NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 - #16

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as to the puberty comment sounds like something he heard from a woman (read EB) perhaps as an excuse as to why Zahra was spending so much time in her room of late.

Most men when confronted with talk about his tween daughter and the approach of puberty/menses (and as the mother of a ten year old who is recently very broody, whiny, and in general being her least lovable self lately I can attest to ten year old attitude!) will immediately end the conversation in discomfort. Perhaps this is how EB got him to change topics if and when he did inquire about why Zahra was alway in her room.

could be wrong, just throwing it out there. And certainly not mitigating AB's apparent knowledge of EB behaving badly towards Zahra. I am very uncomfortably with how, at the very least, "disconnected" he seems to have been with what was going on in his beautiful little girls day/life.

I agree with you. That is a possibility.

I also think that the 911 call was a very odd circumstance to discuss puberty in relation to Zahra. JMHO.
Those things are worth thousands aren't they? I have a family member who used to sell them many years ago and I was blown away by the price.

That would be something should could throw up on craigslist or Ebay to get some good money. Or even take to a pawn shop for some quick funds too.

Hopefully it's sitting in their house and they used it and didn't clean it out afterwards to vacuum the cars that were impounded before they were taken.

Wishful thinking I know :(
you are right about the odd timing of the comment but then, like many posteres, I found both 911 calls very odd and unnatural seeming.
as to the puberty comment sounds like something he heard from a woman (read EB) perhaps as an excuse as to why Zahra was spending so much time in her room of late.

Most men when confronted with talk about his tween daughter and the approach of puberty/menses (and as the mother of a ten year old who is recently very broody, whiny, and in general being her least lovable self lately I can attest to ten year old attitude!) will immediately end the conversation in discomfort. Perhaps this is how EB got him to change topics if and when he did inquire about why Zahra was alway in her room.

could be wrong, just throwing it out there. And certainly not mitigating AB's apparent knowledge of EB behaving badly towards Zahra. I am very uncomfortably with how, at the very least, "disconnected" he seems to have been with what was going on in his beautiful little girls day/life.

That disturbs me SO much..especially a child that had already almost lost her battle with life on 2 occasions. As a mother that has 'lost' 2 children, that in itself *usually* will make you super vigilant..almost to the point of obsessing about their health and well being ....
When was the search warrant executed? They wouldn't have known that the passports were inside the vehicle until they had a search warrant to enter the vehicle IMHO.

I don't think they entered the vehicles after the fire immediately? Just a thought.

Your probably right it was before the serch warrant- I was just thinking because the Tahoe was part of the arson case that they had seen the passports then, (i imagine they would have looked in the Truck at least) but the passports were likely in the glove box or center console..
Ok I just found my way to the library and watched all of AB videos...I think hes innocent. I think he was very out of touch with what was happening to his child. I think he was shocked about what hes learned about his wife. I feel bad for the guy.JMHO
Ok gonna go watch them one more time

Can you direct me to the library?

Well, I listened to the 911 audio. Guy is guilty as heck, IMO. He was nonchalant but repeated their "theory" a few times, about how the fire was a likely diversion so "they" could steal his kid, who had been mistaken (yeah, in their small house, right?), for the boss' daughter.
Look, no one who discovers their kid missing is going to put all that together so quickly. They are going to be feeling white hot panic at that moment. But not Adam. He was so calm and remembered to repeat their "theory" on a few occasions. He also joked about his child who they never see who is now missing and he thinks abducted by bad guys? And he can joke and giggle? B.S. This guy is at the least, an accessory. He knows his child is dead and his only concern is for his wife and his own freedom. Sickening.
as to the puberty comment sounds like something he heard from a woman (read EB) perhaps as an excuse as to why Zahra was spending so much time in her room of late.

Most men when confronted with talk about his tween daughter and the approach of puberty/menses (and as the mother of a ten year old who is recently very broody, whiny, and in general being her least lovable self lately I can attest to ten year old attitude!) will immediately end the conversation in discomfort. Perhaps this is how EB got him to change topics if and when he did inquire about why Zahra was alway in her room.

could be wrong, just throwing it out there. And certainly not mitigating AB's apparent knowledge of EB behaving badly towards Zahra. I am very uncomfortably with how, at the very least, "disconnected" he seems to have been with what was going on in his beautiful little girls day/life.

Disconnected? I really wonder when the last time he actually saw her was?
As i understand he wont take a poly? Why? Cause he has something to hide!
I just found this article, which gives more explanation of EB's larceny charge than I've seen anywhere else. It also indicates she *did* have a job around the beginning of this year.

"Zahra’s stepmother, Elisa Baker, was charged with obstruction of justice on Tuesday morning after she admitted to police that she wrote a ransom note found on the couple’s car Saturday. Baker is being held on that charge, along with 15 additional unrelated charges, on a total of $72,000 secured bond. One of those charges is larceny in Burke County. Courthouse records indicate Magistrate Christopher Duckworth issued a warrant for Baker’s arrest on Feb. 1 for larceny by an employee. The complainant listed is T. Campbell of the Glen Alpine Police Department. The warrant claimed Baker took a Kirby Sentra vacuum cleaner from JC and Associates, her employer at the time. Her Burke County court appearance is scheduled for Nov. 1."

From the article...
“He (Baker) may not have had good judgment,” Causby said, referring to the woman Baker met on the Internet and moved to America to wed. “I think the elevator doesn’t go all the way to the top. She seemed very controlling.”
That's exactly what I've been trying to say. His boss said it! AB comes across as 'the elevator doesn't go all the way to the top."
I still feel this man(AB) has been played and manipulated by EB, and he didn't know how severe things were at home with the treatment of Zahra by EB.
I believe he was letting EB have full reign over everything at the house and with Zahra, and that was one horrific mistake he made!
The minute I heard that Zahra was missing I knew that something was horribly wrong with this situation. If any of us had a 10 year old child living in our home ,we each would have checked on them immediately upon learning of a fire in our yard, gasoline in a vehicle, a ransom note with a million dollar pay out, the police and fire investigator asking questions at 5am. This is the first clue that something is just NOT
right. Then we find that EB has written that ransom note. Another clue, that EB is directly involved in Zahra's disappearence! Then we have heard the 911 call that was made by AB. AB states that his daughter is missing. He never says her name or description, he says he has just gotten up, he says the she is broody, he states that she is handicapped and that the abductors took her prothetic leg, never mentions the million dollars and mentions he calls his boss before 911! Oh and that the fire was set to distract himself and EB so the the kidnapping could take place. BOLOGNA!!
EB and AB should both be in jail for withholding information of a crime if the police have nothing else to charge them with at this time. I think of Zahra every second that I am awake and go to bed thinking of her! And EB and AB could not take t
wo minutes to check on her on Saturday, Oct 9th around 5am??? That is because they already know where she is, because both of them are the culprits of her demise!!!
That disturbs me SO much..especially a child that had already almost lost her battle with life on 2 occasions. As a mother that has 'lost' 2 children, that in itself *usually* will make you super vigilant..almost to the point of obsessing about their health and well being ....

I'm so sorry Pondering, I cannot even imagine how a parent moves through that. and you raise an excellent point. Most parents who have a child who has battled serrious illnesses DO overprotect and obsess over every sneeze ache and pain.
From the article...
“He (Baker) may not have had good judgment,” Causby said, referring to the woman Baker met on the Internet and moved to America to wed. “I think the elevator doesn’t go all the way to the top. She seemed very controlling.”
That's exactly what I've been trying to say. His boss said it! AB comes across as 'the elevator doesn't go all the way to the top."
I still feel this man(AB) has been played and manipulated by EB, and he didn't know how severe things were at home with the treatment of Zahra by EB.
I believe he was letting EB have full reign over everything at the house and with Zahra, and that was one horrific mistake he made!

I think he is speaking of EB when he mentions the elevator, jmo.
So the boss brought his daughter when they found the ransom note - yet no one looks in on Zahra?? Doesnt make sense to me!
Disconnected? I really wonder when the last time he actually saw her was?
As i understand he wont take a poly? Why? Cause he has something to hide!

agreed there is hink and stink aplenty in his behavior and statements IMO

OT although I love your avatar, how on earth am I gonna tell you apart from peliman? :)
When Z was back in Australia, wasn't there fund raisers held for her? When she was fighting cancer? Please correct me if I am wrong but I swore I read old reports linked here about fund raisers that put her in the media for her cancer.

Z's health care costs were free right. So any of that money raised would have been for her future right? Now look at the fact that Z didn't get an updated leg. She needed a free hearing aid by charity. She didn't seem to have many clothes.

It's just nagging at me that maybe one of the reasons EB was attracted to AB was the money raised. She can't keep her sticky hands off of other people's money which is why she is sitting in jail right now. I can just see that money raised for Z going straight to EB once her feet hit Australian soil and gone in 30 seconds.

Please someone sooth my thoughts and tell me I am over reacting.
This was on the Love for Zahra site.........

DISPATCHER: How long has seen been missing?

ADAM BAKER: Ummm. We checked in there last night about 2:30 and she was there... and all this happened last night around 5 I don't know if they set a fire in the yard to distract us to go out and then they snuck in the door... or.. I don't know.

Calling Zahra's room "in there" sounds like he doesn't feel all that happy about her room.
Classic abuser behaviour, blame the victim. It sounds like they checked in on her like you'd check in on a pet in a cage! Talk about depersonalised, and I heard contempt in his voice when he said that he thought they took the leg with them.

'We checked in there.' Not 'well she was watching TV' or even 'well we took a plate in for her'.


Yeah, kind of sounds like they checked in there as this poor child lay dying. They began concocting a story when they realized she was not going to make it. IMO.
I'm so sorry Pondering, I cannot even imagine how a parent moves through that. and you raise an excellent point. Most parents who have a child who has battled serrious illnesses DO overprotect and obsess over every sneeze ache and pain.

I never over protected my daughter even when it was clear she was deaf.

But I do see every fever as potentially being meningitis until all the symptoms are ruled out.
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