WESH: Duct Tape Info in the Document Release

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How are her high-priced defense experts going to argue this away? Is Dr. Lee going to say it's not her fingerprints? There's a cell waiting with her name on it on Death Row.
Also, I am in tears- if this is true, its beyond great. KC can explain away everything, but if her prints/DNA are on that tape- that is DIRECT evidence that puts her at the crime scene.

There is no way to explain your fingerprints on the sticky side of duct tape without being physically present when it was ripped off. If the evidence does put her at the scene of the crime, there is no way to explain it without putting KC on the stand.

Which opens her up to probably the most entertaining cross-examination we could possibly imagine. (Not that this is entertaining per se, but seeing a liar confronted with her lies is sweet justice.)
Today is a Court holiday, so I'd assume Friday. It might have taken this long to trickle down to the media.

Today is also probably a holiday for government workers like prosecutors.
like i have said a zillion times

this case is over
she is done - stick a shovel in her :laugh:

when the defense sees all the evidence against her they WILL be the ones
begging for a deal
I don't mean to sound uncompassionate, but really, this is good news for the A's if it bears out. This means they can have closure. They will know without a doubt who killed their granddaughter. They will have to stop playing head games. The truth will set them free.

Have your ever thought that if the Anthony's had simply said, "we love our daughter. we hope our granddaughter is alive," the country would have embrassed them?

Also, I am in tears- if this is true, its beyond great. KC can explain away everything, but if her prints/DNA are on that tape- that is DIRECT evidence that puts her at the crime scene.

There is no way to explain your fingerprints on the sticky side of duct tape without being physically present when it was ripped off. If the evidence does put her at the scene of the crime, there is no way to explain it without putting KC on the stand.

Which opens her up to probably the most entertaining cross-examination we could possibly imagine. (Not that this is entertaining per se, but seeing a liar confronted with her lies is sweet justice.)

Yeah. I agree. :blowkiss:
Did you watch this video Friday? it's so reassuring to hear this legal expert talking. I wonder if he's already read the docs.
Ok, going on downstairs now. See ya there!:)


Great link, thanks!

"On Monday, prosecutor's informed the clerk's office..." they turned over docs to Jose and defense team. The notice of provision of discovery was filed last week. Could very well be the cause of Jose's hospitalization. Can't help it --- sorry in advance --- tee hee hee.
I would feel even more optimistic if I knew for certain JB got the docs before he went to the hospital. Is anyone certain whether he got them Friday or today? I thought it was today.

I think he got at least part of the docs last week when the notice was filed.
Maybe everybody in the media was so focused on little Haleigh's case that no one checked. I know some posters were going to e mail and ask when the doc would be released.

Yeah I think you're right- and it might have been released late Friday afternoon, which could have been strategic (to allow JB time to tell his client to pray for mercy)
Make that the Library of Congress.

Excellent point. We could throw in Iron Mountain for good measure. I hope this new evidence finally seals her fate and forces the defense to pick whatever stupid strategy they think will continue to waste justice's and the taxpayers' time and money.
Have your ever thought that if the Anthony's had simply said, "we love our daughter. we hope our granddaughter is alive," the country would have embrassed them?


I know I would not feel so hard at them if they had just once asked the so called nanny to bring her home. They never did that and that told me, along with the way they tried to make folks stop searching, that they knew the truth and di not want to admit their daughter was evil. I feel for them having to lose Caylee, but then I remember how mean CA was to everyone and I find it hard to feel sorry for them most of the time.

I think had they acted differently, yes most everyone would have felt different about them.
Kind of sad that there is no LIVE Nancy Grace tonite. Just a little 'movie' of how nasty KC is. So we won't get to hear the latest about fingerprint evidence. Maybe LP knows more than what he stated on NG last week.
'Wednesday at the earliest' is what the reporter said. So, um, any Orlando sleuths heading to the courthouse tomorrow to volunteer? :)
How sad for Caylee, and what she must have gone through.
GA, do you REALLY want people to write your daughter?
She deserves something, and it isn't snail mail, and it isn't love.

I'm so sad for Caylee, and so angry with Casey, and I don't even know them.
If there are fingerprints on the duct tape or DNA on the duct tape, this case has truly become an easy walk in the park for the prosecution - although I almost don't want to say that because I am afraid I will jinx something.

the defense will be reduced to trying to discredit the science as their only strategy - and I don't think they are going to be able to 'explain away' all of it. I think it will still go to trial though, because when you get down to the nitty gritty, KC is the one who makes the final decision on what to do, and she will never admit to anything. she may come up with an alternative scenario that throws someone or more than one someone under the buss, but she will never admit what she really did. But that is ok with me, this way she has to serve what the jury decides she deserves, and I don't think the jury is going to be very sympathetic to her.
I don't know how they are feeling but it has to be somewhat in line with what the rest of us are feeling. None of our stomachs are real good knowing what we know about Casey. The videos that are shown on Nancy Grace almost daily with Casey turning into an evil monster is what I believe was Caylee's last vision. That makes me feel so horrible for her. To think how betrayed she must have felt before her last breath.

Sweetmop, I am glad you are here.:blowkiss:
Glad you're here too, Friend. :blowkiss:
Yes, those last minutes of Caylee's life are more than I can even begin totake in. Sweet baby Caylee.
"Overwhelming evidence of guilt and premeditation"

Would KC-fingerprint-laden duct tape provide overwhelming evidence of premeditation? Certainly it supports guilt...but isn't it still possible that KC could claim an accident and cover-up? Granted, she would have to take the stand to claim that...

I guess I'm just hoping something shows up in the tox screen of poor Caylee's hair -- IMO, that would more strongly support premeditation.
Ok- anyone want to take bets that this may go to plea in the next couple of weeks?

I think once DP goes back on table, there will be some leverage and pressure.

Also- wonder how the As are taking this news. Do they still support and believe poor widdle Casey?

I'm not ready to bet the farm on this just yet. I'll tell you this still scares the bejeebies outta me because as we've ALL seen in this weird, bizarre family, Gawd, only knows what they'll try to come out with about this.
Can't you just see it????/

Well, KC probably had the duct tape in her car. She even used in many times, on x, y and z items. Why of course, our innocent sweet sweet KC's prints are on the tape. She was going to use that piece of tape and decided she didn't need that much and rolled it back onto the roll....because you know KC is VERY frugal and doesn't like to be wasteful:eek::eek::eek::furious:

Because of course, then Zani they psycho, invisible nanny got the car and drove the body around and put the duct tape on it before SHE got rid of the car!
An Orange County prosecutor -- topped out -- gets $77.50 an hour.
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