MD - Phylicia Barnes, 16, Baltimore, 28 Dec 2010 #4

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Some additional thoughts regarding the street map posted back around post 505 and the location of DB's apartment.

It was stated earlier in the threads DB's apartment was a front ground or garden unit - (which I think we can confirm if the units are 100's 200's and 300's versus G (ground or garden) 100's and 200's. ). I noticed to each of the front entrances one of the ground units appears to have no windows. It looks like they are bricked off........ this leads me to believe those are the locations of the laundry room in each building. (I can't be sure never having been in the complex myself, but in each and every Condo I have been in near Chicago the laundry room windows are closed off to prevent theft. And having had my RE license I've been in hundreds.)

I'd like to confirm where exactly the location is of the laundry room within the building. If it is what I am thinking/speculated DB's apartment would have been directly across from the laundry room. (Sun48Shine - if you are around, can you confirm this for us please?) Which tells me not only would PB have had to 'disappear' from the complex from within feet of the laundry room entrance used by at least 12 units within the building. She would have had to have disappeared from an area within feet of where an adult male was gone no longer than the few minutes it would take to walk back and forth to load and unload the washer and dryer. (which I still find highly unlikely if MJ was around and had no involvement).

Since we have been told the perimeter doors do not have locks, and anyone off the streets can walk into the hallways, do we know if the laundry room itself requires a key used by residents? Just thinking a little more about the laundry room and it's location.

Some additional thoughts regarding the street map posted back around post 505 and the location of DB's apartment.

It was stated earlier in the threads DB's apartment was a front ground or garden unit - (which I think we can confirm if the units are 100's 200's and 300's versus G (ground or garden) 100's and 200's. ). I noticed to each of the front entrances one of the ground units appears to have no windows. It looks like they are bricked off........ this leads me to believe those are the locations of the laundry room in each building. (I can't be sure never having been in the complex myself, but in each and every Condo I have been in near Chicago the laundry room windows are closed off to prevent theft. And having had my RE license I've been in hundreds.)

I'd like to confirm where exactly the location is of the laundry room within the building. If it is what I am thinking/speculated DB's apartment would have been directly across from the laundry room. (Sun48Shine - if you are around, can you confirm this for us please?) Which tells me not only would PB have had to 'disappear' from the complex from within feet of the laundry room entrance used by at least 12 units within the building. She would have had to have disappeared from an area within feet of where an adult male was gone no longer than the few minutes it would take to walk back and forth to load and unload the washer and dryer. (which I still find highly unlikely if MJ was around and had no involvement).

Since we have been told the perimeter doors do not have locks, and anyone off the streets can walk into the hallways, do we know if the laundry room itself requires a key used by residents? Just thinking a little more about the laundry room and it's location.


It's been a while for me but most times there is easy access to the laundry rooms that are located down below.

Speaking on PB's scent that was picked up by the dogs. First reports stated the scent was picked up in the parking lot area. The last updates stated PB's scent ended with exiting the apt building's front door way. Both are logical.

If PB walked to the parking lot area, I believe someone would have seen her (someone). If the culprit did not want PB to be seen by the public's eye, he/she would have took measures to be certain PB would not be seen. I do understand that tire marks have not been reported on the side walk. So either PB was covered or hidden to walk down the side walk (which is a very short distance). If PB was forced to do so and was afraid for her life, PB would have did what was necessary to cooperate. (Understand that if PB reached out to her sisters in Bmore and came to the conclusion that her sisters could not make it in time, PB was left alone to protect herself by any means necessary). Trying to survive.

From reviewing all of the circumstances that perhaps took place before the 28th, I absolutely see motive. No one expected for MJ to indulge in a parental role for PB but to at least connect enough to be protective of PB's well being or to show care or concern. I haven't seen or heard of MJ's actions being neither of the two.

Only a certain amount of people visited the apt on a regular basis. MJ for the most part had authority over the apartment he resided in. Whether his name was on the lease or not. I tend to believe most of his family and friends over weighed DB's few family members and friends that might take an interest in spying or observing the apt's atmosphere and environment. Since this situation has taken place, even RB mentioned that DB & KB had more family members in Bmore than what they have known. The unknown wouldn't just make it their point to abduct PB. So, we are left with pulling out logical answers, beginning with the last person who saw PB before she lost phone contact. Who was there with PB and who would have a motive.

Someone absolutely had to know the area, the right time to abduct PB. No matter how you look at it, give or take the circumstances, it still had to be someone who is close to the environment, atmosphere and people involved.

The "up and active" text at 5pm could be taken as a sarcastic remark as well. When it comes to the J brothers, I see NO concern, remorse or any reasonable emotion. All I see is life is just another day to them and to leave them alone. I believe the older women do care. But will they get the truth from the J brothers? The J brothers do care about what their "mom dukes" think of them to a certain degree. The brothers that smoke, choose to show respect to not smoke while certain older females/mom dukes are present. Respect is a good thing but when out of eye sight of those who are respected, what takes place then?
What is happening behind the scenes? What is LE doing that we are not aware of?
Is there anything we should be sleuthing out? Any stones we need to turn over, or turn over again?
Some comments that stood out, and quick notes from the Peas interview.

Best friend of PB, J, spoke to PB via text and Skype on the 27th.
Friend R spoke to PB the 26th or 27th, via Skype.
Friend B Facebook Chatted with PB, and some other friends, a few times while she was in B'More.
Friend T spoke with PB the 27th.

All four said that she was normal, happy, bubbly, enjoying her trip.
B' said that there was no way she would have run away, because she had no reason to run, and no place to run to. Plus she would have said something to one of them.
R' said that PB often dropped her phone and the battery came out, and made her phone not work. So when she heard what happened originally, she thought oh great, PB has broken her phone again, and that she was going to be in big trouble.
J' thought that maybe PB had done something really stupid, and would be back at her sister's in the morning. She just neglected to call her sister and let her know where she was.

J' said that DB called her about 10 pm on the 28th, to see if PB had contacted her that day.

This was hard to listen to, because the teens were so brave and strong, and so filled with love and hope for PB. And their emotions were so strong at times.

ETA Forgot to add that one of the teens said PB indicated she was getting her hair done that week...
PB's classmates at Union Academy are collecting things for scrap books that they plan to give to PB when she is found. They are writing messages to PB on posters that line the hallways. They believe she will be found, and she will come home. They ALL spoke in the positive present tense: "PB IS...." The Peas commentator kept catching herself saying "PB was" and she expressed her appreciation that the teens kept using the positive present tense.

I was thinking that her friends there might really appreciate notes and positive thoughts from around the country (world?). <mod snip>
A few thoughts. (BBM, because regardless of any other speculation/questions - I still keep coming back to that one hour between 12:30 and 1:30).

First and most importantly, the one thing I keep coming back to is
MJ placed himself at the apartment for the approximate hour between the time communication abruptly ceased (12:30'sh) between PB and her half sisters and the time he claims to have left the apartment (1:30'sh).
He called or texted to ensure KB did not show up as planned believing PB was asleep. Ask yourselves this: Why would MJ have any reason to give a rats patootie if KB came to the apartment, knocked and called and PB was really sleeping? Why would he care if KB spent 10-15 minutes standing outside trying to wake PB? Imo, he wouldn't. Yet for some reason he made that text saying PB was sleeping.

From recent posts, from those who sound possibly familiar with the commute times during early afternoon traffic would take an approximate hour? for KB to arrive from work by 1:30? MJ KNEW where KB was at 12:30ish and he had an idea of what time she should be expected and how long the commute was from her job to he and his gf of 10 years apartment. He knew how much time he had to get whatever done and get out of there.

I don't think he would have pulled up on the sidewalk leading to the front door. It would have attracted not only too much attention the tires would have picked up and left mud tracks on not only the sidewalk area but also the asphalt area of the parking lot.

I also noticed on the previous street view maps there is a large several story office building which overlooks the parking lot. Clearly a truck or vehicle of somekind on the sidewalk or grass would have caught someone's attention either from the office building or within the apartment complex. (Provided that office bldg. is not fully vacant).

He could have pushed or shoved her not meaning to hurt her. He could have pushed her and she hit her head in a way which caused something like a freak accident. (hit a temple or head in the wrong spot...) Heck he could have tried to stop her from walking away from him and she hit her head funny on a drywall corner trying to walk around the corner to get away from him.

It's unlikely MJ would have been moving any heavy furniture, or was he? What type of vehicle was he driving that day? If he rented a truck LE likely has evidence of such. If he borrowed a van or SUV someone is likely not going to lie about that to cover up for MJ.

Whichever way I look at this, the one thing I simply can not get past is that 1 hour window and what good/logical reason MJ would have to call to ensure KB didn't show up for the plans as expected.

JMO and still praying daily Phylicia is found and her family gets answers to her disappearance. She and they deserve that much.

bolded and italiced by me... What good/logical reason, indeed. You said something that finally clicked for me. MJ would not have communicated with KB directly, because that would have been out of the ordinary, and raise suspicion, imo. So he communicated with DB, figuring that if PB was out of communication, KB would probably contact DB. And clearly DB worked at a job where she was readily available on her phone. I believe MJ knew PB's plans, because he had been observing her all morning and had talked to her and knew that KB was coming to pick her up. IMO, everything MJ did, from the time he picked up his LBC that morning, was calculated.
New Peas Interview!!!
With Phylicia's friends

I can't transcribe at this moment, but when I get time tomorrow I will.

Thank you for posting the radio show. I found it to be quite interesting. From the interview with PB's friends, I can now know that PB was indeed okay on the 25th of Dec, along with the 26th and the 27th, (late evening/middle of morning) can still be just a little suspect.

I still would like to know why KB did not stop past the apt. Even if KB was told by whomever that PB was sleep at the time, most family would stop by regardless and say wake up, let's go. KB knew how badly PB wanted to leave the apt on that day. I believe DB knew that PB wanted to leave the apt on that day.

For KB to be told PB was sleep, is not enough. It just isn't. Someone would have to really persuade KB to not stop by the apt. The only people that would be capable to convince KB not to stop by, would be DB or MJ or PB herself.

It is awkward in regards to the many calls and text on the 28th of Dec amongst the circle.

From KB's FB comment on the 27th, I do know that PB was with KB the earlier part of the day (from a FB comment), but I do not know where they were located. The many calls almost seem like panic calls. Everything was moving fast on the day of the 28th. That day out of all days was very busy.

Why didn't DB go to the apt on break? DB and PB did make phone contact on the 28th. Indeed, if MJ and DB got into it on that day and all of a sudden communication came to a halt with PB, certainly DB should have viewed that sign as a red flag.

DB was quick in the beginning to call MJ her X-boyfriend. Most times when females have a disagreement or argument with their other 1/2, depending on how bad the situation was, They are quick to say (my x) If DB no longer cared for MJ, she would not be too concerned with pics of MJ and the other woman.

I wish the radio interviewer asked one of PB's friends (who said DB called her at 10pm) on the 28th, (where did DB get her phone number from). I know the friend said that she and DB spoke b4. Most times people do not save those phone numbers. How many times would DB expect to speak to PB's friend from NC (to save that number). Perhaps DB just saved the number for whatever reason.
Some additional thoughts..... and I hate bringing this up, but I think it is important.

What day(s) is/are refuse pick up at this apartment complex?
Does the apartment complex have to hire their own scavenger or is this complex's refuse handled by the city? (In my area, apartment complexes and some multi family townhome/condo communities hire their own refuse if it is covered in the homeowners monthly assesment/association fees).

When and at what time is the refuse picked up at the business's in the very immediate area?

How many dumps does the city have? Where are they located? Are they near the routes MJ or anyone he knows frequent?

Do we know if Baltimore LE has done any searching in their local landfills?

My worst fear is Phylicia was tossed into a dumpster before she was even reported missing. I pray to God that thought, even passing my mind is wrong... but no stone left unturned.


This is absolutely horrific to grasp, but I appreciate your bringing this up Cubby. I understand that LE has a two-pronged investigation in the search for PB, kidnapping AND homicide.

Through FB, you can view Criminal Profiler Pat Brown's page. Evidently, she's just teamed up with private investigator Don Rondeau, and on Thursday, 02/24, RB, Don, and the Bmore Guardian Angels met and have been doing some serious digging.

It seems to be a recovery misson, not rescue, as they're searching dumpsters, and have documented their search with pictures.

I pray that PB is found, and I pray that the truth is revealed.
Thank you for posting this info.
Here's Pat Brown's FB page, with the photos and comments about the search.


This is absolutely horrific to grasp, but I appreciate your bringing this up Cubby. I understand that LE has a two-pronged investigation in the search for PB, kidnapping AND homicide.

Through FB, you can view Criminal Profiler Pat Brown's page. Evidently, she's just teamed up with private investigator Don Rondeau, and on Thursday, 02/24, RB, Don, and the Bmore Guardian Angels met and have been doing some serious digging.

It seems to be a recovery misson, not rescue, as they're searching dumpsters, and have documented their search with pictures.

I pray that PB is found, and I pray that the truth is revealed.
It's been a while for me but most times there is easy access to the laundry rooms that are located down below.

If PB walked to the parking lot area, I believe someone would have seen her (someone). If the culprit did not want PB to be seen by the public's eye, he/she would have took measures to be certain PB would not be seen.

While I haven't been to that apt complex in question, I spent most of my life in the DC area and I would be shocked if there was open access to the laundry room because they are potential crime magnets--women going late at night, by themselves, with no windows or other doors to escape through. Not to mention, the apt not wanting homeless folks coming in and sleeping there or breaking into the change machine or coin boxes for the washer and dryer.

Even the public bathrooms in office buildings throughout the area require a key to get in. So I would be really shocked if it didn't require a key of some type to get in. Of course, that doesn't mean someone couldn't have propped it open while doing laundry. But no way that it was generally available to anyone walking in off the street

Also, I'm not so sure PB would have been seen walking in the parking lot. It was middle of the day, a lot of folks at work, and she wouldn't have looked out of place there for any reason. Not to mention, it was the week between Christmas and New Year's so many people probably out of town. I don't think she would have been noticed at all.

Plus, there's a general attitude throughout the more urban parts of the area--and especially in parts with higher than normal crime--of keeping your nose out of other people's business and not wanting to get "involved." So, sad to say, even if someone was kind of manhandling her to get her to the car, it may have gone largely unnoticed.
In our current building, we have to use the outside door key to get into the laundry area. However, in a previous building years ago, the laundry room was unlocked... So there - I guess that makes it as clear as mud, huh?

I guess it would depend on that specific building, and if anyone propped the door open to avoid having to use a key, etc.
Interview Feb. 23, 2011

4 of PB’s classmates and friends: “Rita”, “Tami”, “Jane”, and “Brad” (Pseudonyms)
(Introductions, etc.)
(Minute 9)
Peas- Who is PB? Rita, how did you meet PB? How did you become friends?
Rita- Met her in school, probably met her in 9th grade, didn’t become friends immediately, but as we took more classes together two years ago, we became friends.
Peas- so you are classmates and share common interests, and grew close.
Rita- Yes.
Peas- Tami, how did you come to meet PB?
Tami- It was about 6 years ago, when she came to our school in 7th grade. We just, same kind of thing as Rita, we had classes together nd slowly became friends from out common interests
Peas- Jane, how about you?
Jane- I can’t tell you how we met.. We have been friends since 8th grade. It’s been so long. I am guessing at school. We have almost the same classes.
Peas- So you met at school, similar to the others. How about you Brad? How did you meet her?
Brad- I probably met her when she first came to the school. We met the same, when she came to the school. We didn’t really click as friends until Freshman year at PE. we used to hang out. Last year we had sevedrl classes togheter, so we got to talk.
Peas- What kind of person is she? How would you describe her? What was she like? What IS she like?
Brad- PB iis very funny, intelligent, she is always smiling. Always there when you needed a pick me up.
Peas- Sounds like a beautiful, awesome, well rounded young woman. Tami, is that how you viewed her? What other characteristics would you through out there.
(Minute 12)
Tami- She was funny and like Brad said. She always has us laughing and always has the funniest sayings and things like that.
Peas- She was funny and playful…(tells them their teacher is in the chat room supporting them) What I wanted to ask, Rita and Jane….Jane first. We all know on Dec. 28 PB was missing. Where were you when you heard the news?
Jane- I was at home. It was around 10 and I got a call from PB’s sister. She asked me, Have I talked to her? That kind of thing. So I was at home when I found out about that.
Peas- You said PB’s sister called you. Which sister?
Jane- Yeah, PB’s…D. DB called me.
Peas. DB called you. Was it the first time you had ever spoken to her? Did you have a relationship where you would talk to her?
Jane- It wasn’t the first time I had talked to her. I had talked to her couple of times. It wasn’t like a very close relationship, but yeah.
Peas- Jane to you recall what time of day?
Jane- It was 10 at night.
Peas. 10 at night she called to see if you had heard from PB. What were your initial thoughts when you heard from her sister? Was DB panic stricken or am I adding emotions to it?
Jane- When I first found out, I thought it was nothing. I thought that she had done something really stupid, and, you know, she’d be back home the next day. I thought it was nothing serious. I didn’t think it was serious at that point.
Peas- There was nothing in DB’s voice that made you think she was kind of nervous or panicky about not being able to find PB?
Jane- Um, yeah, I mean, You could hear how she was very concerned, but still I didn’t think it was that serious. I thought maybe she forgot to call her sister. Okay. Maybe she would be back, you know, the next day. I didn’t think it was really that serious.
(Minute 15)
Peas- Rita, How about you? Where were you when you first heard and what were your thoughts?
Rita- Well, I am not sure if it was the day she went missing. but Jane had told me on Skype or texting me, she said Stay on, I am going to talk to you. I was like, No, tell me tomorrow, I am going to go asleep. I didn’t’ wait for her to say anything back. Then the next day, One of our other friends said well have you heard about PB yet. I was like, Oh no, what has she done now. She said Phylicia is missing, or she has not been, it whatever amount of time. PB, with her phone, she has a habit of dropping it and the battery drops out because she’s dropped it so many times. We can’t get a hold of PB. Well, of course you can’t. I didn’t even think twice about it, I just thought everybody is over reacting The thing I thought the most was that She’s going to be in big trouble with her mom and she’s not going to be able to do anything for a while, because her mom is going to be mad at her.
Peas- got it. She had a habit of issues with her phone and she was being a typical teen, maybe not checking in when she was supposed to. Brad, initially these reports were saying That she had left on her own, run away…Since then, investigators have changed their theory on what happened. When you first heard that she left on her own did that strike you as a possiblility? What were your thoughts?
Brad- When I first heard the stories about a run away, I kind of discarded that pretty quickly, because I can’t see PB as being someone to runaway. Not onlyjust because is that not who she is, but there is no motivation to run away.
Peas What do you mean by there is no motivation?
Brad- There isn’t a reason that would cause her to run away, and she doesn’t have anywhere to run to./ And I think she would have spoken to one of us even if she was going to run away..
Peas- Had you spoken to her since she went to B’more?
Brad- We did a little Facebook chat. but that was the extent of it.
Peas-Daily, or infrequent?
Brad- No, it was just.. every couple days or so. I was in Florida at the time.
(Minute 18)
Peas- Jane, when was the last time you communicated with PB, before she was reported missing on the 28th.
Jane- I spoke to her Dec. 27th. So the day before.
Peas- Via facebook, phone??
Jane- It was Skype. I texted her, and then I talked to her on Skype.
Peas- What was her mood like?
Jane- She seemed very happy. It was nothing unusual. She was really smiling. She was herself, she was very happy.
Peas- Very happy. Rita, when was the last time you spoke with her?
(Minute 20)
Rita- I am not sure the exact date. After Christmas, a couple days after Christmas we talked about what kind of stuff she got. She was telling me about clothes, and how she was going to get her hair done and stuff. Like Jane said, she seemed happy and like she was having fun. Nothing out of the ordinary at all.
Peas- Tami, how about you?
Tami- I talked to her the 26th. On Sunday, because I sent her a picture of the snow, and she couldn’t believe it had snowed and she was jealous because she wasn’t here to share it with us. She seemed perfectly happy, that she was having a fun time up there.
Peas- So no complaints about anything, anyone, during her stay up there?
(All agree).
Peas- So we have that on record. That’s important. Let me throw out another question. I did see that Union Academy had a prayer vigil in January?
Brad- We’ve had several.
Peas- How is the student body handling this? This is big, you have a classmate who isn’t in their desk, where they sit. It effects you every day. How as a community, as a school, have you dealt with this?
Brad- Well, the first day back from Christmas break, we started doing purple ribbons because purple is her favorite color. We got purple wristbands that say her name and faith-hope-love on it. That has become our slogan for it. And the Senior class has purple shirts that say faith hope love and (her name) on it.
Peas- That’s very powerful. What was it like going back, your first day of classes, and not having your buddy, your friend, in classes with you.
Tami- It was definitely hard because her locker is right down from mine and we have two classes together. In Spanish class she is always my partner and I remember that first week back we had partner work and she wasn’t there to be my partner. It hits me when little stuff happens and I am reminded she isn’t there.
Peas- Of course it has been a couple months. Has it gotten any easier?
Jane- Kind of. Not really .I mean, Every day, it gets harder, because she is…it’s like…I have to take it one day at a time.
(Minute 24)
Peas- That’s a powerful statement. That’s the best anyone can do, really. One day at a time. It is something you are dealing with every day. It isn’t something you can get over, right?
Jane- Yeah, that’s Right.
Peas- A few days ago, Phylicia’s locker was cleaned out, and that made it very real for you and your classmates.
Jane- Yes. When her locker was cleaned out, I thought oh, it is actually real. I can’t process that she is missing. When her locker was cleaned out, it really showed me that she was really missing.
Peas- It made it real. Tami, how did you know her locker was cleaned out?
Tami- When our school held the press conference to announce the reward, when her mom was there, her younger sister (I was told) came in and took her books and stuff. One of our friends told me that day. (sounds like her voice breaks)
Peas- That they had cleaned out her locker?
Tami- Yeah.
Peas- From the sight I am looking at, the Find PB Fund, (Address) Tip line- 855-223-0033. (Talks about the fund, etc.) (Asks Janice, the other moderator, if she has questions).
(Minute 27)
Janice (Peas)- Did PB say maybe she met someone, like a boy she was talking to, or someone online?
Rita- Not recently, no. there was someone she met a while back, but I don’t think they had hung out this particular trip.
Janice- So there wasn’t anyone in B’more that she would have met up with?
Rita- No, not that I know of.
Janice- Okay, and Tami, did she with you?
Tami-No, not that I know of.
Jane- No. Not… No.
Janice- No?
Jane- Uh Uh.
Janice- And Brad?
Brad- No Ma’am. I know there was someone she was talking to previously, but not that I know of there.
Janice- So whoever she ws talking to, it wasn’t someone from B’more.
Brad- No Ma’am.
Janice- What is the school doing to help you deal with her missing?
Rita- The school does provide counseling but I don’t go to it. It’s unofficial, if you want it. I don’t go.
Janice- So Rose how are you dealing with her missing?
(Minute 29)
Rita- I think because of how everyone is coming together, that we are doing better than…if I had imagined something like this happening, I think we are doing pretty well, considering the circumstances. I guess that’s what I ‘m trying to say.
Janice- And Tami?
Tami-I am handling it pretty well. My mom says I am handling it better than she would at this point. It’s just…It is hard, knowing she isn’t there every day, and you have to go to class and live your life, and she is still missing. We are down here in NC and can’t do anything about it. So it is definitely hard.
Janice-And Jane?
Jane- I am taking it one day at a time. It is very hard. Because PB IS my best friend. So it is very hard to come to school and she is not here with me. I can’t talk to her about anything. It is just very hard. (starts to break down) I just have to take it one day at a time. That’s the only thing I can do.
Janice-Okay hon. And Brad?
Brad- Like everybody says, it is really hard. Every day, to start my day I would walk upstairs to the hall, and she would be there, yelling my name, and going running to me. That’s not there any more, and it reminds me every day. We have each other to learn on, talk to each other, stuff like that. We are hanging in there I guess.
(Minute 31)
Janice-Have you talked to PB’s mom?
Rita- I have, I have seen her mom since PB went missing. It was briefly, not like we sat down and had a heart to heart chat or anything like that. She seems strong, she seems….she seems very determined. Not as sad, “I am going to sit around and not doing anything.” She seems very determined and proactive about the whole situation.. If they do find her, and they find who took her, I am scared for that person, because PB’s mom, she doesn’t’ mess around.
Janice- And Tami?
Tami- I have talked to her since PB went missing. When she has come to the school in the past I have talked to her then. Same as Rita it hasn’t been a heart to heart. I am scared for whoever did this to her, because her mom will come after them without any regret or anything.
Janice- How about you, Jane?
Jane- I talk to PB’s mom often. Whenever she comes to the school I talk to her. I text her every once in a while to check up on her. And that kind of thing.
Janice- An Brad?
Brad- I have briefly spoken to PB’s mom. Whenever she comes to the school, the two or three times she’s come to the school I have sat down with her to talk, see how she is doing, not a heart to heart or anything.
(Minute 34)
Peas- (Talks about what school is doing for student. Counseling, etc). Rose, you said you didn’t access the counseling, and that might not be for everybody, but do the rest of you, because it sounds like Rose that isn’t your thing, but do the rest of you feel that the school has done enough to help your student body?
Brad-Yes, I think so. Even the first day back, they had taken every counselor that they could, even from the elementary school, and brought them up for us, to be there for people to talk about . We have posters in the hallways where we can write anything we want to, directly to PB. We are going to give her those when she is found. One of the counselors started a diary notebook. You can draw pictures, write things down. Some people are writing letters to her. You can take those down to the counselor, and they are going into a scrapbook, that we will give PB when she is found.
Peas- (reads comment from chat room about the teens’ strength and solidarity in the face of very difficult circumstances. This is a great group of young adults.)
(Minute 37)
Rita- Thank you. We appreciate that very much.
Peas- You have said, Brad, that there are things you are doing that will be given to PB “When she is found.” That is powerful, phrasing it that way, and not speaking about her in the past tense. Do you all hold out that hope that she will be found? What will that day be like for you, when she is found? What are you going to say to her?
Rita- I have no idea. I can’t even think of with words. I have been writing little stuff to her..(breaks down and cries).
Peas- On Facebook?
Rita- Yeah (still crying).
Peas- I know it is difficult Rita. It is very difficult. But Stay strong, keep praying. How about you, Tami?
Tami- Every day I just hope that…no,I don’t hope, I know that she is going to come home. That faith hope love builds for PB. That strengthened side of me builds, knowing that she will come home soon. it may not be tomorrow or the next day, but it will be soon.
Peas- Jane, you describe PB as your best friend. When you think about all of this…Dec. 28 you were among the first to get a phone call from her sister. From the outset you were pulled in. And maybe you didn’t think it was that serious, but within 24 hours you knew something was not quite right. Even now, do you hold out hope that she will come back and be able to resume her classes and be with you and talk to you?
(Minute 40)
Jane- (blasts the speaker with YEAH!). I have to believe it. Gosh, that’s the only thing that can keep you going. If I don’t believe it, I don’t have anything to hold on to. You have to have hope to get through today. I have to keep the hope and the faith that she is coming home.
Peas- (Asks about racial lines in her disappearance, talks about not seeing racial lines among classmates at the school, and how many of the students are Caucasian, not Af. Am (Jane is Af. Am).) Initially she was labeled a runaway and not taken as seriously as it maybe should have.
Rita- Honestly, when I got over realizing she didn’t just lose her phone and that something could be actually going on. I was almost hoping, wishing she was white just because I know that it tends to…white missing children tend to get more media attention than African American Children. But I have been proven wrong. She has gotten way more media attention than I thought. That’s a great thing. Peole go missing every day, all the time, and it barely gets out there. But I think whatever the school is doing, whatever her friends and family are doing, it is the right thing. I was in a store today, and I struck up a conversation with a woman, and we started talking about PB, and she knew immediately who I was talking about as soon as I said her name. When you talk to people you have never met, and they know who she is,. I definitely know her name is out there. I think the fear I had that she would be discriminated against for being African American. I am really surprised in a good way, and I think it has turned out the best so far.
Peas- Thank you. Does anybody disagree? Think that maybe it is not enough?
Tami- I think it isn’t enough. She’s a friend of mine. I mean, if someone is missing and you don’t know them, you see the news and that’s it. But Once you know someone, you think everyone should be spending all of their time. All the news, she should be on there 24-7, so the right person can see her. I know there is a lot of news coverage, but I just think there should be more.
Peas- In NC, what type of media coverage is there?
Brad- I know there is a lot of local news coverage. Online, or on TV, I’ve seen both. Other than that, that’s the extent of what I’ve seen. It is comforting to know…just this past week, I talked to my uncle who lives in Orlando Fl, and he knew her name, and that she was missing. That’s the extent of what he knew, but that her information has traveled so far said a lot.
(Minute 46)
Peas- is it enough? Of course, for those connected to a loved one, it is never enough. (turns over to the phone lines, to see what people have to say).

I stopped transcribing here. What was happening was more for the benefit of the teens themselves, and I so appreciate what the commentators did, supporting those kids. Heart-wrenching to hear how much they are connected to and love PB. The conversation was about what the teens would say to PB if she was listening, and what the people in the teens’ lives can do for the teens.
Rose says it isn’t about what people need to do for HER, but what they can do for finding PB. That the emotions are real, and they need to talk to friends and keep faith. Friends are the best support. (This is one amazing teen, Rose is. They all are, but she had this ability to articulate their thoughts really well)
They talked a lot about dealing with emotions and processing things. This is important stuff for people who are dealing with grief and loss and fear.
(All five of these kids are very, very tight friends…)
(Any thing you can do, no matter how small, it helps. Hearing about the search efforts, seeing the kind words on FB pages, anything helps).
In our current building, we have to use the outside door key to get into the laundry area. However, in a previous building years ago, the laundry room was unlocked... So there - I guess that makes it as clear as mud, huh?

I guess it would depend on that specific building, and if anyone propped the door open to avoid having to use a key, etc.

While I haven't been to that apt complex in question, I spent most of my life in the DC area and I would be shocked if there was open access to the laundry room because they are potential crime magnets--women going late at night, by themselves, with no windows or other doors to escape through. Not to mention, the apt not wanting homeless folks coming in and sleeping there or breaking into the change machine or coin boxes for the washer and dryer.

Thank you Belimom and tlneedham. I chatted with some youngsters from my area and most said they need a key for the Laundry room area. A couple of them said that their laundry room door is open.

Another thing that stood out in my mind while listening to PB's friends speak, is when they spoke about JS. When they spoke about JS. It seemed as if they sat straight up while speaking on how JS is feeling at this moment. Each friend said that JS is not a joke (sort of speak).

After listening to the interview with PB's friends from NC, has anyone changed any thoughts of their scenarios? We now know for a fact that PB was still okay on the 27th. It has been stated that LBC spent the night but we haven't learned about what time did he arrive.
I noticed what I thought was "hedging" in response to the question about PB's involvement with others online. May have just been my perspective, but I'd like to hear from others. One friend said she had been communicating with someone but she didnt' think they had hung out "on ths visit." But two others indicated they knew of someone but the person wasn't in B'more. while the fourth, PB's best friend, seemed hesitant about the question (though it could have been she didn't hear/understand it.).

Yes, clearly PB was fine and her normal happy self on the 27th. And she normally communicated with her freinds regularly.

What I want to factor into our scenarios is what one friend said about PB's phone. When she heard no one could reach PB via phone, she thought that was typical PB behavior. She regularly dropped her phone, lost the battery, or let the battery die. Another friend said she thought PB had done something stupid and forgot to call her sister...
IF DB and KB were used to this...that would explain some of their nonchalance about PB beingn out of touch.
IF MJ was aware of this, he would have used it to his advantage, and expected DB and KB to blow PB off, perhaps.

It does not explain why KB didn't show up anyway, unless PB had stood up KB in the past, and they had an unwritten rule that KB wouldn't show up unless PB acknowledged she was ready to go.

Thank you Belimom and tlneedham. I chatted with some youngsters from my area and most said they need a key for the Laundry room area. A couple of them said that their laundry room door is open.

Another thing that stood out in my mind while listening to PB's friends speak, is when they spoke about JS. When they spoke about JS. It seemed as if they sat straight up while speaking on how JS is feeling at this moment. Each friend said that JS is not a joke (sort of speak).

After listening to the interview with PB's friends from NC, has anyone changed any thoughts of their scenarios? We now know for a fact that PB was still okay on the 27th. It has been stated that LBC spent the night but we haven't learned about what time did he arrive.
I think Morgan H's friends said the same thing about her phone, that she was always dropping it and the battery fell out? Maybe all teens do this?

I will try to maintain a little more hope for Phylicia than I have had, since her friends are doing so. But I almost hate to think of what might be happening to her if she has been held someplace for 2 months now. :(
Posted on Pray for PB facebook page:

February 28, 2011 marks the 2-month anniversary
of Phylicia's disappearance.
Reisterstown Square Apartments has graciously provided
a place for the community to show its support
for the continuing efforts to find her.

6609 Eberle Drive
Baltimore, MD, 21215


And link to Find PB website announcement:
Some additional thoughts regarding the street map posted back around post 505 and the location of DB's apartment.

It was stated earlier in the threads DB's apartment was a front ground or garden unit - (which I think we can confirm if the units are 100's 200's and 300's versus G (ground or garden) 100's and 200's. ). I noticed to each of the front entrances one of the ground units appears to have no windows. It looks like they are bricked off........ this leads me to believe those are the locations of the laundry room in each building. (I can't be sure never having been in the complex myself, but in each and every Condo I have been in near Chicago the laundry room windows are closed off to prevent theft. And having had my RE license I've been in hundreds.)

I'd like to confirm where exactly the location is of the laundry room within the building. If it is what I am thinking/speculated DB's apartment would have been directly across from the laundry room. (Sun48Shine - if you are around, can you confirm this for us please?) Which tells me not only would PB have had to 'disappear' from the complex from within feet of the laundry room entrance used by at least 12 units within the building. She would have had to have disappeared from an area within feet of where an adult male was gone no longer than the few minutes it would take to walk back and forth to load and unload the washer and dryer. (which I still find highly unlikely if MJ was around and had no involvement).

Since we have been told the perimeter doors do not have locks, and anyone off the streets can walk into the hallways, do we know if the laundry room itself requires a key used by residents? Just thinking a little more about the laundry room and it's location.


Apartment #101 is the left garden apartment with a sliding glass door facing parking spots. #102 and 103 face the steps and the laundry room is at the right side. The laundry door faces #101. I am not sure if it stays locked.

During one of the searches conducted by RB, he said that PB's scent ended at the end of the parking spots directly facing the apartment building. A Sun Reporter who was at thar same search said that the dogs were 2 bloodhounds. Neighbors said that a lot of people were outside walking or driving through Eberle Drive during the times in question. This is normal for that time of day. I can't imagine a stranger choosing that particular building and specific apartment to abduct anyone. RB said that DB's dog was in the apartment. I saw DB with her dog during the search. DB had recently moved out of the apartment during that search, but was picking up small items and making sure doors and windows were locked. The dog stares at people when they come close to it. During the search, no one went over to the dog to pet it. When DB put the dog in her car, I walked over to the car window with one of the Guardian Angels, but both of us hesitated and didn't even try to touch the car window.

The evening (6:10pm on Feb. 10th) that I went to the building to place flyers there were a lot of people walking by. Since the subway and bus stops are near the apartment complex, the residents there probably find it more convenient to use public transportation.
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