GUILTY FL - David 'Scotty' Smith, 22, Fort Pierce, 7 Oct 1986

The second article makes it sound like the guilt finally drove him to confess. I'll be interested to see if that's actually the case, or if he was in fear that LE was making progress on the case. I'm sure that Scott's family is glad to finally be getting some answers...they've already had to wait this long, hopefully the perp will be entirely forthcoming so that the family can continue with their healing process.
I might have felt more charitable toward him if he hadn't waited more than 20 years to confess.
From November 2014:

Kerry Arthur Jacob, 51, of the 3000 block of Southwest Briggs Street in Port St. Lucie, was sentenced Friday to 45 years in state prison after pleading no contest to the second degree murder of a Vero Beach man in October of 1986...

Smith offered to pay Jacob $20 in exchange for a ride home from a 7-Eleven store on U.S. 1 in Fort Pierce during the late hours of October 7, 1986.

After Jacob demanded more money to buy crack cocaine, Smith tried to flee from the vehicle -- a 1976 red Chevrolet Camaro -- through a side window but got stuck, according to a police report. Jacob grabbed a knife, exited the vehicle and stabbed Smith multiple times in the arm, chest and stomach. Jacob then took the Smith's money and jewelry to purchase more drugs from a nearby crack house, the report said. Smith's body was later thrown into the nearby canal by Jacob and an accomplice.
You know he has ****ing family! God people sicken me! The media sickens me! 1 the facts are way ****ing wrong its the nedia people! God damn it! Dont even feel y'all deserve the damn truth running to assumptions! His role his role pay attention! He played a part but he did not throw the guy in the water hours later in fact he instead of confessing someone elses sins only confessed his and in doing so he has been demed a monster and its sad! Yes he played a big part yep he did stab the guy but it didnt kill him. Infact hours later the guy was still alive in bushes someone who was the main accomplice in the stabbing (after David attacked my uncle1st!) And i wont name names but the original accomplice went back with his wife, whos confirmed this, and when they did David was still alive..he had crawled off into bushes my uncle wasnt present at that time. When the guy n his wife went back (in fear david would tell) David laying in bushes started to yell for help the guy and his wife then drug and threw David in the water where he drowned to death. Thou my uncles taken the rap for it all because the guilt ate him alive..and in doing so now not only 1 family lost a loved one but ive lost my best friend. And the pains unrealistic. Its so infuriating to see and read all these people commenting when reality is you dont know ehat you're talking about!
How about his famkly his kids, like me ? What its jus **** him bcuz he made a mistake while under the influence?? Has been clean over 20yrs in doing so saving hundreds upon hundreds of lives, but never feeling by saving all those the one he played part in taking that he would make right until he did confess.
He was a man of god for over 13yrs b4 turning himself in after no longer being able to close his eyes. This man did one horrible thing and ownes it, hed be angry if he knew i was so angry about these types of comments. Which ill tell hin anyway he is my best friend more then an uncle but like a dad. So please keep in mind these peopme have faily in great pain too..we dont need people who just havent a clue to what theyre talking about adding to it. My heart breaks for David's family and i know they hate us and thats okay but is it really okay to wish or inflict pain upon others just because someone else did at one no the **** its not .mama always said 2 wrongs dont make a right.
Youve read misinformation david during the ride grabbed my uncle by the back of the head my uncle flipping him out of the car and stabbing him.
Yes thats the case, he couldnt close his eyes without seeung David..he didnt sleep for 3mos b4 turning himself in. We had no clue. Well 1 family memeber i now know did and sadly hes broken alot of hearts by confessing. But hes at peace with it now. It was something he had todo for him and his sobriety. He had to make right his wrong and for that hes 100% happy serving time for his role.
No there was no hair linking him to the crime out of the blue he said he was going to get cigs leaving at home his wife and kids and walked in an confessed almost 7yrs later we still cant believe it. He set in county for 5yrs waiting to be sentenced due to the fact that they couldn't find anything linking him still nothing linking him. The case was cold for 26yrs he had turned his life around it was more then heartfelt confession
Your uncle killed a man and has had time to make amends but this person whose life he ended or helped end according to you did not have a second chance.

Sorry that you are suffering but your uncle should atone for taking a life. We are all responsible for our actions. He seems to realize that.
And that is exactly my point. There is no need to talk *advertiser censored* or second guess if he really felt guilty about it, if he didnt why the hell else would he turn himself in. An that was my point in my rant back then unfortunately for me due to alot of negativity fueled with this case, I didnt obviously clearly focus on that point an totally lost my cool. Which is not cool. Regardless you seem to completely gather the point I was making he did something super up an now he is owning it taking responsibility an doing the best to make what he knows he never can right. All I ask is everyone please remember there are 2 families hurting. Before leaving a comment. I apologize greatly for my outburst. An I thank you so very much for your kind words. They are truly taken to heart. This is still a big shock for us too. Jus very proud of him for owning his wrongs, just owning for example the wrong I made in going bnb off on the chat board a cpl yrs ago directly after losing my mother an having the man who raised me behind bars. I own I took it all out in very wrong ways. An that's hard enough to do. I truly cant imagine just waking up 26yrs later an feeling so about myself I can walk into a room full of people an confess(own) having done something to that degree. There are alot of horrid an bad things that definitely can be said about him, but a coward definitely isnt one. The strength an courage that took, an takes for him to get up owning it every day. It really does blow me away. Also please note that I don't okay what he did neither does he. Not in any way shape or form. I just really want people to remember what they are so quick to forget an that that the other familys are victims of the offenders crimes too an usually are deeply affected by the crime(s) committed.
Understood. I am the niece of a murderer. My uncle died before I was born but our family feels that pain. It split our family up. He was still a brother, father, friend who was loved. At the same time he took the life of the mother of his children and she was family and also loved.

You are a victim too and it must hurt to hear but your uncle waited 20 years to give the family what they had longed to hear - who took the life of their loved one. For 20 years they waited while your uncle moved on with his life and bettered himself. It's good he made the right choice eventually and good that he still has your support. But this site like many others has people who want to make sure the victims get remembered instead of focusing so much on the prisoner.

The whole thing is very sad. Thank you for sharing your perspective.

And that is exactly my point. There is no need to talk **** or second guess if he really felt guilty about it, if he didnt why the hell else would he turn himself in. An that was my point in my rant back then unfortunately for me due to alot of negativity fueled with this case, I didnt obviously clearly focus on that point an totally lost my cool. Which is not cool. Regardless you seem to completely gather the point I was making he did something super ****** up an now he is owning it taking responsibility an doing the best to make what he knows he never can right. All I ask is everyone please remember there are 2 families hurting. Before leaving a comment. I apologize greatly for my outburst. An I thank you so very much for your kind words. They are truly taken to heart. This is still a big shock for us too. Jus very proud of him for owning his wrongs, just owning for example the wrong I made in going bnb off on the chat board a cpl yrs ago directly after losing my mother an having the man who raised me behind bars. I own I took it all out in very wrong ways. An that's hard enough to do. I truly cant imagine just waking up 26yrs later an feeling so ****** about myself I can walk into a room full of people an confess(own) having done something to that degree. There are alot of horrid an bad things that definitely can be said about him, but a coward definitely isnt one. The strength an courage that took, an takes for him to get up owning it every day. It really does blow me away. Also please note that I don't okay what he did neither does he. Not in any way shape or form. I just really want people to remember what they are so quick to forget an that that the other familys are victims of the offenders crimes too an usually are deeply affected by the crime(s) committed.

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