Watching Motions Hearing Live on Friday 10-10-08

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Judge seems surprised that the Home confinement officer let KC go to her attorney's office for 6 hours every day.........

"Do you know that she's actually there"?
loving it... State asking about KC daily schedule at JB office...
Permission to visit JB is unusual. Most folks spend an hour and a half with their atty. JB asked "hypothetically" that if someone wanted to attend a wedding, would home confinement give permission and was told they would not.
Brought up the 6 hours a day everyday with the hack. Wonder if the judge has the ability to cut that back...probably not but sure is wishful thinking.
She wants to go to a wedding?!?! Seriously? JB asked this hypothetically? Unbelievable...
Confinement officer is having a hard time answering some questions. I think it caught her off guard.
They are harping on the 6 hour thing. Did she ask about going to a wedding? Mrs. Anthony did not ask..JB asked a hypothetical question about it. Officer said "NO".
Ha.. She has never had anyone ask for 6 hours every day to spend with their attorney.

Good grief! Baez and Casey don't seem to understand what "HOME CONFINEMENT" means!

They act like Casey is in kindergarten asking her parents if she can go play with the kids next door.
Jami Floyd on now trutv Hughes continus to testify Close monitoring makes hard for defendant to commit crimes or to flee so a specific schedule is necessary to monitor KC It would make confinement officers job harder and they would need a seperate person would have to be assigned if she didnt have a specified schedule which could be costly for 24/7 monitoring now being asked about the ankle braclet only lets them know when she enters and leaves the house is not a GPS that is why they ask for a schedule of where she will be now asking about spending 6hrs a day with attorny and she has checked up on her to make sure she was/is there no asked if this is and unusual request and she say it is somewhat unusual for that legnth of time. Asked if she was able to travel to Amscot would it be possible she said she would be asking alot of questions as to why.....
Home Confinement has turned down requests to be a truck driver for other defendants because they can't be tracked.

Home confinement Officer
JB caught: 'Sir, you asked a hypothetical question about attending a wedding." :eek:
Baez making a big deal about hypothetical question of going to a wedding....shut up and sit down BAEZ!!!
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