Japan: 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Reactor Developments #1

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Hi GIbby. We really need links to source for pictures,articles etc. Can you post a link for your map? Thank you!

That was my bad.. I just couldn't remember where i saw it and i still can't...... but that is the right map.. I'll keep looking for the llink sorry
I think it means we all get to look forward to a lot of cancers down the road that are never blamed on the radiation or the explosion... unfortunately.


Kind of OT... There are cancer clusters east of TMI #2 that most people don't know about... and that was a small leak...

Oh, and it's not from the radiation... btw... sure it's not.
In other words, another Chernobyl?

You know, they've keep reiterating that this is no Chernobyl, but heck, four reactors lined up ready to go? I think it may well outdo Chernobyl. :(
8:02 p.m. ET A third blast in four days rocked the quake-damaged Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant early Tuesday, the country's nuclear safety agency reported.

The explosion at Dai-ichi Unit 2 -- at 6:10 a.m. Tuesday local time -- followed two hydrogen explosions as authorities try to avoid a catastrophic release of radiation in the tsunami-devastated area, The Associated Press reported.

Plant owner Tokyo Electric Power Co. said the blast happened near the suppression pool in the reactor's containment vessel. The pool was later found to have a defect. The company said some employees were temporarily evacuated following Tuesday's explosion.

Japan's nightmare gets even WORSE: All THREE damaged nuclear reactors now in 'meltdown' at tsunami-hit power station
Last updated at 5:09 PM on 14th March 2011
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Fuel rods appear to be melting inside three over-heating reactors
Experts class development as 'partial meltdown'
Molten fuel could burn through reactor safety shields
Earlier blast at Fukushima nuclear plant felt 25 miles away
Eleven workers injured after hydrogen ignited
180,000 people have been evacuated from the area
Engineers desperately trying to cool reactors with sea water
Up to 160 people so far exposed to radiation

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...plosion-rips-nuclear-plant.html#ixzz1GbKyHZEc

This is the article with peeples map.
Ok - just heard another lil tidbit.

She said that 3200 micro sievert per hour was measured at 9PM last night and that 3200 was 6 times the normal level.

Sooooooooo, 8217 would be almost 3 times higher or 18 TIMES normal levels. Me thinks that is very very dangerous.
Hi GIbby. We really need links to source for pictures,articles etc. Can you post a link for your map? Thank you!

Oh, I'm sorry... the link was ahead a few pages and I tried looking but I'm lost at which one. :( I think it was the one Peeples changed.
Off hand I don't know what the radiation reports mean in measurement, not wrapped my head around it yet.

BREAKING NEWS: Radiation at Fukushima plant briefly hits 8,217 micro sievert per hour: TEPCO

BREAKING NEWS: TEPCO detects radiation of 8,217 micro sievert per hour, 8 times annual limit

BREAKING NEWS: Water level rises to cover 1.2 m of No. 2 reactor's fuel rods: TEPCO

Blast heard at Fukushima's No.2 reactor: gov't

NEWS ADVISORY: 1,300 people isolated in Kesennuma, Miyagi Pref.

BREAKING NEWS: Lower pressure after blast suggests damage to suppression pool: agency

BREAKING NEWS: Lower pressure after blast triggers damage to suppression pool: agency

BREAKING NEWS: Radioactive materials feared to be leaking: safety agency

BREAKING NEWS: Higher radiation levels measured in Ibaraki -- south of Fukushima

BREAKING NEWS: Some workers begin to evacuate No. 2 reactor: TEPCO

AT&T, Verison offer free int'l calling, text messages to Japan

BREAKING NEWS: Radiation tops legal limit after blast heard at Fukushima nuke plant


URGENT: Blast heard at Fukushima's No.2 reactor: gov't

omg... Thank you for posting the free calling from Verizon. I'm bawling just knowing this. (I'm on Verizon.) I've been trying to call my friend every day using Vopium on my BlackBerry and it just doesn't work. The program is fine but I think his cell is toast at this point, and the restaurant varies but nothing. Nobody.
Ok - just heard another lil tidbit.

She said that 3200 micro sievert per hour was measured at 9PM last night and that 3200 was 6 times the normal level.

Sooooooooo, 8217 would be almost 3 times higher or 18 TIMES normal levels. Me thinks that is very very dangerous.

This is starting to move out of the realm of my understanding.

Let me say this now, before anything worse happens. IF there is danger of a cloud going 'round and 'round and dumping radiation on the earth with every turn, take care with your young children - the ones roughly under 7, the ones who's thyroid glands are not finished growing. It is my understanding, from my cancerous daughter, that thyroid cancer gets in there prior while before the thyroid is finished growing. Perhaps nurse can help out on this one.

I'm not sure how anyone can protect them, but it might be worthwhile to look into it.

Don't mean to be Debbie Downer, or a rabble rouser, just saying, read up on it and take care - IF this develops into something as bad as Chernobyl.
Wow, I've never seen semantics applied like I have for this. Explosion is now "a sound", evacuation of operators is now "temporary". Keeps stating radiation level from last night before this recent incident.

ETA: they are calling an explosion a "big sound"
all these semantics are for panic control imhoo..



eta: if a nuclear reactor with the rods exposed is making a "big sound"... man... I have no words at all...

do they realize that we are not sheeple?
That was my bad.. I just couldn't remember where i saw it and i still can't...... but that is the right map.. I'll keep looking for the llink sorry
We're good. Quiche supplied it and I inserted it into your post.
thank you for posting.
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