‘Real creepy’ Utah goat man could be victim of hunting season, police fear


Life is a puzzle.
May 24, 2009
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July 20, 2012

snipped...SALT LAKE CITY — A man spotted dressed in a goat suit among a herd of wild goats in the mountains of northern Utah has wildlife officials worried he could be in danger as hunting season approaches.

Phil Douglass of the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources said Friday the person is doing nothing illegal, but he worries the so-called “goat man” is unaware of the dangers.

You have to read it all to believe it, and even then, I can't promise you will: http://news.nationalpost.com/2012/0...ould-be-victim-of-hunting-season-police-fear/
Kinda reminds me of Timothy whatshisname, the "Grizzly Man", who wanted to be "at one" with the grizzlies, who then killed and ate him (and his hapless girlfriend, Amy).

Shoot, if the goats don't care, and it's not illegal, then have at it...but still. What a strange thing to see if you're hiking around, enjoying nature, watching a herd of wild goats...and then this human comes crawling along behind him in a weird and "creepy" goat suit and mask.

Sigh. This world is a very strange place...

Herding Cats
Kinda reminds me of Timothy whatshisname, the "Grizzly Man", who wanted to be "at one" with the grizzlies, who then killed and ate him (and his hapless girlfriend, Amy).

Shoot, if the goats don't care, and it's not illegal, then have at it...but still. What a strange thing to see if you're hiking around, enjoying nature, watching a herd of wild goats...and then this human comes crawling along behind him in a weird and "creepy" goat suit and mask.

Sigh. This world is a very strange place...

Herding Cats

Yeah... Tim Treadwell... his videos were on Netflix last year and I watched them. I'll never, ever forget the parts of the videos were he would talk about the possibility of getting eaten by the bears and being okay with that outcome, because it meant his body was serving a good cause: feeding the bears.

I don't think Goat Man has to worry about the goats eating him (attacking him is a worry, though), but I'm sure there are other wildlife out there that wouldn't mind taking a bite of him... especially if he dousing himself in goat pee or something like that to scent himself so he can hang out in a goat herd. Then there is the hunter aspect...

Yes... the world is a very strange place.

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