2011.03.24 Frye Hearing - Morning portion

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:sick:I have noticed JB is much friendlier to female witnesses..I guess he trys to be charming to them
And I guarantee you that the majority of the general public who may be eligible to sit on this jury will NOT respond well to this tone of voice from Jose...

Nor will they take well to his constant attempts to be an "affable joker" when he's not busy being snarky. :loser:

This is about a murdered 34 month old child, thrown away like trash in a swamp.
Good morning, All. First time posting, though I've been following from the beginning. I just need to know WHO keeps clicking their pen??? I think it's Baez and it's driving me INSANE!!!! :/
Hmmm. Wonder if ICA is a graduate of the Evelyn Wood speed reading course? Ha ha, who does she think she's fooling by flipping through that manual, adding sticky notes here and there?
Let Jose have his moment... it may be the only one he gets today. :floorlaugh: Dorthy Clay Sims will handle the forensics I believe.

If that happens I'll just have to read along, I was serious about that migraine yesterday.
Note to Jose: Ask potential jurors if they are dog owners. All dog owners are out!
Someone please tell me that when the trial starts Baez can't keep up these shenanigan's. He is making this trainer go through his whole log, when that is something that Baez and Company should of done already. The dog was certified. Lets move on already!:banghead:
Hmmm. Wonder if ICA is a graduate of the Evelyn Wood speed reading course? Ha ha, who does she think she's fooling by flipping through that manual, adding sticky notes here and there?

She's hoping to get sponsored by Post It when she is out roaming in her RV.
Good morning, All. First time posting, though I've been following from the beginning. I just need to know WHO keeps clicking their pen??? I think it's Baez and it's driving me INSANE!!!! :/

welcome to the madhouse, darling! we're thrilled to have you!
People have mentioned this before, but it bears repeating. I have never seen a defendant sift through binders/documents/take notes like Casey does. It's like she's gone back to high school, sitting at her desk every morning, sitting attentive and taking notes. It's bizarre.
If I was this officer....I would take soo long to look for the info he asking for.....just to bug the crap out of him! :)

What is baez trying to prove with blind and double blind testing..I'm lost with it..
Hmmm. Wonder if ICA is a graduate of the Evelyn Wood speed reading course? Ha ha, who does she think she's fooling by flipping through that manual, adding sticky notes here and there?

LMAO, yesterday she was reading them upside down lol...:crazy:
She's hoping to get sponsored by Post It when she is out roaming in her RV.

Will this be before or after she adopts a baby from Ireland cause she wants a baby with an Irish accent?
So what am I missing here? Why is Jose putting so much emphasis on "double blind testing" in general as opposed to the actual searches this particular dog made on the Anthony property??
Good morning, All. First time posting, though I've been following from the beginning. I just need to know WHO keeps clicking their pen??? I think it's Baez and it's driving me INSANE!!!! :/

If you're watching on Fox it's just the screen refreshing constantly.

This is just a general observation, so I am not trying to offend anyone, but I have noticed that female deputies (not detectives) seem to be much more organized and they handle being on the witness stand a lot better. No offense to the male deputies because I believe they do a fine job, I just think the female deputies are just better witnesses.
Women are better multi-taskers period. Link to the fact nature entrusts us with nurturing the next generation if you need a link. MOO otherwise lol
JB acts like a 1 year old. Tit for tat he is doing. He thinks he can impeach this witness like linda destroyed his witness like yesterday.

Let him keep talking like this during the trial. The jury is going to despise his attitude. He doesn't come off as likeable in the least bit.

Agree. Bad strategy if he uses this approach at trial. Jurors do not like to see witnesses who are trying to be cooperative get bullied. They tend to side with the witness.
Good morning, All. First time posting, though I've been following from the beginning. I just need to know WHO keeps clicking their pen??? I think it's Baez and it's driving me INSANE!!!! :/


The more the merrier, here. :)
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