OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #6

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As an experienced classroom teacher I can't wrap my head around all this. Most of my experience is with 5th graders (a little older than Kyron) however, I was constantly "counting heads" - visual monitoring.

Those days - science fair, talent show, etc. are very hectic and usually logistical nightmares. Even more reason to keep track of your kids.

Teacher knew he was there in the AM and yet "gone by 10 AM or so". Without a parent or guardian telling me they were taking him - I would have raised red flags immediately. Then when the talent show rolls around and he's a participant - and not there? Definitely would have been asking questions and talking to the principal and security based at the school.

Who was running the talent show? Probably another teacher - possibly the music teacher. Didn't he/she do a "roll call" of participants? What action was taken when Kyron wasn't there for that?

With Kyron being an even younger child - this teacher should have been more vigilant about her responsiblities. JMHO

Unless... she was told something that explained his absence, and with LE being so tight-lipped, we just don't know yet.

Otherwise, yeah, agree totally.
Suzanne, if you're facing the building, on the righthand side, there's a door that opens out into the parking lot on the end of the building. It's kinda confusing because the building sits catiwompus, not inline with the cardinal directions. I think that door was open during the events that day--and that may have been the door that was mentioned.

Some other people have posted photos of the building where you can clearly see the doors...maybe they'll post again...

Maybe we need a links post on the beginning of each thread--to keep all the good stuff together.

truthsleuth was the name of the member who posted the pics with the compass in the corner so you could see direction if those are the ones you mean.
The school didn't have any kind of decent answer to that question. The superintendent said that two teachers saw Kryon with his SM and just "assumed" he had left with her.

That didn't make any kind of sense to me whatsoever - weren't alot of the parents there at school that morning as well? It's not like it was odd that Kyron's SM was there and the assumption could be made that he left with her. On a regular day, maybe that would make sense. But it doesn't make sense to jump to that conclusion on THIS day.

The teachers and the school haven't offered any kind of reasonable excuse as to why they didn't follow up on Kyron's disappearance from the school. They admit they noticed, but they didn't do anything about it.

I am wondering if they had a good reason to believe so (that he left with his mother and possiably requested or "assumed" she signed him out due to converstations and or written notice) up to and including the email exchange between the teacher and herself indicating so when can we pick up Kyron's Science Project? The thing is noone is saying anything so I guess we can't know the answers to those questions at this time. Why not? I dunno.
Has it been confirmed that the stepmom said something about an appointment to the teacher? Or is it still just rumor?

The sheriff was asked about it at the presser on Saturday, and he said, "I don't know, and even if I did know, I couldn't tell you."
I just find it difficult to believe that this principal, school resource officer (security) and teacher(s) were that "lax" in where he was, was he there, did he leave, etc.

Principals, especially, are charged with keeping ALL students safe and accounted for. Liability is a HUGE word nowadays. And, face it, the school was liable for Kyron.

I don't believe we are hearing the "true" story from the school. A 7 yr old doesn't just "go home" without a signout, or acknowledgment to office staff, something. SM was a teacher - she knows this too!

I've worked very rural schools and the same rules apply - regardless of whether you know every parent or not - they still sign.

We are not privy to everything LE has on this.
In the last thread, someone posted they heard it on the local nighttime news on Fox channel 12. I haven't found any articles or videos on it yet, but I'm checking the website. kptv.com

ETA: Well it just popped up lol:

Multnomah County Sheriff's Capt. Jason Gates said Kyron's stepmother brought him to school for a school science fair and last saw Kyron near his classroom at about 8:45 a.m.

TP, Kyron's classmate, said he last saw his friend at about the same time when Kyron told him he was headed to look at another student's science project.

"He walked by the hallway and I'm like, 'Hi, Kyron,' and he's like, 'Hi. I'm going to go see this cool one. It's electric.' I'm like, 'Alright, bye.' And that's the last time I saw him," Tanner said. "He never did make it back to class."

Classmate: 'I Hope My Best Friend Comes Back'
Kyron Horman Last Seen Friday Morning
POSTED: 7:06 am PDT June 9, 2010
UPDATED: 7:16 am PDT June 9, 2010

"He walked by the hallway and I'm like, 'Hi, Kyron,' and he's like, 'Hi. I'm going to go see this cool one. It's electric.' I'm like, 'Alright, bye.' And that's the last time I saw him," Tanner said. "He never did make it back to class.

I'm just curious.Was there an a science project that electric there?Which direction was he headed?for the entrance someone saw him at?Maybe someone lured him out to see an electric project?
Posted on last thread by CharlestonGal:

Or to hurt other adults?

Stepmom is a teacher. I realize she's now a stay at home mom (IIRC, baby is 18 months old), but when did she last work as a teacher? Where did she teach? Was she ever involved in any ugly incidents with (now former) students and/or their parents? Did she ever serve in an administrative / disciplinary position, even temporarily as cover or in an 'on-call' status? Did she ever have any complaints filed against her (legit or not)? (I'd also include any incidents involving other teachers and staff, of course) FWIW, I listened to the scanner while awaiting the thread to reopen last night; I noticed mention of 'gang' more than once.

I know this is stupid and a BIG stretch, but some people have very long memories and hold grudges for a long time.

BTW, regarding the 'gym' comments. We don't know the background and circumstances surrounding this. For all we know, it was something set up with LE to somehow bait the person(s) involved in Kyron's disappearance.

She only taught one year. 2002-2003, and not in the Skyline school.
I just find it difficult to believe that this principal, school resource officer (security) and teacher(s) were that "lax" in where he was, was he there, did he leave, etc.

Principals, especially, are charged with keeping ALL students safe and accounted for. Liability is a HUGE word nowadays. And, face it, the school was liable for Kyron.

I don't believe we are hearing the "true" story from the school. A 7 yr old doesn't just "go home" without a signout, or acknowledgment to office staff, something. SM was a teacher - she knows this too!

I've worked very rural schools and the same rules apply - regardless of whether you know every parent or not - they still sign.

We are not privy to everything LE has on this.

This school is facing a HUGE lawsuit IMO.
The school didn't have any kind of decent answer to that question. The superintendent said that two teachers saw Kryon with his SM and just "assumed" he had left with her.

That didn't make any kind of sense to me whatsoever - weren't alot of the parents there at school that morning as well? It's not like it was odd that Kyron's SM was there and the assumption could be made that he left with her. On a regular day, maybe that would make sense. But it doesn't make sense to jump to that conclusion on THIS day.

The teachers and the school haven't offered any kind of reasonable excuse as to why they didn't follow up on Kyron's disappearance from the school. They admit they noticed, but they didn't do anything about it.

I think back when they first started talking about this, they made it pretty clear that they had lax security standards. They noticed he was gone, assumed he left with SM. If this is the way it's always been there, parents allowed to take kids without signing out on special days, then they wouldn't have had a reason to be alarmed. As a former teacher, I think the left-behind jacket and backpack would have made me wonder if the student was coming back. I guess I can see where if she thought "oh yeah, he had an appointment" she might have assumed they just decided to take the day off.
I'm curious about the older step brothers camping trip. Have we heard any info about when it started and when it eneded?

Be careful here, the older brother is a minor, and we are not supposed to sleuth them AT ALL......we don't want anyone else to get in trouble on this thread!

I'm curious about the older step brothers camping trip. Have we heard any info about when it started and when it eneded?

This topic is kind of off-limits except as to establishing a timeline. The step-brother is a minor and we do NOT sleuth minors at Websleuths. In addition, this child was NOT in the vicinity and LE, nor the mainstream media have given any reason to go down this path.

So don't.

Let me or one of the other mods know if you have questions.

I think back when they first started talking about this, they made it pretty clear that they had lax security standards. They noticed he was gone, assumed he left with SM. If this is the way it's always been there, parents allowed to take kids without signing out on special days, then they wouldn't have had a reason to be alarmed. As a former teacher, I think the left-behind jacket and backpack would have made me wonder if the student was coming back. I guess I can see where if she thought "oh yeah, he had an appointment" she might have assumed they just decided to take the day off.

BBM: I guess but then what about her email requesting to pick up the project? I would love to see that email! What else was said that made this seem so normal to have his coat and bookbag there and she would just make arrangements to pick up his project sometime...
She only taught one year. 2002-2003, and not in the Skyline school.

Wouldn't have to be at skyline.... I know it was a stupid thought, but just trying to think of who might have reason to hurt this family.
Has it been confirmed that the stepmom said something about an appointment to the teacher? Or is it still just rumor?
I guess it's still just rumor.I don't know.
I'm not real sure how absence recording works everywhere...teachers chime in please.

At my son's school I think it goes like this...

Parents notify the school office - then the office notifies the teacher.

The teacher takes roll - then sends it to the office - where it is compared with the notification list.

If there were a student marked absent who was not on the office list - a call goes to the home.

Now, if that were the case here - the folks in the office would have had to have talked to the teacher - and she would have had to have convincingly told them that the mom notified her that Kyron would be absent.

It's a small school - like my son's - so I'm sure the folks in the office communicated with the teacher over this - doncha think?

If there were even the slightest hint of confusion - a call to the parents should have been made.
This school is facing a HUGE lawsuit IMO.

Maybe if they had a notification system in place before he went missing and failed to do so, but since they didn't, I don't know about that. Not that a lawsuit couldn't be attempted, but I have my doubts on how successful it would be.
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