Translation Thread JVDS

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Could someone be so kind to translate the conversation between the official and Joran. What does Joran say in Spanish?

Please translate this article. Part of it has been translated
It appears Stephany spoke with her Father by way of telephone
It also appears that Stephany emailed a Friend after 3:20 AM

** My point why would Stephany need to look at Joran's computer at all for any search when she had her own mode of communication/possible search engine...I'm trying to find out what Stephany carried ie blackberry etc**


Hours before his death, the young Tatiana Flores Stephany Ramirez (21) shared the last moments of life with his close friends and college classmates, Carola Gallo Sanguinetti and Carolina, according to a report from the Dirincri.

The document says Stephany left home at 3 pm Saturday May 29 in his truck to pick up Carol in San Isidro. With it went to a hotel on the block 41 of the Paseo de la Republica, in Miraflores, where he remained until 11:30 pm, he arrived Carolina.

An hour earlier, 10 p.m. Saturday, Stephany was communicated by telephone with his father Ricardo Flores "rifle" and said he was coming home late. Then the three girls went to the pub El Gringo de Barranco, where they remained until 2:30 am 30 May.

At that time are removed from the site. Stephany is home to Carolina Gallo in Chacarilla (Furrow), a few blocks from her home, while Carola Sanguinetti left on Avenida Las Begonias (San Isidro).

On parting, 3:20 am, Stephany Carola lies to tell him to go to his house when in fact headed to Atlantic City Casino Miraflores. Her friend Carol, who had just left, he called five minutes later, but Stephany did not answer. Just sent a text message that says "I'm going up the stairs to get to my bedroom."

The Dirincri Stephany stated that her friend lied because he did not like to attend the casinos for his fondness for gambling. In the casino, Stephany met Joran van der Sloot, who had had previous meetings by an international poker competition. Along with him was the Albanian Elton Garcia, who was staying at the hotel like Joran Tac.

Please do not take this as an attack, but I believe the reason for this thread was to provide correct human translation vs. translation-engine generated, incorrect results ?

As seen in the above quote, the translation engine can't handle gender and can't handle logical sentence structure.

For instance: "Her friend Carol, who had just left, he called five minutes later, but Stephany did not answer." or how about this one: " In the casino, Stephany met Joran van der Sloot, who had had previous meetings by an international poker competition. Along with him was the Albanian Elton Garcia, who was staying at the hotel like Joran Tac"

I think it's hard enough to keep the reported facts straight without having to deal with "engine failure".

I'm sure to get flak for this :)
Please do not take this as an attack, but I believe the reason for this thread was to provide correct human translation vs. translation-engine generated, incorrect results ?

As seen in the above quote, the translation engine can't handle gender and can't handle logical sentence structure.

For instance: "Her friend Carol, who had just left, he called five minutes later, but Stephany did not answer." or how about this one: " In the casino, Stephany met Joran van der Sloot, who had had previous meetings by an international poker competition. Along with him was the Albanian Elton Garcia, who was staying at the hotel like Joran Tac"

I think it's hard enough to keep the reported facts straight without having to deal with "engine failure".

I'm sure to get flak for this

No flak at all!

There's no comparison! The auto ones have been horrendous - but if people would rather do computer ones, then that's fine...I just know that at least the two of us who can translate don't mind, and it sure helps with accuracy :)
In case this hasn't been posted already:

The first absurrd version of the crime that Joran Van der Sloot told to the Chilean police

such a liar!

original version in Spanish

Joran Van der Sloot contó una increíble versión del crimen de Stephany Flores a la policía chilena

Joran van der Sloot told an incredible (unbelievable) version of the crime against Stephany Flores to the Chilean Police

Miércoles 09 de junio de 2010 - 02:47 pm

La versión que el asesino confeso de Stephany Flores, Joran van der Sloot, contó a la policía chilena sobre lo que ocurrió el día del crimen de la joven, se asemeja más a un guión cinematográfico que a la confesión que hizo a los efectivos de la Dirincri hace dos días.

The version the accused murderer of Stephany Flores, Joran van der Sloot, told Chilean police about what occurred on the day of the crime against the young woman was more like a screenplay than a confession.

Según informó el programa “24 Horas”, el 3 de junio último durante su detención en Chile, el holandés aceptó ante la policía de ese país que conoció a la hija del empresario Ricardo Flores en un casino miraflorino y que fue con ella a su hotel, pero no confesó haberla asesinado.

According to the program "24 Hours," on the 3rd of June, during his detention in Chile, the Dutchman admitted to the police that he met the daughter of businessman Ricardo Flores at a casino and that he went with her to the hotel, but did not confess to killing her.


Assault in the Hotel?

Sobre cómo la conoció dijo: “Ella se sentó en una mesa y empezó a hablarme, quería que le enseñe a jugar, me dijo que su padre tenía dinero, que estaba estudiando y que no estaba interesada en los chicos”.

As far as how he said he met her: "She was sitting at a table and began talking to me, wanting to show me how to play. She told me her father had money, that she was a student, and that she wasn't interested in boys."

Respecto a lo que pasó la fatídica noche del 30 de mayo contó: “Ya estábamos en su auto cuando fuimos detenidos por un coche blanco con dos hombres dentro, tenían uniforme de la policía y escudos (...) nos metieron a su coche y nos empezaron a pedir dinero”, continuó.

In regards to what happened on the fateful night of May 30th, he said: "We were in the car when we were stopped by a white car with two men inside. They had police uniforms and badges...they put us in their car and began to ask for money" he continued.

La parte más increíble de su historia tiene que ver con lo que ocurrió en su cuarto de hotel, donde fue hallado el cadáver de Flores.

The most incredible (unbelievable) part of his story had to do with what occurred in his hotel room, where they found the body of Flores.

Según narró, cuando llegaron a su habitación encontraron a un hombre en la cama, quien tenía una pistola en la cintura, y que otro sujeto salió del baño con un cuchillo. Agregó que uno de ellos golpeó a la joven en la cara.

He said that when they arrived at the hotel room, they found a man in the bed who had a pistol in his belt and another man came out of the bathroom with a knife. He said that one of them hit the young woman in the face.

¿Quiénes eran esos sujetos? Según habría dicho el holandés, sus atacantes eran los mismos supuestos policías que le pidieron dinero en el camino.

Who were they? According to what the Dutchman said, the alleged attackers were the same policeman that asked them for money on the street (in the car).

Ya en días anteriores periodistas de Estados Unidosy Aruba que siguieron el caso de su presunta anterior víctima, Natalee Holloway, señalaron que el holandés está acostumbrado a cambiar de versión constantemente y que lo mismo ocurrió cuando fue investigado aquella vez.

In previous days, journalists from the US and Aruba who have followed the case of his alleged previous victim, Natalee Holloway, said that the Dutchman is used to (in the habit of) constantly changing the version of his stories and that the same thing happened when he was investigated the other time.
So tired that I'm not rereading this to proof so hopefully it's ok!

That link just took me to the main page, but this was the article I found that I'm guessing you may have wanted?

FBI niega haber entregado dinero a van der Sloot para detenerlo

FBI denies having given money to van der Sloot

Mié, 09/06/2010 - 18:00

Aunque se dijo que Joran Van der Sloot, acusado del asesinato de Stephany, recibió $ 25 mil del FBI para tenderle una trampa y detenerlo por extorsión, se aclara que el dinero fue de fondos privados y no de fuentes policiales.

Although it's been said that Joran van der Sloot, accused murderer of Stephany Flores, received $25,000 (USD) from the FBI in an attempt to trap and arrest him for extortion, it's been clarified that the money was from private fund (accounts) and not from police sources.

Lo que sí trascendió fue que el holandés recibió ese dinero de otra persona, con el cual se financió el viaje a Lima.

Apparently what transpired is that the Dutchman received this money from another person, with which he then financed his trip to Lima.

Según un comunicado del FBI, aclaran que las versiones de prensa, que "han sugerido que el FBI proporcionó 25 mil dólares
en fondos que fueron transferidos a van der Sloot", es incorrecto, pues señalan que los fondos involucrados fueron fondos privados.

According to an FBI statement, they are clarifying the press reports that "have suggested that the FBI provided $25,000 in funds to be transferred to van der Sloot," and say they are incorrect, and then point out that the funds involved were all private funds.

Van der Sloot, de 23 años y que también es sospechoso de haber asesinado a la estadounidense Natalee Holloway en Aruba en 2005, contactó con la madre de ésta y le ofreció información sobre la desaparición de su hija a cambio de 25.000 dólares, señala el diario New York Post.

Van der Sloot, 23 years old, is also suspected of killing the US student, Natalee Holloway, in Aruba in 2005. He contacted her mother and offered information about the disappearance of her daughter in exchange for $25,000 USD, according to the newspaper the New York Post.

La familia Holloway se puso en contacto con agentes de la Oficina Federal de Investigaciones (FBI) de EE.UU., que decidieron darle el dinero y tenderle una trampa para detenerle, señala este diario que explica que sus fuentes le relataron que "entregaron el dinero a Van der Sloot el 10 de mayo en Aruba".

The Holloway family was in contact with FBI agents from the US and decided to give the money and set up a trap to stop him. According to this newspaper (the NY Post), sources said that "van der Sloot was given the money on May 10 in Aruba."

"Cuatro días más tarde voló a Perú, donde presuntamente asesinó a Stephany Flores", de 21 años, en la habitación de un hotel en Lima, agrega el diario.

"Four days later he flew to Peru, where he allegedly murdered 21 year old Stephany Flores" in the room of a Lima hotel, according to the report.

El diario agrega que el holandés "pudo viajar porque los agentes federales no presentaron inmediatamente cargos en su contra ni tampoco pidieron que fuera detenido en Aruba, incluso cuando se alertó de que podría abandonar el país".

The newspaper added that the Dutchman "was able to travel because federal agents didn't immediately have a charge against him, nor were they asked to detain him in Aruba, even when warned he might leave the country."

El periódico neoyorquino agrega que esa situación ha enfurecido a la familia Holloway, a quien las autoridades al parecer habían comunicado que "le iban a detener antes de que se fuera de Aruba",

The paper also says that the situation has infuriated Holloway's family, who authorities had stated that "they would stop him before he left Aruba."

"Van der Sloot se llevó 15.000 dólares mediante una transferencia y 10.000 dólares en efectivo, y se fue a Perú a jugar al póquer", señalaron al Post sus fuentes.

Van der Sloot got 15,000$ in the (wire) transfer and 10,000$ cash and went to Peru to play poker, according to what sources told the Post.

A principios de junio, la prensa local informó de que Van der Sloot había sido acusado de intento de extorsión en Birmingham (Alabama), pues habría tratado de exigir un pago de 250.000 dólares a cambio de información sobre el lugar donde se encuentra el cadáver de Holloway.

At the beginning of June, local media reported that van der Sloot had be accused of the intent to commit extortion in Birmingham (Alabama). He would have required a payment of 250,000$ USD in exchange for information about the place where Holloway's body had been placed. .

Como se recuerda, el holandés estuvo con la joven peruana Stephany Flores Ramírez, de 21 años, el pasado 30 de mayo en un casino y horas más tarde la joven apareció muerta en un hotel de la capital peruana.

As far as we know, the Dutchman was with the young Peruvian woman, Stephany Flores Ramirez, 21, on May 30th in a casino, and only hours later she was found dead in a hotel in the Peruvian capital.

Van der Sloot viajó a Chile el 31 de mayo y fue detenido en ese país el 3 de junio, tras ser acusado en Perú de haber asesinado a Flores Ramírez, hija del conocido corredor de autos y empresario de ese país Ricardo Flores, "Riflo".

Van dear Sloot traveled to Chile on May 31 and was detained there on June 3rd after being accused in Peru of killing Flores Ramires, daughter of the famous race car driver and business man, Ricardo Flores, "Rifle"
This article the defense claims JVDS is sorry and stable and clever:

Here's a human translation versus the computer one above:

Defensa de Joran van der Sloot pedirá declarar nula la investigación policial

Joran van der Sloot's Defense asked for the police investigation to be declared invalid

Jueves 10 de junio de 2010 - 09:04 pm

La defensa legal de Joran van der Sloot presentó ante el Poder Judicial una acción de hábeas corpus con la intención de declarar nula investigación policial en la que el ciudadano holandés confesó haber asesinado a la joven estudiante Stephany Flores.

Joran van der Sloot's legal defense appeared before the judiciary with a writ of habeas corpus, with the intention of requesting a declaration of the police investigation of the Dutchman null (void/invalid) in regard to his alleged confession of murder of the young student Stephany Flores.

Así lo hizo saber el abogado de Van der Sloot, Máximo Altez, quien denunció que los derechos de su patrocinado fueron vulnerados por la Policía al ponerle un abogado sin ser consultado durante los interrogatorios.

According to the lawyer for Van der Sloot, Maximo Altez, the client's rights were taken away and violated by police when they questioned him without an attorney being consulted during the interrogations.

En diálogo con la prensa, Máximo Altez indicó que su patrocinado se encuentra contrariado por la manera en que los medios de comunicación informan sobre el crimen que ha conmocionado al país.

Speaking to the press, Maximo Altez indicated that his client is disappointed with the way in which the media reports information about the crime which has shocked the country.

“No es como lo dicen, él se siente arrepentido”, contó el abogado para después afirmar que Joran van der Sloot es una persona psicológicamente estable y bastante astuto, como lo demuestra en sus juegos de póquer.

"It's not like they say, he is a repentant (or sorry) person," says the lawyer, who then says that Joran van der Sloot is a psychologically stable person and quite clever (or astute), as demonstrated in his poker games.

Esta mañana, el asesino confeso de Stephany Flores fue trasladado de la Dirincri a la carceleta del Ministerio Público y se espera que en las próximas horas sea recluido en un penal de Lima.

This morning, the accused murderer of Stephany Flores was transferred from the holding cells of the public ministry and in the next few hours is expected to be confined to a prison in Lima.

De acuerdo con fuentes del Ministerio Público, la fiscal Espinoza denunciaría al holandés por homicidio calificado, cuya pena máxima es de 35 años de prisión.

According to sources from the public ministry, the maximum penalty for homicide that the Dutchman may face is 35 years in prison.
Here is an article related to other people being charged and JVDS jailmates, can someone PLEASE translate at your convenience.

Thank you!

Público le gritó "¡extranjero asesino!" y le arrojó basura a Joran van der Sloot

Public shouted, "Foreign(er) murderer!" and threw trash at Joran van der Sloot

Viernes 11 de junio de 2010 - 12:35 pm

A punto de ir a prisión. Joran van der Sloot, el confeso asesino de Stephany Flores, fue trasladado en una ambulancia a la carceleta de Palacio de Justicia en medio de fuertes medidas de seguridad y gran cantidad de periodistas.

About to go to prison, Joran van der Sloot, the confessed murderer of Stephany Flores, was transported by an ambulance to the holding cells at the Palace of Justice, amid heavy security and a large group of journalists/reporters.

La medida fue tomada luego que el Poder Judicial ordenara su detención en un centro de reclusión del Instituto Nacional Penitenciario (INPE), que será el penal de máxima seguridad Castro Castro.

The move came after the judicial power gave an order for his detention at a detention center at the National Penitentiary Institute (INPE), which is the maximum security prison.

Según fuentes del INPE, Joran van der Sloot estará en el mismo pabellón en dicho centro de reclusión que el ex alcalde Coronel Portillo, Luis Valdez , y el sicario colombiano Alejandro Trujillo Ospina , principal sospechoso del asesinato de Myriam Fefer . Su traslado al presidio se produjo hace unos instantes.

According to sources from INPE, Joran VDS will be in the same area of the detention center as the former mayor, Coronel Portillo, Luis Valdex, and the Columbian hit man Aljeandro Trujillo Ospino, principal suspect in the murder of Myriam Fefer. His transfer to prison happened a few moments ago.

El ciudadano holandés se encontraba en una ambulancia con otros detenidos cuando fue trasladado desde la sede de Ministerio Público hasta Palacio de Justicia. De todos ellos, era el único que no llevaba una manta en la cabeza para no cubrir su rostro.

The Dutchman was in an ambulance with other prisoners (detainees) when he was transferred from the public ministry to the palace of justice. Of all of these, he was the only one who wasn't wearing a blanket on his head to cover his face.

Fue allí que el público le empezó a gritar “¡extranjero asesino¡” y arrojarle basura al ciudadano holandés.

It was there that the public began to shout "foreign murderer!" and throw trash at the Dutchman.

El juez Juan Buendía, del Juzgado Penal de Turno Permanente de la Corte de Lima, encausó al holandés, de 22 años, como presunto autor de los delitos de homicidio calificado y contra el patrimonio, en la modalidad de hurto simple.

Judge Juan Buendia of the court of Lima indicted the 22 year old Dutchman on suspicion of homicide, crimes against property, and theft.

De acuerdo con la ley, esos delitos se castigan con penas de entre 15 y 35 años de prisión.

According to the law, these crimes are punishable with 15-35 years in prison.
Please translate this article regarding robbery motive, which could mean a life sentence:


No, it's about the crimes before and after her death.

La vio ganar 28 mil soles y decidió matarla

He saw her win 28,000 soles and decided to kill her

Por E. Cirilo
Harto de retirarse de los casinos como un perdedor, el holandés Joran van der Sloot (23) decidió robar todo su dinero a Stephany Flores (21), desde el día en que la vio ganar más de 28 mil soles en una partida de póker.

Instead of leaving the casino as a loser, the Dutchman, Joran VDS (23) decided to steal all of the money, 28,000 soles, he had seen Stephany Flores (21) win in a poker game

A esta conclusión llegaron los detectives de la Dirincri, tras culminar las investigaciones del homicidio de la hija del corredor de autos Ricardo Flores.

This is the conclusion that the detectives from Dirincri came to at the end of the investigation of the murder of auto racer Ricardo Flores' daughter.

Los agentes averiguaron que la víctima jugaba póker en diversos casinos de Miraflores. Y el 24 de mayo, seis días antes de su muerte, ganó 28 mil 400 soles en el casino 'Atlantic City'. La madrugada del 30 de mayo, cuando fue asesinada, también había ganado. Dos días antes su padre le había dado mil dólares.

The investigators learned that the victim was playing poker in various Miraflores casinos. And, on the 24th of May, six days before her murder, she won 28,400 soles at the Atlantic City casino. On the morning of May 30th when she was killed, she had also won. Ten days before, her father had given her a thousand dollars.

Por eso, los detectives suponen que Joran, quien asistió al casino 'Atlantic City' desde el 14 de mayo, seleccionó a Stephany para robarle su dinero.

Because of this, the detectives believe that Joran, who had been visiting the Atlantic City casino since the 14th of May, selected Stephany in order to rob her of/steal her money.

Para los investigadores, el asesino confeso llevó con engaños a la joven al hotel donde se hospedaba. A las 5:10 de la mañana del domingo 30 de mayo, ambos se retiraron del casino y se fueron en la camioneta de la chica, de placa A1b-533.

According to the investigators, the accused murderer lured/enticed the young girl to the hotel where he was stay. At 5:10 in the morning on Sunday the 30th of May, they both left the casino and went in the girl's car, license plate A1b-533.

El extranjero dice que atacó a la joven porque la vio revisando su Laptop, pero los agentes afirman que la golpeó presumiblemente para despojarla de su dinero, pero ante la reacción de Stephany, que se defendió, la golpeó en la cabeza y le hizo perder el conocimiento. En el suelo la agarró a puñetazos y golpeó la cabeza contra la pared, para luego apretarle el cuello. Al percatarse que aún respiraba, la asfixió con su propia camisa.

The stranger/foreigner said that he attacked the girl because he saw her revising his laptop, but agents presume that it was to steal her money. On the floor, he grabbed her fists and hit her head against the wall and squeezed her neck. When realizing she was still breathing, he strangled (choked) her with her own shirt.

Consumado su crimen y con total sangre fría, intentó borrar la evidencias y se cambió de ropa. Incluso, pensó en desaparecer el cuerpo. A las 8:45 de la mañana fugó del hotel llevándose dinero en efectivo, las tarjetas bancarias y la camioneta de la occisa.

After finishing his crime and being totally cool, he tried to cover up the evidence and change his clothes. He also thought about trying to hide the body. At 8:40 in the morning he left the hotel taking money (cash), bankcards, and the vehicle of the deceased.

Su plan era abordar un avión y por eso se dirigió al aeropuerto 'Jorge Chávez', pero como vio policías se arrepintió y tomó un taxi que lo llevó hasta Ica. Al taxista le pagó el servicio con mil 500 soles, le regaló un reloj Ferrari, una cámara fotográfica, celular, perfumes y prendas de vestir.

His plan was to board a plane and so he went to Jorge Chavez airport but when he saw police he changed his mind and took a taxi to Ica. He paid 1500 soles and gave a gift of a Ferrari watch, a camera, cell phone, perfume/cologne, and clothing.

En el atestado policial se acusa al holandés por el presunto delito contra el patrimonio y robo agravado subsecuente de muerte. Fue puesto a disposición de la Fiscalía.

In the police report the Dutchman is accused of crimes against property, aggravated robbery subsequent to death. It was made available by (or to?) the prosecutor.

Holandés Van der Sloot podría ser juzgado por un tercer delito

Dutchman VDS could be tried for a third charge

El abogado de la familia se Stephany Flores, Edward Álvarez, consideró que dentro del proceso judicial contra el ciudadano holandés, éste puede ser acusado por un tercer delito por haberse llevado la camioneta, que en su interior se pudo hallar elementos que pudieran servir para las investigaciones.

Edward Alvarez, lawyer for the family of Stephany Flores, is considered in the judicial proceedings against the Dutch citizen if it is possible for him to be accused of a third crime for taking the van (of Stephany's) the interior of which may have elements that could be useful for the investigation.

'Creo que debe haber un tercer delito que debe comprender. Este señor se llevó la camioneta y la dejó abandonada en otro lado, al interior de la camioneta de repente habían cosas o algún elemento que pudiera servir para la investigación y este señor al dejarla abandonada lo hizo con una intencionalidad de que esa evidencia desaparezca. Ahí hay un encubrimiento real, un tercer delito', subrayó.

"I think a third offense should be considered. This man took the van and abandoned it. The interior of the van had things that could be useful for the investigation and this man abandoned the van with the intention of disposing of evidence. There's a cover up, which is a third charge," he emphasized.

En otro momento, Álvarez rechazó la hipótesis de que el extranjero atacó a la joven Stephany Flores porque la encontró revisando su lap top.

At another time Alvarez dismissed the hypothesis that the stranger/foreigner attacked the young woman, Stephany Flores, because he found her on his laptop. **Sorry, this makes no sense to me - I even ran it through a machine translation, but it was generally the same...either we're equally lost, or it's an error in the original article, which is certainly it doesn't fit at all what's in the next paragraph.

Asimismo, sostuvo que la información de la lap top del holandés aportará en las investigaciones ya que pueden surgir nuevas evidencias que permitan esclarecer los hechos. 'Se comenta que la lap top tendría información del crimen que habría cometido en Aruba', agregó el abogado.

He argued that the information on the Dutchman's laptop may assist the investigation and could provide new evidence that sheds light on the facts of the case. "It's said the laptop may have information about the crime that was committed in Aruba," the lawyer added.
is it okay to post this one here? (Natalee case). I wasn't sure where we can post these, I'm not requesting a translation right now, just looking for where to put it :) Thanks! (But if anyone knows where to see these segments with English subtitles, that would be great :) )

In Parts 4 through 8, three experts are analyzing Joran's "balcony" confession/story. One of the analysts (a polygrapher) summarizes his findings in English in this segment 8/8, but all of the segments seem interesting. (If you click on the Youtube logo in the lower right of the box to watch the video, you will have the other segments available in the margin.)
is it okay to post this one here? (Natalee case). I wasn't sure where we can post these, I'm not requesting a translation right now, just looking for where to put it :) Thanks! (But if anyone knows where to see these segments with English subtitles, that would be great :) )

In Parts 4 through 8, three experts are analyzing Joran's "balcony" confession/story. One of the analysts (a polygrapher) summarizes his findings in English in this segment 8/8, but all of the segments seem interesting. (If you click on the Youtube logo in the lower right of the box to watch the video, you will have the other segments available in the margin.)

You absolutely can post it - I'm hoping Mohabi or someone else comes in that can do video easier. I have a hard time hearing video online and then to translate, as well, really can take forever. Print is easier for me....but if she's not back I'll add this to the videos needed list! If you find relevant articles, though, I'd do those right away for you! :)

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