The Tumbler Posts

Userid, murder is the absolutely worst thing. Just the worst. And a murder that is written off as something else is unbearable. So, I agree... I would love to be able to figure out how this was a weird accident. I do not get the idea she was suicidal at all. I think that is why they didn't rule suicide, there was too much evidence of plans she had very recently made and efforts she'd made to go out and do things. She didn't stay in her room her whole time, people saw her out and about and in a good mood.

I know the police and medical examiner say it was an accident. But, I also know they were greatly hampered by having very little evidence. They barely had any blood to test.

But, my theory is this...

SOME girls would kill themselves in order not to be raped. What if video is after an attack had begun? So, she figured out which way things were going and tried to hide in the tank. She may have realized there was a chance that she'd never get out. But, accepted the risk under the circumstances. Maybe she quickly took off the hoodie and shoes so they didn't weigh her down, then jumped inside. I am not sure how she'd close the door though. Maybe the person chasing her did that.
Userid, murder is the absolutely worst thing. Just the worst. And a murder that is written off as something else is unbearable. So, I agree... I would love to be able to figure out how this was a weird accident. I do not get the idea she was suicidal at all. I think that is why they didn't rule suicide, there was too much evidence of plans she had very recently made and efforts she'd made to go out and do things. She didn't stay in her room her whole time, people saw her out and about and in a good mood.

I know the police and medical examiner say it was an accident. But, I also know they were greatly hampered by having very little evidence. They barely had any blood to test.

But, my theory is this...

SOME girls would kill themselves in order not to be raped. What if video is after an attack had begun? So, she figured out which way things were going and tried to hide in the tank. She may have realized there was a chance that she'd never get out. But, accepted the risk under the circumstances. Maybe she quickly took off the hoodie and shoes so they didn't weigh her down, then jumped inside. I am not sure how she'd close the door though. Maybe the person chasing her did that.

I've thought about this too. This is plausible. Hiding from someone would explain why she would've kept her clothes on.

I keep imagining being in her shoes -- if indeed she did enter the tank on her own: it's night, pitch black. If she was alone, I could she her entering through the "alarmed" door (that door was faulty, as evidenced by many) climbing the red ladder of the storage room (to get to the highest point of the building -- sorta like a thrill-seeking mission), then leaning her body feet first off the ledge and slowly descending herself onto the water tank. She's on top of the tank (does she even know it's a water tank?), sees a lid, and opens it. You'd have to imagine it was simply pitch black inside, as it's night, there's no lights on the roof or near the water tanks. How would she even know definitely that there's water in the tank? Could she hear it (was the current swirling)? Did she know it was full with water?

I had a friend who used to live right next to a water tank. It was one of those huge ones you see in a village or town. My friends would climb to the top, and there was a hatch that'd you'd open -- then there was another ladder inside, that you'd climb on the inner part of the wall, and a little area (they hid there when one of the neighbors called the cops and the cops climbed the tower and flashed their lights inside the tower to find them). I never did it -- I was way too scared, but they did it all the time, and I never knew how they didn't keep themselves from not only falling but also drowning.

Sometimes I wonder if she ever climbed a water tower some other time in her life -- seeking a thrill -- if she got inside like my friends had.
Wow, Userid.

You know, that is a good point about what the roof would look like at night.
If someone was trying to assault/rape her, why wouldn't she just run down to the lobby and tell security?

Maybe she didn't trust the staff/residents at that hotel
Bc the 2 people attacking her (IMHO and theory there were 2) comprised both. One was a security guard and other was a resident on the 14th floor.

She could have even hid in the tank

to try and avoid security/a $35 fee for visiting another patrons room


even being set out on the streets for violating the Cecil's rule of only one patron per bedroom.

In the video, she clearly puts her hands behind her head upon exiting the elevator both times. I don't think she was just touching her head or grabbing at her hair for no reason or out of drug induced paranoia...

I think someone had a gun to the right outside of that elevator while another person held the elevator call button to the left from the outside.
2Hip2BeSquare, you may be right.

I think something very bad happened. I'm not even sure the theory I proposed is even physically possible. Meaning I don't know if she could have gotten into the tank all by herself which is pretty much a requirement for this to be an accident.

I was just thinking trauma can induce a psychotic state (I am not saying Elisa, specifically, was psychotic but many people believe the video shows that... I'm not sure what it shows since there's no audio and little context). Almost being raped is a trauma. This is what led to my line of thinking.

Because I'm having trouble with the 'bipolar means psychotic' line of reasoning since I have never heard that before. I thought 'bipolar' is the lite version of what used to be called maniac depressive and then Elisa had bipolar II which is the lite version of bipolar. So, I was thinking through scenarios. There is drinking or drugs, but she would have known those could adversely affect the five different medications she took daily. Thus, I think she would have been cautious in that regard. There is skipping medications, but it seems she was taking them. So...

Of course, if the situation changed because at the end someone pointed a gun at her then that changes everything. One of the Chinese media researchers said guest rooms are packed everywhere. So, if she'd screamed, there is a good chance someone would've heard her. But, IDK... I wanted to figure this out.
2Hip2BeSquare, you may be right.

I think something very bad happened. I'm not even sure the theory I proposed is even physically possible. Meaning I don't know if she could have gotten into the tank all by herself which is pretty much a requirement for this to be an accident.

I was just thinking trauma can induce a psychotic state (I am not saying Elisa, specifically, was psychotic but many people believe the video shows that... I'm not sure what it shows since there's no audio and little context). Almost being raped is a trauma. This is what led to my line of thinking.

Because I'm having trouble with the 'bipolar means psychotic' line of reasoning since I have never heard that before. I thought 'bipolar' is the lite version of what used to be called maniac depressive and then Elisa had bipolar II which is the lite version of bipolar. So, I was thinking through scenarios. There is drinking or drugs, but she would have known those could adversely affect the five different medications she took daily. Thus, I think she would have been cautious in that regard. There is skipping medications, but it seems she was taking them. So...

Of course, if the situation changed because at the end someone pointed a gun at her then that changes everything. One of the Chinese media researchers said guest rooms are packed everywhere. So, if she'd screamed, there is a good chance someone would've heard her. But, IDK... I wanted to figure this out.

Im wondering that if she was worried if she screamed she might be shot?

In the elevator I have the feeling she was trapped. I'm sure they taunted and said "c'mon you know you can't stay in there forever... You'll have to come out here at some point...". I swear it even seems like she is PLEADING with someone/having confrontation with someone about a quick list of things when she begins counting her fingers and making circular motions over toward the elevator.

The first time I watched the video this is what worried me. It still haunts me now. If I were trapped and my captor had a gun and threatened to shoot me if I screamed, I might comply just to avoid getting shot. It seems like she almost slipped away.

She really doesnt seem to
Be smiling by the end of it. By the end she looks defeated and anxious.

I'm so glad you find that this seems to be a case of foul play and not accidental death.
2Hip2BeSquare, good point... she may have been told she'd be shot if she screamed or ran, but not shot if she came quietly. Maybe she thought she would have a better chance later.

Did you carefully read her Tumblr? If so, was she the girl who was raped a few years ago? She may not have been, it could have been a different girl.
Im wondering that if she was worried if she screamed she might be shot?

In the elevator I have the feeling she was trapped. I'm sure they taunted and said "c'mon you know you can't stay in there forever... You'll have to come out here at some point...". I swear it even seems like she is PLEADING with someone/having confrontation with someone about a quick list of things when she begins counting her fingers and making circular motions over toward the elevator.

The first time I watched the video this is what worried me. It still haunts me now. If I were trapped and my captor had a gun and threatened to shoot me if I screamed, I might comply just to avoid getting shot. It seems like she almost slipped away.

She really doesnt seem to
Be smiling by the end of it. By the end she looks defeated and anxious.

I'm so glad you find that this seems to be a case of foul play and not accidental death.

The problem I have with this scenario is that, even if the perpetrators were whispering, somebody on that floor would have to had heard what was going on. There were rooms right next to the elevator on both sides; rooms that had a diagonal view of the elevator. If someone was outside pushing the door button, someone would hear that (in my opinion). Everytime I've pressed an elevator button to enter, there's always that sort of clicking sound. I know the LAPD isn't the model of competency, but I have to think that they talked to everybody on that 14th floor.

Also, if someone kept pushing the button from outside to keep it open, you'd see the door slightly trying to close, only to reverse back. I'm no expert, but I've never seen an elevator where you can continuously hold the button from the outside (for an indefinite amount of time) and keep the door open. That doesn't mean one exists; I'm just saying, I've never seen one like that in my entire life.

For me, if there was foul play involved, I think it all started after the elevator -- perhaps she saw someone/a party on the roof. Perhaps she was invited up to the roof; and she was trying to make her way up there when the elevator footage was shot, she got off one floor too early, realized this and tried to get back on.

I think it's very important to note that the last button she pushed in the row of buttons was the "Door Hold" button -- she pushed that button herself on the video.
Maybe the people who have rooms near the elevator are heavy sleepers. Or have learned not to pay attention to the elevator noises. It was night, so if they were sleeping, they might not have heard quiet talking in the hall or the elevator. Or maybe they did hear it, but if they tell the police, 'I heard the elevator and then some whispering, but I couldn't understand what was being said' that doesn't help the police very much. They know the elevator should've been making racket. As for the whispering, it could be a passerby talking to Elisa, her talking to herself, or a murderer whispering to her... but, without the witness understanding any of it, they can't know which one.
Maybe the people who have rooms near the elevator are heavy sleepers. Or have learned not to pay attention to the elevator noises. It was night, so if they were sleeping, they might not have heard quiet talking in the hall or the elevator. Or maybe they did hear it, but if they tell the police, 'I heard the elevator and then some whispering, but I couldn't understand what was being said' that doesn't help the police very much. They know the elevator should've been making racket. As for the whispering, it could be a passerby talking to Elisa, her talking to herself, or a murderer whispering to her... but, without the witness understanding any of it, they can't know which one.

Anything is possible. Do you remember what time it was? If I remember correctly, it was around 10 or 11 LA time. I'd have an easier time believing that if it was later.

I guess it just seems strange to me that if she was in fear of her life, she'd play a sort-of hide-and-seek game. If she was being pursued, especially by someone with a gun, wouldn't she have a tad more urgency? Wouldn't she be pressing the buttons frantically -- as opposed to bracing herself on every wall, then hiding in the corner in a playful manner? I don't know; I just can't buy that. Even if she was intentionally trying to project casualness (as to not anger the man with the gun), she wouldn't have had to act in that manner.

Now, what's more plausible is that she was being "hounded" by someone she hadn't deemed "dangerous" -- like a potential suitor, etc -- a guy mildly creeping her out and hitting on her; who she may have been a little interested in herself. She gets on the elevator and he's still trying to hit on her -- that makes sense to me.
I agree. If it was a person with a gun, she did not know about the gun until the very end. Up until then, she thought it was a totally different situation. If that is what happened.

For some reason I thought the elevator was midnight or later.
Where do I put this? The four locks are ONLY on the hotel floors. The Stay floors have one lock. It's in a video a girl did of her room (before Elisa ever went there).

It is post 170, second locked E.L. thread. Post is on page 7. It's the first video in that post.

Elisa probably couldn't lock security out. The one guy whose video showed four locks was on the 8th floor which isn't a Stay on Main floor. The Stay room was nicer, but she only had one lock.
I have read a lot about the Tumblr queue and how some of the posts fall outside of the queue.

But, the LAPD had Elisa's phone while she was still a missing person. Maybe they did some of it. They could just tell her family so they'd know it wasn't Elisa posting. But, if Elisa had been alive, maybe that would have gotten a response from her asking who was posting to HER Tumblr. Then they could at least talk to her (maybe). It'd be worth a try and no reason to explain to anyone other than her family.
Please do NOT copy/paste social media sites. Paraphrase and provide the link. Remember - the social media must relate to a case player - not just anyone.


I did glean from a tumblr entry that she DIDN'T need to wear glasses. It was under a picture of multicoloured horn rims and she commented that she would wear them EVEN THOUGH SHE DIDN'T NEED THEM

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