!!!!!!!!Why should this time be any different??
I seethe when I hear judges hand down these orders for release. Haven't the perps been told in the past not to molest children nor to take nasty photos. As if they are going to suddenly straighten up and fly right because a judge told them to?

How many new children could cross Devine's path? Say, the neighbor three doors down has no idea what's going on and hosts his/her little grandchildren for the week. They decide to go door to door selling homemade cookies. Or the A/C service person brings along his child for the day. There are so many ways that perps find the victims, it would make our head spin. Whose head rolls (besides Devine's) if he re-offends while released?

The ONLY way I could even consider the possibility of this is if there was a full neighborhood alert. Even that does nothing if he decides to flee. Garrido didn't set off bells when he went in the backyard tents. How many children's bedrooms are within the radius of the alert device?

If I lived in the neighborhood, I'd have a few questions, I do believe. Same with Derlacki.
The continued release of child SO's is getting more than a little tiresome. I would like these judges to start having to have these SO's live next door to them while they are out of jail. Chances are the number released would go WAY down.
I know money is tight. I truly get it. But if we wanted the most bang for our child sexual safety buck, I really think that we need to retool the SO program. Not all states have a tiered system. All should, IMO. There should be half-way homes reinstated for those released from prison sentences to assure (as best we can) that they re-integrate safely into society, rather than living in the bushes where we can't see them. If they've successfully done their time, they need a hand up as they can't do it alone. Nobody wins if we keep kicking them back into the gutter. Personally, I want them working, paying taxes, and achieving a quality of life so they don't get bored and hopeless.

We also need to address the issue of those who bail AND are deemed to be a possible threat to children. They need to be sent to some sort of half-way house or assigned far more regulated supervision. Sending someone home with mom and a "good talking to" just doesn't cut it for me.

If I were queen, I'd require that every judge and defense attorney spend time each year in children's advocacy centers, listening to children's stories. They need to take the children's suffering and fear and trauma more to heart. Some do and I admire them and respect them for that but many don't seem to get it at all IMO.

Do I think this will solve all our problems? Of course not. But it's a step in the right direction.
No news yet. But while starting a thread on another NJ teacher/camp coordinator, Brian Stern of Montclair, I noticed this one. In checking for updates, I came across an article I don't see posted or discussed. Did we know about the tattoo on Mr. Devine's leg, as shown in the link below? The photographer sure got a good shot of it. That's a bit of a concern, isn't it? censored*-Charges-DA-100032319.html
Pleaded guilty. Guilty to 50 charges. I guess, like in Earl Bradley's case, they consolidate those charges down for a plea. 500 down to 50. Which children's abuses were validated? Hmmm.

"A former Chester County teacher pleaded guilty to 50 counts of sexual abuse of children for possession of child *advertiser censored* Tuesday. Each carries a maximum seven years in prison and $15,000 fine. David Devine, 35, of Upper Providence, is a former first-grade teacher in the West Chester Area School District. He was arrested last year and charged with 500 counts of possession of child *advertiser censored*, as well as a single charge of criminal use of a communications facility...."


"....Common Pleas Court Senior Judge Charles Keeler said he would defer sentencing until the sexual-offender assessment board performed an evaluation and reported its findings to the court. Devine is also to undergo a psycho-sexual evaluation....."

more at link
I never know what to say when a man states that he was abused as a child. Statistics do show us that those who have been abused are at a higher risk of offending. There's also thought to be some sort of strange draw to child *advertiser censored* which depicts children of similar age as the abused person. Victims' services and treatment have been cut to the bone. So how do we stop this crime from perpetuating itself? We need to know more about how traumatized brains work.

Still with mom and facing state and federal sentencing:

Judge delays sentencing in child-*advertiser censored* case of ex-teacher
October 12, 2011

"Senior Judge Charles C. Keeler has postponed sentencing a former Chester County teacher who pleaded guilty in July to 50 counts of sexual abuse of children for possession of child *advertiser censored*. Complicating the case are separate federal charges against David Charles Divine, 36, of Upper Providence, who taught in the West Chester Area School District and ran a summer camp. Devine was arrested last year and charged in Delaware County with 500 counts of possession of child *advertiser censored*...."


"...He has also been charged in federal court with distributing images of minors engaged in sexual acts through interstate and foreign commerce...."


Devine has posted bail in both cases and is restricted to his mother’s home in Chester Heights, where he remains under electronic monitoring....."


"...[Defense attorney] Fioravanti added that Devine was himself molested at a young age and has suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder."

More at link
500 counts pleaded down to 50 and punished by spending weekends in jail. I realize that there's the federal sentencing coming up but the guy was a teacher who ran a camp, who happened to trade vile child *advertiser censored* internationally. I hope his mom is keeping a close eye on him.

Former teacher sentenced in child-*advertiser censored* case
October 25, 2011

"A former Chester County teacher was stripped of the ability to ever teach again and sentenced to three to 23 months in prison on a single count of sexual abuse of children for possession of child *advertiser censored*, a felony of the third degree. The sentence handed down by Senior Judge Charles C. Keeler was far less than the minimum 11½ to 23 months Assistant District Attorney Joseph Lesniak had sought for David Charles Devine, 36..."


"...Keeler was set to sentence him earlier this month, but delayed issuing an order because Devine has also been charged in federal court with distributing images of minors engaged in sexual acts through interstate and foreign commerce, and is expected to serve at least five years in federal prison for those crimes...."


"....While Devine had passed a polygraph test that he had never molested or planned to molest a child, Lesniak said his office viewed him as an “only a matter of time” case due to the positions Devine had set himself up in, much like an alcoholic who takes a bartending job...."


"....Devine will begin serving the sentence handed down by Keeler on 41 consecutive weekends at the George W. Hill Correction Facility in Concord beginning Nov. 18. He will be credited for any unserved county time through his federal sentence. Keeler also sentenced Devine to five years of probation, lifetime registration as a sex offender under Megan’s Law, forfeiture of any teaching credentials...."

More at link (Note: 2 pgs.)

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