UT -Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 - #4

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Fox News is going to do a report about Susan....
as funny as this sounds it is realistic behavior of a lot of parrots...depending on which kind you may be dealing with. african gray parrots are the absolute best in mimicking human speech, moo. and they are very very smart. they will repeat words, phrases and "situations" and they dont just repeat it in their bird voice, they will actually sound much like the person who said the phrase. ie my mil has a gray that i heard 'replaying' a phone conversation and i thought it was my mil until i looked and it was the bird. and most parrots have speech abilities. so if susan and josh fought a lot in front of the bird it most likely will repeat some of the things that it heard repeatedly/frequently. :)

I agree, some are like 3-4 year old children........
My friend had one that would come out with stuff that was so funny at wierd times.
Josh must trust this man with the BIRDS because one might just yell out,
Stop, your hurting me!
I even had a parakeet for 16 years that mimicked everyone.
He would say the same thing over and over til he thought of something else to say.
Several persons of interest?? Pat Reavy of Deseret News....waiting on DNA evidence...no confirmation that Susan was planning to leave. All speculation.
most recent Fran list I have found so far:

Originally Posted by fran
Things are mounting up.............anyone else?


1. Husband not the one who reported victim missing.

2. Husband had 'odd' alibi, ie going camping in sub-zero temperartures, late at night, leaving sick wife home alone in bed, and taking two toddlers, pre five yo's into the freezing winter night.

3. Change of story details, here and there or becoming evasive.

4. Avoiding media contact. The few times media managed to get a statement. He cut them off when they asked detailed questions about camping location. His excuse was "I have to get my boys." IMHO, he's using the boys as a shield.

5. Avoiding media questions, ie "Is that where you went camping?" to which he replies, "I have to pick up my boys."

6. Avoids wife-victim's family.

7. Stops talking to LE

8. Concerned with 'his house.'

9. Speaks of victim in 'past-tense.'

10. Speaks of 'buying new clothes and comforter.'

11. Unexplained 'wet spot' in carpeting and 'fans being used to dry.'

12. Gradual release of 'friends and family' speaking of marital problems.

13. Alleged from 'friends' of husband having control issues, which included control of wife ie victim.

14. Alleged from 'friends' of 'verbal abuse' by husband of victim.

15. Alleged statement by one of the children (ok, possibly rumor) "Daddy said mommy stayed in the woods for awhile."

16. Spoke to neighbor about 'hope his bird isn't dead' but didn't talk about his missing wife.

17. Testing generator late at night on camping trip

18. Sledding in the dark? (Locals, is there a place in that area to go sledding in the dark? He told friend he was taking boys sledding, that was at 5:00p.m. and he was seen returning home at 8:30p.m.)

19. Near frost bitten hands.

20. Just the sheer distance of the alleged camp site (3 or 4 hours drive)

21. NOT one sign of husband camping where he said he was.

22. Just plain talking about 'himself,' rather than his missing wife!!!!!!!!

23. No sign of forced entry of home.

24. Friends and neighbors said it was unusual for Josh to suddenly go camping late at night with the children in the freezing weather.

25. Periodic money problems including a past bankruptcy.

26. Joshy tells his FIL the last time he saw Susan was at 12:30, but didn't bother to tell him what a great time was had by all at the wee-hours-of-the-nite-camping-in-subzero-temps-and-snowstorm-in-the-desert outing.
(from Texas Mist)

27. Left sick wife alone, never to check on her and she had NO CAR to go to doctor! (from member passionflower)

28. Wife had gone to bed sick with an ear-ache which meant she most likely had a cold. Yet, husband made her walk home from church in freezing weather, (they only had one car)

29. Susan's friend had spoken to her on Sunday and friend said Susan wasn't sick.

30. Husband said wife sick but she went to bed at 12:30 a.m.

31. Husband said he forgot it was Sunday but he also said he saw last saw Susan at 12:30 a.m. when she went to bed and he was leaving for camping with the kids. She would have reminded him it was Monday and not Sat nite/Sunday a.m. "Got his days mixed up, thought it was Sunday" yet he neither attends church nor allows for boys to go.

32. Susan told co-workers she was physically fearful of her husband.

33. Co-workers say Susan took precautions in case 'anything' happened to her.

34. Josh's BIL stated when asked if he believes Josh had anything to do with Susan's disappearance, "I pray Josh isn't responisble."

35. Susan't friends knowledge of Powell marriage............SEVERAL advised Susan to leave her husband.

36. Susan's family paid for her to have a cell phone in case she was in trouble.

37. police have mentioned they would possibly like to have Josh take LDT: so far it has not been reported he has taken one to clear his name

38. Disappeared for 24 hours with rental car, AFTER Susan went missing. hundreds of miles were put on the car. There was no gps on the rental car

39. Local reporter said that at alleged camping location, you need to travel approximately 20 miles on unpaved road. It was storming. {suspicious}

40. When talking about spur of the moment camping trip with boys, Josh said they '.....liked to have smores in the morning.'

41. Wife's cellphone, purse and belongings LEFT BEHIND...

42. Josh skips town on Dec 18/19 (Fri/Sat) attorney says to spend holidays in Washington with father and step mom.

43. Sunday 2 weeks after Susan disappeared, Josh whereabouts unknown.
Has sons with him....note: husband has shown up in Washington State and attended a candle light vigil for Susan,.............NO comment to the media

44. First time LE contacted husband as at first the entire family was thought missing, Josh hung up on LE.

45. Statements by friends that Josh resented Susan's dedication to her church. (Also indications that Josh was being encouraged of his distaste for the church by his own father)

46. While at the candle light vigil in Washington, Josh was only 15 feet from Susan's parents, yet he didn't even acknowledge them.

47. Josh completely controlled Susan's spending. He told her how much she had to spend at the grocery store and what she could and couldn't buy as far as groceries or anything else was concerned.

48. LE said Josh is hindering the investigation.

49. It's not JUST that Josh left town while everyone is trying to look for his missing wife. He did NOT tell LE he was leaving or where he would be, in case his wife returned or she was found!

*Blue are added as the case developes and Websleuthers mention them


1. Josh said he didn't harm Susan.

2. Josh's dad said to stop "villifying" JP, he didn't harm his wife.

3. Josh's lawyer said Josh is not hindering investigation.


I see #37 has now been changed to reflect what we do know. Thanks. :)
Several persons of interest?? Pat Reavy of Deseret News....waiting on DNA evidence...no confirmation that Susan was planning to leave. All speculation.

like who? girlfriend? JoVonna? someone helped him somehow???
Oh no, Susan never stood a chanse!
I agree, some are like 3-4 year old children........
My friend had one that would come out with stuff that was so funny at wierd times.
Josh must trust this man with the BIRDS because one might just yell out,
Stop, your hurting me!
I even had a parakeet for 16 years that mimicked everyone.
He would say the same thing over and over til he thought of something else to say.

yep, then you know what im talking about,lol! my birds are always talking to me -they are so smart... i do remember a bird in a pet store that was previously owned and they were having a hard time selling him because he kept going through a screaming argument between the couple that owned him ... or they curse a lot, lol. also a thought is if the birds are afraid of him, if they wont take their eyes off of his hands and scurry away. once i swatted at a fly with a swatter and omg, all the birds were scared of me for awhile! so if they saw him hitting susan they are probably very fearful of him...
yep, then you know what im talking about,lol! my birds are always talking to me -they are so smart... i do remember a bird in a pet store that was previously owned and they were having a hard time selling him because he kept going through a screaming argument between the couple that owned him ... or they curse a lot, lol. also a thought is if the birds are afraid of him, if they wont take their eyes off of his hands and scurry away. once i swatted at a fly with a swatter and omg, all the birds were scared of me for awhile! so if they saw him hitting susan they are probably very fearful of him...

Being bird lovers, I wish we could observe the behavior and speech of the birds......after all they were there through all of this.......like little witnesses.
Salt Lake area weather update: Good news for those that want a White Christmas... but bad news for possible searches. The snow storm has started, and will continue through tomorrow.
A question just popped into my head about that last day-

Could Jovanna have let it slip to Josh that Susan was thinking of leaving him??

For some reason I just can't get that woman out of my mind!
A question just popped into my head about that last day-

Could Jovanna have let it slip to Josh that Susan was thinking of leaving him??

For some reason I just can't get that woman out of my mind!

I have very bad vibes on her also, and I do not know why..........
Salt Lake area weather update: Good news for those that want a White Christmas... but bad news for possible searches. The snow storm has started, and will continue through tomorrow.

I hope it cleans out this crappy air.
I have very bad vibes on her also, and I do not know why..........

i think that jovanna let it slip that susan was "talking" at church. that with the fact that he had found out about the secret bank account that she had probably sent him over the edge...i will go find the link about the bank account, but does anyone know how long ago jp had found out about that??

eta: link


Joshua Powell, 33, was upset his wife was depositing money into an account he didn't have access to, said friends who added that they encouraged Susan to stand up to him. Family members have said the couple got marital counseling at Susan Powell's urging.
Here is an article about a secret bank account.

thanx for finding this link ck...this article mentions the bank account and said that she was poised to leave or return to washington...but none of the articles tells us WHEN any of this occurred, just that she decided to stay and work it out. if we knew when any of this happened it might help in exposing whether or not this was planned out or not. i wonder if she chose to stay only because he agreed to counseling? and if so could this be a result of trying to use marital counseling in a domestic violence situation, or in other words it some how agitated jp into becoming more aggressive/violent than he had previously been? omega, maybe you can answer this?? im not at all excusing jp - NOT AT ALL. also another thought was if jp had started taking any antidepressants that he could try and use that excuse for his behavior???
yep, then you know what im talking about,lol! my birds are always talking to me -they are so smart... i do remember a bird in a pet store that was previously owned and they were having a hard time selling him because he kept going through a screaming argument between the couple that owned him ... or they curse a lot, lol. also a thought is if the birds are afraid of him, if they wont take their eyes off of his hands and scurry away. once i swatted at a fly with a swatter and omg, all the birds were scared of me for awhile! so if they saw him hitting susan they are probably very fearful of him...

OT Of course we're intelligent :snooty: really...!

Curious Me... I know in the case of a religious woman, she will first go to her church leadership. If a church leader even suspected that there is a control issue in the marriage, red flags should be going off. Because that's what abuse is - it's control. At that point a professional counselor (LPC or LCSW) with training in the abuse cycle would be able to counsel a woman to help bring up her self esteem, develop trust and help her to make positive decisions in the relationship. It does not have to be a DV counselor. It can start with a call to the National Domestic Violence Hotline for resources or to a friend at church, a parent. We need to be more educated as to what these red flags are. BYU Women's center put together a program where they are encouraging students to recognize abusive controlling behavior in others and speaking up against it. They even did an organized 5k race in September to bring awareness. IMHO, it has to be a combination of education among ourselves and our children and a professional approach of educating our church leaders.

Here's a link to BYU's Voices of Courage:


Thank You so much omegagal! (my thanks button is acting odd, so thanks to all of you posting, as well) I am so in favor of everyone visiting this site, especially the Signs of Abuse list. Awareness would be the first step. Everybody needs to learn what abusive controlling behavior is to recognize it, and help themselves or someone else.

Yes and was surrounded by his own group with umbrellas to keep from media???

I find this completely disturbing! That little boy has enough trauma that he is gonna carry with him for the rest of his life, why would Josh take him to that and add to the memories?
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