GUILTY Canada - Marie-France Comeau, 37, & Jessica Lloyd, 27, slain, Ont, 2009 & 2010 - #4

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His military collections ie: uniforms/combat clothes would most likely have been stored in "kit boxes" ( grey or black small trunks) supplied by the military or the common type duffle bags...not boxes.. I can see why MEH would not have bothered looking in those...BUT if his treasures were stored in regular boxes I think as a wife I would have been curious especially when moving to a new home because that is when you can get the chance to purge "junk"...

Also, considering they were temporary out of a home in the Ottawa area while their new house was under construction..where did he store these "treasures" a storage unit???

We talked about the boxes in the 1st thread, here is a pic of LE carrying out "old" boxes and a pic of LE carrying in flat new boxes, which led us to believe that the old boxes were what RW stored his treasures in.

old boxes carried out, click on photos pic#17

new flat boxes in pic, 3rd pic

Look at pic #4 of the cruiser and car in driveway. If you look at the structure of the house/garage...they mentioned they found boxes in the rafters in the garage. With this style of garage I cannot picture rafters. Im thinking the rafters in the Tweed cottage, not Ottawa as stated in the media.

In the garage rafters of the colonel’s Ottawa home, police armed with a search warrant found hundreds of items of stolen lingerie, plus bathing suits and shoes, carefully stored in boxes and catalogued.

This pic of the Tweed cottage would have rafters in the garage
I wondered if MEH parents had lived with them for awhile in Orleans, it was mentioned that she was an only child.. I recall early in the arrest that a neighbour mentioned how her Mother was a lovely person and how she would go shopping with her.. of course they just could have been visiting MEH..
One pattern I noticed throughout the graph was that most B&E took place either on the weekend or close to it when I would have expected MEH to be with him. They moved out of the Orleans home sometime in July 2009 and he took over command of Trenton and from then on the B&E's in the Orleans area come to a stop but continue in Tweed where it seems he is now living with MEH down on weekends. She must have taken a temporary place in Ottawa as their condo was being built. Wonder if that area of town has been checked for panty theft. It makes you wonder about the marriage because two special dates he was out and about doing his despicable deeds..Jan. 1 and Feb.14 in early 2009 instead of celebrating with his "loving" ??? wife... I am surprised with the # of B&E's on his own street as the houses on that street are so close together it's a wonder he wasn't seen by someone plus the homes back on others.. It boggles the mind.

I also think that Sep. 2007 was not the start of his adventures..I think that date was when he got cocky enough to start keeping track..

A couple of other interesting points about the dates:

November 11, 2008, RW was at a Remembrance Day ceremony in Kandahar, and the very next day he is charged with a B&E in Ottawa.

November 11, 2009, Peter Mackay was in Kandahar, but RW was dropping the puck at a Bulls game, so am just curious who Mackay's pilot was on that date and why it would not have been RW. (Not sure how the different time zones might factor into the information)

The Star graph indicates that a pic of RW and Mayor Williams was taken in Nunavut on September 14 which is questionable if we are to believe Mayor Williams' account that the flight didn't get them into CFB Alert until September 15. I wonder who the source of that pic/date was. I trust Mayor Williams' account of the trip compared to anything RW would have stated.
How many women reading this post have a husband who has boxes of stuff stored in the rafters of your garage that you DO NOT know EXACTLY what is in them???

In our home, which I think is pretty normal, there isn't a nook or crany that I don't know EXACTLY what is in it.

If my husband had boxes in the rafters and said something like:
A) they are work related, I would know that isn't the case because his company wouldn't let him keep files at home!
B) hubby is a photo buff, as a gift I would prob go through them and have one framed as a gift.
C) boxes are filled with school memorabilia, then how come the box number increases?

At some point my curiousity would just simply be too tweaked not to take a peak in those boxes myself!

Your thoughts ladies?

honestly, I haven't a clue what's in the garage or even in the boxes that never got unpacked after we moved

most of it's probably my crap but I don't go through any of his unless I'm cleaning which is rare LOL
A couple of other interesting points about the dates:

November 11, 2008, RW was at a Remembrance Day ceremony in Kandahar, and the very next day he is charged with a B&E in Ottawa.

November 11, 2009, Peter Mackay was in Kandahar, but RW was dropping the puck at a Bulls game, so am just curious who Mackay's pilot was on that date and why it would not have been RW. (Not sure how the different time zones might factor into the information)

The Star graph indicates that a pic of RW and Mayor Williams was taken in Nunavut on September 14 which is questionable if we are to believe Mayor Williams' account that the flight didn't get them into CFB Alert until September 15. I wonder who the source of that pic/date was. I trust Mayor Williams' account of the trip compared to anything RW would have stated.

I am thinking that by Nov. 11/09 RW was already in command of Trenton therefore his duties as pilot to the elite may have been over for the time being.
Not 100% sure but I think it is possible for him to have been in Kandahar for Nov.11th and then flip back to Canada right after the service in which he would gain hours with the time difference.. seems these trips gave him urges as a couple of his B&E's took place shortly after a trip..seems he needed his "fix"..
His military collections ie: uniforms/combat clothes would most likely have been stored in "kit boxes" ( grey or black small trunks) supplied by the military or the common type duffle bags...not boxes.. I can see why MEH would not have bothered looking in those...BUT if his treasures were stored in regular boxes I think as a wife I would have been curious especially when moving to a new home because that is when you can get the chance to purge "junk"...

Also, considering they were temporary out of a home in the Ottawa area while their new house was under construction..where did he store these "treasures" a storage unit???

Safety deposit box perhaps ?

Interesting that he would store the boxes in Ottawa when it seems he spent the majority of his time in Tweed.
does anyone else suspect the 'acting on his impulses' started in college and that the breakup with his g/f may have either been b/c she realized he was a creep or it was his first 'trigger' or both?

I sure would like to hear from that g/f

and what happened that caused a rift between him & his family? it doesn't make common sense that an adult man would be angry at his mother for getting divorced, unless he thinks she was responsible for a whole lot of issues/problems/rifts in his life

I suspect he harboured hostility for his mother (& all women?) since he was a young lad but why???
Another great catch, cleaning the victim after assault? Surely that must be very rare.

I would think (hope?) LE will be reviewing all unsolved assaults in areas where RW was known to be, especially ones where the victim was nurtured in some way after the crime.

I doubt that the act of wiping down the victim was out of any consideration for her, but more an attempt to eliminate his DNA from the crime scene.
does anyone else suspect the 'acting on his impulses' started in college and that the breakup with his g/f may have either been b/c she realized he was a creep or it was his first 'trigger' or both?

I sure would like to hear from that g/f

and what happened that caused a rift between him & his family? it doesn't make common sense that an adult man would be angry at his mother for getting divorced, unless he thinks she was responsible for a whole lot of issues/problems/rifts in his life

I suspect he harboured hostility for his mother (& all women?) since he was a young lad but why???

I agree that his crimes probably go back a lot further than we know at this point.

As for him going "ballistic" over the split between NW and JS, it does seem his anger was against his mother (because he continued to have contact with JS as evidenced by the races that both of them ran subsequent to the 2001 split). As for his anger towards his brother, could have been simply because the brother sided with the mom, or didn't take RW's side.

I still think the JS / CDW legalized wife swap when RW was a kid would have been a lot for a youngster to wrap their brain around at that stage in their social development. We aren't talking the "normal" split where ma and pa kind of established separate lifestyles with new partners, and his loyalty could be focused towards his primary caregiver. This was a situation where someone who was a friend became dad, and dad became a friend (and of course married the witch that took dad away). Seems to me it could have resulted in a twisted sense of abandonment even though all 4 adults somehow remained in his immediate circle. Am I making any sense at all? IF not, please be kind and go on to the next post ;)
I think I would rather believe the quote someone mentioned in one of the news articles in reference to Hector from Silence of the Lambs.."nothing happened to me..I happened"..

This guy seemed to function well throughout his career...hiding his "other side" as most have stated that they "saw nothing out of the ordinary" but then they would have to say that because they were the ones who kept promoting him. This guy outsmarted everyone...well not everyone because he was caught eventually... Pure evil and I don't blame Mommy or Daddy no matter what their lifestyle...
I think I would rather believe the quote someone mentioned in one of the news articles in reference to Hector from Silence of the Lambs.."nothing happened to me..I happened"..

This guy seemed to function well throughout his career...hiding his "other side" as most have stated that they "saw nothing out of the ordinary" but then they would have to say that because they were the ones who kept promoting him. This guy outsmarted everyone...well not everyone because he was caught eventually... Pure evil and I don't blame Mommy or Daddy no matter what their lifestyle...

LOL, although fiction, Hector himself was not very perceptive .. he was a nice kid until his sister was murdered.

I'm not laying blame for RW's crimes on his parents or anyone's doorstep but his. We were discussing events in his life that may have been emotional experiences. If he just "happened" or was born "pure evil", then there is nothing to analyze about his life or find what makes him tick.

I was reading some of Bundy's words prior to his execution:


During the interview, Bundy made repeated, previously unclaimed statements regarding the pornographic "roots" of his crimes. Bundy stated that while *advertiser censored* did not cause him to commit murder, the consumption of violent *advertiser censored* helped "shape and mold" his violence into "behavior too terrible to describe." He alleged that he felt that violence in the media, "particularly sexualized violence," sent boys "down the road to being Ted Bundys." In the same interview, Bundy stated:

“ You are going to kill me, and that will protect society from me. But out there are many, many more people who are addicted to *advertiser censored*, and you are doing nothing about that.

Would be interesting to know when RW's penchant for *advertiser censored* started.
This is on the front page of the Ottawa Citizen online:
Mary Elizabeth Harriman
A story and headline on page A4 of yesterday's Ottawa Citizen may have left the impression that Mary Elizabeth Harriman, the wife of Colonel Russell Williams, had knowledge of the criminal actions of her husband. The story did not intend to suggest she had any knowledge of his criminal actions and the Citizen retracts and apologizes for the implication.

Someone must have complained to get a written apology!
I would imagine at this point that MEH has very little in her life that allows her to feel empowered (even more difficult for someone who has a position where they are in "control"). Maybe it's her attempt at exerting whatever power/control she can in any area of her life. Wouldn't be surprised if her day-to-day existence right now isn't being handled primarily by advice from shrinks and lawyers.
Judging from this account,rw could be controlled by the right " little lady".

The juxtaposition was striking. He hovered around 6 feet, with a wiry build from all his squash, tennis and jogging. She was a student from Japan, more than a foot shorter.

But in her company the “Drill Sergeant” seemed to be drained of his authority, the roommates say. He was a different person with her around.

“She ran him like a whipped horse. It was always her way or the highway, and he was always trying to acquiesce,” Mr. Farquhar says.
from dotr's link above:

... Whoever had pulled this stunt had not only broken in the night before but spent hours crumpling computer paper until it formed the unwieldy mass that stood before her ...

Behind the camera was the department's latest part-time hire, a polite and proper young man with strawberry blond hair the women on staff had taken a real shine to.

This would have been 1987ish, so RW's inappropiate behaviour was evident back then when, as the most recent hire, he did a B&E and photographed the response.

Note the reference to "strawberry blond hair" as in the description of the Woodland Rapist.
How many women reading this post have a husband who has boxes of stuff stored in the rafters of your garage that you DO NOT know EXACTLY what is in them???

In our home, which I think is pretty normal, there isn't a nook or crany that I don't know EXACTLY what is in it.

If my husband had boxes in the rafters and said something like:
A) they are work related, I would know that isn't the case because his company wouldn't let him keep files at home!
B) hubby is a photo buff, as a gift I would prob go through them and have one framed as a gift.
C) boxes are filled with school memorabilia, then how come the box number increases?

At some point my curiousity would just simply be too tweaked not to take a peak in those boxes myself!

Your thoughts ladies?

Sorry, I don't post often here but this poll caught my eye. Hubby has a bunch of mystery boxes in the garage - I don't care what's in them, there are spiders in the garage! I know AG has a bunch of boxes in her garage too, but I don't check them either - same reason - spiders!! LOL

ETA: Sorry again LMB, I see everyone else has moved on to more serious stuff ;)
...Look at pic #4 of the cruiser and car in driveway. If you look at the structure of the house/garage...they mentioned they found boxes in the rafters in the garage. With this style of garage I cannot picture rafters. Im thinking the rafters in the Tweed cottage, not Ottawa as stated in the media.

I agree flip ... my home has a bedroom over the garage .. no rafters in the garage, just ceiling beams that dual as the floor joists for the bedroom.

I know they just moved in in December, but gadzooks ... that garage looks cleaner and tidier than my house.
I guess the definition of "victim" is in the eyes of the beholder. For most cat and dog owners, a scratch on a floor is simply part of life.
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