Children taunt bus monitor and make her cry

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And what would happen if she could "physically handle" them?
They'd put her in jail.
She is helping to transport children to school, not a bunch of wild tigers.
And what would happen if she could "physically handle" them?
They'd put her in jail.
She is helping to transport children to school, not a bunch of wild tigers.

No they aren't wild tigers. They are worse, IMO. These kids should know better. I bet you they do NOT speak that way to their parents, grandparents or any other adult when their parents are around. This is also not the only video of this poor woman that some monster kid on that bus has recorded and posted. I saw another one as well. On the second one she was in the very back seat of the bus. She had a problem with one student (and from the voice it sounded like one of the same kids as the other video) and she stood up. The bus driver apparently saw her and stopped the bus. She then made the student go to the front of the bus.

I have two daughtes (10 and almost 15). Both of them know that if they even think about doing something like this their live will be a living hell for at least 2 months, if not longer. They both stand up for other kids. They both tell me if there is something that they can not deal with own their own. The schools that they both attend know me, I volunteer, and know that I am strict. If I get a call from school that one of my girls did something they know they shouldn't, it will be taken care of. If I know that my girls honestly were not in the wrong then I will stand by them, but they better tell me the honest to god truth because if not then there will be even more hell to pay. I have seen numerous students that have absolutely zero respect for anyone. Not their parents, teachers, classmates, no one. It needs to be stopped and if the only way to do it is to punish their parents as well then so be it.

Nothing. But, I didn't watch either and I don't know if the bus driver could even hear what was happening.

She heard enough. According to reports, she began to weep after they taunted her saying her kids all killed herself because she's so ugly (one of her sons actually did commit suicide ten years ago). I also read how she had a purse with inspirational words on it and she just clutched it and said, "I try to live by these words. I really do." That just made me drop my head into my hands and bawl. A grandmother!!!!! They kept taunting her after she began crying!

if this is what students are like nowadays, maybe we need cops patrolling. I hate these kids. I hate them. And the description shows they were escalating. I have no doubt they would have begun hitting her next.

They are little Nazis. This is how the Nazis began, with group bullying and shaming which began to escalate.

And now that I read more of what they actually did, I can see that, due to their sexual threats and touching, they likely can face some criminal charges. I hope so.

It's the only thing that gives me hope. It is now up to $222,000.00! I donated a little bit. I do think the donations are a form of protest, a form of speaking out and against such brutality.

BBM. You said it. I have no hope for the futures of those monsters. Whoever raised them, failed. By this age, character is pretty much set. Yes, we all made mistakes at that age but this? Harassing a grandmother? It's beyond the pale.

I truly hope that all the media attention, the dozens of bouquets she has received, the money, etc., helps restore her faith in humanity.

As for those creeps, they have no place amongst humanity, IMO. They should be in juvenile hall. They are going to end up in prison anyhow. :twocents:

Nazis were bullies led by a bully who was violently abused by his father, Adolf Hitler. That can also be said about Al-Qaeda, PLO, Hamas, Khmer Rouge, North Korea, Maoist China, Manson Family, etc.

These bullies should be thanked for creating a secure retirement for their victim, a woman whom they hurt only briefly, but who will be enriched for many years to come

And, let's be honest, after all, which would these kids, or any of us, rather have; the momentary “bullying buzz” they got from their awful acts or the at least $150,000 that Karen Klein will likely receive -- even after taxes?

Im shocked at this story and those lil gems in particular...
I'm God smacked here and will tread lightly - they were transporting young children in a school bus, not hardened criminals to and from jail. To suggest that she was not right for the position and that only men should do this is a knee jerk reaction which I can not follow.

She was wise enough to not engage these jerks - if she had spoken back to them, or had touched one of them - it would be a whole other story for her I'm sure. People could say she is the adult, dealing with children and should have known better, i.e. "sticks and stones".

I’m glad this little monster had a need to show off his video - it’s indicative of the type of thinking these days - no boundaries, just an “I will do what I want, when I want, to whomever I want, and then make sure everybody knows about it”. Dharun Ravi is another example, and he has thousands of people convinced he is the victim of a vendetta – not the cold hearted bully that he is IMO.

The outpouring of support in words, flowers and $$$ is refreshing, and reminds me that there are more good people out there than bad. I think public shaming is a wonderful thing – and my head will explode if one or more of their parents gets on their soapbox and starts excusing away their precious snowflake.

Father apologizes to bullied bus monitor

This is from a news article and names one of the bullies.

"I would say I'm sorry. This is not the way I raised my kids. I never would in my wildest dreams think they were capable of this," Helm said.

Helm also said he plans to get professional help for his son.

"It's not just going to stop at you're grounded, you don't get to watch TV. This is much bigger than that. We need to get professional help to get to the bottom of the issue of the bullying, of what caused him to treat anybody this way," Helm said.

Professional help will likely reveal a developing psychopath. Seen some many of them, past and present.

I think Dharun Ravi and Lori Drew have major pent up anger and self-hatred issues that likely stem from poor parental relationship. Again, that can be said of others as well.
IMO the fault lies directly on the kids.

Not the school system.
Not the monitor.
Not the driver.

I had a wonderful, loving housekeeper when my children were babies. She was the epitome of class and a real lady. She lived in a housing project and I would take her home every day. She rode the bus every morning but was afraid to ride it home because school children rode it then and were so rude, out of control and threatening to elderly passengers. It made me sick to hear her tell me what was done on those buses. I can unequivocally say that my children would never EVER disrespect an adult (even though they are adults themselves now) but I can say if I had witness a little **** talking like that to anyone - old or not - you can bet I would step in and deal with it.
And I do blame the parents because it all starts at home - the good and the bad. You watch - the kids whoese parents reeeeeeeally make an impression on their brats after this will at least give the kid something to think about. The ones who pass it off as just kids being kids will one day be talking to those kids thru a plexiglass window.
I guess I am a little gobsmacked by the belief that she should not be in that job if she couldnt take some kind of abuse/confrontation/disrespect.

How about the kids shouldnt behave that way? It is no different than my friend who was sitting on a bench and was surrounded by a bunch of threatening teenagers. Because they thought they could get away with it.

The victim did nothing wrong. She is not to blame and I am not sure I would quarterback her response. She cried because they were beastly and she is human. I bet she is in that job because she loves children. The children had the pack mentality. Which means whatever bullying program they have at that school is not working. Not by a long shot. And their parents are failures. Now that I will agree with.

The school's responsibility imo is having the logical appropriate response when an employee is attacked and the attackers are students. I guarantee you that the parents of these kids will overwhelmingly protest that their darling was not the ring leader and cant be blamed for peer pressure yada yada yada.

The school will hopefully pay to have these children home schooled for a year rather than subjecting any other school employee to this kind of treatment. Let these parents spend some quality time with their offspring. Then they will get it.

I don't think anyone is saying she shouldn't have taken that job. In fact, she has been working there for 17 years, IIRC. First as a school bus driver and then as a monitor.

But I do think that if this is how students act, if this is what kids are like today, maybe they need a police officer monitoring each bus, armed with a baton and some mace.

These aren't children, IMO. They are monsters. What happens to a defenseless handicapped kid on that bus? Anyone is a potential victim of such creeps. And I know for sure that this stuff happens on buses all the time, usually to other children, and the district rarely does a darn thing in response. I believe the movie Bully illustrates that quite well.

It is time we stand up quickly and decisively against such horror.

In many school districts now, parents of habitually tardy or absent students face detentions or other punishments along with their children.

I say each parent of these evil spawn be sentenced to a month of bus monitor duties.

And the children need to be EXPELLED. Not suspended. Not coddled and counseled. Send 'em to a school full of little s*its just like 'em. Only bigger and meaner.

I am sorry to feel this way, but unless serious tough love action is taken on both these potential violent criminals and their sorry excuses for parents, they will, without a doubt grow up to be rapists, child abusers and worse.

Honestly, I think the die has been cast and it's already too late. But I hope I'm wrong. I have never seen anything so hateful from children.

I totally agree with you. 100%. But, see below. Already with the excuses and coddling.

Father apologizes to bullied bus monitor

This is from a news article and names one of the bullies.

"I would say I'm sorry. This is not the way I raised my kids. I never would in my wildest dreams think they were capable of this," Helm said.

Helm also said he plans to get professional help for his son.

"It's not just going to stop at you're grounded, you don't get to watch TV. This is much bigger than that. We need to get professional help to get to the bottom of the issue of the bullying, of what caused him to treat anybody this way," Helm said.

Professional help will likely reveal a developing psychopath. Seen some many of them, past and present.

I think Dharun Ravi and Lori Drew have major pent up anger and self-hatred issues that likely stem from poor parental relationship. Again, that can be said of others as well.

Oh really? professional help? Give me a break. See? Here's the coddling and justification. This child needs serious punishment. The father says counseling as if his child has a mental disorder, thus, it's really not his fault. Nonsense! Do your job as a parent! A little grounding is not enough!
The child should apologize, publicly. The child should be sent to juvenile hall. After a stint there, back home, no bus rides anymore, no cell phone, socializing, computer, internet, video games, t.v., NOTHING! And not just for a couple of months, but for the whole school year. And why is dad apologizing for his creepy son? Those boys should each apologize abjectly for what they have done and beg forgiveness.

This is about a desperate race, against all odds, to try, at the last possible moment, change this kid's character. "Counseling"? Give me a break!!!

All these kids should have every material thing they love taken from them and be forced to volunteer with the homeless, disadvantaged, etc., in lieu of socializing, for at least a year. They need to experience, to some degree, what it feels like to have nothing. They need to understand the seriousness of what they have done. I'm sorry, I think jail is what's right for them. I don't want to hear any justifications or excuses. They are not mentally ill, they are evil.

Well, I think it's a bit out of context. I went to the article ready to rage but came away understanding the author's point of view for the most part. I think the "thanking" part was a bit tongue in cheek. The author states they are losers, materially. For example:
A few kids may be messed up but this is further proof that that many more people in this world are not only decent, but generous. And, that's the first thing the bullies of Greece, New York kids need to know. They need to see that most people were so repulsed and angry about what they did, that total strangers are sending money to the woman they abused – lots of money.
Yes, these kids should be punished in a meaningful way -- perhaps we can start by forfeiting their right to ride the bus. Perhaps they should read all of the comments made on the website and elsewhere in response to their behavior and be forced to publish a public response of their own. Mostly though, I think that a word of thanks is more appropriate than typical punishment.
Yes, thanks.
These bullies should be thanked for creating a secure retirement for their victim, a woman whom they hurt only briefly, but who will be enriched for many years to come. And more seriously, they should be forced to write thank you notes to each donor to the website that set up on Ms. Klein’s behalf. What better way to learn the potential rewards of decency versus indecency?
BTW, guys:
Raised of $5,000 Goal
29 days left


This does my heart good!!!! Every last dollar, IMO, is a protest against these bullies, against incivility and indecency everywhere!! I hope she gets a million! I really do! It would send a powerful message about what we, as a society, are NOT going to tolerate, anymore.

A New York school bus monitor who was verbally assaulted by four middle schoolers, an attack that generated international outrage and an outpouring of support for the woman when a video of the taunts went viral, has told police she does not want the boys to face criminal charges.


Due to them being minors, I doubt they would have been charged even if she wanted it. It's up to the school now to discipline them. Frankly I don't think they belong on a school bus. Let the parents drive their precious darlings to school.
Due to them being minors, I doubt they would have been charged even if she wanted it. It's up to the school now to discipline them. Frankly I don't think they belong on a school bus. Let the parents drive their precious darlings to school.

I agree. If they can't act civilized on the bus let them find there own way to school. That is done quite regularly here. But I would like to see a very public apology on national TV. That public embarrassment in itself would make them long remember their pure stupidity! After all, they seemed to feel it was alright to publicly embarrass her on the bus and by posting this crap worldwide!
I haven't read all the comments, so I apologize if I repeat what others have said, but I won't apologize for my comments to follow.

I may be old by some people's standards but i'm not that old, I'm a child of the 50s, and raised with a belt when needed. Back in my youth if I ever disrespected anyone the way these moronic excuses for human beings behaved toward this lady, not only would I have gotten my butt walloped by any adult nearby at the time, but again when I got home. This type of behavior is unacceptable in my most honest opinion, however, society as a whole has put laws in place that allow it to happen.

Had this lady backhanded the first immature teen and knocked some respect into their head, the others would have never joined in. However, today she would have been sitting behind bars for doing it because we as a society have changed since the 50s. I grew up in a neighbourhood where any parent / adult took charge, and you knew better than to do anything you would not do in front of your parents. Today the rod is spared, the child is spoiled, and it's the innocents that are punished.

So many children, and that includes teens who should be old enough to know better, can litterally get away with murder, while the parents neglect their job to raise or correct their behavior. It's scary to think what could have happened to this woman at the hands of this pack of ape like creatures had the setting been different. They obviously have no respect, not even for themselves. Put them to work in a public place washing the feet of every overweight poor person, and let's see how superior they feel at teh end of day one. JMHO Please save the tomatoes, their are starving children out there.
This is one time I wish I was still 14. I dont advocate punches in thaa face but this time I'd be willing to make an exception.

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Good for Dad but the serious punishment should be a part of this equation.
LOL, many of you already know how I feel about bad behavior coming from undisciplined brats. I haven't been shy about sharing my opinions and suggestions regarding such uncivilized devils. Since first reading about what this woman endured and then viewing almost all of the video (couldn't make it to the end), I've had to get away from my computer, take my dog for a walk, cut and eat some sweet, juicy watermelon, drink a glass of lemonade, fold laundry and was still so piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid off that I figured that if I come on line and "express" myself, I would be banned for life.

Too bad this lady wasn't a Madea type personality or these punks would have gotten their due.

Say what you want, these uncivilized punks need a switching. They should not be able to sit down for a week without a lot of discomfort.

I will bet you that this gang have most likley been high fiving everytime they viewed the number of people who saw there handiwork on the video. I really don't think that they give a fig about their actions, they are most likely proud of themselves.

Why isn't this a "hate crime"? Talking about cutting her with a knife and that it would cut her like cutting through butter? Sexual harrassment and touching her like that? Threatening her and her home? They would not have done this if she had been young and strong, now would they? But, since she was an older woman and they most likely knew about her passiveness. She was picked to be the target based upon her age and maybe even her gender. I say it is a "hate crime".

Why is the school not having them charged with making threats of physically hurting this woman? Why are they having to consider what to do with them? At a minimum they should never ride another bus, period. They should never, ever be allowed to sit in a normal classroom with other students. Let them sit with those of their own kind, I don't care if it is at a pig trough, that is where they belong. Why didn't the father make his offspring do his own apologizing? Where are the other parents? I'm sure it will not take long for these parents to be on TV all indignate about their children being treated so unfairly. It'll happen, soon.
I think that this woman needs her own "bodyguard" sitting with her on that bus, KWIM?
First, I am heartbroken and literally sick to my stomach over this. When I found out that this happened in my own city it really, really depressed me. I'd like to think better of those in my city. This is beyond the pale.

I dont think this woman told anyone or reported it - it came to light due to a youtube video....

About the school

As the largest suburban school district in Monroe County, and the ninth-largest district in New York State, Greece Central serves most of the Town of Greece. The Greece Central School District was created in July 1928, but schools existed in the area before the Town was established in 1822.

Schools in Operation..........................................................20

•3 high schools
•1 6-12 school
•3 middle schools
•13 elementary schools

As I understand it, it wasn't brought to light, like you said, until it was posted on Facebook.

I haven't watched the video and can't. It's enough to read everyone's posts. This was a cellphone video but why wasn't there a bus video as well? I guess all busses don't have them yet?

They need to be made to get jobs and donate every single cent to her 'vacation' fund.

It's no wonder those who work in the education system are losing their patience (and minds).


The touching her part really pissed me off. The one little $hit who kept touching her needs a huge lesson in boundaries. That is a rapist in the making, and I do not feel like I'm exaggerating here. Males who feel they have the right to just invade a woman's space and touch her body like that seem to be becoming all too common. Added to the remarks about ejaculating into her mouth, and this is a prime example of what is referred to as rape culture.

I do disagree though that women should not be allowed to do the job - that puts e burden on the women. The burden should be solely on the parents and males to NOT perpetuate this type of thing.

Little brat is lucky it wasn't me. Second time he touched me I would've broken his finger.
I seriously abhor violence, but there's no way at this point in my life I will sit back and take sexual taunts and invasion of my body that way. You get one warning, that's it.

Two things. First, I totally agree that this shouldn't be a woman or man thing. However, the Buffalo Bills had an offensive lineman called "House" Ballard. He was called "House" because he was as big as a house. He's a cop now somewhere in the Midwest. If it had been him sitting there I'm sure these kids would have been on their best behavior. JMO

Second, if you broke the kids finger, which I think you should be able to do because he's putting his hands on you first, would probably get you fired. Without the video to back you up you'd probably get the scorn of the nation too.

My 14 year old DD and I saw this on the news this morning.
I cried. She got REALLY angry.

She said, "Momma, you know how many kids just sat there and watched and did nothing? That's just as bad as doing it! I would have had to say something. That is just horrible."

It was a proud moment as a Mom for sure.

Bless this lady. She has endured so much heartache in her life. And now this. From a bunch of brats.

Breaks my heart.

You've got a great kid there. :rocker:

I love this story, and... I hope that the parents do see what kind of kids that they have raised. I wonder how long it will take for one of them to show up in the news in mugshot form.
A New York bus monitor who was berated and bullied by a group of middle school students has received more than $200,000 in online donations

I wish I knew these parents so I could see if this was them or the birth defect of pyshopathic tendencies.

I would think that this will inspire the school to put cameras on the buses. I dont think these children are too young for charges regardless of whether or not those charges are dropped...Some school children in my brothers area were just busted for possession of marijuana. They were 12 and in middle school.

I would love to see cameras on all buses, but they usually don't include sound.

I guess I am a little gobsmacked by the belief that she should not be in that job if she couldnt take some kind of abuse/confrontation/disrespect.

How about the kids shouldnt behave that way? It is no different than my friend who was sitting on a bench and was surrounded by a bunch of threatening teenagers. Because they thought they could get away with it.

The victim did nothing wrong. She is not to blame and I am not sure I would quarterback her response. She cried because they were beastly and she is human. I bet she is in that job because she loves children. The children had the pack mentality. Which means whatever bullying program they have at that school is not working. Not by a long shot. And their parents are failures. Now that I will agree with.

The school's responsibility imo is having the logical appropriate response when an employee is attacked and the attackers are students. I guarantee you that the parents of these kids will overwhelmingly protest that their darling was not the ring leader and cant be blamed for peer pressure yada yada yada.

The school will hopefully pay to have these children home schooled for a year rather than subjecting any other school employee to this kind of treatment. Let these parents spend some quality time with their offspring. Then they will get it.


Some of it could be parenting, and some of it could be fear of being bullied themselves. I'm not totally keeping the parents out of this, but sometimes they don't even know their kids can do stuff like this. I have a friend from childhood who was never a bully, but he was dishonest and his parents had no idea how dishonest he was.

Now if the tables were turn and the aide was harassing these kids what would have happened to her? I think this kids need to get what ever they do now for bullying.

They should be suspended from riding the school bus for a year. Let their parents have to take their little snotty butts to school.

I only seen the news clipping of the video and it broke my heart.


I like that idea.

And what would happen if she could "physically handle" them?
They'd put her in jail.
She is helping to transport children to school, not a bunch of wild tigers.

Yep. I'm against violence towards kids, but if I had a kid that beat the crap out of one these kids while they were doing this, I'd give him a light punishment. JMO

Father apologizes to bullied bus monitor

This is from a news article and names one of the bullies.

"I would say I'm sorry. This is not the way I raised my kids. I never would in my wildest dreams think they were capable of this," Helm said.

Helm also said he plans to get professional help for his son.

"It's not just going to stop at you're grounded, you don't get to watch TV. This is much bigger than that. We need to get professional help to get to the bottom of the issue of the bullying, of what caused him to treat anybody this way," Helm said.

Professional help will likely reveal a developing psychopath. Seen some many of them, past and present.

I think Dharun Ravi and Lori Drew have major pent up anger and self-hatred issues that likely stem from poor parental relationship. Again, that can be said of others as well.

I actually applaud that parent for coming forward. I think they are doing the best they can given the circumstance. JMO

BTW, guys:
Raised of $5,000 Goal
29 days left


This does my heart good!!!! Every last dollar, IMO, is a protest against these bullies, against incivility and indecency everywhere!! I hope she gets a million! I really do! It would send a powerful message about what we, as a society, are NOT going to tolerate, anymore.

I hope it meets at least a half million. Wolf Blitzer had a piece on this. It included videos of kids the same age saying how disgusted they were by these bullies.

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