Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #1

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Do you or anyone else know WHERE the trial will be held?? I have heard talk that there's no way Casey would get a **fair trial** in Orlando [Duh!!] and they need to move the venue elsewhere....


as far as I know as of right now its in orlando.. it has the date, time, and room number for it posted on the county clerks site.. so as far a changing and moving havent heard a thing yet..

also I have you quoted on my sig line. if you would not like me to use it just let me know.. but I love the quote and truly believe it.
Many Thanks to House Mouse, Neptunian and Soulscape for posting the books and sites for info on astrology. I will be getting some books soon for sure. didnt make it this weekend . hubby worked but soon..
as far as I know as of right now its in orlando.. it has the date, time, and room number for it posted on the county clerks site.. so as far a changing and moving havent heard a thing yet..

also I have you quoted on my sig line. if you would not like me to use it just let me know.. but I love the quote and truly believe it.

Hi MommaD,

While I certainly said what you are quoting, it is NOT an original quote from me. I don't know who originally said it, but it's been around for a very long time, maybe even since the early days of Astrology...

Nonetheless, it is true. The Stars don't lie. People lie, but the Stars do not lie. I have worked with forensic horary astrology for several years. I have not always been able to determine whether the missing person is dead or alive in every chart I've ever examined, but I have been right more often than not. There are several extremely strong testimonies in several of the charts I have examined in this case that lead me to judge that the baby is dead and that her death was due to the actions or non-actions of the mother. I COULD BE WRONG. But I don't think I am.

Anyway, here is a head's up to sleuthers. Please do not pm me, and ask for chart readings, and ask for what is coming up in your future.

God has given us clues, but He is in charge, and anyone who pretends to know His design is a deceiver, and that includes "astrologists and psykicks" looking for fame.

Astrology can give us insight, but the Bible is the best place to go to tell us how to meet the challenges, and how to express our gifts.

HM, I respectfully snipped your post, easy to see from it you are a lady who has deep integrity and it's obviously why you are one of my favorite posters here. I hope my bumping of your thread here in no way caused the slew of PM's. I was simply noting the accuracy of all the work here/juxtaposed with the true factual known occurances in Caylee's case; and am hopeful that LE and investigating personnel consider it's use as an additional resource in their investigations.
Much love and respect for you:blowkiss:
HM sure hope it wasn't me to cause the slew of pm's you were getting . am ss if it was me..
Please understand, I do not mind sending people their natal charts, if I have the correct birth date, time, and location.

I do not mind sending computer-generated interpretations of their charts, either, and I can generate "forecasts" for a couple of months at a time.

The forecasts are kind of like weather forecasts, they give the dates of major transits, and some general info about the planets involved.

What I cannot do is tell someone what will happen in the future. God alone knows that.
The Natal Promise

I am quoting sections from Carol Rushman’s book, The Art of Predictive Astrology. What is bolded is my emphasis.

…What is promised in the natal chart is also important. Most of what happens in our lives is shown quite clearly in the natal promise. …

…Is marriage promised in the natal chart? Is divorce? … if it’s not promised, it’s not going to happen. … [what about] success, fame, or money? These things don’t happen without luck in the natal chart.

…Is violence or rape a possibility? The potential for this in indicated in a chart, too. Mars and Pluto can show if and when a rape, assault, violence, or even emotional abuse could happen.

…violence or rape… There’s not going to be that kind of trauma in life unless it’s promised. It’s the same with cancer or a serious illness. Then, the natal setup has to be stimulated for the violence to occur. The stage is first set by progressions, then triggered by a transit, lunation, the progressed Moon, or some combination of these. …

…Mars/Pluto is definitely a violent aspect… I always worry about these aspects because it is important to use this energy properly, otherwise it could manifest in a negative way. …

…The time when any aspect becomes partile, or exact, by progression is when I expect the aspect to manifest. …

…The other thing that can happen with Mars/Pluto aspect is abuse, battery or violence. …

(See The Art of Predictive Astrology, p29-30, and 64-66.)

I have quoted this because I examined Caylee Anthony’s natal chart specifically looking to see if it contains the natal promise of harm from the mother. I will post that analysis later today.

Friends, I haven't forsaken you all, and Caylee. I am busy doing some sleuthing on another missing person/death.

I will be back as soon as I get this other problem case worked through.
Friends, I haven't forsaken you all, and Caylee. I am busy doing some sleuthing on another missing person/death.

I will be back as soon as I get this other problem case worked through.

Housemouse I will add my prayers for this person and their family also. You are an awesome person btw! :)
Housemouse I will add my prayers for this person and their family also. You are an awesome person btw! :)

I second that Anais-

I am the person House Mouse has so graciously been working on a case for all day today, God Bless her heart. She has done a beyond amazing job which I am in awe over; stunning accuracy would be an understatement.

I have asked her if it was ok to keep private until I have an opportunity to review with our family and gain their permission, I will post if and when appropriate.

My heartfelt thanks again to you HouseMouse.
Blink, I say again. I do not want recognition or publicity. I only do what I can, and you are under no obligation to share anything with anyone, if that is your preference.

Sometimes it is best to keep things private, if it would hurt people if these were made public.
The Natal Promise (continued)

If you printed Caylee’s natal chart, you may want to look at it as I give this analysis.

I am specifically looking at this chart to assess whether it contains a natal promise of harm from, through, or by the Mother.

The first thing I look at is the Moon, since in Astrology, the Moon symbolizes the mother. Here, it is at 4:35 Libra in the 2nd House. It is conjunct (next to) Part of Fortune, Jupiter and the South Node. So far, nothing alarming, although I’m not thrilled to see South Node as part of the configuration. Remember, I am looking at this chart through a forensic lens which is different than assessing a natal chart in the usual way. In horary astrology, the Nodes of the Moon are malefic, they cause more harm than good, particularly the South Node. (The North Node can indicate Fate and can also be considered positive, depending on its location in the chart.)

Caylee’s Moon is in Libra. Libra is ruled by Venus, so we say Caylee’s Moon is disposited by Venus. Venus is not in great shape. It is in Virgo, the sign of its Fall. It is sesquiquadrate (135 degrees, an angle of stress) Mars and closely square Pluto. Mars is also sesquiquadrate Pluto, making Mars the Midpoint of Venus/Pluto. So Venus, the dispositor of Caylee’s Moon (mother) is involved in a stressful configuration with Mars (aggression/violence) and Pluto (brutality). The Moon is also semisquare (45 degrees, an angle of stress) the Ascendant, which symbolizes the body. By now, the Moon is not looking so helpful to Caylee.

Remember in my previous post I noted that hard Mars/Pluto configurations in a chart show POTENTIAL for rape, assault, violence, or even emotional abuse. The Moon in Caylee’s chart is quincunx (150 degrees) Mars. The quincunx is an angle of irritation and stress. It gives a sense of a back & forth (quincunx) emotional (Moon) trauma/drama/stress (quincunx) caused by anger (Mars). This contact of the Moon with Mars pulls the Moon into the already stressful Mars/ Venus/ Pluto sesquiquadrate/sesquiquadrate/square configuration. This is a strong testimony that there is natal promise in this chart of harm from, through, or by the mother.

In Astrology, the Midheaven/IC axis (10th and 4th Houses) symbolizes the parents in a natal chart. There is considerable debate over which house rules the Mother and which the Father. If I choose Mars, the ruler of the 4th House Scorpio, I see it is involved with the Moon/ Mars/ Venus/ Pluto configuration. If I choose Venus, the ruler of the 10th House Taurus, I see the same thing. No matter which one I choose to symbolize the Mother in this chart, both Venus and Mars are involved in the Moon/ Mars/ Venus/ Pluto configuration. This is another testimony of harm from, through, or by the mother.

Since I am examining this chart looking for the mother influence, I want to consider Ceres which symbolizes how we are nurtured and how we nurture. (Ceres was considered to be an Asteroid until it was elevated to Dwarf Planet status a couple years back.) In this chart, Ceres (not shown) is located at 16:51 Scorpio, conjunct (next to) the 4th House cusp (17:37 Scorpio). Ceres is partile (in the same degree) square the Sun and partile square Neptune. In other words, it is the focal point of a T-square with Sun opposite Neptune, and since SUN/ NEPTUNE lies close to the Ascendant/Descendant axis, those points are involved in the T-Square as well.

Ceres exactly square the Sun suggests nurturing by the mother harms the child and Ceres exactly square Neptune suggests nobody realizes it!!! (Neptune fogs everything up, nothing can be seen clearly with Neptune.) No wonder the friends and family were saying what a wonderful mother Casey was and how she would never harm her child. Ceres square Ascendant suggests nurturing (Ceres) that harms the body (Ascendant).

My forensic astrological conclusion: YES. Caylee’s chart shows considerable natal promise of harm from, through, or by the Mother.

The Natal Promise (continued)

My forensic astrological conclusion: YES. Caylee’s chart shows considerable natal promise of harm from, through, or by the Mother.

respectfully snipped


That certainly wasn't what I wanted to hear, but I am no way surprised. I just want to believe that precious Caylee is still alive.

As a mother, I cannot fathom acting one way toward your child around people and then acting a different way in private. How exhausting it would be. Not to mention, poor Caylee must have been terribly confused! She must have been so scared to be alone with KC. That thought saddens me even more.

Thank you again for sharing your enlightening knowledge.
Blink, I say again. I do not want recognition or publicity. I only do what I can, and you are under no obligation to share anything with anyone, if that is your preference.

Sometimes it is best to keep things private, if it would hurt people if these were made public.

Yes I know, your humility is well known, as is your grace. Your a kind soul and we are lucky to know you.
I second that Anais-

I am the person House Mouse has so graciously been working on a case for all day today, God Bless her heart. She has done a beyond amazing job which I am in awe over; stunning accuracy would be an understatement.

I have asked her if it was ok to keep private until I have an opportunity to review with our family and gain their permission, I will post if and when appropriate.

My heartfelt thanks again to you HouseMouse.

Blink, my thoughts and prayers go out to you for the situation at hand.I burn a votive daily, and also say prayers for the ill, harmed, missing etc. and will always add to the list. (have added yours)

God Bless all, and again to HM for her kindness and integrity. I have learned so much in such a short period of time.

If only it was a nicer topic.

Hugs, Anais
Quote from Soulscape - The direction by house and sign is WEST NORTH WEST. The mileage is calculated based on the celestial latitude of the planet that is the significator (the SUN) and the difference in degrees between that planet and the MOON.
Sun is a 00 Latitude giving 1 mile according to Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson. The difference in degrees between significator SUN and the Moon is 4 degrees 46 minutes. 46 minutes is approximately ¾ of 60 (60 minutes in a degree), so the indication is that Caylee is approximately 4.75 miles away from her home in a WEST NORTH WEST DIRECTION, or its opposite, EAST SOUTH EAST. (If you superimpose the chart over a land map, you will see the SUN (Caylee) in the EAST SOUTH EAST area.) (See Simplified Horary Astrology page 72)

Ok... I’m gonna stop now because I’m depressing myself. The connections between Caylee’s natal chart and the #3 Phone Call to LE chart only confirm what I see in the stand-alone #3 Phone Call to LE chart.

I can only pray that LE gets to the bottom of this case soon. I hope to God my analysis is wrong, wrong, wrong. But I don't think it is...

Taking a break,



Soulscape - I have done a map I hope it is correct. it seems the west north west is at the orlando ex. airport ,, this is where le were talking about the pings. the area with measurements seems to be around Lake Underhill.. its one of the lakes at airport.

now if you go the 4.5 miles east south east - it goes to large area of woods and small water spots along beach line expwy.. If I zoomed in real close I could see 1 road going in the woods.. I sure wish the anthony family would ask tes to come search those 2 areas..

p.s. I am not very good at doing maps and esp. linking them.. but love playing with them. jmo
Soulscape - I have done a map I hope it is correct. it seems the west north west is at the orlando ex. airport ,, this is where le were talking about the pings. the area with measurements seems to be around Lake Underhill.. its one of the lakes at airport.

now if you go the 4.5 miles east south east - it goes to large area of woods and small water spots along beach line expwy.. If I zoomed in real close I could see 1 road going in the woods.. I sure wish the anthony family would ask tes to come search those 2 areas..

p.s. I am not very good at doing maps and esp. linking them.. but love playing with them. jmo

Hi MommaD,

I went to Google Earth & plugged in Hopespring Drive Orlando FL (the Anthony house) and Orlando International Airport. It seems to me the Airport is southwest of the Anthony house. I know with Google Earth you can create paths of an exact mileage but I don't know how to do that.

Does anyone reading this thread know how to work with Google Earth? If so, could you plot out 4.5 to 5 miles WEST NORTH WEST of Anthony house and circle that area, then go down in opposite direction to 4.5 to 5 miles EAST SOUTH EAST of Anthony home and circle that area --- and attach the image to this thread?

I know it's a long shot --- but ....

I see there will be a "document dump" of about 400 pages today.

I ran a check of the moon position just now, and it is at 26 12 Gemini at the moment I type this. On another thread awhile back, someone was wondering about the timing of news events being about 7 or so days apart. I remember thinking at the time, must be related to the moon transits through the "mutable" degrees.

Casey's Sun is at 28 Pisces, Pluto is now at 28 Sagittarius (180 degrees apart, which is an opposition). So, now the moon is coming up on 28 degrees Gemini, opposing today's Pluto, and just past squaring today's Mercury and Venus, which are at 25 Virgo and 24 Virgo.

I find this timing interesting. The Moon will move, and be in exact opposition to Pluto about 5:52 PM this afternoon. We heard about the document dump at about noon today, when the Moon was squaring Mercury and Venus
I see there will be a "document dump" of about 400 pages today.

I ran a check of the moon position just now, and it is at 26 12 Gemini at the moment I type this. On another thread awhile back, someone was wondering about the timing of news events being about 7 or so days apart. I remember thinking at the time, must be related to the moon transits through the "mutable" degrees.

Casey's Sun is at 28 Pisces, Pluto is now at 28 Sagittarius (180 degrees apart, which is an opposition). So, now the moon is coming up on 28 degrees Gemini, opposing today's Pluto, and just past squaring today's Mercury and Venus, which are at 25 Virgo and 24 Virgo.

I find this timing interesting. The Moon will move, and be in exact opposition to Pluto about 5:52 PM this afternoon. We heard about the document dump at about noon today, when the Moon was squaring Mercury and Venus

Good afternoon housemouse! What does this mean to the case? Unfortunately, this weekend was very busy and I didn't get a chance to get your reading recommendation. I should probably just order on-line. I have been searching, without much success, to find KC birth time. I wish I knew of someone here to ask. anywhoo, have a great day!
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