2011.02.24 Deviant images & *advertiser censored* found on a computer and memory stick

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In relation to the high number of images. There are a lot of programs out there you can use to suck up images from websites automatically. You just put in the address of the site and it automatically sucks up ALL images from that site. You can also set the program to download from multiple sites at a time.
Just curious...Does anyone know how to count how many images are on a pc? Is there a way to do this? I would like to know how many images are stored on my pc...
I was shocked when he mentioned this. I had been assuming that LE had a taken the (one xbox) and was really taken aback to find out that there were in fact two, and that neither had been retained by LE!

Very disappointing. To me, it sounded like he was "taunting" - enjoying the fact that they hadn't taken them and it left me with a sinking feeling about local LE's ability to really handle this case.


Is there a link saying they didnt take either Xbox?
Just curious...Does anyone know how to count how many images are on a pc? Is there a way to do this? I would like to know how many images are stored on my pc...

Probably the easiest way would be to search for all .jpg and .jpeg files. If I do that for my C drive in Vista it finds all the files and a counter at the bottom of my Windows Explorer tells me how many files it found.

If you are using Vista, just click on the start menu/Windows icon on the bottom left of your screen. Then click computer, then (OS) C:, put jpg in the search box at the top right and hit enter. Then do the same for jpeg. I have 3047 jpg files and 670 jpeg files.

Whoever downloaded the child *advertiser censored* wouldn't had to have downloaded the pictures individually, they could have downloaded zipped files of a bunch of pictures. I sent a bunch of music files to a friend earlier today and I zipped them all together so he could just download everything at once.
Just curious...Does anyone know how to count how many images are on a pc? Is there a way to do this? I would like to know how many images are stored on my pc...

My pc has a few folders where pictures go. Pictures, then named folders I have named. The folders tell me how many files are in each folder but I could also have some folders in zip files but the zip file would count how many for me. I would have to add each folder total together and make sure I got them all add from there. It would be harder to locate all the folders that contain images than to count the images after I found them.

Another method is you could run a search for each type of picture file.

bmp. jpeg. gif and whatever else is there. the search would tell you how many you files found with that format.

I just found 2,992 jpeg images. 27 bmp images 16 gif images and 2 tiff images (files) I dont really know the other formats for images.

I did not scour my pc for all possible files I have but I dont zip files so I am pretty sure it got most of my pictures and I have had my pc since 2008
Oh and also a memory stick can be plugged in and view on a xbox. You can also play DVDs/movies on a xbox. So say SA and BD had memory sticks at her place, they could view them through DD xbox. SA could have loaded the sticks off of anyones computer. His mom's, his cousins, his friends, library etc. An ipod hold music/images that you have downloaded (stored) to your computer. You then copy music to your ipod. Ipod is another form of storing info, mainly music to have on the go. Oh this world of technology makes my head swim lol.
My brother bought my daughter an IPOD for xmas & we still haven't figured it out. We got her a WII & the dang thing immediately busted out the TV speakers...the WII sound is fine, but it doesn't play DVDs so I guess we're stuck buying a new TV. I absolutely hate technical junk & the only game system I play, is our old super nintendo. I'm kind of surprised at the amount of portable stuff that can be transferred in & out of computers & cell phones. My brother uses a cell that requires a sims, & he tried to explain it, but I just don't get the why. Oh well, people who download certain things, might want to tote them around, I guess. MOO.
Probably the easiest way would be to search for all .jpg and .jpeg files. If I do that for my C drive in Vista it finds all the files and a counter at the bottom of my Windows Explorer tells me how many files it found.

If you are using Vista, just click on the start menu/Windows icon on the bottom left of your screen. Then click computer, then (OS) C:, put jpg in the search box at the top right and hit enter. Then do the same for jpeg. I have 3047 jpg files and 670 jpeg files.

Whoever downloaded the child *advertiser censored* wouldn't had to have downloaded the pictures individually, they could have downloaded zipped files of a bunch of pictures. I sent a bunch of music files to a friend earlier today and I zipped them all together so he could just download everything at once.

TY. I'm not computer savvy and since WS, now have a folder for computer lessons. :blushing:
My brother bought my daughter an IPOD for xmas & we still haven't figured it out. We got her a WII & the dang thing immediately busted out the TV speakers...the WII sound is fine, but it doesn't play DVDs so I guess we're stuck buying a new TV. I absolutely hate technical junk & the only game system I play, is our old super nintendo. I'm kind of surprised at the amount of portable stuff that can be transferred in & out of computers & cell phones. My brother uses a cell that requires a sims, & he tried to explain it, but I just don't get the why. Oh well, people who download certain things, might want to tote them around, I guess. MOO.

Above BBM.. lol..Oh dodie you so made me chuckle when I read your last sentence..no not a laughing matter considering what we know has been viewed/downloaded in this case but your wording had me picturing some internet geek toting around all of his internet files taking them everywhere he goes as he cannot be without his geeky files just made me chuckle for a moment..lol..

A subscriber identification module (SIM) on a removable SIM card securely stores the service subscriber key used to identify a subscriber on mobile telephone devices. The SIM card allows users to change phones by simply removing the SIM card from one mobile phone and inserting it into another mobile phone or broadband telephone device.
A SIM card contains its unique serial number (ICCID), internationally unique number of the mobile user..This is what identifies you..your particular cell phone service plan{mins..amt of texts allowed..data}..and it is what controls and allows and does not allow certain capabilities to whatever phone that it is loaded into..

Back say 10 years ago your cell phone was all tracked and run by its cell phone provider network..for instance 10 yrs ago if your cell were to have been stolen you would simply call your cell service provider{At&t..Verizon..Sprint}and report it stolen where they could immediately terminate all service to the phone and render it totally useless..So you could atleast have the satisfaction of knowing whomever the thief of your phone was you had peace of mind atleast knowing they weren't able to use the phone and be getting to enjoy that which was stolen from you..

Now days your cell service is not through the actual cell phone but rather everything about your acct is run solely thru the SIM card..A phone will not work without a SIM it is actually the cellphone service via theSIM card that the cell phone then runs off of.. If you report a cell stolen now days there is no way in rendering the stolen cell useless..rather all they do is remotely "fry" your personal SIM card that was in the cell..That means that Joe Blow who stole your phone cannot have access to all your personal info that is on your Sim nor can he use your cell by running it off of your SIM..They via remote completely make the SIM null/void and useless..This also keeps the thief from being able to run up or have an data/media/phone calls charged to your acct..Thus allowing you to be free and clear of any connection to the stolen device..

which IMO sucks..I much rather liked the old way where I would know that someone was not enjoying using my cell phone that they stole..whereas now due to SIM cards the thief can very easily just remove my SIM card and replace it with their own and viola! They've got themselves a brand new full functioning cell phone that they have stolen off of me..Arrgh!
Is there a link saying they didnt take either Xbox?
Soulmagent - No there is no link but SA talks about both xboxes in his interview with BTH and his interview has been transcribed. From how he words it, DD has his new xbox and SA has DD's old one.

ETA - From Case Signal - SA interview transcripts:

"Shawn Adkins: I don’t know. I think my Uncle Cody sold them a while back.
Host: The Xbox, is that still at your house, at Billie’s house?
Shawn Adkins: David’s Xbox, he took that with him to his Uncle Roger’s house, but there’s another Xbox in the house that used to be David’s, and when he got a new one for Christmas, he gave me his old one, and I’ve only played it a handful of times. I’m really not into video games that much.
Host: Did you ever use thumb drives in that?
Shawn Adkins: No."

I'm not sure if I am allowed to post a link but you can find the transcripts by googling "Case Signal Hailey Dunn" and clicking on the "Transcipts" tab.
Soulmagent - No there is no link but SA talks about both xboxes in his interview with BTH and his interview has been transcribed. From how he words it, DD has his new xbox and SA has DD's old one.

ETA - From Case Signal - SA interview transcripts:

"Shawn Adkins: I don’t know. I think my Uncle Cody sold them a while back.
Host: The Xbox, is that still at your house, at Billie’s house?
Shawn Adkins: David’s Xbox, he took that with him to his Uncle Roger’s house, but there’s another Xbox in the house that used to be David’s, and when he got a new one for Christmas, he gave me his old one, and I’ve only played it a handful of times. I’m really not into video games that much.
Host: Did you ever use thumb drives in that?
Shawn Adkins: No."

I'm not sure if I am allowed to post a link but you can find the transcripts by googling "Case Signal Hailey Dunn" and clicking on the "Transcipts" tab.

Ok I was just making sure that he was the only source for the xbox information.
That said I dont believe LE left any xbox's were left at Billie's house if they had a hard drive. Maybe old style video game type systems but I bet they took that to.

I dont believe for aminute that LE didnt take that XBOX to confirm what David said about her skill level and time played on the Xbox. Hailey was reported on the Xbox they are going to want to see if she was talking to someone. No matter if there was interent or not they are still going to look.
In another child *advertiser censored* case. Interesting read.

http://www.kens5.com/news/texas-new...rtiser censored*-on-cell-phone-118051389.html


“That tells me that he's not just curious. He's collecting and keeping these photos. That tells me he may be escalating to the next step sometime in the near future,” Wade said.

That next step, he says, is physical contact

I don't know I just don't feel the outrage from either BD or SA about this *advertiser censored*. Where is the emotion that OMG this may have played a role in Hailey's disappearance. Where is the demand for answers from LE?
Doesn't this excuse sound so familiar?...Worth(Jose) is the man charged with the child *advertiser censored* that is currently incarcerated on $100;000 bond...
Worth told deputies the pictures were not his.
Snipped from article that was posted by gram..link below..
http://www.kens5.com/news/texas-new...rtiser censored*-on-cell-phone-118051389.html
Doesn't this excuse sound so familiar?...Worth(Jose) is the man charged with the child *advertiser censored* that is currently incarcerated on $100;000 bond...
Snipped from article that was posted by gram..link below..
http://www.kens5.com/news/texas-new...rtiser censored*-on-cell-phone-118051389.html
My daughter worked with a girl whose bf got in trouble for child *advertiser censored*. He didn't say it wasn't his...he said that while downloading music, this stuff would accidentally pop up. But from I understand, agents can tell how many times something has been viewed. If it was an accident, it would've showed 1 click & then an exit. He copped a plea, so I'm guessing the stuff was viewed more than once. The weird thing is, is he has a strange brother who also had access to the computer. The brother only dates women with young children, & from what I can tell, the gfs, have had trouble with molesting husbands & bfs in the past. So, it seems, IMO, that the brother might be targeting vulnerable women. I used to download a lot of music, & on a few occasions, *advertiser censored* did pop up. I immediately exited out, & got rid of the music site. no child *advertiser censored*, but gay *advertiser censored*, & my daughter was standing right there! I felt hijacked. My daughter paid for another music download site, & guys immediately started sending her vulgar messages & pictures. So there was more money wasted, but we learned a lesson. Music download sites aren't to be trusted. MOO
I wonder if somehow the little town oof Colorado City & Big Spring is connected to this?
An Internet pedophile ring with up to 70,000 members — thought to be the world's largest —has been uncovered by police, a security official said Wednesday. BBM
Cori Bassett, a public affairs officer for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said in an email that there had been five arrests and four convictions in connection with Operation Rescue in the U.S.

"Arrests so far have been made in Georgia and Connecticut. ICE continues to pursue the leads provided by Europol," she added.

The website was shut down following the three-year investigation, Europol said

Just curious...Does anyone know how to count how many images are on a pc? Is there a way to do this? I would like to know how many images are stored on my pc...

Using your find or search function, use file extensions of pics......bmp jpeg gif etc, then hit search (all files and folders), your pc will find the files and tell you how many 'results' there are to the search.

My best guess is that all like files are stored in a single folder (with sub folders) so just checking the folder properties will give you the total.

I have many thousands of knitting and crochet patterns stored here using sub folders (17,621 to be exact)
Is no one else here taken aback by SA's xbox comments? I still can't figure it out! They sequestered his mother's computer under warrant. When she went back to get it, they filed it under "evidence". Why not the xboxes? Is there a technical explanation for this that I don't understand?

ETA - They kept her computer and DID NOT give it back. Why didn't they keep the xboxes?
Is no one else here taken aback by SA's xbox comments? I still can't figure it out! They sequestered his mother's computer under warrant. When she went back to get it, they filed it under "evidence". Why not the xboxes? Is there a technical explanation for this that I don't understand?

ETA - They kept her computer and DID NOT give it back. Why didn't they keep the xboxes?

For me, I dont believe what he says so whatever he says about the xbox that cant be proven with 3 more sources (which exclude Billie and Kempfer) is just like watching a movie that might be based on a true story but might not be. I want to see what it is about but I dont want to walk arround believing it.:crazy:
Soul I don't know how we could prove this information . But a local told us that the FBI brought DD an x-box replacement and took his. The one that Shawn talked about I had never heard about at all until he spoke on the BTH radio show.
Soul I don't know how reliable this information is. But a local told us that the FBI brought DD an x-box replacement and took his. The one that Shawn talked about I had never heard about at all until he spoke on the BTH radio show.

I know Grandmaj,
I saw CZ's post on the xbox dd got for christmas. I also heard what shawn said. I do not believe that dd has the xbox he got for christmas at his uncle davids and the cops didnt take it.

It does make me wonder if SA does not know that Billie has told people where that xbox really went. WE know he knows what left out of the house in LE hands and he knows she knows but it doesnt seem he knows we know..:waitasec:
You have it! He thinks he is smarter than he is. And it catches him in fibs.

I doubt the xbox was returned but ya know stranger things have happened in this case.
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