Forensic Astrology - LINDSEY BAUM missing McCleary,WA 6/26/09 #1

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We have over 50 Soldiers from Ft. Lewis coming to search this weekend. They are volunteering to help on their days off. I feel very hopefull, and excited to have the help. If there are any suggestions on areas to concentrate our search efforts can you please let someone from Lindsey Search Center know?
Wonderful News Potted, thanks for sharing!!! Soldiers have a special place in my heart!
I have to ask - you can ignore if necessary, but I can't let it go. Does the "distrubing connection" fit well with the "What We Know About Saturn" or is there an age difference in plus or minus years?


I have to ask - you can ignore if necessary, but I can't let it go. Does the "distrubing connection" fit well with the "What We Know About Saturn" or is there an age difference in plus or minus years?



Hello Salem,

The person to whom Tuba and I are referring in our posts #478 and #479 above is not the young man formerly identified as a POI by LE.

The person to whom we are referring is an older male well within the age bracket associated with Saturn the Perp.

Early reports stated Lindsey was Last Seen at 9:15 pm on June 26, 2009, and that is the time for which we cast the Last Seen Chart, shown at the beginning of this thread.

Later reports modified the time to between 9:15 and 9:30 pm.

By 9:30 pm on June 26, 2009, the MIDHEAVEN had reached 12 Scorpio --- partile conjunct Lindsey's natal CHIRON --- highlighting the harm (CHIRON) that had befallen her.

The Part of CHILDREN, posited at 01:08 Leo, was partile conjunct the malefic SOUTH NODE (with both partile inconjunct PLUTO) emphasizing catastrophe/ tragedy/ fatality to a child.

The Part of DEATH, posited at 04:01 Capricorn, was close conjunct BLACK MOON LILITH (death indicator) at 03 Capricorn --- same degree as Lindsey's natal NODES --- supplying another indicator of catastrophe/ tragedy/ fatality.


When I threw Hombre #1's natal and secondary progressed charts* into the 9:30 pm wheel, I saw that the Part of RAPE1, posited at 00:17 Capricorn, was partile conjunct Hombre #1's natal JUPITER (the expansion principle) which is in quindecile aspect (165 degrees) to his natal MARS (aggression/ violence/ rape). This paints a sickening picture, particularly in light of the fact that Hombre #1's natal MARS is close conjunct (within 1 degree) Lindsey's natal SUN.

The Part of RAPE2 in the 9:30 pm chart was posited at 08:40 Libra --- partile conjunct Hombre #1's secondary progressed MIDHEAVEN, possibly placing him on the scene*.

[*Because the natal charts are cast for sunrise and relocated to McCleary, WA with the secondary progressed charts based off the natals, we do not know the true ASCENDANT, MIDHEAVEN, house cusp positions nor actual degree of the MOON. That notwithstanding, I consistently find these relocated sunrise charts to be uncannilly insightful, informative and highly useful tools in the forensic astrology toolbox.]


PS: Please keep in mind, none of this 'proves' Hombre #1 is the perp --- but it certainly casts a very suspicious light upon him...
Thank you Soulscape. Do the charts indicate whether Hombre#1 acted alone?
Also, do the charts indicate a location which needs to be searched?
Let's heap it on, since it's there. Pluto was opposite Lindsey's 0° Cancer Mars and Hombre#1's Jupiter was on that Pluto at 0°: very brutal. His Sun-Neptune conjunction was dead bang on that Part of Misfortune at the apex of the disappearance chart.

He was born with a Mercury-Uranus square and Lindsey's own progressed Mercury had reached the hombre's Uranus. He has a tight Mars Saturn opposition that lies right across Lindsey's Sun in Cancer.

He may have been on the other side of the Cascades that night for all we know but these are two people you would not want to place in the same dark alley together.
I'm so disturbed by Lindsey's charts. I'm heartbroken. I follow these threads constantly....and I print everything out. I feel like I have OCD when it comes to Forensic Astrology, I just can't stop reading and evaluating this information.

Just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH FifthEssence, Tuba and Soulscape for all your input.

It's helping us on the ground, as we continue to look for our little girl Lindsey.
Hombre #1's SUN-NEPTUNE conjunction is exact (same degree) no matter what time of day he was born. If we had his correct time and place of birth we could determine under what circumstances he might use that energy.

SUN-NEPTUNE, expressed negatively, is the Great Imposter --- a person who could easily appear to be anything he wants to be and/or easily trick others into believing whatever persona he might be projecting. What we do know is that Hombre #1's SUN-NEPTUNE is disposited by the planet MARS (aggression/violence/rape) which not only is close conjunct Lindsey's natal SUN but also in the obsessive-compulsive quindecile aspect to his own JUPITER (the Expander), which is conjunct the Event Chart Part of RAPE, as discussed above.

SUN-NEPTUNE highly expressed is a spiritual adept, a saint; negatively expressed a sinner, a con man. If Hombre #1 had, for example, a criminal record as a sex offender, his SUN-NEPTUNE would likely express as the latter.

Hombre #1's SUN-NEPTUNE conjunction is exact (same degree) no matter what time of day he was born. If we had his correct time and place of birth we could determine under what circumstances he might use that energy.

SUN-NEPTUNE, expressed negatively, is the Great Imposter --- a person who could easily appear to be anything he wants to be and/or easily trick others into believing whatever persona he might be projecting. What we do know is that Hombre #1's SUN-NEPTUNE is disposited by the planet MARS (aggression/violence/rape) which not only is close conjunct Lindsey's natal SUN but also in the obsessive-compulsive quindecile aspect to his own JUPITER (the Expander), which is conjunct the Event Chart Part of RAPE, as discussed above.

SUN-NEPTUNE highly expressed is a spiritual adept, a saint; negatively expressed a sinner, a con man. If Hombre #1 had, for example, a criminal record as a sex offender, his SUN-NEPTUNE would likely express as the latter.


What I find interesting about all of this Soulscape, not being particular to this case, is the fact that by charting the way you do, it seems we are marked at birth to dwell in a certain house. If that is true, then no matter what we do, aren't we simply fulfilling our destiny? Whether that be a virtuous or nonvirtuous life, aren't we just following what we signed up for? To put it rather simply.

That would also infer that if we choose our own destiny, for whatever life lesson we are here to learn, it is done prior to birth and in conjuction with those we will interact with. In this case, Lindsey and her abductor. I know that idea may be difficult for some people to accept.

For example, my wife and I would have chosen to be together prior to our births as part of our life plan. This would also determine when, where and to whom we were born. Or am I way off base? Just trying to understand the idea behind this so that I might apply it to this case. :)
Fort Lewis soldiers join search for McCleary girl
11:28 AM PDT on Saturday, October 10, 2009
Today Fort Lewis soldiers will join the search for the little girl as her story continues to gather national attention.

On Tuesday the "Oprah Winfrey Show" will be featuring Lindsey Baum's case. Lindsey's mother Melissa spent two days with producers and cameras. Many are hoping this national attention will help find her.

Lindsey supporters began searching at 9 this morning in the McCleary area. They will continue searching until dark.

Video: Lindsey Baum case to get national attention 1:45
October 10th, 2009 - On Tuesday the "Oprah Winfrey Show" will be featuring Lindsey Baum's case. Lindsey's mother Melissa spent two days with producers and cameras. Many are hoping this national attention will help find her.

Volunteers plan search for missing girl
Saturday, October 10, 2009 1:13 AM PDT
Family and supporters said volunteers with meet at 9 a.m. today and Sunday at the Evergreen Christian Center on 4th Street in McCleary to coordinate search parties.

&#8220;We anticipate having a large number of soldiers showing up to volunteer both their time and their expertise to help aid our search for Lindsey this weekend,&#8221; a news release stated.


Sending Prayers To Lindsey & To All The Searchers
An Added Thanks To The Fort Lewis Troops For Helping To Find Lindsey!
Lindsey Is In My Prayers Everyday As Well As All The Missing!


To All Of Our Members & Searchers This Weekend & Beyond May You All Stay Safe!


What I find interesting about all of this Soulscape, not being particular to this case, is the fact that by charting the way you do, it seems we are marked at birth to dwell in a certain house. If that is true, then no matter what we do, aren't we simply fulfilling our destiny? Whether that be a virtuous or nonvirtuous life, aren't we just following what we signed up for? To put it rather simply.

That would also infer that if we choose our own destiny, for whatever life lesson we are here to learn, it is done prior to birth and in conjuction with those we will interact with. In this case, Lindsey and her abductor. I know that idea may be difficult for some people to accept.

For example, my wife and I would have chosen to be together prior to our births as part of our life plan. This would also determine when, where and to whom we were born. Or am I way off base? Just trying to understand the idea behind this so that I might apply it to this case. :)

Hello Cyberswept,

I would say you are completely on base.

There are many minds much greater than my own that have addressed this subject and the questions you bring to the forum with their books and/or websites.

Cosmic Cradle ( may be a good entry point for those interested in pursuing the subject matter.

Hello Cyberswept,

I would say you are completely on base.

There are many minds much greater than my own that have addressed this subject and the questions you bring to the forum with their books and/or websites.

Cosmic Cradle ( may be a good entry point for those interested in pursuing the subject matter.


I have to say I thought Cyber's post very profound and have been thinking of it ever since I read it last night.

It did make me wonder about palmistry, and how one hand shows what God has designed for your life and then how the other hand tells the story about how you have lived your life and what changes there are from your given destiny.

Sorry for the OT. xox
I have to say I thought Cyber's post very profound and have been thinking of it ever since I read it last night.

It did make me wonder about palmistry, and how one hand shows what God has designed for your life and then how the other hand tells the story about how you have lived your life and what changes there are from your given destiny.

Sorry for the OT. xox

Ah Thanks Scandi.
hi again

so sorry to ask another dumb question....but who is Hombre #1

is Hombre #1 = suspect..... perp is that what you call him/her ?

thank you trying so hard....very intersting.... wish i could read more feels like crumbs are being left on a trail :).....very ....i just dont know how to say it....addictive?.....not sure that is what im looking for....information i take from me something to ponder on.....when im feeling a bit lost/hope-less.....

thank you again for all your hard work and time :)
hi again

so sorry to ask another dumb question....but who is Hombre #1

is Hombre #1 = suspect..... perp is that what you call him/her ?

thank you trying so hard....very intersting.... wish i could read more feels like crumbs are being left on a trail :).....very ....i just dont know how to say it....addictive?.....not sure that is what im looking for....information i take from me something to ponder on.....when im feeling a bit lost/hope-less.....

thank you again for all your hard work and time :)

Hello TakeNote,

Hombre #1 is what you might call an Astro-POI. He has not been named by LE as a POI and we are reluctant to identify him on the Forum due to both WS TOS and our own adherence to ethical behavior. For now we will refer to him as Hombre #1. If his name is released by the media and/or LE, we will ditch the pseudonym and clarify his identity.

I would like to thank Tuba, Fifthessence and soulscape for all they do to help us with our cases.. You all are AWESOME.
You are very welcome. We are ALL here for the same good cause and everyone contributes.
You are very welcome. We are ALL here for the same good cause and everyone contributes.

This post with Tuba's quote above should probably be copied to the GENERAL thread here on the Astro Forum because it pertains to all the cases we work on, not just Lindsey's.

Every single WS member is important to the solving of these cases and we the Astros value every single one of you for the contributions, insights and support you so constantly and generously provide.

We absolutely could not do this work without your assistance and support, and our gratitude for what all of you do is immense.

I would also like to take this opportunity to publicly acknowledge our own FIFTHESSENCE and our tireless and selfless ANGEL WHO CARES.

FifthEssence is the backbone of our Forensic Astrology Forum. We would have fallen apart months ago without her ongoing assistance, support, dedication and love.

Angel Who Cares is truly an Angel disguised as a human, who, despite her chronic health issues, works tirelessly day and night, day after day after week after month to supply us with the news updates, videos, court appearances, etc. that make it possible for us to keep up with these ever-increasing case loads we attempt to juggle here on the FAF.

If it were up to me, I would give all of you the Astro Crown of Achievement for every single case we work on.

Love & Blessings,
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