TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden; believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #33

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Exactly, it was said there was a trace of blood in the garage then a puddle near the car. But what would motivate CB to harm holly? Any ideas?
Karen saying that "we don't know the whole story" (paraphrasing) keeps coming to my mind as a huge explanation for the inconsistencies in the relaying of the stories. I think there are quite a few people who know that story but aren't talking. JMO.
Exactly, it was said there was a trace of blood in the garage then a puddle near the car. But what would motivate CB to harm holly? Any ideas?
Just to let you know...mods have posted over and over in Holly's threads that it's against the rules of the forum to imply Clint or any family member was responsible for whatever happened to Holly. If something official came out implicating them, that would be a different story, but right now it's a no-go. The family are victims as well so we have been asked to respect that.

Also...the arrow is a good idea but I don't think she would have been walking into the woods in the normal manner that Clint saw if she had an arrow stuck into some part of her body.
Of course that is a possibility, the hysteria that is.. but I must state that Clint Bobo's entire demeanor, actions, and even he, in his very own words has described himself feeling what could not be more of a complete opposite emotion/feeling/demeanor than that of hysteria..

Recall he at no time ever was worried or felt in any way whatsoever that his sister was in any type danger throughout the events of that morning.. he stayed under the firm belief that Holly was outside with her boyfriend, Drew.. he continued to firmly believe this even when his mother, who was very much in a state of hysterics, repeatedly told Clint, THAT IS NOT DREW OUTSIDE WITH YOUR SISTER!

Clint stills believes it is Drew.. he sees his sister and who believed to be was Drew walking towards the woods.. instead of opening that paned glass back door and simply saying, "hey Holly where y'all going? What are y'all doing? Hey aren't you supposed to be at school? says you are! "..instead of doing something IMO simple and sensical ..instead as he stands at the paned glass door, sees Holly and camo man walking towards the woods, he decides to call Holly's cell phone.. it rings 5 times and goes to voicemail.. then decides to call Drews cell phone. It too rings 5 times and goes to voicemail..

Clint states that this made him firmly believe it was Drew and that Holly was with Drew.. (many are still confused on why? ..but whatever), according to Clint he is still in no panic, zero worry mode.. Karen calls Clint while en route from the school.. Clint relays to mom he just saw Holly ..she and Drew walked back toward the woods.. Karen at this point appears to be at peak level of panic, while Clint could not be more calm, less worried ..KAREN DEMANDS THAT IT IS NOT DREW! SHE TELLS HER SON TO IMMEDIATELY GET A GUN AND GO AFTER HIS SISTER/CAMO MAN INTO THE WOODS! ..

Clint still believed it was Drew.. he calmly got the gun.. states that he walked out back and through the carport where Holly's car was still parked and at that point came upon a small pool/puddle of blood.. please understand that according to Clint, HE STILL DID NOT PANIC..he merely assumed the puddle of blood to have come from the turkey that was supposedly between the two kneeling silhouettes that Clint believed he'd earlier seen..

So, you see there was still no panic, nor worry, not only according to Clint's own words, but even louder speaking IMO are his actions that clearly represent a person who was not panicked, worried, or felt his sister to be in the least bit of danger...

From there after Clint sees the pool/puddle of blood he says that he was walking across the back property, with the loaded gun his mom insisted he take, heading toward the treeline that he'd just 10mins prior watched his sister and who he believed to be Drew walking toward.. according to Clint this is when the neighbor, Cathy Wise drove up.. Clint never goes to treeline or entered the woods that Holly/man walked and disappeared into.. he briefly speaks with the neighbor who tells him that her/her son had heard a scream from the Bobo property just less than 20mins prior at/around 7:40am.. its during this brief conversation that Clint says he could already hear the revving of the engines of the quickly approaching police vehicles down Swan Johnson..

Never once does Clint believe there was imminent danger.. never once does he panic.. he stays with the thought the man was Drew and that Holly was with her boyfriend, Drew(proven to Clint further by both of their cell phone ringing 5 times and going to voicemail) ..

So, while in theory yes, hysteria could indeed cause someone to misstate seeing Holly drug into the woods by a man.. but yet IMO there could not be a further feeling/demeanor from hysteria than that which Clint Bobo was of throughout the entirety of that mornings events.. not only that but Clint held firm to his belief that the man was his sisters boyfriend, Drew.. so that too in no way whatsoever can be reconciled with an initial statement of hysteria that he witnessed "a man" unknown man.. dragging off his sister into the woods..

Can we say inconsistent?? ..because not only inconsistent, but ever changing in many ways.. and I just cannot for the life of me understand that IF WHAT WE ARE BEING TOLD WERE FACTUAL AND ACCURATE EVENTS OF THAT MORNING...


will we ever know? ..will Holly ever be found and laid to rest with the respect/dignity she deserves? Will those who harmed ever have justice brought down on them on behalf of this young woman's life being taken? ..i just don't know:(

ETA: and I do understand you are speaking from the view of playing devils advocate and that it is not necessarily what you feel is true/accurate:)

Sorry for posting so late on this, but I'm out of town and catching up.

These are things that have bothered me from the beginning:

1) Clint isn't worried, but he watches Holly and camo dude for quite some time it seems. Why? If he thought it was Drew and Holly, why the scrutiny of their interaction? And why call mom?

2) Clint thought the blood came from a turkey, so where did the turkey go? Wild turkeys are large birds and would be very visible.

3) Why did Karen immediately go into hyper-panic? What was she thinking? It "feels" like she suspected the worst had happened to Holly. Had anything transpired in the previous days/weeks that put her on alert? If so, why wasn't Clint aware?

Strangest case ever.
No, he never said he saw Holly clutching her lunchbag/box.

Thanks ~n/t~! Another poster mentioned her backpack, which may have held all her items that eventually turned up. That makes sense.
No, it's the carport that is attached to the house. I'm sure of that. Also, I don't think there is a light coming from underneath the steel wall. That camera shot is just weirdly lit and on top of that I took a picture of the TV. It's just the white concrete (or whatever material that is) along the edge of that wall reflecting.

I think it's hard to say what you could see looking out the back door into the garage without going to the Bobo house and looking for yourself, especially since there is no news video of that specific vantage point. That pic from AMW is probably close but it's still from outside, along the little walkway, not from inside the house.

It wouldn't if it were in it's kennel, which it probably was (if there were an outside dog) if everybody in the house was at work/about to leave/asleep that morning.

Or since it knew Holly, maybe not. I don't know why Holly didn't fight back, but if she didn't the dog may have been calm.
~~ Respectfully snipped ~~

This may be as close as I can get to the actual report of the calls as reported by Karen.
And as we all know, there could be some discrepancies here.
I apologize that I did not note the poster's name who responded to my plea for the timeline long ago, and no longer remember, but the credit goes to him/her with gratitude.


(From websleuths. Timeline:
4:30 AM (Holly awoke and was in bedroom studying, witnesses unknown)
5:30-5:35 (Holly still in bedroom, witness is father)
5:30-5:35 (Holly’s father leaves for work, witness is himself)
6:30-7:00 (Holly in bedroom and at breakfast table and mother makes a lunch for Holly, witness is mother)
7:00-ish (Holly’s mother leaves for work, witness is herself)
7:00-ish (Holly talking on phone with college girlfriend, witness is girlfriend)
7:30-ish (Holly talked with boyfriend on phone about him being accused of trespassing on her grandmother’s property across the county that morning while turkey hunting, witness is boyfriend)
7:30-ish (a flurry of calls between Holly/Holly’s boyfriend and Holly’s mother about the mistaken trespassing incident, witnesses are boyfriend and mother)
7:30-7:35 (Holly talked with mother on phone, witness is mother)
7:40-ish (Holly going outside to car-possibly 5 minutes earlier than usual so as to not miss a college exam, no witnesses)
7:40 (someone screamed at Holly’s house, male witness to scream is nearest neighbor to Holly’s house)
7:40-ish (male neighbor tells his own mother who also lives with him about hearing the scream)
7:40-ish (male neighbor’s mother calls Holly’s mother at work about the scream, witness is secretary who relays info to mother)
7:50 (Holly’s brother wakes up, witness is himself)
7:50-ish (Holly’s brother notices Holly’s car is still there and calls mother but gets no answer because mother’s phone is not with her, witnesses are himself and secretary)
7:50-ish (mother gets message from secretary and calls son/Holly’s brother who tells his mother about Holly’s car still being there, witnesses are son and mother)
7:50-ish (the alarmed mother calls 911 but is not satisfied that she talked to the right office, witness is Henderson County dispatch)
7:50-ish (Holly is seen being led into woods by a man, witness is brother)
7:50-ish (mother calls son again and son says Holly is walking into woods with a man he thinks is her boyfriend-mother says it cannot be her boyfriend and to call 911 and go outside with a gun and follow them, witnesses are son and mother)
7:50-ish (mother calls 911 again, witness is Decatur County dispatch)
7:50-ish (brother tries to call Holly but gets voicemail, witness is himself)
7:50-ish (brother tries to call Holly’s boyfriend but gets voicemail, witness is himself)
7:50-ish (brother gets a pistol and walks out of house and notices blood by Holly’s car, witness is himself)
8:00 (neighbor woman pulls up to Holly’s house and reports the scream her son heard to Holly’s brother, neighbor woman and Holly’s brother are witnesses for each other)
8:00-ish (brother calls 911, witness is presumably the dispatcher)
8:00-ish (first police car arrives)

The main difficulty with the timeline is the amount of events around 7:50-ish. Since it has been estimated that Holly and the man went into the woods at 7:50, it seems possible that Holly’s brother actually awoke around 7:40 to 7:45, perhaps awoken by the sound of the scream. This would allow ample time for all of the 7:50-ish events to occur.

End of WS post.

Thanks very much. This answers a couple of things for me.
I have a random thought I'd like to throw out! I have been looking at the timelines and trying to figure out how the kidnapper could so "quietly" bring Holly to the point where she would contritely go with him into the woods! Because I have to tell you that if it were me and my brother, who were about the same age difference as Holly and Clint, I would have been kicking and screaming, hoping to get my brother's attention! I know she screamed at least once. But by Clint's account, the abductor did not have his hand over her mouth or anything as she was walked into the woods.

So just how did the kidnapper subdue her, AND cause at least some of Holly's blood to be spilled? Some have talked about a stun gun, but I would think this would disrupt her ability to walk right. A gunshot would make too much noise. How about a hunting bow? Are turkeys shot with bows? (Sorry, I'm not a hunter and don't know any!) Could he have hidden across from the carport and shot her when she came out to get in the car? Would the pain have then produced a scream? Does an arrow injury produce much blood? I've thought about a punch in the nose! But he'd have to get close enough to her to do that without her running back inside. If she saw him coming, she'd have time to react! I don't think I have heard anyone talk about bows--just the guns the Bobo's owned. Karen told Clint to get a gun and go after his sister!

Just thinking out loud here, and, of course, JMHO!

This is brilliant, AJ! Yes, bow hunters most definitely hunt turkey!
Just to let you know...mods have posted over and over in Holly's threads that it's against the rules of the forum to imply Clint or any family member was responsible for whatever happened to Holly. If something official came out implicating them, that would be a different story, but right now it's a no-go. The family are victims as well so we have been asked to respect that.

Also...the arrow is a good idea but I don't think she would have been walking into the woods in the normal manner that Clint saw if she had an arrow stuck into some part of her body.

Also a good observation. I remember one account of Clint's included the camo guy holding Holly by one of her elbows.

I wondered at the time if she were injured or if it was a way to control/force her into the woods.
I thought this was very interesting.

Dana also said he begged law enforcement to put up roadblocks and to his knowledge the only road blocked off was Swan Johnson Road, where the Bobos live.

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation Special Agent John Mehr said the information his agents recorded that morning did not lead him to believe people coming into the yard hindered the investigation.

"I don't believe that was the case," Mehr said. "We have to believe what was told to us by the initial responders, and the other thing is that we have a written record of what we saw and what we were told that morning. Other people may try to remember what happened or what they said, but we have a record of it. And I have no doubt the initial responders told us the truth."

Karen said that despite what some reports say, she was there that morning and knows what she saw.

The way I interpret this is Mr. Bobo insisted they block off other roads but for whatever reason, LE based on information given to them and what they saw, they didn't feel the need to block off the other roads.

Mrs. Bobo then goes on to say that despite what reports say, everyone is wrong but she's right because she was there that morning when in fact she wasn't there to witness the kidnapping. It was Clint.

It also appears, according to LE, that nobody went off chasing into the woods. Everyone was contained in the backyard and they have a list of who was there which implies that if there was any evidence at the scene, they would know what to rule in or out which brings me to this statement:

The family mostly has remained quiet up about the investigation at the advice of the TBI and have been told very little, they said. Mehr said it is the policy of the TBI not to release information about an investigation until it has been solved. He also said no one is cleared as a suspect until the case is solved.

same link posted above.

and this:

Also, anyone known to have been turkey hunting in the area that morning could also be a suspect.
Who was turkey hunting on the Bobo property that morning?
Of course, I just had another thought. If everyone is a suspect including anyone who was turkey hunting in the area, why in the world would a turkey hunter kidnap Holly?

I don't get it.:waitasec:
Exactly, it was said there was a trace of blood in the garage then a puddle near the car. But what would motivate CB to harm holly? Any ideas?

Seemingly the ONLY blood discovered were a few drops in the garage, not pools and puddles as was later expanded by the media. Clint saw the blood in the area where he saw silhouettes kneeling down and assumed at the time it was blood from a turkey that had been shot.
Why might Holly have been taken?

* sexual desire on part of kidnapper
* kidnapper did deed at someone else's command for unknown reason
* Holly "knew too much" about something and was a therefore a threat to someone

What others might there be. If she was taken.
Seemingly the ONLY blood discovered were a few drops in the garage, not pools and puddles as was later expanded by the media. Clint saw the blood in the area where he saw silhouettes kneeling down and assumed at the time it was blood from a turkey that had been shot.

Would a turkey just leave a few drops of blood? If assuming Clint had witnessed what he believed to be Drew showing Holly his turkey, if a turkey is laid on the ground, would it not leave a pool or puddle? Wouldn't Clint know the difference considering he's a hunter himself? If it was just drops why was he convinced it was a turkey even after he sees them walking off with NO turkey?:waitasec:
Why might Holly have been taken?

* sexual desire on part of kidnapper
* kidnapper did deed at someone else's command for unknown reason
* Holly "knew too much" about something and was a therefore a threat to someone

What others might there be. If she was taken.

TBI says a turkey hunter can also be a suspect. Why would a turkey hunter kidnap Holly?
Why might Holly have been taken?

* sexual desire on part of kidnapper
* kidnapper did deed at someone else's command for unknown reason
* Holly "knew too much" about something and was a therefore a threat to someone

What others might there be. If she was taken.

Jealousy. Greed. Fear. Anger.
I wish they find her and they have enough evidence to arrest the .
Why do most investigations stall?


1) They need to find the misisng person. Dead or alive.

2) They have evidence but not enough to convict without the victim.
Jealousy. Greed. Fear. Anger.
I think jealousy and greed might fit under "sexual desire"; anger also might. Anger also, along with fear might fit under "because she knew too much." Variations exist of course.

Or am I overstating a possible sexual component?
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