2009.08.21 Motions hearing #2

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I didn't see the motions hearing because I'm in California and three hours behind time-wise and overslept. I didn't get a chance to read the first thread either as I was looking at the photos of the hearing, and watching the video clips from the hearing. So far have only viewed George's testimony and Cindy's comments after the hearing.

My impression from what little I've seen is that George still has the same arrogant attitude he had at the depositions, although he kept his anger in check. There was one point where I saw his short temper briefly rise to the surface, but he didn't let it boil over. That was when the judge was clarifying a question during the prosecution's questioning. I didn't like the smirks George was giving, and I know a jury isn't going to like that either.

I noted that George seemed to dance around the questions. He knows darn well that LP, TP, TMc, and RD were not there as security for his family because of the protesters. He knows that LP paid $50,000 to bond his daughter out of jail on the premise that LP, a bounty hunter, would try to find Caylee. George is trying to re-write history.

My impression of Casey is that she doesn't look good physically. She's lost weight and has a bedraggled look. I noted bags under her eyes. I don't know what to make of her emotions........I didn't see any real tears.

As for Cindy's comments after the hearing. I think she's reading way too much into Casey's response. Casey misses her freedom and seeing her dad reminds her of the freedom she had before all this. If she has any regrets, it's for herself. Cindy sees love...........Casey sees "I had it good when I was living with my parents."

Fridays are my busy days and I hope I can get back here later and catch up with the hearing and everyone's observations.

But at the time before Padilla bailed Casey out, wasn't the big, huge issue that Casey HAD to be out of jail to 'help find Caylee' and if she could just get bailed out, then she would help padilla find her? It's not as if Baez was fair or upfront about things, because he pulled the rug out from under Padilla, as I understand it, by telling Casey not to communicate with them. At any rate, she did nothing to help find Caylee and I think Baez refused to pay the nominal 1$ fee to have him as Padilla's agent or work-product, etc.
Can someone please explain to me WHY this is going to take another year? I get that everyone has busy schedules, but we already have Todd M. stating there was no evidence...so obviously they have their "experts" to attest to that...how long does it take to make up a story?
I don't think that KC gave GA the finger, at least it doesn't look that way to me. I think it is her usual spastic way of using her hands and fingers. She must have had a hell of a time with that duct tape.

Knowing what I know and have read in regards to how the entire A family interprets hand gestures and the accusations made by A family that others have used hand gestures toward them during Depo's and other proceedings, I will have to respectfully disagree and say that she did flip him off.

When AL continued to press for the entire (4,000+) pieces of data on the TES volunteers (instead of the 32 who may have been in the Suburban area) it confirmed my theory that their main defense will be to try to poke holes in everything they're given. I can just imagine them combing through the records to try to find someone who searched in a place other than where they were assigned, incomplete records or looking for inadequate general accountability of volunteers. Finding any errors would allow them to question TES's accuracy about who actually had access to the discovery area.

All the facts and evidence are against them so they will have to attack the procedures and accuracy of each detail. No wonder they don't have a minute to spare to prepare for the fraudulent check trial!!!
o/t Did anyone see the video about "dog licks TV anchor"? Man, that's funny.

I accessed it from where I listened to GA testify.
Gonna be discussing the hearing today on HLN soon-not sure who will be on yet!
I don't think Casey was crying because of George, I think she was crying for herself seeing the man...her father...the one who testified to the grand jury and feels he is responsible for her murder indictment. Remember, in Casey's eyes she is the victim here.
Casey is about Casey...just like Cindy is about Cindy. Cindy claims she is happy...Casey looks great..well she looks awful, has lost weight, bags under her eyes and hair was greasy and dirty. To me that looks like someone who is miserable, glad she is to!
Baez "IMO" put George up to yesterdays barging in on Nejame and today's lies that George told on the stand and his forgetfulness. Is that not what an attorney tells one to say if they don't want you tell the truth and purger yourself?
Is that not a reason to file a complaint against Baez? Baez is not Georges attorney and why is he using George for Casey's trial? It seems to me that Baez is getting George to lie on the stand for Casey's benefit and why that is legal I just don't understand.

I asked this in the legal questions thread:

Today George played the "I don't Remember Card". Now, how is it that he can remember what he wants but when it comes to something like today he can't remember what Padilla was doing in his home? Especially since in the beginning of the case he and Lee were all openly giving Padilla and Rob leads and info on Casey. They were so grateful that Padilla bonded Casey out since that was the only way they could get her to tell them where Caylee was. Was that not the reason Padilla came in the picture?
He came into town in hopes of finding the kidnapper and bonded Casey out so he could catch the kidnapper?
So, can that info be shared with the SA? Is George going to continue with his I don't recall to duck questions in the future so that he is not charged with perjury? He clearly lied today.:behindbar:behindbar

Oh and did Baez and George also forget about this:
"snip" Behind Casey Anthony's Posted Bond

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Jose Baez had said -- that there were some agreements that needed to be worked out. When Leonard arrived, he initially said, I'm going to get the answers, I'm going to find out what happened to that girl, Caylee. Well, then Jose is coming out and saying he's instructed his client -- he can't talk to the Padillas. He cannot talk to them whatsoever. She's going to now have to only talk to her parents and him. The Padillas are only there to protect the bond which they've posted. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,407742,00.html

"snip" Local 6 News reported.

Leonard Padilla and his nephew, Tony Padilla, have said they will post the $500,000 bond for Casey Anthony. Leonard Padilla will put up his own money to bail her out in an effort to find out what happened to Caylee Anthony http://www.clickorlando.com/news/17233277/detail.html

Casey Anthony set to bond out of jail

"snip" Sentinel Staff Writers August 18, 2008
Bondsman Tony Padilla arrived Sunday afternoon in Orlando. His uncle, bounty hunter Padilla, also came to Orlando to help Anthony.

Tony Padilla Bail Bonds, based in Sacramento, is affiliated with Texas-based Financial Surety, which is licensed in Florida. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/serv...monday/orl-caseybail1808aug18,0,3291978.story
I asked this in the legal questions thread:

Today George played the "I don't Remember Card". Now, how is it that he can remember what he wants but when it comes to something like today he can't remember what Padilla was doing in his home? Especially since in the beginning of the case he and Lee were all openly giving Padilla and Rob leads and info on Casey. They were so grateful that Padilla bonded Casey out since that was the only way they could get her to tell them where Caylee was. Was that not the reason Padilla came in the picture?
He came into town in hopes of finding the kidnapper and bonded Casey out so he could catch the kidnapper?
So, can that info be shared with the SA? Is George going to continue with his I don't recall to duck questions in the future so that he is not charged with perjury? He clearly lied today.:behindbar:behindbar

Respectfully snipped for space:

Isn't it amazing what a google search will show you?! :clap:

I guess GA needs a refresher. I remember more then he seems to and I wasn't there! Then again, I wasn't on tranquilizers either but I think I'd know where the money came from regardless, I'd be terrified I'd have to pay it back :eek:
I see a young woman who has been hurt deeply by her father. I see someone who usually appears vacant but when she looks at her father it causes her to well up. Other than anger, Casey does not display emotion from what I've seen. Twice now I've seen her well up with, what appears to me to be genuine emotion (hurt) when she looks at GA. I noticed this long ago while they were in court and today. Oh, and also, when he visited her at the jail she cried throughout his whole visit while he talked. I wonder why.
HLN just showcased how KC would not hug CA.

The emotion could be caused by the fact that GA is covering for CA and not standing up for her - just one possibility.

I tuned in just in time to HLN thanks to the above post and it triggered my response - throwing it out here.

They are saying there is genuine anomosity between KC and her parents. She did not go toward them at all.
I see a young woman who has been hurt deeply by her father. I see someone who usually appears vacant but when she looks at her father it causes her to well up. Other than anger, Casey does not display emotion from what I've seen. Twice now I've seen her well up with, what appears to me to be genuine emotion (hurt) when she looks at GA. I noticed this long ago while they were in court and today. Oh, and also, when he visited her at the jail she cried throughout his whole visit while he talked. I wonder why.

Caseys reaction to her father IMHO is acceptance of dissapointment. It's possible that George may have been the only one who held Casey accountable for her actions while she was growing up, and could be the reason why she had such animosity towards him in her conversations with friends. If he disagreed with her actions, then she would "get him back", with stories of how "horrible" he was to her and to the rest of the family. I do not think that Caseys feels bad for what she did to Caylee, but I think she feels accountable for the disappointment that George feels about her.
OK!! This is my favorite JB blunder so far!!
http://www.wftv.com/video/20494617/index.html he said, "From what I understand people were saying those photos show the area was wet in November. I think everyone saw the Dominic Casey video. It is clear it was not wet. Who you going to believe me or your own eyes." (clock 2:25/4:05)
I think today's hearing was a little teaser of what to expect at trial.
The defense has egos bursting out all over the place, stupid theories and inaccurate information. Do they not realize that Dominic Casey was not searching in the swampy area but on higher ground?
I hope the SA wipes the floor with every single attorney on the defense side with the truth and actual facts. It's going to be a beautiful day when the Guilty verdict is read.
Here is TM on TRUTV . Brace yourself-here's what the defense is cooking!!
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R__Z7oO9RFI&feature=channel_page"]YouTube - InSession 8/21/09 Casey Anthony Hearing Part 6[/ame]
HLN just showcased how KC would not hug CA.

The emotion could be caused by the fact that GA is covering for CA and not standing up for her - just one possibility.

I tuned in just in time to HLN thanks to the above post and it triggered my response - throwing it out here.

They are saying there is genuine anomosity between KC and her parents. She did not go toward them at all.
Maybe I misinterpreted the gesture, but when she stood up to leave the courtroom, it almost seemed like AL had to point her to her parents. I also noticed she didn't seem to look in their direction when she entered court either. MOO
I think today's hearing was a little teaser of what to expect at trial.
The defense has egos bursting out all over the place, stupid theories and inaccurate information. Do they not realize that Dominic Casey was not searching in the swampy area but on higher ground?
I hope the SA wipes the floor with every single attorney on the defense side with the truth and actual facts. It's going to be a beautiful day when the Guilty verdict is read.
According to TM the defense lawyer: No evidence of decomposition in the car, the "air test" was junk science, media reported incorrectly about fingerprints being on the duct tape, flip-flopping by state on the DP issue and this is not a DP case (comparing it with Tim McVeigh ~ :waitasec:) and let's see what else did I forget from the interview with Jamie??!! MOO
To our legal people here, with all the misinformation about LP today does LP get the chance to set the record straight. That he was not here for security reasons. I have never heard of a security company paying to protect a person from bodily harm. It is usually the other way around. So why does GA think that this statement from him will be viewed as the truth. I think he has just made it worse for KC. Who does not know what a bail bondsman does? LP must be livid. Good grief, a security guard. Not sure because my link kept breaking up but was SA trying to point out to GA that since he has worked in the security field that maybe he should know what the bail bondsman's job really is?
I think Casey was mad at George for wearing the big Caylee button and that is why she gave him the finger while he was on the stand. In her mind she is thinking how dare he wear that knowing any normal mother would break down at the site of that in court and she wanted to appear calm and in control GA threw a wrench in by wearing the button.
I think the button had something to do with it,but I also believe there's more to it.KC seems to have a deep seated anger at her parents.Maybe she blames them for making her go so far as to kill Caylee.Maybe she thinks they should be doing more .Remember the LE interviews and the FBI? GA told A LOT.He is the one who testified before the grand Jury. KC may totally blame him for the arrest and murder charge. JB has KC right where he wants her.He is the one feeding her all the info she gets.
George and Cindy know KC well.They know why she's mad.
I am trying to watch the hearings somewhere on the web. Can anybody point me in the right direction? I ahve seen parts of it but I keep getting shut down. Thanks in advance for the help!
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